40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Misslubey
    Misslubey Posts: 4 Member
    I have been very lucky up until now , just need to motivate myself from the sofa and cut out the treats ,I suppose I thought I would feel a lot healthier and more motivated not smoking but if anything I feel lethargic . Want to complete the 30 day shred ,bought a bike to enjoy on a nice day and am going to replace my cross trainer that my son broke .All good in theory but can't seem to get started !
  • Misslubey
    Misslubey Posts: 4 Member
    Ps .you look great by the way
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,034 Member
    Started out this morning with a 60 minute session with my trainer. Then, spent my day cooking and prepping for the week. I am so much more successful when I plan ahead!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Misslubey wrote: »
    I have been very lucky up until now , just need to motivate myself from the sofa and cut out the treats ,I suppose I thought I would feel a lot healthier and more motivated not smoking but if anything I feel lethargic . Want to complete the 30 day shred ,bought a bike to enjoy on a nice day and am going to replace my cross trainer that my son broke .All good in theory but can't seem to get started !

    Thanks! I'm doing 30DS as part of a challenge. Simply, JUST DO IT! You will feel better after you do. :D
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Started out this morning with a 60 minute session with my trainer. Then, spent my day cooking and prepping for the week. I am so much more successful when I plan ahead!

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    All my cardio today was putting trees in the ground. I had a little over five hours of it.

  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Hey y'all. Spent 10 hrs in the ER today with my oldest. Likely to be a high-stress week ahead. So so glad I prepped a week's worth of meals again. Here's hoping we can eat them together as a family. We appreciate prayers and positive energy.

    Welcome, more new Cool Kids!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday kids, hope all of you are well.

    We had a terrible storm on Saturday and the downpour was so hard, cars were spinning out and stranded on the main roads. I have had enough of this snow to last me a lifetime. I shoveled for about 2 hours yesterday and that was equivalent to a good gym workout. I have Extreme fit today and I am looking forward to it. Trying to eat 120grams of protein a day has been interesting to say the least. I have the body composition testing saying I should eat that, I showed my paperwork to my trainer and other extreme fit teacher and they both feel that is a lot of protein to consume each day. I would love any of your takes on it.

    I am unable to give individualized attention at the moment. Will write again later.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Good morning all! I am mentally prepping myself for the temptations ahead of me this week. Looks like we will have some chilly weather (but not nearly as cold as you kids up North!) for the cook off. I am hoping to stay near my calorie goals for the day, but I will attempt to log most if not all of it. I hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well today was another bone chiller -20C. I find it tiring to walk to work in that. I did however get my butt out of bed at 5:30 and go to my kettlebell workout. Kind of impressed with myself since my shoulders/chest are still sore from the Saturday craziness of burpees, squat jumps and abs.

    Alishaspringle, I hope everything is ok for you and your family.

    Caramelgyrik, hope the weather eases up for you guys!

    Crosbylee, good luck with the tempation avoidance! I suck at that part.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Alisha - my prayers are with you, stay strong:) Great job on prepping ahead.

    3furballs - you are amazing. I love your determination and hearing about your workouts. Great job getting up at 5:30 to workout!! I have not tried Kettlebells, is that a totally different workout than dumbbells?

    Caramel - Glad to hear you made it through another storm. As for the protein that is tough question. I am a meat eater so do not have a problem with my protein. I know that can be much harder as a Vegan, but I know you will figure it out. Great job for making it to your classes even with the bad weather.

    Larro - nice trees

    Crosbylee - good luck at your cookoff

    Alf - nice picture of your beautiful meal you prepared. Yummy.

    Beeps - Hello, how was your weekend???

    I hope I did not miss anyone.... I am going to make myself do cardio today. These winter days are really getting long and hard to have any motivation. I so wish I could get outside and get extra exercise in. -25 F below this morning real temp. It is supposed to warm up a little bit today. I think we may be colder than Canada right now??? I know you Canadians feel my pain. :'(
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Ruby70 you are colder than we are here in southwestern Ontario. I think the kettlebell workout has a cardio component that dumbells wouldn't. I think there is more flexibility to the workout too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,969 Member
    My weekend was awful....sick with a head cold and had a house-full of company (which really means we function like a hotel and a restaurant - who the F wants that?!?!?!?)

    I did lay on the couch for Oscar....and LOVED that.

    I am supposed to go lift today....I have no energy at all. Which REALLY means I need to go lift. But, 3 hours sleep last night might do me in. I did bring my workout clothes to the office - and the workout room is 200m away....I will keep pressure on myself to "go".
  • cherylann11
    cherylann11 Posts: 67 Member
    Sign me up! I'm 42 and would like to lose about 30lbs, im experimenting with different plans till i find one to suit, what do you all follow??
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hey All~ Lots of activity on here. I am still here, but have had a few big bumps in the road so to speak over the last few days. I have been sick with a sinus infection since Wednesday and today is my first day back to work from it. I woke Friday to find that I had an ice dam on my roof and it was leaking into my bedroom :disagree: and I had to pay a big chunk of change to have it cleared off :unamused: and I did not make it to see hubby on Saturday because of the nasty weather that just won't stop. Yesterday was better and did make it to visit with hubs and took my daughter and grandson with me as a surprise- he was so happy to see them!! Then after I got home I was putting something away and wacked my head on a shelf and ended up with a small gash and a nasty head ache- I feel like I just can't win sometimes. I haven't worked out- other than the daily snow shoveling- since last Monday and I am just not happy with it right now. I know it will improve, but I am not a patient person!

    Glad to see others are doing well! Have a good day!
  • Misslubey
    Misslubey Posts: 4 Member
    Wow I am so lucky ,I live in the UK and the South west too ,we complain if it gets below 0 ,I can't even imagine - 20 3furballs !
    I finally did it and started insanity 30 today thanks alf1163 i "just did it" . I feel so much better for it .
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hey Kids! Happy Monday.
    Alf, I feel your hesitation to experiment with unfamilar gym equip. I'm supposed to do one exercise that involves throwing a 'medicine' ball on the ground. I feel silly :#
    Natalie, yea you! Good job.
    furballs, what a work out ... and while fighting a cold too!
    Ruby, love the ice fishing pics. I've never seen that. And you look radiant.
    Larro, those cute little trees gave you quite a workout!
    Alisha, hope your kiddo is ok!
    Caramel, 120 grams? That does seem high. The MFP on my 1200 cal plan is 64.
    Crosbylee, have fun at your cook off.
    Beeps, that sucks. Sorry you're sick, and playing hostess. That's tough.
    K.S. argh! What a couple of days you've had. Your poor head. I'm glad to hear you got the family to see your dh though.
    Misslubey, congratulations on getting it done!

    Glorious weekend here on the Redwood Coast. A little windy in the afternoons, but I did get out for a nice motorcycle ride Saturday, and of course paddled on Sunday. There is some sort of bait fish run going on. There were hundreds of birds, about 8 seals, 4 sea lions, and several harbor porpoises all within a football field sized patch of ocean. Quite a frenzy!

    Drove today due to errands, but will walk to the gym for this evenings workout. I'm going to try to go a little later so there won't be as many people. I'm kinda shy B) .

    Have an excellent day everyone.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Curious I'm so jealous of your wildlife sitings!
  • gmax69
    gmax69 Posts: 18 Member
    caramelgyrlk 120 grams, that does seem high. 1.5 grams per kg of body weight for endurance athlete is the rule of thumb I was given.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    3furballs wrote: »
    Curious I'm so jealous of your wildlife sitings!