40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    fun isn't it?
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    YAY! People my age! :) I'm 43 and am in the process of being healthier than I have been in my life! Looking forward to getting to know folks here!
  • Sarovina
    Sarovina Posts: 10 Member
    Vitamix and Ninja Complete... I reviewed both and they were out of my price range. For making shakes, blending whole veggies, etc. I actually bought the Montel (Montel Williams' Blender) which is really powerful. It will puree all my veggies and makes a mean protein shake in a few seconds... and was only about $179. It does have a lifetime guarantee (worth the extra few dollars - I think it was $7!) as I cracked my first one. After a quick call to customer service a whole new machine came in less than a week later.

    I do have a Jack Lalane Juicer, but as much as I LoVe it... it doesn't incorporate the important fiber of the fruit or veggies into the drinks.

    I would be interested in hearing what others think too, but I love my Montel!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I have a Ninja Ultima and LOVE it! Use it several times a week! :) Throw all sorts of crazy stuff in there--cleaned out my freezer of old veggies the first couple of weeks I had it. :)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday cool kids! Welcome to the new people!

    Just finished up at the gym. Good work out, but I was feeling a bit weak today. Not sure what the deal is. I have an all day meeting tomorrow, so I won't make it to the gym for my scheduled Saturday workout, but may be that's not so bad. May be I need a bit more rest???

    Have a good one all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Today I get to go to the gym and that means LIFTING!

    Colour me excited!!

  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Good morning! Happy Friday :drinker:

    Poker night at my house tonight...looking forward to some fun with the family! Srping seems to be around the corner here...the pollen levels are rising so that means we'll get leaves back on the trees soon AND my allergies will return with them.... LOVELY

    Holy crapola Beeps! and here I was freeking about the $3k I have to pay... our orthodontist does free consultations with x-ray included. Have fun lifting today!!

    Kelly - That small break may give you a boost for your next workout

    Alf - That'll be such a fun treat for you AND your granddaughter - I love watching my little girls faces when they watch those shows. Too cute!

    Welcome to our newest cool kids!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Happy Friday,

    I demand that the sick bug leave everyone in this group. I know we are all close and everthing but COME ON!!! LOL
    So much going on in the thread I am having a hard time keeping up. Still crazy at work and I just want to scream because I don't have time to think.

    I will do my measurements this weekend for the 1st time in 30 days since weight program... wish me luck.

    Kellysue - that is so cute with Jake learning the word know and giving you the hand too! I can just picture it. You are an awesome Grandma, I hope I am blessed with grandkids some day.

    Beeps - Holy S@*# on the braces! That is wierd they charge you for the consult in Canada, here that is free.... pros and cons everywhere I guess.

    Nice2Bfit - good luck on your poker game tonight, do you play for money $$$? Kick Butt!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Another friggin' snow storm. :sad: :grumble: :sad:
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Ruby - Good luck with your measurements...I'm betting that you have made progress! :flowerforyou:
    :smokin: Yes, we play for money, usually quarter/nickel/dime..pots do get up to like $10-$15 sometimes :bigsmile:

    O for goodness sake ENOUGH with the snow already - I'm sure we are all equally sick of it!.

    Have a great weekend all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    The consult for orthodontics was totally free here!!

    What costs are: the diagnostics (ie the mouth molds) - $495 for my daughters and $520 for my sons (different orthodontists....)

    And, the cost of the hardware and the services themselves....son's teeth actually don't need the braces - it's a costmetic fix, for the most part ($7,000 - approx. 15 months of treatment) and daughter's teeth are a hot mess ($9,000 - approx. 24 months of treatment).

    We have been back-and-forth whether or not to do sons....and, with the help of our perfectionist son, we have decided to go ahead, give him the best start in life he can have (our goal for all our children!), and he and his sister will be in braces at the same time which will make it easier on the cook!

    I am over the sticker-shock....we were prepared for this day and, even though it is MORE expensive than anticipated (I thought it might be $6k each....), I do have $2k in benefits, for each kid, and with a 20-month payment plan, it'll be about $600/mth. Totally doable!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hey cool kids!!! What a busy day and it is not over!!! I have been all over the place. My day started with a Bikram session, my first one after my injury. I was very cautious. The only pose I couldn't do was the one we get on our toes. It was great to be back. I went to the PT paid for my insurance. What a waste of time. No use of any fancy equipment. She just did a little testing of my range of motion everywhere, asked some questions and gave me stretching exercises. :grumble: :noway: I only scheduled once with them next week. I will do the stretches at home of course. Might return to my daughter's boss office for some good treatment with fancy equipment. :wink:

    Nice2befit, have fun playing poker. I have never played poker.

    Ruby, cant wait to hear about your results!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Sdereski, so sorry about the snow! It has been really nice here lately. Sorry...:noway:

    Beeps, you really need that lifting session after those quotes. Yikes!!!

    Regarding the blenders, I bit the bullet and ordered a Vitamix!!!! I haven't received it yet. I was getting frustrated with my blenders. My nutribullet doesn't measure up to some of the things I want to do. I burned my older blender just mixing some young coconut with coconut water to make yogurt. Smoke started coming out like crazy...RIP...I don't have a food processor and the Vitamix does that as well. I am excited!!!

    Have a great weekend!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • blucas123
    blucas123 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 40 plus with 3 kids ..would love support from the Cool Kids :)
  • mumofbugpickle
    mumofbugpickle Posts: 20 Member
    Does anyone have any favorite recipes for their Vitamix? My aunt gave me the one she bought from 1971!!! I really can't stand eating breakfast and I thought protein shakes or smoothies would be something I could stomach first thing in the morning.

    I am still trying to figure who is who. I wanted to read over the site last week but we ended up losing our 5 year old cat. She had a recently discovered heart condition and passed away on April 1st. I am a huge animal lover and I am having a hard time with her passing away. My daughters are handling it as best as can be expected.

    Have a cool week 40 somethings. We are heading out to the park since the temperature is finally above freezing. It is April, correct?
  • kmhotzhedges
    kmhotzhedges Posts: 4 Member
    47 reporting in! I'm so glad to have found this forum.

    A bit about me: in 2009 I lost 45 pounds and kept it off. I joined one of those pay monthly forums and loved the support and friendships. After a time I couldn't justify the expenditure though.

    8 weeks ago I had some tumors removed from my uterus and just got permission to begin exercising again. I gained 13 pounds right before and since the surgery. I lost 4 of them simply by walking and taking care to keep in my calorie budget.

    I have a thumb/wrist issue and 1 bad knee. And lupus-- so I really have to watch that I don't overdo it on intensity levels.

    Tomorrow is Day 1 to get rid of these last 9 pounds.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!!! Almost ready to go to bed but wanted to check in with all of you! I just finished making another batch of my fabulous coconut yogurt!! Mmm I swear, I am addicted to it!!! It can be quite time consuming but I enjoy making it. I have been a cooking fool lately. I also have about 5 jars of kimchi that I made a couple of weeks ago. It turned out delicious!!!! I can eat it all day, with my eggs in the morning, in my lunch salad and my dinner. I am also brewing some kombucha (fermented tea). I flavored some bottles for the first time. I will see how it turns out.

    kmhotz, welcome!!! :drinker: I am glad you are feeling better and ready to knock those 9 lbs out of you!!!! You can do it!!!

    mumofbug, sorry about the loss of your cat. I am also an animal lover and I know exactly how you feel. Have you ever heard of the site Rainbow bridge? It is a pet loss grieving site. It helped me when I lost two of my dearest pets. Sometimes we just need to surround ourselves with animal lovers who understand our feelings of loss for a pet. I have three dogs now. For a smoothie just get creative and use veggies and fruits that you like, play with different combinations until you find one that you like. You can also add other things such as whey protein powder, chia seeds, ground flax seeds, almond butter, peanut butter, sunflower seeds butter, coconut water, almond milk, etc. The possibilities are endless. If you need to increase your veggie consumption use that opportunity to make more of a veggie smoothie rather than a fruit smoothie. I see so many people making smoothies with just fruit. I can eat fruit anytime of the day but veggies, no. So when I make my smoothies I add mostly veggies (kale, carrot, cucumber, celery, ginger, etc) and one fruit to sweeten it out such as an apple, banana, pear, mango or pineapple. Also if you use a flavored whey protein that really helps to give it a nice flavor. I normally use a cookies and cream or a vanilla crème flavor. Also adding almond butter makes it very tasty. There are tons of suggestions in the internet and in youtube.

    Good night everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aprildaguilar
    aprildaguilar Posts: 1,926 Member
    Greetings All,

    Just turned 40 on 2 16. My goal is to shed 40 in this year, although I have gained 50 in the last 7. I am married to a Chef. I am in the LB CA Traffic circle area if anyone wants to get together for workouts and support. I work overnights 7p to 730a. Love the late night early morning thing.

    I am finding my sugar addiction the most difficult thing to manage. Any suggestions on that I would sincerely appreciate!!!

    I am really glad I found this forum. I have already read some great ideas and encouraging stories.

    Thanks a lot.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids! I have decided to switch and not calculate my exercise calories into my daily calorie total. I am bouncing around too much. (up a half lb, down a half lb,etc.) I think I may be eating too many of my exercise calories back, but when I see them up there then I feel that it is ok to eat that much. We'll see what happens over the next couple of months. I had a good work out today. It was circuit day. Always puts me through the wringer!

    Momofbug- sorry about the loss of your cat. Last year was a tough year for us in terms of pets. We had to put my 15yr old dog to sleep in July and then her best buddy, our cat, went down hill after she died and ended up dying in October- she was 13. It's never easy, but I have tons of pics and try to remember all of the happy things. We are contemplating getting a puppy, but haven't fully decided yet or found the right opportunity.

    Welcome to the new people!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I ate too much this weekend....after a really decent eating week. That sucks.

    So, I've removed ALL junk food from the house! In part because kids are going into braces and I don't want them to be tempted. And, in part because, without junk food, even my weekends usually end up with better eating habits!

    I won't get to lift, today, because I am at orthodontist with son while he gets his braces on. BUT, I will come back to the office and do my ugifit.com work-out!! Somehow, I have FORGOTTEN about my ugifit stuff that i keep at my office!

    But, I'm remembering it now....so, anyday that I cannot get my lifting in, I'm gonna do a 30-minute UGIFIT workout right in my office!


    Also, I am going to do some cardio after work.....I just need to FEEL like I am moving a bit more. Plus, I really have to make up for the bad eating I did on the weekend.

    Have a great day 40+ers!!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Good Morning Cook Kids,
    Momof bug - so sorry to hear of your cat passing away. I lost my daschuand who was 13, 2 years ago and it was horrible. Still feel the void. I found the rainbow bridge Alf mentioned and it really helped me too.

    Kellysue - I like your suggestion on not logging exercise... I am bouncing around too much too and I think when I see that higher number I am getting too comfortable going over my daily goals. I have been bouncing around for about 3 weeks.:noway: It is starting to tear me down on my spirits.

    Alf - did you get your Vitamix yet? I am excited to hear how it works. I started the 2nd phase -Push Phase on Chalene Extreme this morning, it was way different. Not so sure I liked it as much as the Burn phase but it was only the 1st work out. I liked that the Burn worked both upper and lower at same time. I took my measurements this weeked & they looked good. I lost 1/2 inch in some areas and up to 1 inch in other. My body fat was down almost 1% but my weight is a little up from a few weeks ago.:mad: