40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Wednesday! Rest day today for me.

    Thanks for all of the supportive comments! It is really appreciated.

    Sdereski- hope you made it home safe and sound. That does not sound like a fun situation. Something similar happened to us on a trip to Florida when my youngest was still in school. Fortunately for us we made it to our overnight destination before the roads were closed and things were better in the morning when we got up.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Alf - Way to go on your Zumba class! Sounds like you were able to show those young ladies a thing or two!

    ruby - Hang in there. I've certainly lost weight, only to gain it all back and then some. :noway: I'm hoping this time to keep the weight off for good. I know winter can make it tough, but just get back to it! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    ruby - you don't need supplements....you just need to eat fewer calories than you are (consistently and with verifiable counting/measuring).

    KellySue - yay for REST DAY!

    I am watching my calories VERY closely, today, because I'm pretty sure I won't be able to sneak away to the gym....which is fine, it is what it is, just no snacking and I'm fasting for as long as I can....
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Alf, Thanks for the supportive advice that helps A LOT. Awesome on getting a couple of your challenges done this morning already! Whoot Whoot!

    I decided I should weigh this morning and I was up to 171.2. The last time I had weighed I was 169.7 & had accomplished the 1st goal of getting under 170. Today is a new day and I am picking myself back up. I have been doing some weights but I think I need to come up with a more intense weight workout & schedule to commit to a least 3 days a week. I am going to work on that today to figure out what 3 days will work the best.

    I have also been wondering it I should not try a weight supplement from GNC. Does anyone have any advice on supplements that would give me a boost to get some weight coming off? My sister does Isagenix but it is really expensive and 2 meals a day are shakes. She is a body builder and it works really good for her but I don't know if I can go that extreme but it is a thought.


  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Back on the stationary bike after a couple of days of, but did try a little weights session yesterday for the first time. Still logging everyday and achieving my 10k steps.
    3 shifts left and then home for the big first weigh in!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Handyandy- Good luck with the weigh in!!

    Hey All! It was a good rest day yesterday. Stayed within my calories even! Jake is at the house today so I worked out at home this morning. He's is doing so much better. Yeah!

    Gym day tomorrow. I'm looking at switching gyms. My husband has started up a new membership at a different gym than mine. He needs to be somewhere that has a pool due to his severe arthiritis and joint issues. They also offer more in the way of instruction/coaching than where I am right now. It's also closer to where I work (like a 5 minute walk) so I could go with my hubby in the mornings and walk to work on days that I didn't need to have a vehicle. On days that I do need a vehicle, he has already talked with the folks at the gym and they said that he could volunteer to work at the desk if he wanted to. It would give him something to do until I got done with work! It's a little more expensive than where I am currently, but I am thinking that the benefits would outway the cost. We'll see.
  • threshkreen
    threshkreen Posts: 79 Member
    Hello Everyone - I am a little old for this group (62), but I was intrigued by the name of it. My license plate says "Cool Kid" - it was a gift from my family about 10 years ago based on a joke I used to use so much it made them crazy. Unfortunately, by the time they thought of the license plate I had stopped using it due to all the groans and "Oh Mom" type things it used to generate. Now, I am just embarrassed because I get a lot of people that comment on the plate and ask me if I am driving my son's car. Oh well.

    I am back to Fitnesspal after a stint at weight watchers, which I was getting used to (points vs calories) but my trainer directed me back to here because he thinks its important that I know what nutrients I am getting. I agree, but at one point after losing a lot of weight I developed a severe binging disorder and my shrink thought NOT counting calories would help kwell the obsession with what I ate, etc. etc.

    Basically, nothing is working, but the good news is that I have not binged much, if any, in January. I give myself a little flower sticker each time I make it through the night without going downstairs to eat while everyone is asleep. it's a pretty flowery month this January - which is good news.

    I am considering going to a functional medicine doctor...has anyone gone this route of getting checked for food sensitivities, hormone levels etc, etc? Not a whole lot of it is paid by insurance so I am moving slowing on this one. Thanks for any input.

    Sorry to barge in on you young kids :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    ...well, I finally get to go to the gym, today, and shall lift. The end.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Kelly Sue - I think the gym change would be really nice. It would be great to be able to go with your hubby and if they have more coaching I think the extra money would be worth it. The gym I used to go to had great owners who coached us and then the gym changed owners and it was a totally different experience. I don't go to a gym anymore because I have to drive about 20 miles one way to get to one and it is just too hard with my son in Jr high and full time job. I miss going to a gym like CRAZY! This is the 1st time i have not been a member somewhere. I have invested in my own equipment but just not the same.:frown:

    Handy Andy - Good luck on your weigh in. It sounds like you have been making really good choices and I hope you see a good number.

    Beeps- Thanks for the advice on the no supplements. I guess I just need to accept that I need to eat different and less calories as I am getting older. I have my calories goal at 1300 per day right now. Do you think that is a good number if I am doing intense cardio about 5 days a week.

    1968Samuel - thank you also for your support. I helps to know other have went up and down on the scale. I am one day closer to success this time.

    Theshkreen- glad to have you with us. I hope we can help. I have only been part of this group about 1 month but it is helping me. You can do this. You have control over your mind and you need to take control back on the binge eating. Today is a new day and you can change.
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    <- - - - - - - Going to be 40 in July!
    Names Jay, Have 2 Beautiful 1yr old twin girls and staying fit to keep up with them (And for myself of course)
    Some say I dont look my age, but trust me I feel it working out LOL LOL
    Feel free to add and send FR's on Fit Bit as well.

    Started MFP @ 190lbs Currently @ 164 (Lots of help from members on here)
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Hey there cool kids!

    Just breezing thru.... lol

    Everyone is doing so well!

    Ruby- like Alf and Beeps said- hang in there and weigh and measure! (your food that is! ) Don't obsess over the scale.

    I have maintained my weight loss and am getting back to more cals along with hiking, BBL and You are your own gym.

    Things here have been a little crazy as I have been doing a little spring cleaning and ramping up the kids school work too!

    My 11 yr old did pass his black belt test and will get it in june at a special ceremony. So excited!

    My 9 and 7 yr olds test for their red and blue belts next month! Whew!

    May have less work from home stuff to do soon! Yea! Means more time with the kids, maybe some travel and for certain more attention to the house and yard!

    My in-laws will be here for almost 2 months starting end of Feb. We will be working with my father in law treating his dementia, making sure he eats right and start him on an exercise program! Then hope mom will keep it all going once they go back home! things are hard on her as she watches the man she knew just fade away! Hubby is doing all he can to fix that!

    That's all for now i guess... lol

    Take care and keep rocking it! ; )
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    I missed checking in yesterday, and I really thought I did. Wow! Am really losing it! :laugh:
    We were stuck in the city due to road closures. We did make it home yesterday, but the roads were not good. We passed 4 accidents in a 40 miles span. Yikes!!
    It continues to storm and the highways are closed again today! My goodness, it is either 30/40 below or storming so bad, you can't see across the road. :noway:

    I got my workout in last evening at home. Diet has been good! Making sure I am eating a bit of protein with every meal. So far, so good, but then, it is only Thursday. :laugh:

    Welcome new cool kids!
    Ruby, I agree with the others, you don't need supplements. Keeping your cals low and clean will work. 1300 is good.
    You may want to incorporate some strength training in place of a couple of cardio days. That will help immensely!

    Jay - great loss so far!! You are obviously doing something very right.

    threshkreen - a flowery month is a good thing. :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Jay, that is awesome!!! :drinker:

    Ruby, you might not be eating enough. How many calories you burn during your workouts? Any weight training? That helps more than cardio alone. And remember a calorie is not just a calorie. Try to eat mostly clean foods such as lean meats, veggies, fruits, unsalted nuts, etc. Limit or eliminate processed foods, sugar, high sodium, etc. Drink lots of water.

    I fasted today for 18 hrs!! I went to one of my favorite stores, Sprouts, found me some gluten free chips but not calorie free LOL :noway: and instead of sticking to the serving size I ate the whole bag!!! Small bag but still...and to top it off got me some cinnamon roasted almonds from the bulk section and ate most of them in the car while driving back to the office!!! Yes, I was on bingeing mode!!!! I sometimes feel I am not eating enough for all the activity that I do...:grumble: And yesterday was one of those days I was hungry all day long!!!! So I decided since I ate so much and derailed that I would fast today, at least 16 hrs. When it was time to eat I wasn't even hungry and got busy at work so it 18 hrs when I ate!! I am going to try to repeat it tomorrow. I should be good in the morning because I love to do Bikram on an empty stomach. Also my daughter invited me to lunch and her lunch break is not until 1pm so it might just be perfect for me!!! :drinker:

    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Alf- I am burning around 450 calories per work out on average and sometimes over 500. I have not been doing much strength training. I do have a total gym at home I am going to try to start using. I also have some dumbells I can use. I am trying to eat clean foods but I think my problem has been trying to do it consistently (like Beeps commented). I do good for a few days and then I get a little off track. My biggest challenge is my evening meal ( that is when I want to have my best/biggest meal of the day and I know that is the worst time). I am going to focus on lean meats and veggies for evening meal and watch the portions. What is the best way to figure out how many calories to take in?

    Sdereski - I am glad you made it home safe. What a week!!! Our weather has been really bad too. Thanks for the advice on strength training, I will mix it up and make 2 days a week about weights instead of cardio.

    Princessofred - I love that you said I am my own gym, I have never thought of if that way and you are right. I have everything I need; I just need to committ.:noway: :noway:

    I started a weight loss challenge on MFP with another group for the month of Feb and I feel really motivated. By the way I was back under 170 today, back down to 169.6....

    Thanks everyone for your support and giving it to me straight. I need that.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    TGIF Cool Kids! Well, another month has ended. I have had a good month overall. I started the month at 189.6 and am down to 185 this morning. I have lost .9 inches off my waist, 1.7inches off my hips and .8inches off my chest. WooHoo!

    Made it to the gym this morning and lifted and walked. I will be there tomorrow morning as well. Some grocery shopping and errands tomorrow and Super Bowl party on Sunday- probably won't count cals for that day.

    Have a great day all! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    WTG KellySue!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Ruby, awesome!!! You see!!!! Consistency is the key. We all have our weaknesses, I sure do, but we just have to try really hard those weak moments are fewer and move on... Try this calculator


    Now, make sure you are very honest with yourself. And sometimes those calculators tend to overestimate so I normally take down about 100 or so from the total. Do you wear a heart rate monitor when you workout or do you use the tracker in your machine? Those machines almost always overestimate the amount of calories you burn. It is best to use a HRM. Mine is a Polar.

    No Bikram this morning. :cry: :cry: I was stuck in traffic due to a bad accident on the highway...but I am planning on going to the afternoon class, crossing my fingers. I already cooked dinner and still meeting my daughter for lunch...so Plan B, here I come. Wish me luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    WTG Kellysue!!!! Awesome month.

    Alf - thanks for the calorie tool, I used it and it came back over 1600 calories but I think I would be safe at 1500 if they are good calories. I will also get a HRM I am not using anything like that now. I am going to look for some new running shoes this weekend to give me a boost.

    I hope your lunch with your daughter went good and you made the later class:drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I didn't make it to my class. :sad: :sad: :sad: I am hoping I can go tomorrow morning. I ended up fasting close to 20 hrs and wasn't even hungry. :tongue: I went to my daughter's workplace and got to talking with her boss and co-workers so we left the office close after 2pm. By the time we ate was close to 3pm!!! Then all hell broke lose....LOL nah, it wasn't that bad!!!! Don't even think I ate 1600 cals today, hope not!! Didn't feel like logging today.

    Ruby, awesome!! Give that a try and see how it goes...

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    KellySue! Those are awesome results!

    I did NOT hit my month-end goal of 145. Still at 145.8.


    Anyway, the photos are good and I'll take that. I'm walking with a friend, today.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, only .8, don't worry about that! Besides, you said pictures look good, that is what counts!!! WTG:drinker: :drinker:

    I made it to Bikram this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: It was soooo good!!!! I really challenged myself in the poses. It had been 2 weeks! The place was packed!!!! it is great to see people of all ages, shapes and fitness levels there! Oh and 16:8 today!!

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou: