January 2012 Ironman Challenge



  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    I need to take a day off from lifting and just bike and run

    My Goals
    2.4 mile swim (3.86 km)
    112 mile bike (180 km)
    26.2 mile run (42.4 km)

    Jan 1 - REST
    Jan 2 - .25 km swim, 8 km bike - BACK, LEGS
    Jan 3 - 7 km bike, 1 km run - CHEST, BICEPS, TRICEPS
    Jan 4 - 6km bike - SHOULDERS, CLEANS
    Jan 5 - 6km bike - LEGS

    .25 km swim
    26 km bike
    1 km run
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    16.2 miles on the bike today.
    1/4 mile run as a warm up today.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Through 1/5

    Goals for January:
    Swim: 2.4 miles
    Bike: 56 miles (Half IM distance...I know the wind chill will keep me from getting out a lot)
    Run: 75 miles (81 miles on my training plan but realistically know I'll get sick and miss a run or two)

    Swim: 0 miles
    Bike: 12.5 miles
    Run: 14.7 miles
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    6th Jan, run 8 miles.


    Swim = 2.15miles
    Bike = 34.0 miles
    Run = 27.5 miles
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Through 1/6

    Goals for January:
    Swim: 2.4 miles
    Bike: 56 miles (Half IM distance...I know the wind chill will keep me from getting out a lot)
    Run: 75 miles (81 miles on my training plan but realistically know I'll get sick and miss a run or two)

    Swim: 0 miles
    Bike: 12.5 miles
    Run: 21.7 miles
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    January goal:
    Swim 2.4 miles
    Bike 300 miles
    Run 50 miles

    01/01 - Ran 7.03 miles, Bike 12.07 miles
    01/02 - Ran 6.28 miles, Swam .42 miles
    01/03 - Ran 3.39 miles, Bike 15 miles
    01/05 - Bike 15 miles, Ran 3.72 miles
    01/06 - Bike 40 miles

    Swim = 0.42 miles
    Bike = 82.08 miles
    Run = 20.4 miles
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Did a trail run this morning. My pace was horrid, but that's not trail running is about. I'm freaking jacked about a trail race I'm about to sign up for.

    Ran 13.25 / 26.2 miles
    Biked 12 / 112 miles
    Swam 1000 / 4224 yrds (converted for simplicity)
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    7 th Jan, bike 45 miles.


    Swim = 2.15miles
    Bike = 79.0 miles
    Run = 27.5 miles
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    How's it going, pals?

    January goals:
    Swim 10 miles (Way less than January last year (30+) but I haven't swam in some months.)
    Bike more than 180 miles (30 more than December)
    Walk/Run at least 26.2 miles (about double December)

    So far (1/7)
    Swim - 1.31 miles
    Bike - 20.89 miles
    Walk/Run - 12.70

    Amazingly, I'm doing relatively better at walk/run than bike or swim. I'm worried about making the biking goal when it's going to be mostly trainer rides this month... I'll try to bike this afternoon.
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    update with a resday tomorrow woohoo need it this week but feeling good and enjoying seeing the numbers climb

    Swim: 1.4 of 2.4
    Bike: 26.5 of 112
    Run: 15 of 26.2

    keep up the good work :-)

    update to 7/1/12

    swim 1.4 of 2.4 miles
    Bike 33.5 of 112 miles ( hopefully get a lot more in tomorrow)
    Run 22 of 26.2miles ( almost complete :-) )
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    1-6: .75 swim + raquetball
    1-7: 3 stairmaster, 3 treadmill walk, 1.25 swim

    Total to date:
    Swim 3.25
    Walk/some jog: 26.8
    Bike 0

    holy smokes - alot of you are rocking it. great job:smile:
  • Mbuhler
    Mbuhler Posts: 115 Member
    Had a great ride on the trainer this AM and then the weather was so nice, I went for a 2 hour hike along the bruce trail (my gps wouldn't kick in so I'm estimating the distance based on the markers on my map at about 6km - got home in time just to have it start sleeting/raining! Now to paint my dining room :)

    So far as of Jan 7th:
    Swim: 0km (of 4km)
    Bike: 26.90 km (of 180km)
    Run/Walk: 13.87km (of 42km)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Totals from 1/1-1/7

    Swimming 1.13 miles
    Biking 45.2 miles
    Walking/jogging 5.5 miles

    Goals for the month
    Swimming-4.5 miles
    Biking (including spinning) 135 miles
    Walking/jogging (including ellipitical) 26.2 miles

    edited for typo
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    How's it going, pals?

    January goals:
    Swim 10 miles (Way less than January last year (30+) but I haven't swam in some months.)
    Bike more than 180 miles (30 more than December)
    Walk/Run at least 26.2 miles (about double December)

    So far (1/7)
    Swim - 1.31 miles
    Bike - 25.89 miles
    Walk/Run - 12.70

    Amazingly, I'm doing relatively better at walk/run than bike or swim. I'm worried about making the biking goal when it's going to be mostly trainer rides this month...
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Today - 3.5 m on the elliptical, 7.5 m bike

    12.1 m run
    15 m bike
    0 swim

    Was going to swim tonight too, but there was a gala on at the pool. I fear my swimming may be doomed!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    16.2 miles on the bike today.
    1/4 mile run as a warm up today.

    6.26 mile run today.
  • BrooklynBeast
    Already done. Next challenge please!
  • stefanieswanger
    stefanieswanger Posts: 10 Member
    Jan 2 -7, 2012

    Swim- 4700 Yards (2.67 Miles)
    Bike- 44.25 miles
    Run- 9.37

    I also had 8 miles on the elliptical this week and two sessions of strength training. As of right not I am only going to count actual Run miles and not my elliptical miles but we shall see as things go along.

    I am guessing next month I might need to change my swim goal. LOL
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    update 8/1/12

    swim: 1.4 of 2.4 miles
    bike: 53.5 of 112 miles
    Run: 22 of 26.2 miles
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Weekly check in:

    Swim: 0.0M
    Bike: 91.06M
    Run: 5.58M

    I think I need to get off my tuckus and start swimming/running.