40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    Good morning all! A special hello from a newbie to all us heavies who stumbled onto this thread. :) Start today off great and do something today that is a new challenge....200 squats......drink 10 glasses of water.....whatever.... but something you don't normally do. For me I believe today I want to work on sides so I'm thinking wiki hula hoop :) outta be hilarious!!!!!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    GRRR.....not heavies....us newbies!!!! Sometimes autocorrect is embarrassing! Absolutely didn't say heavy :S
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    GRRR.....not heavies....us newbies!!!! Sometimes autocorrect is embarrassing! Absolutely didn't say heavy :S

    cbj - fyi, you can go back and edit your own post if you want to correct something like that. what is wiki hula hoop?

    hike - wow, that's an intro! welcome to the thread. time to get back on track for the REST of your life!

    so this am I ran a mile, lifted and did a body weight matrix (only one time through as I ran out of time). It is going to be a wildly busy weekend, so we will see about fitting in exercise!

    one reason that I ran out of time this am is that hubby woke up at 530 when I was headed out the door and wanted to talk about intermitent fasting as a way to lose weight. (Not the martin berkan stuff, the diet craze that has taken hold in the UK.) I just wish he would start exercising...the weight would fly off if he did. He thinks he has to lose first...
  • HikeThatMountain
    Icuconley, thanks for the welcome, :) sorry bout that, sometimes get a little carried away. Geez, in person I never talk that much, but give me a keyboard and away she goes......

    And you are absolutely correct, this isn't a diet and exercise, its a "life change" and its been a long time coming, but I'm worth the pleasure of that change and plan to keep at it.

    And its nice to have some company along the road
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Did not make it to the gym today. Did some cleaning instead so I don't have to clean all weekend while my grandson is at the house. I think I burned more calories cleaning than I do on some of my work outs! Looking forward to a less stressful day and getting out of work early!!! Have a great day everyone!

    Beeps-- Hope you are feeling better.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Hi Kelly!

    I am feeling MUCH better, today. I still sound uber-sick, but my throat isn't sore and the cold has really moved into my sinuses! (Runny nose, watery eyes, etc.)


    That is all.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all!

    Wow, so many more newbies. Welcome! Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Hke - loved your intro. You sound determined to Hike that Mountain! Love your goal. I was interested in the SC diet. I have not been diagnosed with Chron's or Colitis, but something is happening and after having every test imaginable, with nothing showing up (thankfully) I am convinced it is my diet. The naturapath removed some foods from my diet, but unfortunately, it is not helping.

    Beeps - sorry you are still not feeling well! The colds I've had this year seemed to want to hang on forever! You have a day or two when you think you are better only to have a major set back. REST. REST. REST. I know you have busy, stressful job but I know you will take the time to take care of yourself.

    Kelly - you are so lucky to have your grandson stay overnight! I can't wait for the day...my granddaughter is almost 2 and it hasn't happened yet. She is still being nursed prior to bedtime, so that is an issue. One day soon though - she can't nurse forever. :laugh:

    lcuc - great job on your run! It sounds like it was a perfect morning run and so pretty too.

    Rob - love that you love your life!! I always smile when I hear people say that.

    cbj - you would get along famously with my husband being the hockey and baseball fan that you are. His favourite team is Philly, mine is the Leafs, so there is alot of ribbing that goes back and forth during the season. Currently, I am the one smiling. :drinker:

    Haven't been feeling so great these past few days - so tired!! I think that long run took its toll on me, especailly in the cold. I was chilled for most of the run and took a long while to actually warm up afterward. I tried running yesterday and again it was so damn cold and windy I ended up walk/running for most of it.
    Have another long run to do this weekend and they are calling for 4-6" of snow!:sad: :sad: WILL THIS WINTER EVER END?!
    Temperatures are still falling to -18C / -20C at night! :noway:
    Anyway, need to get back on track with my P90X! Hopefully tonight.

    Have a happy Friday all. :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    Kelly - you are so lucky to have your grandson stay overnight! I can't wait for the day...my granddaughter is almost 2 and it hasn't happened yet. She is still being nursed prior to bedtime, so that is an issue. One day soon though - she can't nurse forever. :laugh:

    My daughter and son-in-law are going away for a get away weekend that was purchase for them when the baby was born. I know she will be nervous, but it will be good for them to get away!! He already is at my house 2x/week while my daughter is at work so he is pretty comfortable there already!! :happy:
  • HikeThatMountain
    sdereski: How to explain, the book describes that because of injury to the bowel (for whatever reason, antibiotics, prolonged diarrhea...), it no longer absorbs properly and complex carbs sit and become food for the bad microbes, making an overabundance of the wrong microbes in your intestines, which causes mucus and water drawn into the intestine, carbohydrate malabsorption, bacterial overgrowth, increasing metabolic by-producuts (including organic acids), all which cause intestinal mucosa (wall lining) injury which causes diarrhea and around and around, the Vicious Circle.

    The idea of the diet (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) is to starve all those nasty bad microbes and help the good ones to flourish and in that, allow your intestinal tract to heal. The diet removes all complex sugars/starches (polysacharrides, disacharrides) (the carbs that sit in your gut because they need to go through a bunch of digestion processes before your body can use them ) and allows you to eat simple sugars/starches (monosacharrides) because the body is able to use these "predigested" sugars immediately.

    Its not necessarily an easy diet, but it is a clean and healthy diet.

    To find out the things that are legal and illegal on the diet, I recommend you check out this website below and maybe the book if you want more explanation (I may have totally confused anyone reading this :)


    The book with the SCD diet and understandable explanations is "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" (Intestinal health through diet) by Elaine Gottscall B.A.,M.Sc.

    As I said in my profile, I've been plagued with Crohn's disease for 37 years now, with multiple operations, including removal of some small bowel, but because of this diet I am no longer plagued with the uncontrolable diarrhea, things are perfectly normal in the bathroom department, and I truely believe that a person can really be helped by following this diet. The site above has hundreds and hundreds of people who have even managed to have total healing of the symptoms/disease. Personally, I'm still working on that, but I do see definite improvement, even if in very small increments. The best part is, that following this diet has given me back my life to get up and go out when and wherever I want, you can't believe how much of a miracle that feels like :)))

    I even checked it out with the doctors (even tho I already new it was a healthy diet) and they said go for it.

    Now my biggest problem weight-wise is that I have a have a huge sweet tooth and eat too much honey and homemade yogurt (homemade because it is fermented for 24 hours to remove virtually all the lactose, which is a complex sugar :))

    Well, I hope you can find some answers for yourself, and if I can help any more with that, just ask away.

    Oh ya, when I first began this SCDiet, you begin with a very simple 3 to 5 day preliminary diet (this part of the diet really gives you intestinal tract a rest) and allows you to see if this will actually work for you. But the great part, is that cutting out all that grain and refined sugar, I lost 10 lbs in that first week even though I was eating and eating and eating, was truly amazing...... was probably a good part water retention as I used to always have swollen ankles (hehe, besides the fat) and I no longer have a problem with that.

    And for anyone with the opposite problem and need to put on weight, they may also loose a bit more weight in the beginning, but soon your intestinal tract starts absorbing better and you will gain weight.

    Hope this helps, I'm off to bed shortly, It is 9:10pm here and I have a few things to get done before work tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I got my work-out in and done. It was a little bit long, but mostly due to the extended rest periods I needed to take to keep my heart-rate lower (as soon as I'd get my heart-rate up, I'd go into uncontrollable coughing fits!).

    My weight is down. Now, I'm within STRIKING DISTANCE of the lowest I think I've ever weighed - except THIS TIME, I've got MUSCLES all over my body! NO MORE "MISS SKINNY FAT".

    I tell ya, today is a VERY GOOD DAY!

  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    Icuconley......wiifit hula hoop..guess my mobile isn't the best place to type/edit messages :(

    How did everyone do today? As I sit and finish watching my baseball and hockey tea...I knoeto s and log exercise and I close out my daily log Im wondering how you all did today :)
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    I am finding that eating salads with edamame, and snacks of popcorn, whole grain toasty os, and wheat chex, every day may have a dire effect on my stomach. Either that or I am becoming sensitive to caffeine. I choose to think it is the salads but I fear it is my beloved coffee. Oh lotto, why do you forsake me and keep me from becoming queen of the idle rich where I can have men with palm fronds make me many lattes from really smooth and expensive coffee beans that will not hurt my stomach....
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning cool kids.

    Glad I got a lifting session in yesterday am. I went way over in calories...I was starving all day. Some days are just going to be like that. I ate a burrito for lunch and was still hungry. Last night was date night. Yummy food and a few glasses of wine. Today will be better.

    I have soccer today. End of my indoor season. Can't wait for outdoor!!!!

    What is everyone else doing for workouts this weekend?
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hello, I can do anything a 20 year old can do, unfortunately at the end of the day my knees hurt!!! I don't let it stop me!!!
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    It appears Spring is finally arrived...
    I ran my first 4 miler outdoors today...
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey all,

    Beeps - great job on the workout and the weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:

    lcu - I find that when I lift, I can't seem to eat enough, whereas with cardio, my hunger seems to diminish.

    hike - thank you for the information. The diet the naturapath put me on is similar, but the SCD cuts out more. Am going to have to seriously look at it.

    Kelly - my DIL's mother looks after our granddaughter when she goes to work, so we are not the first choice for additional sitting when needed. :-( My granddaughter is quite comfortable here, but the longest she has stayed is a few hours, and one of her parents has always been here.

    gwenB - I hear ya on the aching knees. :laugh:

    weevil - I hope it's not your beloved coffee. I love my coffee, but have certainly cut back and only drink decaf when i do have it.

    jsidel - not spring here yet. Am supposed to do a long run and it is snowing outside. It's going to have to wait until tomorrow.

    Got my P90X workout in yesterday! Now, to get today's done. :happy:
  • stiggy64
    stiggy64 Posts: 40 Member
    Stronglift 5x5 starts tomorrow, time to put up or shut up!

    Only slight concern is I've had lower back pain for about 4 days now and hoping that's not going to interfere. Fortunately the programme starts off light so I can protect the back with correct form.

    Starting stats are:
    Weight = 85.5kg
    BF = 26.6%

    I'll keep you updated on progress.
  • HikeThatMountain
    stiggy64, wish you well with your back! Have you ever tried massage (as in sports massage or someone that does Kinetic Swedish Massage?, just a thought)

    I'm so proud of myself, I just ran 7k (4.34 miles). Have never run that far without some intermittant walking. Took me 60 minutes so maybe it was more like jogging but Im still happy with that. And to top it all off, not trying to make anyone jealous as this is actually the other bad side of weather for running. When I began my run this early evening it was 35c when I finished 30c, but thankfully it was fairly breezy and Im getting used to the heat. Run holding a bottle of water in one hand and a hankie in the other to wipe the sweat so it doesn't drown my earpieces and I can still listen to my audio book, lol.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hike - congrats on the run!! It is perfect running weather here (around 5c)...not looking forward to 30 or 35!!

    stiggy - best of luck tomorrow. I am going to lift in the am, too! Hike's suggestion of massage is a good one, or even a physiotherapist.

    kelly & sdereski - I WISH the grandparents were close enough to babysit. My mom visited a lot while I went through cancer treatment, for which I was SO grateful!

    jsidel - ain't spring grand!?!?

    gwen - I sometimes play soccer with 20-somethings and am frequently reminded that I cannot do everything they can do...I'm tryin', though. And, yes, I can relate with the achy knees!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids,

    Hope y'all had a great weekend, I know I did (sorta).

    Did CrossFit on Friday, 20 sec handstands as warm up anyone? NEVER thought I would be capable so that made me feel so great I met my husband and daughter for dinner and totally over did it! Mind you it was sushi but still felt gross after and continued to feel that way throughout the weekend.

    Nevertheless, I woke up bright and early on Saturday and did CrossFit again, grueling workout glad I took some ibuprofen the night before ran 200 meters for warm up and 200 for cool down. Then came the fun part, I decided to clean my closets, it was getting totally out of hand with clothing sizes ranging from 12 to 18 and M to XXL. Happy to report that all sizes above a 12 and M are now gone!!! Made Goodwill and a few Facebook friends real happy. After is where I encountered the "sorta" part of my weekend. I felt frustrated that although my closet houses much smaller clothes and my husband tells me every day how good I look and how proud he is of my progress I'm stuck! The stupid scale has not moved in over 3 weeks. I keep playing with my caloric intake, have increased my activity and my lifting and yet no weight change. I realize this may be a common occurrence, a plateau perhaps, but working as hard as I am can't help but feel shortchanged.

    Anyway, woke up this morning with renewed determination, I know no matter what I can't give up now.

    Going for a walk during my lunch break and to CrossFit after work. Have a GREAT week Cool Kids!!!