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40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    edited February 2015
    Not only did I ENDURE the get-together, I was OVERWHELMED with appreciation that I (somehow?!??!?!) made it onto the invite list. At all.

    I do sit on an executive committee with one of the women who hosted. The other woman who hosted I had never met.

    The evening was a mish-mash of VERY powerful women in my community - and in my nation (actually!). So, I broke bread with 22- women who, among them, included former Prime Minister, a former Deputy Prime Minister, former Dean of Medicine at our university, philanthropic leaders in the community, and our Ethics Commissioner.


    What the h$*l was I doing there?!?!? I don't know but I am hand-writing the most SINCERED "thank you" letter I have EVER hand-written....with hopes that I get invited to MORE of these lovely events.

    Who knew??

    Awesome, I am so glad you went and had a good time. You are more popular than you even knew!!! :)

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    FEves - I agree with the rest to get another opinion for a doctor. I think there is a something other than perimenopause to be causing such havoc. There are many options available to help without having to have surgery possibly. What you are experiencing is not normal. ((((HUGS))))
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well the rib I put out a month ago has been bothering me since the epic kettlebell workout and now the whole right side of my bank is achy. Hoping the chiro adjustment last night will help. I also managed to tweak my knee in this mornings workout. Feel like I'm falling apart!

    Beeps glad you had such a wonderful time!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I *did* have a great time! And, I was a COMPLETE wall-flower (which, shocking I know!! is NOT my "nature")....just that these FABULOUS women were SOOOOOOOOO fabulous and I just listened and listened and listened all night long.

    Interesting dinner companions make for interesting conversations, for SURE!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I did NOT work out today. Even though I brought NEW gym clothes!

    I just did NOT care....at all....NONE of the women I spoke to last night had "buff bodies". None of 'em. Most of the women were 60+ years old. And, they have had POWERful careers, they are married to POWERful men, they are promoting POWERful philanthropic causes.

    It completely RE-focused me on my BRAIN....and totally off my BODY.

    Maybe, for a bit, this is a GOOD THING.

    Don't get me wrong, my HEALTH is paramount....so, I won't stray from the gym for too long. But, a kind of "re-alignment" about WHAT I REALLY WANT might be a good exercise to go through.

    I mean, what's so WRONG about going to the gym 3 times per week, anyway?!?!?!?? Who SAYS 6 times per week really got me WHAT I WANT!! (it didn't....but, I kept going anyway....)
  • hihopes9
    hihopes9 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi "Kids"!

    I'm a 41 year old single parent of two who also has two jobs. Somewhere in that tornado of a busy life I decided that it was time to get back to working out and eating better. I'm down 7 lbs in 3 weeks and I feel more energy already! My goal is to lose 30 pounds total and make exercise a habit not an option. Wishing everyone great success on their MFP journey!
  • 1234usmc
    1234usmc Posts: 196 Member
    I am 47 and need to lose 20-40 lbs. Depending if you ask me or my doctor:) They tell me I am a diabetic now and I just can't have that so I have got to get the weight off and put it off as long as I can. Dr said with family history, it's not if, it's when. 5'9" 209lbs. Problem is......I love to eat. arg!!!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    I did NOT work out today. Even though I brought NEW gym clothes!

    I just did NOT care....at all....NONE of the women I spoke to last night had "buff bodies". None of 'em. Most of the women were 60+ years old. And, they have had POWERful careers, they are married to POWERful men, they are promoting POWERful philanthropic causes.

    It completely RE-focused me on my BRAIN....and totally off my BODY.

    Maybe, for a bit, this is a GOOD THING.

    Don't get me wrong, my HEALTH is paramount....so, I won't stray from the gym for too long. But, a kind of "re-alignment" about WHAT I REALLY WANT might be a good exercise to go through.

    I mean, what's so WRONG about going to the gym 3 times per week, anyway?!?!?!?? Who SAYS 6 times per week really got me WHAT I WANT!! (it didn't....but, I kept going anyway....)

    Well, who says you can't have ALL including a buff body!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for all the concern - I've had ultrasounds and a uterine biopsy and everything is normal...The GYN said it was just how my body is handling perimenopause - lucky me! He offered to do an ablation, but I kept putting it off. Now, at 50, I think surely this business is almost done! I should have dealt with it 10 years ago, I know, as it has caused me to not to be able to exercise over this decade very well. I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it this month and hope to get back on track soon!
  • 46 and working on the last 15
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Dhs, Awesome!!!! Welcome!

    FEves, I was dealing with the same issue for a while, heavy bleeding, anemia, etc. I do have fibroids, one very large. The Dr recommended a hysterectomy. I opted out mainly because I didn't want to be recuperating for 6 wks and also because surgeries scare me!!! So I opted for having an IUD inserted. My cycle is not heavy anymore, no anemia. The Dr said that by the time it has to come out I might be going through menopause. Will see...

    I went to Bikram this morning!!!! NAMASTE!!!!!!!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    My shoulder is still a little gimpy, so I had to cut my lifting short. But I did do a little more cardio than most lift days. And there will be a little "Shopping {thrift stores, moderate}" later on today.

    Alf, I forgot to mention your new picture yesterday. You look great.

    Hello everyone, and welcome to all the new guys.

    Got to run,

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    Alf, I forgot to mention your new picture yesterday. You look great.

    I agree!

  • ciacyrus29
    ciacyrus29 Posts: 109 Member
    Ok. I'm going to be very open to - no snide remarks please.

    I just turned 50 and one of my goals was to lose 1lb before my 50th birthday. I lost 5! So I was very happy. I have been on a yo-yo for quiet sometime. I started gaining weight after the passing of my first and only child. I fell into a depression and ate my life away. I finally got myself together and lost everything I had gain except for 20 lbs when my husband was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. I gained weight again.
    I got tired of being fat and lost the weight again.
    I stressed myself out with going to school and work, and gained again.
    I had to have double knee replacement and I lost over 60 lbs. It looked like I was finally going to keep it off but I was working for a very hard director and my anxiety, stress, and depression just took over and I gained everything back.
    Last year, I started my weight management because I was graduating from college. I worked hard and to date I've lost 31 lbs.
    My goal is to get down to 145 lbs and to maintain that weight.
    Things are still stressful and I've been put on anti-anxiety medication. I am working to get off the medication.

    My general health is o.k. and I live a very stressful life as I take care of two disabled individuals. Like many of you, I work full time, am planning to go back to school in the fall for my Masters, and probably unlike many of you exercise is not always my best friend. I get it in but I'm not alway consistent. I am always looking for support but I must admit, as you can see from above, I am an emotional eater.

    I am working on being better with my relationship with food. It's difficult when you work in a university environment and there is always something to celebrate or someone is bringing in food. But I'm working on saying no and getting in more fluids or healthy snacks.

    I hope that if anyone has any suggestions on how be better at exercise, stress, anxiety, or just have a kind word - that you will share it.

    Fingers crossed.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well, tried to write earlier, but the day has gone haywire! I got a message last night that there was a water main break outside of my worksite. I came in today to find that we still did not have water. Since there was no running water, we were not able to run our program here today. I had to scramble to make arrangements for an alternate site for today and possibly tomorrow. It has been crazy to say the least. I also had a meeting this afternoon and my boss decided to spend the morning here as well. She is a nice person, I just don't do well feeling like someone is looking over my shoulder.

    They have found my husband a rehab site- 80- yes 8.0.- mile from my house. My daughter called them this morning and gave them heck and they agreed to wait one more day to try to find services in one last county closer to our home. Crossing our fingers that this is possible. If not, he will be heading to the other place tomorrow morning. Still working on how all of this is going to be paid for as well. My insurance changed this year and no longer covers it in full. Working on some options, but not sure how promising they are sounding. So discouraging. :\

    No workout today- had Jake this morning and had fun with him before coming in to work. The bright spot in my day!

    Sorry I have not been very positive lately- just too much going on. I will be better eventually. Have a good one all.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    80 miles is RIDICULOUS, KellySue!


    I am sooooooo sorry to read this.

  • seanmohr752
    seanmohr752 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in too! :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ciacyrus, welcome! You are so busy but still managing to take care of yourself. Hang in there, things will fall into place. Keep it up!!!!!

    KS, do they have providers who would work with your hubby at home? That is crazy!!!

    Good night cool kids!!!!?
  • Icandoit66
    Icandoit66 Posts: 74 Member
    Count me in!