March "No more late night snacking"



  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Wow!! Ladies, you are doing great! :drinker: You inspire me to keep going.
    I have also lost a pound since last week. This challenge is definitely helping me to go back in the right direction. Last night was my Day 3. :happy:
    Keep up the good work everyone. I really feel very enthused and excited that we can all do this together.
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    Would love to join, since nights can be my worst time of the day. Especially if I'm tired and stressed! (Not a good combo for me!)

    So I didn't make Sunday, but Monday and Tuesday were great! I love the feeling I have the next morning knowing I ate well and overcame!
  • phatphanny
    Day 2 down for what seems to be the hardest part of me learning to eat properly...not chowing down all night long. Here's to all you who are surviving the "late night snack syndrome" :drinker:
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    Day 2 down! Yay me!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Two days down...and Ive never felt better! Thanks for all the motivation!:wink:
  • snowbune27
    snowbune27 Posts: 75 Member
    I definitely want in on this. I will start tonight.
    My cutoff is 8:30 on weekdays and 10:00 on weekends.

    It's not so much hunger that sneaks up on me... just a need for something sweet.:embarassed:
    here i go.......

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Late night is my worst time....I'm fine all day long but after hubby goes to bed I start stressing and then eat. I will try to follow the hints! Is there anyone else who struggles so much at night????????

    I am horrible too! Two nights in a row and I couldn't do it! I tried drinking more water. Then I find myself getting up more to go to the restroom. As I come out of the restroom I find myself pulled to the pantry. Then I tried the gum chewing...anyone else find gum making you more hungry?

    I need help...this is sooo hard!

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    3 night s down for me. I also thought about munching last night but thought - 'no, it's only been 2 nights consecutive!' So thanks for your support and accountability.
    kerimcdonald - hope you're doing better and your feet are not so painful today.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Then I tried the gum chewing...anyone else find gum making you more hungry?

    Yeah, me. Very hungry. Same with some types of tea (linden tea, green tea, not to mention black tea).
    I need help...this is sooo hard!

    It can get very hard at times. I suggest you start by setting a realistic cut-off. Probably the safest and healthiest is 2-3 hrs before going to bed and making sure you eat something pretty filling (not heavy) then. If you're really hungry, have something, as long as it's preplanned and within the calories range it's OK.

    Also, when I'm hungry, water doesn't do the trick. It doesn't stay in my stomach, like you say. I suggest once you've had dinner, or the snack at your cut-off, try setting your mind off food. Like you were visiting, and the host served dinner, and they all went to bed. :wink:

    Remember, this is about getting rid of old habits and leaving out food we don't need. It's not about starving ourselves. So try baby steps. You can always lower the cut-off, but don't start too low. And feel free to reset the counter and rejoin. We all do, from time to time. :wink:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Here's a couple suggestions that might help sticking with the cut-off time. I make sure to have a little something to eat and/or drink before cut-off time and then I leave the first floor. It helps to go upstairs at cut-off time and brush and floss my teeth and then watch tv in my bedroom. I'm less likely to return to the kitchen after that.
    Whitening your teeth is another great way to avoid eating. I want to buy the aquafresh trays since my sister has used them and likes them.
    I'd love to hear other ideas or suggestions for dealing with the urge to snack at night (or anytime for that matter).
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I agree zaza about having that preplanned snack right before cutoff time. I'm planning to have a skinny cow ice cream sandwich tonight when my hubby has his bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce. That way I stay within the calories and I don't feel quite so left out while he's chowing down his ice cream:wink:

    I have heard that changing the intake amount and switching workouts is supposed to help. Thanks for the reminder.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I think I can safely say that my fourth night has been conquered and it isn't even over yet.... But once I am done posting tonight, I will be straight off to bed.
  • phatphanny
    Third night under my belt...isn't as easy as it sounds BUT I did have my first weigh in since starting one week ago and I lost 7 lbs...some thanks to myself for sticking to it..and LOTS of thanks to you folks who are making this journey motivational, informative and most of all, fun...thanks again
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    3 nights conquered!!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Way to go everyone!! This is great.:drinker:
    I am happy to report that I, too, did well last night. I really really wanted a few sips of coke or OJ when I got home from dinner last night, but only had water since I was after my cut-off time. I was determined not to slip up. Thanks to everyone here! Tonight will be my Day 5.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    3 nights conquered!!

    Me too! Me too!

    Good job Zaza! :drinker: Here's to day 5!
  • agehr
    agehr Posts: 41 Member
    Could I please get in on this challenge? MY cut-off time would be 7 O'clock. I go to bed quite early and have trouble sleeping as it is,and if I eat before going to bed, I have more trouble. Thanks for the challenge and I hope we are all winners.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Yes, Arlene, please join in. Day 4 down for me. Yippee! You guys are my accoutability group!
    Have a great day,
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Last night was Day 1 for me! I didn't have anything but water. For some reason I just couldn't quench my thirst last night. Might be related to the fact that I woke up this morning feeling like I have a bad cold..blah.
  • kerimcdonald
    I was up to day 3, and I was so sick yesterday. I kept nothing down, so forget about my calories, skipped my gym session, and went to bed at 5pm. I woke up at 10pm and was feeling a little better, and sinceI hadn't eaten all day, I knew I had to have something. A piece of toast was it, then back to bed. But fair is fair, and I'm counting it. Tonight I'm going strong though. Even had a great workout today, but haven't eaten all ofmy calories. Tummy is still a little iffy.:sick: