40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Hey there cool kids!

    Some Super Bowl.... hmmmm lol

    any way....

    Kelly- Awesome!

    Beeps- Alf is right .8 is so close, you are a rockstar!

    Ruby- good for you- new shoes are a good reward

    Alf- so cool to see you like the fasting. I always feel so energized when I do one!

    Pulling an all nighter to catch up on laundry and stuff that has piled up! May play on the xbox or watch a movie along the way! I may even dust! lol

    Hope you all had a great weekend and an even better upcoming week!

    Keep rocking it! xoxo


    Oh, the pic is my best friend Tiina dancing with my baby (big baby) Conan. He is an Irish wolfhound. 5 yrs old 7 feet tall on his hind legs and about 3 1/2 ft on all 4's! I am 5' 2" and he can lick my chin just standing there! lol He is a big baby and a really good dog but loves the kids and my Hubby all equally! There is a pic in my profile of him and my hubby.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Super-Bowl was AWESOME for our household! (My husband and pals watched the game....I sat in another room with another t.v. and watched a couple chick-flicks and THEN Downton Abbey!)

    I also fasted all day, yesterday - ending with 855 calories (my husband made lasagna and chicken wings - yummy!).

    FINALLY, I can return to my "ordinary" schedule. That means I lift M/W/F. I'm doing 1/2 cardio-class this evening after work (daughter can only finish half....she's 11). And, I FINALLY get to go to my regularly-scheduled-Saturday-morning cardio step class. They have been MISSING me and, apparently, somebody actually STOOD IN MY SPOT last week! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks.

    Anyway, now that I am on "mexico-count-down", it's good to get my work-outs in. It will be good to keep my calories in check. And, I'm feeling TOTALLY excited that I'm out of WINTER MISERY WEATHER in 2 short weeks!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning cool kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: How was your weekend?? How about those Seahawks? Sorry for those who feel down. It is just a game. :laugh: and those players have a lot of money...so they are not suffering. LOL I am not a football fan, actually, not a sports fan in general but it was fun to watch a little. I liked Bruno Mars too!!

    I started a nutrition challenge with my facebook friends. There will be different challenges every week. This week: Eat 5-9 servings of veggies and fruits. Lots of people signed up and some have posted pics of their meals others are really quite...LOL If I can change just one person I am happy!!!

    No fasting today, woke up kinda hungry. I will be doing intermittently, no stresses.

    HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well, I did it. I went on my lunch break and signed up at a new gym. Tomorrow I will go and cancel my other membership. Now to get after my husband to be proactive and get all of his things together the night before so he will be ready to go with me in the mornings. It was nice though. I walked over there to sign up and it took me all of 7minutes!! Love it!

    Super Bowl party we went to last night was great. Lots of awesome food. I did not even try to log what I ate there. Just way too much! Back on target today though. We got home late so I slept in a bit and did aerobics at my house this morning. It's always a good work out!!

    Beeps~ Sweet vacation!! Sounds like fun!

    Alf- I'm not a huge sports fan either, but I do like a good game if I'm going to watch. While my hubby was excited about the outcome, the game itself was rather dull. Denver did not bring their "A" game for sure. We watch a lot more college sports at my house anyway and did enjoy the Syracuse/Duke Basketball game on Saturday- that was a GAME!

    Have a great day all!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    My poor Broncos!!! :sad:

    Had fun all weekend though, and took a mini break from logging food.

    Back at it this week. I have about seven pounds to goal weight and I'm hoping to hit it by my wedding anniversary in March.

    Lots of work still to do! Have a great evening!
  • RockingGranny
    RockingGranny Posts: 64 Member
    Hello from the West Coast!! I have been on MFP for a while, but I am new to the Boards.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    It's Tuesday! Can't say that I'm too excited. Jake was at the house this morning and I hate to leave to come to work when he is there. I just don't get to spend as much time with him as I would like to. :cry: :frown: Any how, I did my aerobics work out this morning and now I am at work. Not much else going on today.

    Tomorrow my hubby is planning on going to the gym for the first time in a long time. I usually take Wednesdays as a rest day and I am feeling like I could use one. I will have to think about this- do I take him in at my regular work time, or do I just plan to work out an extra day and go in earlier??? Hmmm, we'll see.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi cool Kids,

    Kelly Sue - Congratulations!!! Awesome month end results for sure!

    Beeps - you didn't reach your goal, but you are still doing so great! You are consistent and dedicated, and I know that many of us admire and are inspired by both you and Alf for your consistency. That .8 lbs will soon be gone, I'm sure.

    I went into the weekend doing really well with my workouts and diet, and had been losing a little bit of weight consistently throughout the week. Then.........Saturday dinner with the family set me right back! How can one meal mess up your entire week? :noway: But it did! So, Sunday, I was back at it. Am not where I was on Saturday morning, but almost. :grumble:

    The diet and exercise program the trainer has me on is a good one for me. The M/W/F strength training workouts are hard! I tell ya, I could almost cry at some points, but they are only 30 minutes long and I feel good after them. Beat, but good.

    The diet portion is also easy to follow - lots of protein spaced out throughout the day...so I am eating a little bit, often, which really seems to be working for me. Never hungry and always eating, but all healthy stuff. So, I'm happy. It will be easy to keep up when we go to Quebec as we are renting a condo, so will have our own kitchen facilities, even if it is just to prepare breakfast.

    My clinic hosted a Menopause Gala for women on Friday night which was a HUGE success! It was an upscale event, with a very inexpensive ticket price. All money raised went to our hospital foundation and all give aways and food were donated by different community partners. It is the buzz of the town, which is nice. :happy: It was a lot of work, but so worth it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    sdereski - I'm excited to see how all those small meals, when you aren't hungry, turn out for you....sounds like an interesting experiment and you sound very positive about it! I also like the "menopause gala" - I get to see ZERO of my gf's these days and I'm hopeful that, sometime in the future, we can get together and hang at stuff JUST LIKE THAT!

    KellySue - go for the "extra" work-out! I always look at those in a way that I don't HAVE to bang out the strongest weights and I don't HAVE to run my hardest....just kind of leisurely enjoying some time in the gym!


  • threshkreen
    threshkreen Posts: 79 Member
    Congratulations on your loss. Doesn't that sound odd!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    OMG, seems like forever since I posted last! Been very busy with life and work... the usual I guess.

    too much awesomeness in the thread to comment on any single thing so... 'Woot' to everyone! =)

    I believe I have come full swing with the 20/4 fasting protocol and am finding it such a relief to not have to worry about packing lunches and snacks for work anymore! I am limiting my workouts to 20-30 minutes and am finding that my energy levels have remained consistant. I have been easily eating my macro goals as well, with the focus on protein and healthy fats. Success!

    Have an awesome day everyone and keep up the *kitten* kicking!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Whatabroad, wow!!! I want to reach that kind of freedom!!!! :drinker: :drinker: I did 18 hrs today but I still had to pack a lot of food to eat at work before I went to teach a Zumba class. Then when I came home I ate some more. The same is going to happen tomorrow because I teach at 7pm and I have to stop eating by 6pm, if not I am way too full to teach. :noway: I am still not hitting the protein I want to eat!!! :grumble: I am going to have to incorporate some greek yogurt into my diet again. I was avoiding dairy. I also need to eat more servings of meat or find a high protein powder. Suggestions?

    Sdereski, great to hear from you!!! What is your trainer have you do that can have you in tears? :laugh: :noway:

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hey all! Snow day for me. It's icky here right now and my program is closed today. Needless to say, we didn't get to the gym this morning. Shoveling is in the line up of activity for the day though!

    Have a good day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Kellysue, shoveling is hard work in my book!!!! Take care!! :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Just checking in...

    got a 20 minute run in yesterday for my cardio workout and then headed to curling where I worked a bit more - sweeping. We won our game, so it's all good.

    Down a little bit more in weight again this morning...still not where I was on Saturday, but less than half a pound away.
    Did my workout this morning - it is not getting any easier!

    Heading to Quebec City tomorrow for the winter carnival and my BIL's 60th birthday. Lots of family going, so it should be a FUN weekend! My goal is to try and keep my diet in check and not drink too many of my calories.

    devastating fire in our town yesterday. Saw the smoke when I came out of visiting my friend at her office, yet had not noticed the smoke 20 minutes prior. A family owned apartment building was totally destroyed, leaving about 8 people homeless. This building is in an old section of town, and many of the folks that lived there were lower income. So sad, as these people don't have much to start with and now have lost what little they had. There are already things in place to collect monetary donations as well as household items and clothes. It's been such a cold winter, with so much snow, that it made fighting this fire even more of a challenge - fire hydrants frozen up, running out of water, etc. Awful! Those poor fire fighters are still at the sight.

    Thankfully, no one lost their life. As far as we know, one person has been hospitalized.

    So, make sure you dryer vents are clear, smoke detectors work, and NO SMOKING IN BED!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Good Morning

    This is my first post Have been reading thru this tread and this group is great.

    Currently doing the c25k running program on week 6 day 2 Signed up to run a 5k on
    April 19th Looking for something to bust me out of this plateau adding resistance training along with cardio hopefully will do it
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Today, I am fasting. Today, I am lifting. Send BODYFAT LOSS vibes my way, please!!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    The snow is kinda missing us so far this year! We will get some when we go farther north to work this weekend. We usually have at least one snow day by now! lol poor kids are missing playing in it. Locals seem to think we may get it late like April! Guess we will see!

    I tell ya, 250 days on here! Hormone therapy is really kicking in! Dr says it takes at least 6 months for everything to start changing your body. I have been on it since Aug of 2013. I can see and feel the difference in myself. Body is leaner, energy is finally picking up, hair and nails are strong and growing like crazy, my face has a glow that I don't recall ever having and recovery time from a hard workout is less and less! I think the biggest thing is that I really feel like doing stuff instead of forcing myself to do it! It's like that's done so what next! woo hoo!

    I am going to hit the strider today with HRM on and see how I do. That machine always kicks my booty! lol

    Take care out there in the snow friends!

    Have a great HUMP DAY! ; )
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Congrats on 250 days, princessofred!

  • Muzfox
    I'll be 41 early March. Just started getting serious about my weight loss and health building. Loving this site and the app, best thing for me.

    As an extra challenge I also went cold turkey after 22 years of smoking last week, and doing great there as well, didn't even thing about it in the last 2 days lol!

    My youngest kid turns 3 on Sunday, I want to be there long term for her, and for the rest of my family, but most of all, I'm doing this for me! I want to look good and feel great :)

    Looking for lots of friends to help me keep motivated, and to help motivate, share ideas, pains anything, friend me up :)