40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hey Cool Kids!

    What a lovely staycation I've just had! I totally chilled on Thursday. Did house chores & errands Friday. Went to the Poultry Fair Saturday morning (fancy chickens, ducks, turkeys, etc.) -- pretty entertaining -- the horse & burro adoption folks were there, so we got to see some great horses too. Then we headed out to a high bluff overlooking the ocean to enjoy a romantic bottle of wine and some chocolate. Those were great, but the real present was a breaching whale! Two times this enormous creature flew all of the way out of the water and splashed down in a spectacular way. Great show. Sunday we paddled of course, and then shopping / cooking for the week.

    Today was my first day putting my new strength training program to work at the gym. I'm going to love this.

    I almost feel guilty about enjoying our ridiculously lovely weather here on the northwest corner of Ca. So sorry for all of you dealing with mountains of snow and ice-slick roads. Stay safe! Be warm. Cuddle.

    Caramel, I'm so curious about the bod pod. How did it go?
    Kate, your hair is adorable!
    KS, did you get into the biggest loser contest? Is it fun?

    There were 63 new messages, so please forgive me that I'm not able to respond to each of you this eve. I saw some great posts though! Cheers and "woot woots" for you all, even those of us struggling. The fact that you're struggling means you haven't - won't - give up!!

  • dice4192
    40 here. Curious. Been on my journey for only 2 weeks. Former College Baseball player who over 20 years gained 70 lbs. I want to weigh 230 again. I'm 6'2" 300 lbs and I'm embarrassed. Many friends that I played sports with over the years are comfortable being over weight. I'm secretly depressed and conscious of my appearance at all times. This 300 lb me isn't me. Make sense? I've had enough. Everyday a challenge. I just want to be that guy that has no limitations in what I do and have my confidence back. Thanks
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning kids, hope all of you are well. Everything is closed due to the snow and cold today. I am so happy I got in my work out and body composition testing done last night. I hate weighing in at night because I weigh so much more. As it stands, I am up 10lbs and I am not eating enough protein or calories. I need to eat 120 grams of protein a day. The test took about 2 minutes and I learned quite a bit. When I do is what is deemed nothing my Resting Metabolic Rate aka RMR is 1561. I was also informed I need to eat back the majority of my burned calories at the gym otherwise I am not eating enough. I showed the results to my trainer and now that I know where I stand I can now change my areas of focus. Have a great day everyone.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey cool kids! What an exciting weekend we had. Headed to the city for DH's 60th bday. Plans to see Phantom of the Opera and dinner, but all that changed when our DIL went into labour. We spend the entire day at the hospital waiting. Audrey Rose arrived at 9:15 p.m. and she is perfect. :heart: We thought she would be dark like her daddy, but she is fair haired like her mom. She does have her dad's little nose though. Everyone is doing well. I will head back next week to spend the week and help out where I can - hopefully give mom a chance to sleep and prepare some meals / do laundry, etc.

    Kate - love the pictures of you and the kids! Your hair cut looks great!

    Alisha - that's some serious meal planning going on there. Wow! Great job!!

    Curious - what a fantastic gift you received. How exciting to see the whale jump!

    FEves - congrats on the weight loss! AWESOME!!

    dice - totally makes sense to me. I hear ya - am not happy where I am and I want to be where I was a couple of years ago. Good luck!

    Kelly - so wonderful that you get to bring Jake to see his granddad! That will certainly make your husband's day!

    Big collective shout out to my cool kids pals - Beeps, Carmel, Larro, Alf! :smile:

    Welcome newbies - just bookmark it and keep checking in.

    It has been brutal cold here with the wind chills making it almost unbearable. Our town hosted it's annual winter carnival, but many activities had to be cancelled as it was too cold.
    It warmed up a bit yesterday and managed to get out and get a nice snowshoe in. Of course, as soon as the temps warmed up a bit, more snow came. We have mountains of snow. Not sure where to put it anymore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    alishaspringle - WET NOODLES = BEST WORKOUT EVER!!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    I made it through family-travel-weekend.

    My throat started feeling "sick" last night....but, I came to work anyway. And, BEFORE I came to work I hit the gym for a decent lifting session - in case I really AM getting sick and end up having to take a few "break" days.

    Good news re: throat?? I am NOT hungry....this will help my waistline MOST OF ALL.

  • psbeard
    psbeard Posts: 3
    edited February 2015
    New to this discussion. I am a 43 yo mom of 3 and am finally trying to learn my way around a kitchen. Cooking, nutrition, meal planning, time management... I need help with it all. I work part time outside the home, and cabbie kids every evening. I am struggling on how to even start this journey, it is all so overwhelming. So far, I am trying to log everything I actually eat, and exercise at least 3 times a week. I need to lose a whopping 120 pounds, but I am not so concerned with the weight as I am a balanced nutritious diet at the moment. In the past, I have cooked maybe 1 meal per month...so when I say I don't know my way around a kitchen...yeah. I'm serious. Trying to make the next best move...one day at a time!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Well Im 45 and counting so count me in! B)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sdereski, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!

    Caramel, I've been wanting to do s metabolic test in a while. I always worry I'm not eating enough. Glad it worked out for you.

    Alisha, I really need to prep my raw veggies. I normally prepare salads almost daily and it is time consuming. I need to chop and store when I get it home from the store.

    FEve, awesome weight loss. I lose sooo slow and its so frustrating. If I lose a pound in a week that is a lot. What has been your strategy other than logging your foods and exercising, I have been losing the same 10-15lbs the last 5 yrs. it is ridiculous. I haven't been successful at maintenance. I really don't want to be a slave of logging my foods every day. There has got to be a happy medium.

    Take care everyone!!!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    dice4192 wrote: »
    40 here. Curious. Been on my journey for only 2 weeks. Former College Baseball player who over 20 years gained 70 lbs. I want to weigh 230 again. I'm 6'2" 300 lbs and I'm embarrassed. Many friends that I played sports with over the years are comfortable being over weight. I'm secretly depressed and conscious of my appearance at all times. This 300 lb me isn't me. Make sense? I've had enough. Everyday a challenge. I just want to be that guy that has no limitations in what I do and have my confidence back. Thanks

    Dice, don't despair! You have taken the first step, admitting you are not happy with your current health. What is your plan???? Let us know, we all support each other.
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    OMG!!! Kali (my dog) has turned into a Drill Sargent. Just did a walk with her that usually takes 50 minutes in 36 minutes. I am pooped! I can hear my bed calling.
  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    FEve, What has been your strategy other than logging your foods and exercising, I have been losing the same 10-15lbs the last 5 yrs. it is ridiculous. I haven't been successful at maintenance. I really don't want to be a slave of logging my foods every day. There has got to be a happy medium.

    I have been eating whole foods - steel cut oats, brown rice, quinoa, usually nothing with any added sugar - unsweetened yoghurt, only 2 fruit servings per day, make my own pasta sauce from scratch (Bob's Marinara from "Jumpstart to Skinny" - it's really yummy!"), watching fats - lean meats, no cheese, skim milk products mostly, eating lots of homemade soup with crisp bread for lunch, not eating out much at all, not eating after supper, and I don't eat back my exercise calories. I exercise every day for at least half an hour but trying to do more like 45 - 60 minutes, and I do dance aerobics mostly with some step aerobics and resistance training thrown in every so often. One day a week I do more of a ballet, stretching workout.

    I check in advance before logging to make sure that the calories are going to be reasonable and adjust my choices accordingly. My cookie episode was my first stumble, but mostly I've been staying on track. I'm at the beginning of my weight loss - still have 50lbs to go so that is probably why it's coming off easily right now.

    I don't know if there's anything in there that will help, but that's what I'm doing right now. :)
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hi, I'm 43 and am here to lose the 60 lbs I gained after getting layed of work and going back to college for my degree. Its time to start living again :smile:
  • mohawkRN
    mohawkRN Posts: 40 Member
    We may be old, but we got to see all the cool bands! I'm 40, mother of 2, nurse, and at the lowest weight I've been in my whole life, which is still 10 lbs over the "healthy" range. Ideally, I'd like to lose about 18-25 more. I've been lifting weights for about three years now and I don't want to lose any lean mass, so I plan to re-evaluate my fat/lean percentages and set my goal accordingly when I'm a little closer. I don't follow all of the "clean eating" rules, but I eat very little processed food. Fortunately, I love to cook from scratch and to try new things.
  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats, sdereski!

    Curious, I've always wanted to go out whale watching. Majorly jealous! Maybe someday, yet.

    Beeps, unfortunately wet noodles have dried out kinda crunchy and painful. Lol. I'm sure the next workout will cause more squishy noodlage, however.

    Welcome, everyone. Stick around. It's nice here.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Greeting Kids, hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Shoveling out yesterday was a true workout. Extreme Fit today and of course I hope the circuits are hard as I need a very serious workout.

    Sdereski--Congrats to you

    Curious-Anything about animals has my undivided attention. I agree with alisha MAJORLY JEALOUS (LOL)

    Beeps--Hope you are feeling better. The weights are calling your name....Lift HEAVY

    Dice--I hope you keep dropping in so we can provide support. I understand the place you are in and believe me support is crucial.

    Alf-- I agree it has to be a happy medium about food logging and maintaining

    KellySue--Hope you and hubby are well. I am glad you are still getting some gym time in including shoveling snow.

    Larro--Thanks for the reply yesterday about random acts of kindness day, I still find it crazy that a day has to be marked on the calendar when we as humans should be kind anyways

    Ruby--Missing you, where are you?

    Have a great day everyone
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Hope everyone has a happy hump day.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »

    Thanks Beeps. She is a little doll. :)
  • syligirl
    syligirl Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning everyone...

    I have not been logging into the group so much as I have been busy with work and school. I graduate with my Masters degree in July...I am so ready! I am due to fly to Antigua in April and really hoping to drop 30 lbs before then. Sounds like a lofty goal but when I get going it does fall off me. The getting going is always a problem. I am slowly ramping up. Gosh this snow does not help! I just want to curl up by the fire with a cup of coffee or worse hot cocoa! Anyway I have started I just need to be more disciplined. Feel free to add me as a friend and nudge me if I log in a cookie haha.

    Have a great day everyone!
