40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    hey Kids!!!

    holy, it seems like forever since I dropped in... everyone seems to be trucking along quite nicely, WELL DONE!!

    Alf - holy hawtness girl!! you are leaning out! excellent challenge results coming along there!

    Beeps - I loved that article... it's so true, there are many lessons we can learn from our dogs. I honestly don't know what kind of basketcase I would be if I didn't have mine.

    KellySue - OUCH! charlie horse bit you hard. thankfully you didn't take a tumble on the treadmill though! YAY for bike shopping too. Can't wait to get mine out. I am going to start biking to work a couple times a week.

    I have been crazy busy with work and settling into my new place... housewarming party next weekend!! This weekend, I am getting my basement together to set up my bench and squat rack again. I miss loading up and banging out some heavy reps. =) I know I am going to have to deload from where I left off but that's ok, it won't take me long to get back. I have been diligent in my fasting and making sure I am increasing my carbs. This really has helped with adherence and energy levels. I am on the home stretch of my 100lb loss goal!!

    Keep kicking *kitten* my friends!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Beeps - thanks for the article, so true and great tips for us humans!

    Kelly Sue - Ouch on your leg, I hope it is better by tomorrow. Great job for finishing the rest of your workout and powering through it.

    Whatabroad - Nice to hear from you again. That is awesome you are moving into your new place and have room to set up your bench. That will be a great day when you can get back into your lifting routine in your new digs. Awesome pic by the way your abs look incredible!

    kmhotzhedge - great job for starting your new routine, we all have to start somewhere! Try not to rush into all your changes at once it can become overwhelming and hard to stay with it. I would focus on working out and try to work into the food also but take some time to make small changes.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good Monday morning all! I'm an old timer in this group but have not been very active in it for awhile. Hope that by coming here I'll keep myself accountable!

    Took a boot camp class on Saturday and the instructor is a fitness professor at MIT :noway:

    Anywho....she also is a body builder and she was saying that walking is an excellent fat burner. She said, 5-10 miles a week gives you a good body, 10-15 miles a week will give you a great body and and 15-20 miles a week will give you a "delicious" body. Ha ha.

    Which is interesting. So I'm gonna try to up my mileage gradually and see if it helps me to shed some of the fat I have added on over the winter.

    I'm still gonna lift weights and other exercises, just gonna add the mileage in.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    cardigirl, good luck with your new goals!

    WhataBroad - housewarming party sounds like fun!

    Today, I lift!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Good morning all!

    WhataBroad - good to hear your settling in well; bet you'll be feeling great once you get that workout zone put together! Good luck!

    Hi cardigirl - welcome back! so only 15-20 mile s a week for a delicious bod huh? Sounds like a plan! LOL

    KellySue - hope you got that charlie horse worked out. Did you get the bikes?

    So excited to say I reached my first goal since joining MFP - 11# down! This was to get to my original goal weight. I think I'd like to do 5# more, so I can get padding around a maintenance number.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Nice2Bfit - CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING TO YOUR GOAL WEIGHT:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That is awesome news! You have motivated me today.

    Cardigirl - I like the sounds of a delicious body... I will have to bump up the miles. It seems like since i started my lifting program my cardio has taken a backseat.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day. I woke up to snow on the ground and cold temps, YUCK. I was really enjoying the warmer weather last week and started to feel like everyone was coming out of hibernation. I guess that means back to the treadmill at lunch today. I feel like I am really slipping on my eating lately, I don't know why I am struggling so bad right now with it. I have been going up and down the same 3 lbs the last few weeks. The weekends are killing me:explode: :explode: I like to celebrate too much I guess! :blushing: How do you all stay so strong 7 days a week?
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Nice- Congrats on your goal weight

    WhatA Broad= have fun at house warming

    cardi- sounds like you have a fantastic plan

    ruby- sorry to here you have more snow-- we have had enough of the white stuff I struggle with the weekends too. What has been helping me is pre making my meals and snacks and then logging them in at the beginning of the day. We have had a lot of parties lately so I have been doing that and eating before I go.. that way I can indulge and that helps me stay on track

    I started TRX class this week and will be doing it every Monday for the next 7 weeks. Needed to incorporate more strength training in my routine now I will do TRX on Mondays then weights on Wed or Friday. would like to build up to 3 x week but 2 is a start for now. Have a 5k this Saturday!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic start to their week!!!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Oh Dear! Where has the day gone! I am usually on here first thing in the morning, but not today! I had IT here first thing to fix some scanner issues and then meetings and covering for a staff person who was out today!! Busy for sure!

    I made it to the gym on Saturday, but did not do my regular cardio work out. I went swimming instead. Still a good work out. We did go bike shopping and bought bikes. Yeah! It was too late to ride by the time we got home on Saturday and I had to get groceries after church on Sunday so needless to say, I haven't had the opportunity to ride my new bike yet, but I will!!

    It was not a good weekend food wise. Major munch-o-matic here, so I could have really used the bike ride. Back on track today.

    I made it through my running workout today with little difficulty. I was glad about that.

    Hope everyone had a good day.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    I've only been able to make it to the gym once over the weekend (I usually go Fri, Sat, and Sun), but Friday I got a pedi where they dug out an ingrown toenail for me and my toe is so sore!
    My job requires me to be in closed toe shoes and I work 10 hour shifts, so I thought I shouldn't aggravate it anymore than need be (even though I think that sounds so lame to skip because my toe hurts, but it really does! LOL)

    I hope everyone is doing well, here's to a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Give me a SURE-FIRE way to get in even 30 minutes of walking after work/evenings?!?!?!?

    Literally, I am just the walking dead heading home, can barely put supper in my mouth, and then am either off to kidlet events or monitoring homework, or whatever.

    I am sleeping well - going to bed by 10 pm and up at 6 am, so it really isn't "lack of sleep" that is happening.

    I just have NO mojo to go and walk....and, I really feel like adding in some walking while spring/summer arrives is a GOOD THING.

    I can't get my brain to cooperate with my GOOD THING, nevermind my body.

  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Had my first TRX class yesterday. What a workout Want to get a run in outside but its raining. think I might run at the indoor track later. Have a 5k coming up on Saturday so I want to get a run or 2 in before then.

    Beeps I get cranky when I cant fit in a good walk or have no motivation to do so. Do you have a park or walking trail you like. That seems to help me when I need to get myself going

    Hope everyone has a good day!!!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Beeps - The first step out the door is the hardest. What's the routine when you get home? Can you walk before dinner, maybe bring the family along? Can you walk at the kidlet events, I see moms walking around the baseball/soccer fields at practices/games.

    I don't get home until after 6pm so I have to feed my family and get the homework/showers done before 8pm when they go to bed. I used to try to go to the gym as soon as they were in bed but I was so flippin tired that I skipped more than not. Needless to say, I HAVE to go before work at 5:15am or it isn't happening.

    kjgarcia - that sounds miserable! Hope that toe is healed soon!!

    Kellysue - glad you made it!

    I've been on a lower calorie eating plan for 12 weeks now, so this week is going to be a reefed week where I eat closer to maintenance so that I don't have to keep lowering my calories to keep seeing progress. We'll see if it works.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    I haven't had a chance to get caught up reading - sorry about that.

    I did someone reached their goal weight - huge congrats Nice2befit!!!

    I also read that Beeps want to get out and walk more. Well, have I got an offer for you Beeps.

    the reason I have been MIA is that I am organizing a community wide walking challenge. this baby has grown into a monster!
    We are using a website www.10000steps.org.au and have teams of 12. We are taking a virtual walk around Lake Superior. The challenge is 7 weeks. What you need to do? Create your profile in that site, get yourself a pedometer and start logging steps and exercise. :happy: If you want to join a team Beeps, you can as it is all virtual. I have a team looking for a couple more members. Coincidently, it is called "Just Do it!" :laugh:

    Our goal was to have 25 teams of 12 (300 people), which is roughly 10% of our population. We are now at 34 teams, so it is a huge success thus far! :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    faytwain - my outdoor walking always has to be in an urban area - I'm allergic to everything in nature....I certainly have "urban" right at my doorstep, lol!!

    Nice2BFit - yep, I remember walking circles around baseball fields and football fields with various practices....we aren't able to do "outdoor" stuff, just yet, because it is still cold and icy - but soon enough!

    sdereski - maybe a "steps challenge" will help...I will look into it, for sure!

    These are GREAT ideas!!! You 40+ers never cease to amaze me! All food for thought and I am grateful that you took the time to respond to my query.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    I don't get home until after 6pm so I have to feed my family and get the homework/showers done before 8pm when they go to bed. I used to try to go to the gym as soon as they were in bed but I was so flippin tired that I skipped more than not. Needless to say, I HAVE to go before work at 5:15am or it isn't happening.

    Nice- this is me for sure. I don't have kids living at home anymore, but we don't eat until after 7pm and then cleaning up and doing a bit of house makes it just about impossible for me to work out later. It's mornings or bust for me!

    Beeps- glad you got some great ideas. I don't have anything new for you. Hopefully the weather will improve soon for you there too. I was hopeful that ours was getting better here, but it's snowing today. Ugh!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Beeps - I know how you feel, when I am done for the day I am exhausted also, the colder climate we live in does not help either. Now that the weather is a little better it is helping but it is still cold. I live in the country so sometimes I will just try to start with a small walk to the end of road and then once I get going I will go further. My dog helps me because she loves it when we walk. It is a challenge though.... what about at lunch time, could you fit in a 30 minute walk then instead of after work, I know you lift also but I am not sure what time of day you do that.? I think once the weather gets better it WILL get easier for all of us.

    Sdereski - I will check out your website, what an awesome challenge! Love it:smile:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Hump Day!! Had a training to attend and the location was down the street from my office so I walked there and back, of course. A bit chilly and some of the sidewalks were a bit icy but not a bad walk overall.
    I think I am leaving a bit early Friday and am on the hunt for some new sneakers for outside- or I'll use them for inside and take my current gym sneakers and use them outside. Either way, I am getting new sneakers!!! My current outdoor sneakers are hard and have no give to them and hurt my feet if I walk long distances.

    It has been a quiet week at my house since there is no school this week. My daughter took Jacob to see family in Buffalo. She will be back on Friday and I will see him at some point over the weekend, hopefully.

    Have a good day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Beeps - I know how you feel, when I am done for the day I am exhausted also, the colder climate we live in does not help either. Now that the weather is a little better it is helping but it is still cold. I live in the country so sometimes I will just try to start with a small walk to the end of road and then once I get going I will go further. My dog helps me because she loves it when we walk. It is a challenge though.... what about at lunch time, could you fit in a 30 minute walk then instead of after work, I know you lift also but I am not sure what time of day you do that.? I think once the weather gets better it WILL get easier for all of us.

    I do my weight-lifting at lunch (M/W/F) and then I have to work-through my Tues/Th lunches (to make sure I am not shorting the company any "work-time" when I go off to lift!)...so, lunches are OUT for cardio!

    You are likely right that as the weather warms and the sun shines, I may feel the motivation coming on....I am desperately trying NOT to worry about the 'creeping scale'....life is TOO short to worry about 5 lbs, but, on the other hand, if those 5 lbs turn into 10-, 15- ....NO, just NO.

    Calorie-deficit now makes THE most sense. Partly because I KNOW I can succeed with calorie-deficit....I seem to NOT succeed with increasing exercise.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hope u all had a great day! I am whooped after a long day. I had a personal challenge this week to get in some extra cardio every day but I failed today. Too swamped at work & got home after 6 UGH:sad:

    Kellysue - good job for taking the opportunity to walk to your meeting! Thats what it is about, healthy lifestyle!! Have fun shopping for sneakers that is always fun!

    Beeps - you accomplish alot with your current workout schedule! Give yourself some props for how motivated you already are & for pushing yourself hard when you lift. You got this!!!:smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    ruby70 - thanks for your support!

    It is WHY I love the 40+ ers....always GREAT support on this thread!!

    Dumb or not, I joined ANOTHER challenge....it is a 14 week challenge - my goal is to lose 6 lbs. This is doable!