40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Forgot to tell you all- speaking of challenges- Beeps- I signed up for a program through work called "Walk To Wellness". It's through the Mayo clinic and you pick a goal of either steps or minutes/walked for the challenge time. It starts May 1st. If you complete it successfully you earn a point. We have several other challenges during the year and if you earn 10points your name goes in to a hat and they draw a person to win either money towards a gym membership, a bicycle or a Wii fit system. Some are exercise challenges, some have to do with food, some are to complete so many weeks of a class that may relate to stress management or other topics related to health. It's pretty cool. We also get 200.00 off of our health insurance premiums for the year which is excellent!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    Got to the gym today for back and bi's felt good. Big drama today at the gym, we have a workout couple (not married or dating, they are both married to others) I call them gym Barbie and Ken :) and they broke up today...in front of everyone...so awkward. They have been working out together for a couple of years, always at the gym at 4:30am faithfully and they have these choreographed workout routines and they are loud because they talk to each other with their headphones on. so annoying.


    However, you have NOT supplied sufficient information!!

    Please continue to report on this "drama"....because it seems like a good distraction for me, lol!!

    How come they "broke-up"? They have been consistent for soooooooooooo long!

    Wow! I sometimes really wish I had a work-out partner....then I read something like this and think, "Nope-y....no can do!"

    Agreed! More info please!!:laugh:
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Hahaha - good Friday gossip, love it!

    Well, from what I could hear... apparently, she is having an extra marital affair and her gym partner found out and said something to which she replied that he better not say anything to her husband 'or else'. and he doesn't approve of that schiz so he booted her. She was all crying and 'sorry' but he said NO he wants no part of being around her. She ran off crying and he apologized to some of the guys that he knew that were working out and proceeded to tell them all her bizness, and said 'she's a great workout partner, but that's it'.

    I totally respect his decision to distance himself but to spread her biz around the gym...not so much
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Wow! lots of gym drama happening all over. :laugh:

    I too would love a workout partner. I know I would be more accountable overall if I had one....and not my husband I'm afraid. We can easily talk each other out of anything, however, we would stay committed to a "stranger" per se. Weird. :tongue:
    I see this with our running. Everyone thought that when my husband started running it would be great - something we could do together, but in actual fact, my running went downhill. He never wanted to go when I did. When we had long runs scheduled, he would change his mind and do a shorter distance, etc. Anyway, I am back to doing my own thing with running. He trains too, but we don't train together.

    HOWEVER, I want a workout partner......nothing else! :laugh:

    Wasn't sure I would get my run in yesterday, but after our family dinner (yes, another big family dinner) I only had 1700 steps on my pedometer, so I went out for a 10k run. It was awesome! Love night running! I have missed it, as I live in the boonies (woods) and am reluctant to go out in the dark. I was in town for dinner, so I decided to go around town. LOVED IT! Even with that run, total steps for the day was approximately 14,000. :embarassed: I need to kick it up a notch.

    Cold and rainy here today. Well, truthfully, it is trying hard to snow. Yes, it's that cold! :noway:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Hahaha - good Friday gossip, love it!

    Well, from what I could hear... apparently, she is having an extra marital affair and her gym partner found out and said something to which she replied that he better not say anything to her husband 'or else'. and he doesn't approve of that schiz so he booted her. She was all crying and 'sorry' but he said NO he wants no part of being around her. She ran off crying and he apologized to some of the guys that he knew that were working out and proceeded to tell them all her bizness, and said 'she's a great workout partner, but that's it'.

    I totally respect his decision to distance himself but to spread her biz around the gym...not so much

    I actually LOVE that dude: In the words of another (I LOVE this quote!): "Save the drama for your mama. I won't ride your drama llama." HE ROCKS.....she's a LOSER with a 3D "L".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member

    I too would love a workout partner. I know I would be more accountable overall if I had one....and not my husband I'm afraid. We can easily talk each other out of anything, however, we would stay committed to a "stranger" per se. Weird. :tongue:
    I see this with our running. Everyone thought that when my husband started running it would be great - something we could do together, but in actual fact, my running went downhill. He never wanted to go when I did. When we had long runs scheduled, he would change his mind and do a shorter distance, etc. Anyway, I am back to doing my own thing with running. He trains too, but we don't train together.

    ^^^THIS would be TOTALLY what would happen if me and my husband were work-out partners.....TOTALLY.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Saturday! Made it out on the bike this am before it rains here. It was nice to get out there- did five miles. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Yesterday was scheduled cardio....done!

    Today I am going to go walking for at least one hour with a girlfriend....so, even some UNscheduled cardio this weekend.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    HI all,

    Didn't get my long run in yesterday (was out of town on the weekend), but did manage a nice long walk yesterday - I bet we did about 10km.

    After the walk, I finally got to clean my car!! It's tough not having running water or a garage to clean the car out in. Finally some nice enough weather, and some time to wash and vacuum it all out. Felt so good to get into a nice clean car this morning. :happy:
    It doesn't stay clean too long, as I have to drive about 8km if dirt road to get home, but at least with nicer weather coming, I can get it cleaned out more often and not have to do such a big *kitten* job of it. This was a LONG winter's worth of dirty. :noway:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Sdereski- No running water?? That would really stink! Glad you were able to get your car cleaned up though.

    Monday circuit training done! The track seemed to be a bit busier today with some new faces I don't usually see. They looked at me a bit strange when I stopped between running laps to do my squats, sit ups and push ups, but I guess that was their deal. I know that it is working for me even if I look a little goofy! I noticed last night that I am getting more definition in my bicep and tricep muscles so something is going right!

    Have a great day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Oooohhhhh, the clean car sounds AWESOME, sdereski!

    Today, I lift!

  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Good for you KellySue - I doubt they thought you looked silly! I like seeing people working on getting fit, seriously, it makes me more determined. I think they were looking at you and thinking that you are an inspiration :drinker:

    Get'er done Beeps!

    Sdereski - why no water? You own an Inn, right? Is it a rustic Inn w/no electricity & water? For a throwback experience?

    Did my 5k yesterday but no PR for me...my 7 yo daughter decided she wanted to join me and I couldn't refuse. She did fantastic, did walk/jog intervals and she completed her first 5k with a PR of 41.21 - Yeah!! :love: She never complained once and wants to do another with me :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    KellySue - didn't I post the message here about "work-out like your dog would" - where it indicated, "when a dog goes out to play, it doesn't WORRY about what it looks like - it just goes and PLAYS". I am WAYYYY more proud of you that you just go to the gym and "play", rather than giving two crappolas about what you LOOK like.

    YOU LOOK AWESOME - which is ONLY because you have worked diligently and consistently at CALORIES IN v. CALORIES OUT + EXERCISE.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Nice2BeFit - modeling your exercise-ethic to your daughter will have ALL the rewards IN THE WORLD! Congrats for taking her along and getting it done!

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Thank You Ladies! You guys are awesome!!

    Nice- that is so wonderful that your daughter went with you for your 5k. How fun for the two of you and what a nice memory and way to bond! I did my first 5k with my two adult daughters last year. It was a bit of the reverse situation for me, but it was fun!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Kelly Sue - I should have clarified....I do have running water... in my house. :laugh: We live at the bottom of a big hill on a lake, so our house has water and everything else every modern home would have (electricity, internet, running water, tv., phone, but no cell phone service). The vehicles are parked at the top of that big hill where we do not have running water. We are not on town water, but on lake water (we have a sand point) and to put running water at the top of the hill would cost big bucks.

    so yeah, I may live in a log home, in the boonies, but not that rustic. :laugh:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Nice - I think it's wonderful that your daughter wanted to run with you. As mentioned, modelling your exercise and creating memories has its own, much greater rewards!

    Kelly Sue - great job getting your workout in, despite what anyone may think or not. You're doing it, and it's working!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Got my lifting in-and-done. I have an odd schedule this week - so can also lift on Wednesday, but can't on Friday. I will aim to lift on Thursday, but if that day fills up, then I guess I'll have to sacrifice Saturday cardio and go lift, instead.

    Fine. I can do that!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Got my weekend's long run in today after work. Battled on very nasty headwind on the way out. A few f-bombs were being said as I made my way out.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Lol @ sdereski....i never took you for an f-bomb kinda gal!

    Welcome to my world...