40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Alf, for me, when I do any fast that is LONGER than my daily 16 hour fasts, NO, I do NOT eat "all my calories". Likely, I am BANKING those calories for a function later in the week.

    Or, to look at it another way, I work with a weekly "bank" of calories. 9,450. On a "daily" basis, that is 1,350 calories. BUT, if I know I have a restaurant function out, for example, on a Friday, and I know, for Friday, I'm going to ingest 1,800 calories, then I might fast, for longer than 16 hours, earlier in the week (say Tuesday), and, come end-of-day Tuesday, I'll only have eaten 900 calories, given me a "banked" 450 calories, that can be used on my Friday event-night.

    I hope this makes sense!

    ^^This^^ - on a fast longer than 16 hrs, no, I haven't been eating all of my cals but if I were to add in more healthy fats, I don't think it would be too hard. I look at those days as Beeps does, banking them for a planned out meal or trying to get myself back in line after a couple crazy carb days!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Got my lifting in-and-done....was VERY weird to be there on a Thursday - not my "normal" M/W/F crowd and, frankly, fewer people (which I LOVED - might have to think about HOW to get to a Sun/Tues/Thurs schedule....), but also WAY POOR FORM on most of those lifters. Way bad.
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    Oh, how I've needed this group. bump
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I ate so much today, including chocolate cake, and with spinning am still under my goal for the day. Shows me how logging and eating mostly unprocessed food can lead to happiness, fullness, and chocolate. LoL
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Beeps - it's hard to watch without cringing I bet! I would find it too distracting, lol

    april1445 - welcome =)

    kpedersen - I love that you get quantity with quality!! I never feel hungry or deprived anymore. Oh and CHEERS to CHOCOLATE!! =P

    I am going home to crush me some squats and deads... RawR have an awesome night guys!
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Well keeping up with my 45 mins of cardio everyday... and eating as healthily as I can.
    We do have plenty of fruit available, and manage to have an omelette for breakfast everyday, just with tomato, onion and chiili. The rest is trying to pick the healthiest bits from a selection of food that is prepared for everyone. The good thing is that there is very little processed food.
    Looking forwards to getting home in 10 days and my first weigh in for the year.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    handyandy, 10 days till you get home...who's counting? LOL Good luck to you!

    Beeps and whatabroad, thank you for your answers, it makes perfect sense. The reason I was asking is because I plan to go back to IF, 16:8 in Feb. I will try this time to not be so strict about it and I also like the idea of banking. I still want to continue cutting/avoiding gluten and possible dairy. I am telling I feel so good since I started this on Jan 1. My mind is clearer and I have even more energy than what I normally do.

    It is a very cold night here in south/central TX. Brr!! Might have to skip Bikram tomorrow, we expect icy conditions overnight. Besides if school is cancelled I will need to stay home with my son and possibly my granddaughter if my daughter has to go to work. I can always do P90X yoga at home, it is brutal.

    Take care!!:flowerforyou:
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Handyandy fruit, omlettes with veggies and chili sound like great picks to me. 45 of cardio a day is great. I try to add extra movement to my day when I can to up my metabolism.
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Also adding at least 10k steps everyday as well... and most of that is in soft sand which is good for a few extra calories burned too!!
  • Focusisfab
    43 Here, Currently I am eating a ridiculously low cal diet to drop weight quickly before my cruise in March. I have lost 12 lbs since the first of the year. My goal is to lose at least 6 more before I up my calories and protein and begin lifting again. I have gained enough weight over the winter to be considered overweight according to my BMI. I am now within the normal BMI but am looking to be on the lower side of that index. I will never allow myself to gain like that again. If I have to continue logging forever, I will.

    Great Job everyone! Way to represent!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Good luck to all the newcomers, who are setting goals and taking names!

    Alf - I'm really shocked at how many people are trying gluten-free and LIKING it! I'm very grateful I don't have any sensitivities to gluten....

    Have to weigh-in, today, for my mfp challenge! Wish me "luck" as last week my scale-weight had popped UP, not DOWN....boooooo. I'll also get a quick lifting session in-and-done. And that will have me successfully complete my OTHER challenge (the "NO EXCUSES") for the week.

    I'll be glad when the "NO EXCUSES" challenge is over at the end of January. The other one hangs around until April, I think....but it is just a weigh-in, no biggie.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: It is COLD!!! Yep, as suspected schools cancelled classes, tons of accidents out there. So I am home with my son. Getting ready to do a workout. My husband prepared me breakfast, eggs and bacon. So I am a little stuffed right now...LOL He had to go to work but on a delayed schedule. He made it safely already.

    Beeps, good luck on your weigh in. I weigh in on Mondays with that challenge I joined here in MFP. I like it because it keeps me honest on the weekends. I am really loving the way I feel since I cut back on the gluten. Sometimes I wonder if I am allergic to it. I do miss my oatmeal though at times but lately I had been drinking more smoothies than eating oatmeal. I will eat it eventually but will add it gradually. I will try some quinoa as my oatmeal first and see how I like it. I also cut out dairy and I am missing my plain greek yogurt with fruit and nuts, one of my favorite snacks. My stomach feels and looks much flatter now.

    focusisfab, welcome!!!! Keep up the good work! Have fun in your cruise! I love cruising and normally I like to look great when I go on a cruise but remember you want to try to maintain your weightloss in the long term so it is best to eat as much as you need and not crash diet. :flowerforyou:

    handyandy, I wear a fitbit and on days I teach Zumba (2xwk) it registers about 18,000 steps but on regular days between 5,000-8,000. I think I really need to increase my cardio, at least one more day. The rest of the week when I am not teaching I am lifting or doing yoga so the fitbit doesn't "count" that. LOL

    Have an awesome day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Handyandy - walking in the soft sand sounds absolutely DIVINE right now! We have had a very mild winter so far but sighhhh, I could use a little sand and surf!!

    FocusisFab - love your pic! fantastic transformation... is that current or are you working your way back to that? I was confused because you said you were at a unhealthy BMI and that pic sure doesn't look like it!! =) and cruise...FUN! Carribean and mediterranean cruises are on my To Do list!

    Beeps - good luck with your weigh in!! I believe they don't have to be in until Monday @ Noon PST so is there a particular reason you do it Fridays?

    alf - I bet you're cold!! I have a couple Texans on my FL and they were talking about the crazy weather down there. I love substituting quinoa for oatmeal, yum!! You could always slowly introduce oatmeal back in by putting a little bit in your shakes?

    I killed my lifts last night! I did 3 full sets of squats at 135lbs, up from 2 the week before and but my deads were only 2 sets at max weight this week... my hands gave out before my legs tho. I guess I need to try out some gloves?

    Did interval style light dumbbell shoulder circuit this morning; 60 sec jump rope/50 sec lift, no rest and will do a heavier shoulder/back session after work. Have a kick *kitten* day peeps!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    145.6....officially I am in plateauland.....boohoooohooooooo

    I got my 3 x lifting in this week - which was H-A-R-D given my whacky schedule - and I am GLAD to be OUT of the gym until Monday. Seriously. I'm exhausted.
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    WhataBroad - Unfortunately the walking on soft sound isn't as divine as it sounds..... being at an oil rig site in the UAE isn't quite what you would have imagined......but will be back on the lovely white beaches of WA next week when I get home...!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hey all! Spent most of yesterday hanging with my poor boy! He has an ear infection and PawPaw and Grammy stayed with him while Mommy and Daddy got some work done. He was do sleepy as he didn't sleep at all Thursday. Didn't end up getting a workout in and went over some in calories as well, but am still under for the week.
    Worked out today at the gym. It felt good to get back there! Yeah! No big plans for the rest of the weekend!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    andy - when you live in Canada where we have snow for 4 month of the year, ANY sand will do!!

    KellySue - awww, poor little guy! My youngest was prone to ear infections everytime she got a bad head cold. love the PawPaw and Grammy!! =) Skipping a workout and going over a bit is not going to have an impact on your consistency!!

    I am going to have another couple of coffee and then get in my body weight circuits. Since going on this cut, I am keeping all of my training sessions to 30 - 45 minutes tops. A healthy metabolism is very important to me so no crazy cardio sessions anymore.

    For a treat today, I am making that cobbler recipe where you take frozen berries, top them with a box cake mix and then pour in a sprite zero... anyone made one of these before?? I also got a Quest bar recipe book from sarasolomon.com... omg, some mouthgasms in there!! I made cookies with my bar yesterday, sighhhhh.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Can I just say how GRATEFUL I am this group supports each other?

    I have been on another forum, for three years, and the "support" seems to wax and wane...

    Anyway, I'm grateful!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Beeps - Great job getting your lifting in with your crazy schedule! You'll be dropping again in no time! :flowerforyou:

    KellySue - Hope the little one feels better soon! No fun to see that at all.

    Welcome to all the new people! Stick around - this is a great thread!

    Didn't have a great week diet and exercise wise. Stress at work, stress at home, and had my nephew a couple of times which is a blast but not necessarily good for my waist line. He's six and loves to share his sweets! And who am I to say no?

    And, had a horrible week trying to sleep. Sigh.

    Time to get back to it this week. For other American football fans, I'm from Denver and we are all about the Superbowl!! :drinker:

    I log on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday but I do not log my food Superbowl Sunday when the Denver Broncos take on Seattle. I have my limits! Better be spot on and save up some calories to enjoy the day!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    1968Samuel, I am not a football fan but I am going to say GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Took the day off from logging in my foods. Who know how much I've had, feel full. LOL But I did do my 3 challenges today and 2 hrs of Zumba yesterday! I still have to practice some new zumba songs while watching the Grammys.

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou: