Can a Fit, Sexy Girl Like a Fat Guy?



  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    In this day and age...fat people PERIOD ...male or female are not having a hard time finding a mate..times have really changed. I think this is way so many are obese and's like no incentive to lose because you have someone who loves "all of you", even the unhealthy part. I didnt want to be considered "thick or phat" anymore, thats why i'm making a change.
  • dancefloordevil
    dancefloordevil Posts: 106 Member
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I have seen plenty of fit women date "fat" guys. Even good looking men dating "fat" chicks.
  • Cbcarter08
    Cbcarter08 Posts: 33 Member
    King of Queens anyone??

    It's not always about the looks! I used to date a guy that was gorgeous. He worked out for hours everyday but was obsessed with his looks. He did not have a sense of humor at all and only talked about himself literally on dates. I couldn't stand it anymore, even though he was gorgeous. Personality ALWAYS makes a guy hotter than looks alone!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    Depends on the kind of "fat" guy. If it is a guy that has fat on him but can keep up with my active lifestyle and enjoys lifting, running, ect. with me, then yes. Or, if he is fat and is working to be fit. I mean, I used to be overweight and even though I have lost most of what I want to lose, I still have a little belly and am working on it, so who am I to judge someone who puts forth an honest effort. BUT, if the guy is a really unhealthy fat and didn't care at all to change his eating habits or be active, then absolutely not.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Depends on the kind of "fat" guy. If it is a guy that has fat on him but can keep up with my active lifestyle and enjoys lifting, running, ect. with me, then yes. Or, if he is fat and is working to be fit. I mean, I used to be overweight and even though I have lost most of what I want to lose, I am still working on it, so who am I to judge someone who puts forth an honest effort. BUT, if the guy is a really unhealthy fat and didn't care at all to change his eating habits or be active, then absolutely not.

    Very true.
  • atiffany1
    From my point of view I wouldn't. My fiance is very fit and goes to the gym a lot and I have always been that way too.. I have gained about 18 lbs that I am losing now. My fiance told me point blank Ashley you need to start working out again. He was soooo right! I felt like crap about myself, and was getting depressed about how I looked. I wouldn't hesitate in telling him the same if he started to gain a lot of weight... 18 lbs for my frame is a lot of weight being that I'm only 5'2. You wouldn't want to be with someone you are not attracted to. I don't think that makes me a bad person. On the other hand it is possible.. My cousin is a very thin girl and her husbend is very overweight. I don't think you can say can all women that are thin be attracted to a fat man... thats like saying can all woman be attracted to every race. Everyone has their nitch. I myself am attracted to the fit latino type... but thats me not every woman. Would I leave my fiance because he gained a lot of weight, no because I love him, but I definately would nag him about losing the weight.
  • atiffany1
    I agree with what you are saying. Which is why I wanted to be as honest as possible in my post, even if I got flack..
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Okay ladies... I thought it would be interesting to hear what the MFP ladies have to say on the matter.

    Can a fit and sexy girl like a fat guy?

    Why or why not? (be totally honest)

    I'd be curious how you would answer the same question about a fat woman. Would you like a fat woman? Why or why not?
  • FellowStriver
    My 2 cents - I have heard that males are more biologically wired to respond to appearance and women not so much. Not sure if it's true, but I have a slightly chubby untoned husband and I couldn't be more attracted and in love with him.
  • cocoavery20
    That has got to be the most ignorant question i've heard in awhile. You may benefit from seeing a consoler if your self esteem is that low. Anyone can like any body its the self esteem and confidence that people give off, not their waistline.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
  • rinangel
    very much yes...
    one of my best guy friends is overweight and if he gave me any indication...I would so jump on him....
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    YES. I'm a Chubby Chaser (actually, I don't care about body type at all, just an over-all "I don't know what"). Dan from Roseanne is a dreamboat.
  • atiffany1
    I dont agree that we wouldnt want a relationship with them.. I think that statement means that a very fit man would have nothing else to offer other than his looks.. not everyone is the same. Just because someone is attractive doesnt make them just looks. Same with women.. Just like not all "fat" people are nice, caring and giving.. these are all sterotypes. and not everyone fits into the sterotype.
  • Destinie589
    I think so. Fat to an extent. If the guy is still capable of activity and can get around easily including mild exersice. If the man is too heavy to walk or has trouble with basic everyday activities then no or rather probably not. I think women have an easier time dating heavy men than men do dating heavy women. Personally, and I think most women would agree, that personality goes farther than looks. A women can still have a physical relationship and not be turned off by the man's size because they are more stimulated by the emotion or personality. Men seem to have a harder time with that. Its just DNA.
    Im not saying I am fit and sexy I am just using what I believe would be a woman's general response.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    If I could sit down and draw up my ideal man, physically, he'd be tall and athletic with muscles to spare. But the man I'm currently dating is not tall or athletic or muscular. He's short and on the chubby side. I wouldn't call him fat, but he's got some extra padding. It's not that big of a deal to me because I like him, I respect him, I admire him, and I like the way I feel when I'm with him. He works hard, he's good to his mom and dad, and he treats me like a queen. I guess that makes it pretty clear where I stand on the issue of "looks vs. personality."
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    I say yes. Love is not suppose to be about looks right?

    ^ this is true, but its not how it usually works. Looks is usually what decides the outcome.
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    I hope I don't come across as shallow and mean but I would have no problem dating a guy who is overweight. Who am I to judge? But I would have an issue with morbidly obese not because of any reason other than basic attraction.
    I myself say the same... but also, if I am fit... and like to workout and eat right, I want someone that has the same beliefs and way of husband and I workout 5 times a week and try to eat heathy for health reasons and to stay attractive for eachother