50+ Women for the Month of March



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    What I like about the Polar F6 is that I can get a more accurate accounting of calories burned. I have been told that the machines at the gym are not accurate.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have a question....When I finish entering my foods and exercise I will get the message that in five weeks I will weigh 10 pounds less. I get this message all the time but the weight isn't coming off like that. So, what am I doing wrong?
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Swiss, I never seem to eat the same calories everyday so I never seem to reach the weight that it indicates. If I did maybe I would. Not sure what is going on with you, but that is my take.

    Hope all is well, I am going to walk again today and do my exercise DVD.

    Have a great Morning all.

    :heart: Kathy
  • BarbG
    BarbG Posts: 12 Member
    Had a good day yesterday with both food & exercise. Gonna try to stay on track today also.

    Still having a hard time with the water and I know that's important.

    I think we all agree this takes lifestyle changes that took a long time to get ingrained and will take motivation from within and support from those around us, especially this site, to eliminate.

    Cheers to all!!!!!:drinker:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good Morning

    Happy belated bday Barbie
    Well we are currently having a lovely March snow storm here in Northern Ontario. I will be happy when March is over.

    Today I will
    -drink my water
    -get some healthy groceries
    -make a workout area downstairs - currently using our bedroom and sometimes I get under the covers instead of working out:laugh: plus I am trying to do aerobics in a tiny space.
    So what do you think ladies? I'll move my tv and dvd player down where the elliptical, ex bike, weights etc are and set up a little area just for me! I am really struggling for motivation so maybe this will help me. Even if I spend 30-45 minutes down there every other day, I will be doing better than I have been to date. I have a hard time putting myself first and have quite a busy life so I have to get it together and stick to my plan. I need to stop spinning the excuse wheel and just buckle down!!

    Take care

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning all....I did pretty good with my healthy eating yesterday. I am planning the same for today.
    Come on Benson...up and at it...you can do it.
    BarbG...I am having to carry my water bottle with me where ever I go. Just having it by me helps so much.
    Kathy...I know my calories are not the same every day. But why am I not losing any weight at all?
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone

    I haven't been online much since I have been fighting some kind of bug:grumble: I know that I have also been in a funk of sorts. I wonder if anyone has an answer for this one...for over 2 months the scale (or my measurements) have not moved other than to go up a few and then back down a few.

    Initially when I first started my new lifestyle change the weight was slowly but steadily dropping off and now nothing even though I am watching my calorie intake and exercising. It is very frustrating to say the least. I have researched "plateauing" and upped and decreased my calorie intake and still nothing. I wonder if my body is resigned to being the weight it is:grumble: Don't get me wrong, I am pleased that I have dropped the weight I have and see a healthier new me emerging but it really is puzzling.

    I just bet there are some other members out there that can relate to what I am feeling. With that being said I am gritting my teeth and digging down deep within me to continue on with my journey. I have come too far to slide back to where I was:bigsmile:

    Warmest wishes to all. Happy belated birthdays/anniversaries to those celebrating:flowerforyou:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I have a question....When I finish entering my foods and exercise I will get the message that in five weeks I will weigh 10 pounds less. I get this message all the time but the weight isn't coming off like that. So, what am I doing wrong?
    I don't know how this works either. Sorry - I'm no help. Hopefully someone can help you out with this.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hi everyone

    I haven't been online much since I have been fighting some kind of bug:grumble: I know that I have also been in a funk of sorts. I wonder if anyone has an answer for this one...for over 2 months the scale (or my measurements) have not moved other than to go up a few and then back down a few.

    Initially when I first started my new lifestyle change the weight was slowly but steadily dropping off and now nothing even though I am watching my calorie intake and exercising. It is very frustrating to say the least. I have researched "plateauing" and upped and decreased my calorie intake and still nothing. I wonder if my body is resigned to being the weight it is:grumble: Don't get me wrong, I am pleased that I have dropped the weight I have and see a healthier new me emerging but it really is puzzling.

    I just bet there are some other members out there that can relate to what I am feeling. With that being said I am gritting my teeth and digging down deep within me to continue on with my journey. I have come too far to slide back to where I was:bigsmile:

    Warmest wishes to all. Happy belated birthdays/anniversaries to those celebrating:flowerforyou:

    Are you eating enough calories? I know it seems weird but if you're not eating enough your body will hang on to what fat it has to 'survive'. Don't give up. You must be feeling better and that is a big plus.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    We had a friend over last night for dinner and I indulged:grumble: It wasn't too bad until I found that the warm fresh baked bread was calling me - which wouldn't have been too bad but the frozen strawberry jam just jumped on that slice of bread and I HAD to eat it:wink: Then a small piece of cheesecake!!! The difference is this...a few months ago I would have just kept eating because I'd blown it but I am back on track today and I'm determined to not kick myself about this.

    When I went to the doctor last month for my yearly exam she told me that I was "so healthy" ... so I am reminding myself that I can change my eating habits for a lifetime but not focus on my weight. I want to lose but I'm feeling so blessed that I have good health that the weight loss will be an added blessing. :smile:

    Hope you all have a great day. We have sunshine today so I'm gettnig my walking shoes on.

    Bye for now,

    p.s. A Belated Happy Birthday to you Barbie.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Esther - i think you did GREAT! I mean, every once in awhile i think we GET to eat bread out of the oven, WITH butter, or jam.........AND cheesecake! Just not everyday, AND like you said - we STOP! We don't decide to eat everything that's not nailed down just because we "blew" it. I think that's called "normal" and we're all learning how to be that! Oh - if i haven't told you already i LOVE the picture of you and your guy!!!!!!!

    Healthier - when you say you've upped and downed your calorie intake - have you just done it for a day or 2 or for a week at a time? I think sometimes it takes a week of whatever change we make before it "catches up" with us. Also - you could consider changing up your workouts - adding more cardio maybe? The other thing - a trainer at a gym once told me i needed to take a week OFF of working out (when i was working out like crazy, 6 or 7 days a week) and that actually helped! A 2 month plateau is very long and must be SO frustrating. BUT good for you for not giving up! You've already come so far!!!!!!!!!

    Oh Benson - it sounds like you can make SUCH a cool little work out space just for you!!!!!!! That's AWESOME! I wish i had that today - we're in a blizzard warning and it's just AWFUL outside so i'm not going to make it to the gym. I wish i had a little space to go to and work out!!!!!!!! Maybe i'll just turn up the radio and dance around the house with my dogs for an hour!:laugh:

    Everyone have a great day - no giving up - i know it gets depressing and so freaking hard to deny ourselves. Try and think of all the blessings in our lives, and how we want to be around for a LOT of more years to enjoy them.........we're doing the thing we CAN to take care of ourselves, there's so much that's OUT of our control - this is one of the things that we can control!!!!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!! You girls are all great!:heart: elli
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Grammymax...my son's girlfriend comes for a visit about every weekend. She is on a diet, actually she is quite large, but she always brings the most yummy stuff. Turtle pie this time. I can not resist.
    healthier4me...I was going to suggest changing your workout but it looks like elli beat me to it. It is worth a try.
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hi waned to see if I could add my ticker so this is just a test:happy: 115425.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just wanted to check in. I see everyone is doing great.

    I am on track and happy about it. This journey is a long one but, I believe slow and steady is the best way. Life does throw you curve balls. I'm learning not to use food as my crutch. I just can't give up on myself.

    Yes, I do eat things I enjoy. BUT, only in small increments NOW.

    Slow and steady, I can't believe I have been going at this for a year steady and have not gained my weight back. I guess I am learning not to shove food in my mouth when things in my life get complicated.

    I have not been to the gym yet. But, I have been walking and exercising at home. I love the heart rate monitor. I know how many calories I burn when I walk. If I feel I want to burn more I walk longer. When I exercise I just exercise until I feel I have burned enough for the day.

    I have not done weight training, I will start tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the advice and the support.

    This is a great group of ladies.

    Night All:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Kathy
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks for the input ladies:flowerforyou: .

    Indeed I am eating enough calories and I have for a couple of weeks at a time upped my calories and then for a couple of weeks decreased my calories. In addition I have when I went on holidays a couple of weeks ago did not work out for over a week. As for increasing my cardio I have done that too. I also make sure that I get all my water in too:drinker:

    Today I did 55 minutes of Biggest Loser Bootcamp workout, my stationary bike (10 min), very brisk walking outside (65 min), snowshovelling (34 min) and biking outside (25 min). Now mind you I do not do this much exercise everyday but a couple of times a week. Normally I do the BLBootcamp every second day and I walk outside at least 6 times a week. All winter I shovelled snow almost everyday and/or snowshoed a couple times a week and alternated my stationary bike with my treadmill, jumping rope and weight machine. As I stated earlier I am puzzled but I am still going to hang in there. I appreciate your support ladies, it certainly helps knowing that others understand:heart:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Thanks for the input ladies:flowerforyou: .

    Indeed I am eating enough calories and I have for a couple of weeks at a time upped my calories and then for a couple of weeks decreased my calories. In addition I have when I went on holidays a couple of weeks ago did not work out for over a week. As for increasing my cardio I have done that too. I also make sure that I get all my water in too:drinker:

    Today I did 55 minutes of Biggest Loser Bootcamp workout, my stationary bike (10 min), very brisk walking outside (65 min), snowshovelling (34 min) and biking outside (25 min). Now mind you I do not do this much exercise everyday but a couple of times a week. Normally I do the BLBootcamp every second day and I walk outside at least 6 times a week. All winter I shovelled snow almost everyday and/or snowshoed a couple times a week and alternated my stationary bike with my treadmill, jumping rope and weight machine. As I stated earlier I am puzzled but I am still going to hang in there. I appreciate your support ladies, it certainly helps knowing that others understand:heart:


    Maybe you are not eating enough when you work out so hard??

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Just don't give up. You can't give up.


    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Saw this on another thread.

    Treadmill troubles


    to funny. OMG I hope that girl is ok.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    :laugh: :laugh: Kathy - she must be ok - it looks like they're both cracking up!!!!!!:laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :love:

    Thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes:bigsmile:

    It was a great day starting with line dancing and ending with a wonderful dinner with friends.

    My salad bar salad turned out great and looked great in colorful plastic bowls.
    The teenagers made sushi. It was fun watching them and a great choice calorie-wise to complete our meal. We avoided the fried chicken, creamy artichoke dip with french bread, noodles, and birthday cake. The birthday cake was for Genny's 15th birthday, not for me, so it wasn't a problem saying no.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Heather: all the teenagers at dinner made me think of you and your teenagers and their friends at your house over spring break. I love the idea of your workout space. I bet you'll surprise yourself and spend a lot of time there doing healthy things for yourself.:bigsmile:

    Becky:bigsmile: I have no words of wisdom of why you're not losing weight, but don't give up. Keep on eating healthy and exercising and have faith.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    L_mahloy: that's a great picture on your ticker:bigsmile: :bigsmile: who are the people in the picture?

    Kathy, I'm so glad to hear that you've been sticking with this journey for a year. It gives me hope and inspiration that I can keep on that long, too. It sounds like even when you're slightly off track, you're still on track.:bigsmile: That video is a riot. It makes me glad I gave away my treadmill:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Elli---stay warm:laugh: :laugh:

    Healthier: your workout plans sound great. Just keep on keeping on and those nasty pounds will eventually go away.

    My goals are to keep on doing what I'm doing. It's working right now, so I just have to keep on doing it.

    You are all so helpful. Thanks:bigsmile: :heart: :flowerforyou: :love: