40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Monday morning all! Had a good weekend with my grandson. While I did not go to the gym, we did go out and walk on Saturday as it was a pretty nice early spring day. I also spent lots of time carrying him around. Not sure if that counts as a work out, but sure feels like it sometimes! :laugh:

    I did have an awesome work out this morning and am looking forward to a good week. Have a good day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a great weekend! Me, too....got a nice visit in with my parents.

    My cold is still hanging around, but nothing I cannot handle. I am no longer contagious, that's probably MOST important!

    Well, that and today I get to lift!
  • HikeThatMountain
    newbeg1ning: You must feel great throwing all those sizes out! Don't let a plateau get you down, as tough and anoying as the plateau is, it will change..... and just keep remembering, you just threw out FOUR sizes worth of clothes!! THAT is a real biggy!

    Oh boy, I can't wait to get into the next size down :)

    Have a GREAT week everyone.
  • stiggy64
    stiggy64 Posts: 40 Member
    First 5x5 session complete and i'm still alive! Even spent 20 mins on the cross trainer after just to up the ante.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Stingy - congrats!

    Beeps - do your parents live close to you?

    Kelly - the awesome thing about "baby lifting" is that there is progression as the baby grows! It's great to get out for walks and such!

    Newbeg - I find logging sushi really hard. I never feel like I am being accurate. I try to focus on the sashimi, so I avoid the rice and sauces. Congrats on your spring cleaning! I can totally relate to the "never again will I be that size"! Your crossfit workouts sound AWESOME!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Hi lcuconley - my parents live a 3-hour drive away....so, we don't see each other much over the winter because the roads are too treacherous to drive. But, come summer, it's more regular.

    My lifting session was L-O-N-G today. I hope they shorten up, again - really, they are taking TOO MUCH TIME!
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    Went 'shopping' in my attic this past weekend. I'd remembered that I'd kept a few clothes of smaller sizes and scrounged through the attic looking for them. Well, I underestimated what I'd saved. I found two large plastic bins, 3' x 2', full of clothes. One bin was mostly heavier winter sweats, sweaters, etc., but the other saved my summer! Lots of t-shirts, shorts, and several pants for work, which I desparately need. 1/2 fit, 1/4 was still too small, and 1/4 was too big!

    I've also changed up my food plan. I'd been trying to keep calories around 1200 (I know, I know...), and had already reached a little plateau. Probably because I was also exercising 6 days out of 7. I played around with the numbers, finally figured out my TDEE and BMR, and upped my calories. I've seen a 1 lb weight loss since, but want to wait a couple of days and have it 'confirmed'--I'm suspicious that way. :tongue:

    Also, I goofed last night by eating too much pizza. It wasn't the calories, that fit in with my plan, but ugh, ate too much of it and suffered all night. My digestive system is not used to pizza anymore.:sick:

    Before I went and was stupid with pizza, though, I hit the treadmill. I was inspired by HikeThatMount and mixed in a little running with the walking and felt great. Can't run much yet, but felt it really added to the workout. :smile:
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    I had a good workout this am: 5k run/30 min sprint intervals. I almost got in the workout I set out yesterday, but my right hip and left calf started feeling tweaky, so I decided not to push it on the first day. Its not easy for me to make myself sprint, but I enjoyed it.

    I hope everyone eats well today and gets their blood pumping...

    grace - shopping in the attic...fun! gonna donate the too big clothes??? way to push your comfort zone on the treadmill! I am so glad you have upped your cals.

    beeps - what program are you currently following that is too long?
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    shopping at the attic... great! I did the same last weekend... I call it "to open my magic suitcase"
    Put a lot of things in from the "tent-departement" and took a few things out which are fitting now perfectly and to keep the motivation up I put a few things for summer in the shelf which are all still too small... ´
    A few of the "tent-departement"-stuff I will go and donate this weekend cause I know, there are many "big girls" out there who usually can't get anything of girls-stuff at the red cross.

    Today is Qi Gong Tuesday and I am looking forward to it cause it relaxes me a lot and keeps my thoughts from food and unpleasant things...
    Yesterday I was able to do my first 10 pushups in a row... feels good!

    Have a great day u all and all the best from Germany :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning all! Did some cleaning this morning before my grandson arrived and will be walking on my lunch break!

    graceire- I have some "skinny" clothes saved in my spare room as well. I have just started to fit in to some of the things I set aside. Looking forward to being able to wear the rest soon!

    Have a good day all!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Morning Everyone!

    It has been awesome reading about all the "shopping in the attic" adventures this weekend. Congrats to all of you!

    lcuconley - a 5K run is something I would love, love to do. Way to go!!!

    hikethatmountain - thanks for the encouragement. My Monday got exponentially better last night when I was measured at the gym and it turns out since my last measurements on 3/13/13 I've lost 2.5" from my waist, .75" from my hips, .50" from my thighs and .25 from my arms :blushing: the scale may not be moving but something is happening alright!!!

    Happy Tuesday Everyone :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    H! Look at all the newcomers in here...coming back for MORE COOL KIDS!

    How awesome is that?!?!?

    Sun is shining. No work-out for me, today. But, a fun evening out with 3 gf's as one of them is celebrating a birthday! I'm determined to stick to only 2 drinks and have a salad w/ chicken entree. YUMMY!
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    Hey Beeps, thank you for nursing this funplace :flowerforyou:
    Have a great evening and loads of fun... did u know, that a strawberry daiquiri comes with only 127kcal? :drinker: :wink:

    Peace and strentgh and happy time to u all! :heart:
  • HikeThatMountain
    Went 'shopping' in my attic this past weekend. I'd remembered that I'd kept a few clothes of smaller sizes and scrounged through the attic looking for them. Well, I underestimated what I'd saved. I found two large plastic bins, 3' x 2', full of clothes. One bin was mostly heavier winter sweats, sweaters, etc., but the other saved my summer! Lots of t-shirts, shorts, and several pants for work, which I desparately need. 1/2 fit, 1/4 was still too small, and 1/4 was too big!

    Before I went and was stupid with pizza, though, I hit the treadmill. I was inspired by HikeThatMount and mixed in a little running with the walking and felt great. Can't run much yet, but felt it really added to the workout. :smile:

    Wow Grace, that must of felt like finding the hidden treasure, almost as good as opening gifts! thats a pretty good percentage of clothes, especially the ones that are now too big... awesome! And just enough that are still too small, to look forward to getting into. Full steam ahead.

    thank you, I don't think I ever inspired anyone before:flowerforyou: But when I was begging that, I too felt the feeling of doing my best, of adding some very worthwhile effort.... and you definitely are!. I would run just enough to get my heart pounding a little harder and then walk till it settled, then run again, and yes, in the beginning it would only be running for seconds, but I had started in February of last year and ran a 5k (3.1 miles) (with some walking-quite a bit of walking) August 15 of last year and the other day I actually did 4.34 miles without walking once (it was slow, no way I would have won a race, but there was no walking). And if I (a 56-yr-old who used to upchuck just at the thought of running when she was a young teenager, can do it) YOU CAN TOO. Just take your time, listen to your body and enjoy! No hurry, no worry.

    Newbeg: "My Monday got exponentially better last night when I was measured at the gym and it turns out since my last measurements on 3/13/13 I've lost 2.5" from my waist, .75" from my hips, .50" from my thighs and .25 from my arms the scale may not be moving but something is happening alright!!!

    Newbeg, that is fantastic, congratulations! The scales don't always tell the truth, and now you have done the work and proven that fact :)

    Icuconley: Doing sprints... it helps you to speed up your running time, is that correct? I have to try that if thats the case.

    Beeps; I also must thank for you the little pushes, I think we all came back because you and others kept inviting us too, Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member

    Back again today, starting phase two.

    Only seem to be good for 7 or 8 weeks then I need a week or two off, well I don't need it, but I like it!

    Still it's better only two weeks, normally I wait to weigh the same as when I started or more!

    Target break at end of May now to keep me focused.

    I feel really fat! The Last hole in my belt which a month ago I was pleased to reach, two weeks ago was looking slightly baggy, is now responsible for etching the Livid face of Jesus into my belly waist overhang band! (Well I suppose it was Easter!) Grrr!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    So wonderful to see so many more "regular" posters!

    I had a lazy weekend. Did my P90X workout on Saturday and Sunday was pretty much a total rest day. I did have to go out and shovel heavy wet snow as it snowed buckets Saturday night. I was planning on doing my long run, but I knew it wasn't going to happen with all that snow. The highway would be too dangerous with snow filled shoulders.

    So, got it in yesterday. Then, came home and did my P90X workout. It was a good day - food and exercise wise.

    I was down in weight last Tuesday...was pretty happy that maybe things were finally starting to happen with the P90X and running workouts. Today, I am 5lbs heavier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad: How the hell does that happen??? :angry:

    I am totally at a loss as to what works or doesn't work for me at this point!!
    I keep going because I know it's good for me. I feel better for it. And, just freaking imagine how big I would be if I didn't workout!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    wow, sdereski, your attitude is, well, ADMIRABLE! (I think I'd be koo-koo crazy if my scale was like that!)

    I think there *is* some inflammation with running, no??? And that can cause water-retention, right??

    I agree that, can you IMAGINE what we'd weigh/look like, if we did NOT work-out??!!??

    I just can't imagine my life without exercise....it's been my constant companion for nearing 30 years....
  • stiggy64
    stiggy64 Posts: 40 Member
    Thought i might ache a bit today after the 5x5 session yesterday but feel ok. Even went to the gym after work and did a cheeky 20 minute walk @ 4.5mph on a 5 degree incline just to loosen up a bit.

    Second 5x5 session tomorrow, squats, overhead press and deadlift, bring it on!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    well, graceire inspired me to check out those smaller sized clothes in my spare room and I actually found 12 pairs of jeans- I guess I have a clothing fetish!- 10 out of the 12 pair fit very well. The other two pair are still too small, but will fit eventually!! I had a good walk at lunch time today. tomorrow will be a rest day as I will be going with work and other activities from 8:00am- 9:00pm, but back to the gym on Thursday. Have a good night all!
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    well, graceire inspired me to check out those smaller sized clothes in my spare room and I actually found 12 pairs of jeans- I guess I have a clothing fetish!- 10 out of the 12 pair fit very well. The other two pair are still too small, but will fit eventually!! I had a good walk at lunch time today. tomorrow will be a rest day as I will be going with work and other activities from 8:00am- 9:00pm, but back to the gym on Thursday. Have a good night all!

    Yay, new 'old' clothes for all! :happy:

    Sounds like a great workout, stiggy64!

    boboff: horse, fall, back on again, come on, you got this!