March "No more late night snacking"



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    My cut off time is 9:00 PM.

    So, if we mess up do we have to fess up?

    :explode: :bigsmile: :laugh: :explode:
    Yes Kathy - you have to fess up :tongue:

    Well, I mess up last night. I will have to start over tonight:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Night 1 down. Today is #2!
    I'll be back later,
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Ok my cutoff time monday thru friday will be 8:30 and on the weekend 10:30
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    My cut off is 8:00. This month I am going to stick to it even for weekend activities.
    I am currently in a van on my home from Vegas ( went with my hubby and two other couples to the NASCAR race at the Vegas speedway. It was a lot of fun, but we spent a lot of money. Oh well,
    last night all I had was water after we stopped for dinner. So I have 1 night down..... 30 to go.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I hope it's not too late to join... because I have a HUGE night snacking problem. My cut off time will be 9pm during the week and 11pm on weekends.
  • ChildofMercy
    ChildofMercy Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for suggesting this challenge. Evening snacking has always been a major pitfall for me, so I welcome the extra motivation in trying to overcome it. My cut off time is 7 p.m.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Okay...February didn't work out so well, but I'm back in for March. The only time this might be difficult for me is a girlfriend is visiting from halfway across the country - I see her about once a year, and I'm sure we will be munching late into the night (and drinking...). I'm trying to really prepare myself for a few days of eating mostly bad (though we'll be cooking a lot of our food, so that will be healthy, and I will do my best to eat well!)

    So far, last night, I did well! Day one, down! Wahoo!
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    :grumble: I already biffed it tonight. Husband's night off from work and of course I couldn't say no to drinks...tomorrow is a new day thank goodness! :happy:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Okay...February didn't work out so well, but I'm back in for March.
    So far, last night, I did well! Day one, down! Wahoo!

    Ditto. I too, made it through my first night in March.
    Cut-off for me 9 to start with (maybe will lower it later on). Exceptions: days with calories left when I come back late from aerobics and need a bite. As long as it is just the preplanned bite. :smile:

    Good luck, everyone. Kirstine, Feb's winner, should serve us all as inspiration, in particular for how she stuck with it and got back on, each time she fell. :heart: you for that! :flowerforyou:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Dewdrop, it's great to see you again. Same to our other friends from before and welcome to our new friends. This a great challenge and anyone can definitely join at any time.

    kerimcdonald, I was so sorry to hear about all yoru surgeries. How do you manage to exercise let alone work? I really feel for you. You inspire me that much more!

    Actually, everyone on here has helped me stick with my cut-off time. So far, I haven't missed a night. (Of course, it's only March 3rd :laugh: )
    Stay srtong everyone - we really can do this. I think we're going to have a great month.
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    1 night down!:smile:
  • phatphanny
    One night down and cutoff is eary - is very comforting to know when I got hungry for the "nighttime snacks" that I was having to be accountable for breaking a water it was...
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Another good night! Wahoo! Bring on March 3rd!!! haha
  • LillyB
    LillyB Posts: 3
    Late night is my worst time....I'm fine all day long but after hubby goes to bed I start stressing and then eat. I will try to follow the hints! Is there anyone else who struggles so much at night????????
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I think we all do, but that's why this challenge helps. I look at that clock and try to make sure I'm upstairs before my cut-off time. I do have very little willpower, but this group helps keep me on track. Ihope it works for you.
  • kerimcdonald
    Thanks zaza, I appreciate the support very much. I got my night 1 and 2. It is my 2nd day back at work and although it's painful, I am skipping the junk and hitting the hay early. I did go to the gym, but after 1/2 hour on the stationary bike (all I'm allowed is that or swimming), I was pretty much done for the day.
    so I'm off to bed and can't wait to get through tomorrow and see day 3. Thanks again everyone!!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I almost ate some crackers.... I almost put spray cheese on them..... Then I thought..... March is a whole new month with a whole new attitude!!!!!
    I am NOT going to fail.

    I gained 7 pounds in Vegas, I have a lot to re-lose. I cannot trip myself up. I thought of all of you and this message board and I started typing instead of eating.

    So, I am working on night three.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I survived night 2 :drinker: Don't worry about those 7lbs, Wanda. It looks to me like lot of us gained something at the beginning of 2009. Whatever :grumble: . Bottom line is that we're working on it. And also enjoy ourselves at times. And are careful with food.

    Zaza, you're right, this topic does remind us. Even when we fall. It does help. This is why I consistently join, even after losing the competition the previous month. :grumble: :happy: :glasses:

    So here's to us and to succeeding. We might be closer and further than we think. Cos at the end of the day, it's the attitude on the whole that makes us win the game. And every little step forward, little as it may be, is a step forward! I'll drink (watter) to that! :drinker:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    After my first night mess up. I have been working this challenge. Its funny I almost ate something then I got hit in the head like the V8 commercial. DON'T EAT, So I didn't . I guess I want to work hard at this challenge.

    Thanks ZaZa :flowerforyou:

  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Dewdrop and Plantlady - good job!

    I'm doing great so far this month! Day 3 is DOWN!