50+ Women for the Month of March



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning All:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie YOU sure are an inspiration. You did so well at the birthday party.

    I plan to go to the gym today. I haven't gone in a week.

    Bosco wants to go for a walk now. He is doing just fine.

    Chat later

    :heart: Kathy
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Good morning to all,
    This week has been tough, working two jobs that entail being at other people's houses for meal time, eating out then headed this weekend to care for elderly parents. My mother's favorite food is butter! It is also hard to exercise because I don't have my regular equipment. OK I'm done whining. I just have to do the best I can and not expect to really lose this week:grumble: I really wanted to lose these last 10 lbs. before I go to visit my daughter in Saipan at the end of May. Oh well, have to be philosophical:ohwell:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    dricotta1....good to see you at this thread.

    Kathy....the treadmill video is just too painful to watch. I have fears of that happening to me.:wink:

    Barbie...Did I see the word sushi? I could life on that. Love it. I am going to Florida the 1st of June and I am sure that my son will take me to the sushi buffet there.

    I have a question. When a group stops one thread and begins another can I delete the old one from My Topics list?
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello everyone the people in my ticker are myself,husband,son,daughter and daughter inlaw. We took all of our kids to Hawii for 10 days when our daughter graduated from high school. Our daughter has ADD and dyslexia so it was a thrill when she gratuated and was excepted to the university she wanted to attend. She is just finishing her second year and is passing all her classes as well as joined a greek club and plugging awaywith hte fun that goes with that.:glasses: :glasses: . We are very blessed to have such a great family. I also loved the treadmill video it looks like my dog we have tried to teach her to walk on the treadmill and she does just what that girl does.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am going to take food to my parents tommorow so can relate to aging parents:heart: I have made about 10 dinners that I am freezing and carrying to them Sat. they live in another state. I told my dad that everything I am bringing is healthy my mom has heart disease as well as diabeties and just spent 10 days in hospital. My dad is southern and likes fat,grease and lots of salt he will get none of that in my food.:sad: poor daddy:sad: :sad: Well thanks for everyones support this really is a great group of women.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Good for you for cooking and taking dinners to your parents. I've tried that, or buying different food while I'm there, but the old folks are tremendously resistant. They like what they like! My Dad's almost 93 and my mom 89 so they are hard to argue with. Mostly I leave them alone now and just ask for my food before Mom adds the butter!

    Hope you have some success w/ your family:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Lynn...while I was growing up my dad had health problem that required him to eat only healthy, low-fat, and defiantly no fried foods. So, I was lucky enough to eat only the best. It was not until I married into a Cuban family that I got my first taste of the bad for you stuff. I think that we all have a tendency to stick with what we grew up with.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone - hope you're all having a good day.

    Lynn - your family is beautiful. Congrats to your daughter! Sounds like she's doing AWESOME in spite of some challanges. And isn't HI the BEST? My pic is my son, his gf and myself in HI on a ziplining thing we did. It was 2 years ago - we had such a blast!

    Kathy - i'm so proud of you for getting back into working out slowly! Don't knock yourself out at the gym today - it's awesome that you're going back! When i miss a week it's SOOOOOOO hard to make myself go. When i first started working on my house i didn't go to the gym or yoga for 3 months. THAT'S when i joined mfp and that encouraged me to start working out again. SO glad i did - but it was tough! You go girl! Glad little Bosco is well! little cutie:heart:

    You guys are so great to take food to your elderly parents - my dad is still around but he and his wife live in NY. He comes here and visits once or twice a year. He's so great - he's 91.

    Swiss and Barbie - i don't know about the whole sushi thing - i like the rolls with the cooked fish - i just don't know about the whole raw thing........my 1 son and his wife love it. I guess the other thing is there's enough food i LOVE - i don't need to add something ELSE!:laugh:

    Have a great day everyone! We're still digging out of the snow. Thank you all for your concerns about my "people"! We're all just fine!!!!!!! elli
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Becky - yum, Cuban food - for some reason that sounds really good!!!!!!!!! Do they use a lot of seafood? My favorite! (as long as it's cooked!:bigsmile: ) of course - sometimes it's just the "carrier" for the butter!!!!!!!!:laugh:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :smokin: Its Friday time to chill:smokin:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Okay so maybe trying to exercise 3 times a day is not realistic for my lifestyle....:ohwell: This week I DID manage to lose the pound I gained on vacation last week and my tape measure says my belly is shrinking, even if it is only a fraction of an inch this time.

    This morning I walked longer and faster on the treadmill then used soup cans for some arm firming exercises. I never noticed my floppy old woman arms until last week at the beach. :blushing:
    Tonight will be a real will power challenge. It is our monthly potluck supper with about a dozen other couples. You can bet there will be lots of high calorie foods there. I think maybe I'll jump back on the treadmill now just to give myself an extra few hundred calories to play with tonight....

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    today is a red letter day for me:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Two women in my line dance class told me that it looked like I'd lost weight. This is the first time somebody besides my husband and me have noticed.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Losing weight has been so amazing to me that at times I think it's just my imagination:laugh: :laugh:

    Lynn---congrats to your daughter and your whole family for her success. ADD can be such a roadblock to success in school that it takes a ton of effort by the whole family to get past it and succeed.:flowerforyou:

    We've had huge success so far with bringing our own food to events with friends. Of course, we have both been so pudgy that no one could argue with our talk of needing to lose weight.

    Looking back, I guess it would have been harder to do with my parents. On my mom and dad's 40th anniversary, my dad wore the uniform he wore when they got married. He was a smoker which probably helped him keep his weight down and also hastened his death. He usually declined second helpings and desserts when with friends and when the asked "Why?" he would tell them he was dieting and when they said that he didn't look like he needed to diet he would say "I'm a successful dieter. Please don't confuse me with those pot-bellied failures." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    In the past when I tried to diet or monitor my eating in any way, my mother would tell the story about the man who was trying to save money by feeding his horse fewer oats every day, but unfortunately by the time he got the horse down to eating one oat a day, the horse died. After telling the story too many times, she got to the point where when she didn't approve of how little I was eating, she would raise one finger to imply that I was getting down to living on one oat a day.:laugh: :laugh:

    Becky:flowerforyou: sushi is not necessarily raw fish. the sushi we had was rice, cucumber, carrot, and smoked salmon. some of the sushi had avocado which is something I don't eat. the first time I ate sushi (only a few years ago) was when I took a friend out to lunch for her birthday and asked her to choose the restaurant. I asked a lot of questions before I ordered anything. I don't think it's something I would choose on my own, but now I know that it's something I can eat and it's low calorie, high nutrition.:bigsmile:

    I recorded the figure skating world championships so I have a lot to watch while I ride the exercise bike. It will inspire me to be thinner and fitter like the skaters.

    Happy weekend to all. You have added so much to my life.:heart::bigsmile: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Today is a red letter day for me:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Two women in my line dance class told me that it looked like I'd lost weight. This is the first time somebody besides my husband and me have noticed.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Losing weight has been so amazing to me that at times I think it's just my imagination:laugh: :laugh:

    Congratulations Barbie! :flowerforyou: Nothing to spur you on like someone noticing a change in the way we look for the better.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Week-End All.

    I did terrible as far as calorie intake at dinner. I just can't understand how I let myself go. But, I did. I am enjoying my coffee this morning and looking out at a cloudy day. I will get dressed and go to the gym to expel some of the calories I ate last night.

    I took my grand daughter to the fabric store last night also. I have not sewed in a while but, I want to teach her how. I just loved sewing once I learned in home economics. Way back when. :noway: Now they don't have it in school, so I want her to get interested. All it seems kids want to do is video games and computers. She was really not interested in any clothes to make for herself. So I suggested making a baby bunting for her mothers friends newborn So we picked a pattern and some material. It was after that is when we both had Ice cream sundaes. :explode: :grumble: O well.

    To the gym I go. Have a great week-end all.

    :heart: Kathy
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    barbie...Sigh...yes, I know there are different sushis. I love them all. The ones with just veggies and the ones with the raw fish. I don't know where to get the raw fish one where I live but I know they have it in Florida.

    Kathy..it is wonderful that you can spend time with your grand daughter. Mine lives so far away that I only see about every other year. She is a fantastic girl. Straight A s. She is going to University of Central Florida in the fall.

    Susan..I just noticed your ticker. That is so cute.

    My husband took me to a steakhouse last night so I don't even want to talk about it.

    I have been wanting to take the dog for a walk but it has been raining.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good Morning, All:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I was reading the posts this morning and saw what you said, Becky, about wanting to take the dog for a walk and remembered that I promised my dogs that we'd go to the dog park today, no matter what, so even though it was drizzling, we went. Our motto is "We are poodles, we go out in any weather" Our friend with the three Australian Shepherds was there so there was wonderful dog play for more than half an hour.

    We went to a potluck dinner followed by a speaker last night. We followed our plan and ate dinner at home. We got there in time to talk to a bunch of people and enjoy the speaker and didn't have to worry about the fried chicken, mayonnaise filled salads, and all the desserts. I got to talk to a friend I hadn't seen in many months. She had lost a lot of weight with a 12 Step program, but she told me that she had fallen away for a time, gained 10 pounds, and returned to sanity before it got to bad and was back on track again. Her husband is a chow hound who insists on keeping all kinds of snack foods around the house and eating big meals. I admire her for how she has stayed on a plan with that challenge.

    Kathy, Congrats on teaching your granddaughter how to do something useful. She will appreciate that as she grows up. Too bad (or too YUMMY) about the ice cream:bigsmile: :sad:

    Well, since there are no extra calories burned sitting at the computer, I'd better get up and hop on the exercise bike and get inspired by the skaters again.

    My goals today:
    exercise bike
    thank husband for all the great things he does for me:bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I walked around the mall for about 45 minutes while my girls were in ballet class. Then this afternoon I went to a nature center and walked the trails with my dog. I guess that I walked about 1 1/2 miles today. I know that I am tired.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Kathy - ummmmmmmm - ice cream sunday!!!!! I hope you enjoyed it and didn't let any silly old guilt get i the way! Now forgive yourself and move on! I just know one of these days i'm having tcby white chocolate mousse with chocolate sprinkles and nuts!!!!!!!!:happy: AND - you went to the gym this morning to work some of that off! Good for you!!!! SO cool you are teachng your gd to sew! My grandma tried to teach me when i was young but i just had zero apptitude for it. I'm just AWFUL. I have to take stuff to my friends Mom that i need hemmed. How embarassing:embarassed: !

    Swiss! Way to go walking around the mall! AND the dog park! You did great today! How old are your girls?

    Barbie - what a cool thing - to thank Jake for all the nice things he does for you! That's AWESOME!

    I'm tired - went to the electric class, shopped for curtains and colors (i can't stand shopping and i'm horrible at making these decisions.......i'm better at the "grunt" work). I got some stuff - may end up returning it - we'll see. Then went to the gym and did an hour of intense cardio, then came home and stripped more wood - now i'm back in the "little house" settling in. But i'll have to go over to my house at midnight and put the stripper on - it needs to sit for about 8 hours.

    OK wonderful women - keep on keepin' on - we're all going to get there.........it feels so SLOW to me.

    I worked out 500 extra calories and i'm going to eat about 200 of them......just can't see stuffing food in if i'm not hungry! That's the story of my LIFE!:laugh:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I don't have time to read all on the thread but wanted you all to know that on Tuesday morning there should be a new thread for April. Maybe we could share how we have done on our Monthly goals for March then? I'll be back later but wanted you to think about how you've done on your goals for March and what your goals for April will be.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Grammymax...i have a tendency to get lost when a new thread is started. I will be keeping a lookout.

    elli...that is great 500 calories is a lot to work off. My girls are 15 and 17.

    Just so everyone knows: My favorite ice cream is Homemade brand chocolate chip cookie dough. :laugh:
  • tobeygirl45
    hey plant lady not quite 50 yet but close enuf 49