40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps, you ARE hilarious!!!! I agree with Kellysue, kill her with kindness. Hey, I see a great friendship in the near future!!! LOL

    Sorry I've been a little MIA lately...busy busy...more tomorrow, gotta go to bed. :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Morning!! It's pretty dreary here today- pouring rain. BOO! Not a whole lot going on in my neck of the woods. No work out today as usual- it's too long of a day already. Tomorrow Jake will be at the house again, but it's supposed to be sunny so I am planning a walk on my lunch break.

    Make it a good one all! :bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Supposed to get 70 mm of rain today!! So, yep, it is a wet one.

    Have to postpone my lifting, today.....because I am going to take my lunch hour to go see my grade 7 son's band perform (he plays trumpet in his school band!).

    That means I'll lift tomorrow and Friday - 2 days in a row! Yikes!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Haven't been around since last Friday, sounds like everyone is doing well - I don't hear any sickness grumbles anymore! YEAH!!

    Easter was great hope you enjoyed yours too. Monday was a holiday for us in Boston - and marathon day. My office is right at the finish line and so it is extremely difficult to get in/out of our building that day so I get the day off :) Went for a run myself and did my best time at a 5k of 33 minutes :)

    Dreary here too :frown: Making me feel sluggish...or that could be that I stayed up to watch a movie with DH and then woke up at 5:15a to get to the gym... hmm LOL Great workout, legs today and boy were they jellied when I got done. I have to walk down 2 flights of stairs to exit the gym and I was lucky I didn't slide down them ;-)

    Beeps - definitely seeing a lifting partner in the make... Would be good to have a spotter sometimes, yes?

    KellySue - enjoy your baby time :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    lol, Nice2BFit2014, no lifting partner for me! However, it will always feel better to be around people I know and like, then a group of strangers!

    Congrats on your 5km time....that is GREAT!

    I am glad the marathon turned out well!
  • srmchan
    srmchan Posts: 206 Member
    40 something newbie here. Was successful with Atkins 10 years ago but fell off the horse during a stressful year. Started back on a low-carb(ish) diet 10 days ago. I'm logging everything like I did 10 years ago, and I'm working on developing healthier eating habits and a structured exercise program this time around. I recently started cycling for cardio until I can put together a better exercise plan. I posted an introduction here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1260940-new-to-mfp

    Friend requests, guidance, encouragement, accountability or whatever else is greatly appreciated. :)

  • MyChangeIsComing
    MyChangeIsComing Posts: 11 Member
    New to this site and board.. I just wanted to say that you all are such an inspiration to me! I can not believe the success you all have had and I look forward to having that also.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!!

    ... let's see if their "Posts" ever gets about "8"....
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Man, it has been a while since I've been here! Quickly read through the posts. My life has been so damn busy these days...I haven't lifted in 3 weeks! :sad:
    I know I feel better and stronger when I do, just need to get my rear in gear again and start doing it!

    Work has been knocking the crap outta me....it is one thing after another. I totally vegged on Good Friday. Didn't even get dressed that day. Other than colouring eggs with my granddaughter, didn't do too much else. Was feeling much more energized for the rest of the weekend, but did have a houseful of company and did my long run on Monday. First 32k of the training schedule done. Now am sporting my battle scars as a result.

    Nice - congrats on the 5k! Awesome.

    Beeps - I agree, kill 'em with kindness (that is my motto). I too appreciate someone with good form when exercising - whether it be lifting, dancing, etc. They can usually make it look graceful and effortless.

    Well, had better get back at 'er, The pile on my desk is not getting any smaller.

    Have a great day all. :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hey All! It has been a busy Thursday. Got to hang with my boy this morning. He was full of spirit this morning! No sleeping today! I had meetings all morning- started at 8:30 and finished at 12:15. I have one more this afternoon, but wanted to stop in and say hello. I did manage a walk on my lunch break- it's nice and sunny today so it was definitely nice to get out! Back at the gym tomorrow.

    Have a good one!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    sdereski - I had been missing you around here! Glad to read you are simply "busy" and not "deceased".


    KellySue - nice for the walk! It is cloudy as all heck here....

    well, i went to lift this morning....different day of the week than my "normal" (i.e. it is thursday and I'm a M/W/F lifting girl) and different time of day, too (i.e. I usually lift at lunch and this was before lunch). The gym was FILLED with women! We outnumbered the guys 2- to 1- on the lifting side.


    Mind you, koo-koo mat girl was there .... and this time, nope she didn't steal my mat, but she did ask if she could borrow my 25 lb DB's for "one set", I said, "of course" and she then proceeded to take like 5 minutes to do her thing....so I walked back over to the rack to grab some more 25 lb DB's for myself. Ugh - she's a weirdo! Totally buff/ripped body, but she really is clueless!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps - am enjoying the mat girl saga. :laugh:

    yes, very busy, not dead. :tongue:

    This community wide walking challenge has over taken my life! Love that people are getting right into it, but I have questions, requests daily! :ohwell: Better that than no interest at all.

    Kelly Sue - nothing better than hanging out with the grand kids. My granddaughter is 2 1/2. She saw the movie Frozen and is now in the princess mode. SO adorable!!!! Whenever I see her I have to ask who she is today. :laugh: I never know if I am talking to "princess Esme (her name); princess Elsa or Anna. If I call her by the wrong princess name, she is sure to let me know. :love:
    She wants to wear dresses that "cover her feet". I bought her a little tiara and then she asked me where the magic was. Totally clueless as to what she was referring to until I watched a part of the movie. I bought her a little soap bubble maker. Luckily it shoots out dozens of bubbles at once. Well guess what? That was the magic!!!! She kept saying "this is amazing! this is amazing" as she danced around the bubbles. :love:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It's been awhile since I been here. I hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Beeps I missed ya.....

    I am still trying to get the running down to a science. My trainer is still killing me each week (lol) and yes I pay to be tortured. I did boxing/bosu training last night and I will only walk a mile or so today, as I am a bit sore.

    Until next time.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Hello to the new cool kids! (still @ 8)

    The leg workout yesterday was a success!...I can barely sit down today LOL
    Decided to do a 30 challenge I found online today - starting May 1st I will do this 30 Days of Change workout, just for something different: http://neilarey.com/programs/30-days-of-change.html - it just a bunch of HIIT and bodyweight moves. Getting bored at the gym so going to take a break from it. If anyone is interested in doing it with me let me know :)

    Beeps you too nice....I would have pointed out the spare set across the room LOL

    sdereski - you granddaughter sounds absolutely adorable!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    sdereski - your granddaughter sounds AMAZING!! I LOVE the story of the "magic" and the "bubbles"........TOO CUTE!!

    caramel - you're getting your work-outs in - that is AWESOME! BOOM!

    Nice2BFit - I can barely sit down - IT band issue....

    I promise that I really was trying to be nice to koo-koo mat girl...when she said, "can I borrow your 25 DB's for ONE SET?!?" I really did answer "OF COURSE!" with great enthusiasm...I meant it! who knew that "ONE SET" meant she'd march back to her area, re-set her bench height, etc. move her towel, and then actually do her move. Gawd. There really are 3 sets of 25's and yes, when I went to pick up another set, only one set was left, but sheesh....
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- Love hearing about "koo-koo mat girl"! Too funny- maybe she will be back at school soon.

    Sdereski- Love the princess stories! My grandson in 16months and doesn't sit for a whole movie, but loves :heart: :heart: Mickey Mouse and Spongebob! He can be anywhere in the house and as soon as he hears the music from either he is right in front of the tv smiling and pointing at the characters! He loves bubbles too! He has one of those bubble machines and then we bought him more bubble stuff for Easter- it was even better to him than his little atv or "vroom-vroom" as he calls it! So much fun!

    Happy Friday! Today was a lifting day for me. I added additional sets to several of my leg lifts and my legs felt like jello! Wobble! Wobble! I also do sit ups and planks after just about every workout and was pleasantly surprised to find that I could do complete sit ups for all sets today and was able to hold a plank for a minute and a half. This girl is getting stronger!!:bigsmile:
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    KellySue!! Exciting to see all your efforts are working - great job!

    Happy Friday to all! Hope you have a fantastic weekend. Supposed to be soggy here just what you want when running a 5k...not!

    Got to the gym today for back and bi's felt good. Big drama today at the gym, we have a workout couple (not married or dating, they are both married to others) I call them gym Barbie and Ken :) and they broke up today...in front of everyone...so awkward. They have been working out together for a couple of years, always at the gym at 4:30am faithfully and they have these choreographed workout routines and they are loud because they talk to each other with their headphones on. so annoying.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member

    Happy Friday! Today was a lifting day for me. I added additional sets to several of my leg lifts and my legs felt like jello! Wobble! Wobble! I also do sit ups and planks after just about every workout and was pleasantly surprised to find that I could do complete sit ups for all sets today and was able to hold a plank for a minute and a half. This girl is getting stronger!!:bigsmile:

    I *loved* reading this today!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member

    Got to the gym today for back and bi's felt good. Big drama today at the gym, we have a workout couple (not married or dating, they are both married to others) I call them gym Barbie and Ken :) and they broke up today...in front of everyone...so awkward. They have been working out together for a couple of years, always at the gym at 4:30am faithfully and they have these choreographed workout routines and they are loud because they talk to each other with their headphones on. so annoying.


    However, you have NOT supplied sufficient information!!

    Please continue to report on this "drama"....because it seems like a good distraction for me, lol!!

    How come they "broke-up"? They have been consistent for soooooooooooo long!

    Wow! I sometimes really wish I had a work-out partner....then I read something like this and think, "Nope-y....no can do!"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I JOINED THE latest LEIGH PEELE CHALLENGE (as a shadower....let me be clear!)!

    It is a "do what you say you will" challenge - for 8 weeks.

    I have my 4 things that I will "do what I say I will do". My husband is going to join the challenge, too! (As a shadower....I'm pretty interested to see what he will *pick* as the areas he would like to work on!) I think his support will be very helpful....and, he isn't a critical guy (when it comes to me, anyway....) and I advised him, up front, that "accountability works for me - criticism does NOT" and he'll follow those RULES, lol!

    In detail, these are the things I am saying I will achieve in the next eight weeks?

    • I will not eat anything after my supper-time. (This is the HARD one!)
    • I will brush my teeth as often as I can; for sure after every meal and hopefully after every snack.
    • I will weight-train 3 x per week. (This is the EASY one!)
    • I will do 120 minutes of cardio each week.

    I ask each and every one of you, for your support and your accountability, as I move into July/August as MY BEST SELF!