40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Nice2befit, THANK YOU!!! That was beautiful. I really appreciate it. :flowerforyou:

    Sdereski, SNOW???? :noway: :noway: I hope the weather gets better for you. It has been nice here lately. I am about to go on vacation this Sunday but it actually starts tomorrow when we take off. We are going on a cruise to Key West, Nassau and Freeport in The Bahamas. It is to celebrate my son's 21st birthday. Please say a prayer that everything goes well. He hasnt been on a cruise lately and we are hoping he enjoys it. He enjoyed the last two but it has been at least 2 yrs for him. I am hoping there are not a lot of children. :ohwell: Crowds? Well, it will be crowded...

    I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been ridiculously busy at work and at home. Hoping to relax as much as I can.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday!! A good weekend overall. Enjoyed my dinner out with the hubby more than I should have! Oops! Weight was up a bit this am. Had a good workout today and will get back on track with eating today as well.

    Sdereski- I am with the rest of the crowd- SNOW- yuck! I have seen it here in May as well, but not typically this late in the month. It rained something awful here on Friday, but the rest of the weekend wasn't terrible. It is a bit on the cool side but sunny today.

    Alf- Enjoy your vacation. I am sure your son will be fine. I am sure you are very good at structuring his schedule/routine to help him during more stressful situations. Have a blast!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday cool kids. Hope all of you are well and in good spirits. I keep losing touch with this group.

    Are any of you doing challenges for Memorial Day? My gym is featuring a 140 minute challenge...70 minutes extreme fit followed by 70 minutes of intense pilates/barre. The Extreme Fit I will do. I tried pilates a few times and its not for me at this time.

    My first 5k is July 26th and I am super excited.

    Hope all of you have a super splendid day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Back from Europe! Jet-lagged!

    Have a great cruise, Alf!

    I won't make it back to the gym until wednesday....the amount of walking i did, i am totally unworried!

    Great, great, great time in london/paris.....that's it for holidays for awhile!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Europe was a game-changer for me! (Even though I have been there 3 time before....my priorities have changed, over time, as maybe all of ours do!)

    All the women (and men) are skinny. They all dress very well and look GREAT! I can do ALL of that, right now....I *am* tall and skinny and when i dress well, i LOOK GREAT! (I didn't dress well even one time in Europe....i was definitely exhausted, dressed in layers, tourist with a backpack! which I knew going in....)

    So, while i will continue to lift, because it is the right thing to do, and i will continue to watch my calories,because it is the right thing to do, it CAN'T "define" me, anymore....


    I am SO freaking amazing, just as i am! I lead an incredible life, just as it is! I have taken great care of my body, whether cardio or weights, for 30+ YEARs, now.....and my body is, in fact, a temple.....a temple to the libertarian, of course, but a temple nonetheless!

    Enjoy your life, my lovely 40 +'ers.....it is the ONLY earthly, delightful life that YOU get!

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi Cool Kids,

    Great long weekend, with some fabulous weather. So weird! Snow on Friday and 19C on Monday.

    We did our last long run of our training schedule on Sunday. Glad that is done! We have battled the wind all spring and Sunday as no better. The last 12k of a 32k run was brutal!!! The hills and wind darn near did me in. I did run all the hills this time, but my time was no better than it was 2 weeks prior when I walked the hills. That's how much the wind slowed me down. And yes, there were more than a few f-bombs flying. Especially for the last 4km. :embarassed:

    Beeps, welcome back! That was a quick trip, but sounds GREAT none the less! I have never been to London, other than the airport, but I do love Paris. You are absolutely right -they are all thin and they all dress amazing!
    I haven't started packing yet for my trip, but that was a thought I had. I don't want to look like your typical North American tourist. That is not how I dress on a daily basis, so am carefully considering my wardrobe - comfort & style. :happy:

    Alf - have a wonderful time on that cruise!

    caramel - no challenges for me. I have come to realize I don't do well in "virtual" challenges. Good luck with your first 5k! That is exciting!

    Better run - have loads of work to do.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All! Checking in on this Beautiful Tuesday!! Had Jake this morning- fun as always. He gave Grammy her first "real" kiss:smooched: today. It was a bit "drooly", but was an honest to goodness kiss! :love: (He usually just blows kisses when you ask him to give you a kiss.)

    Made it out for a walk at lunch today. It's beautiful here today. Sunny, a light breeze and about 70. Love it!

    Beeps- glad to hear you had such a great time on your trip! That's some awesome new perspective you have. I am not there yet. Maybe when I lose some more of this weight, but I will tell you that I do try to enjoy each day as much as I can!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Dropping in to say hello to you all.

    Beeps glad you had a nice time. Very happy you had a chance to reflect and gain more perspective. You are right, OUR body is our temple.

    I am sore from yesterday's extreme fit class. Walking is all I plan to do today.

    Have a great day cool kids.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sdereski - no more long runs for how long? 1 month? 2 months? 4??

    KellySue! I can FEEL you smiling right through the computer when I read your posts about your Grandson....so GLAD he gave you REAL KISSES today! BOOM!

    caramel - ruh-roh on the "sore" part....I have to get back to lifting, tomorrow, and I'm not gonna lie, I am a LEETLE BEET afraid of DOMs, for SURE!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Sderski how long have you been running? What tips would you give someone that's training for a 5k. My head hurt from reading so much stuff on running.

    Beeps, I know you will do a great job lifting tomorrow.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Today, I lift!!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps, my next "long" run will be the marathon on the 31st. After that, it will depend if I decide to run another in the fall or not. I had promised my g/f that I would run her 50k ultra in the fall................sooooooooooooooo???? Not sure I want to commit to the training. I am getting lazy that way. :laugh: We'll see. :tongue:

    Carmel - I have been running a long time now. My first marathon was 1999, but started running much more seriously about 6 years ago. Am now starting to back off a bit. I agree with Beeps, heavy lifting is the way to go for a better looking body, which is what I want. Tips?? - Do your training. If you are starting out - run when you can, walk when you have to. Enjoy it. Don't run if it hurts.
    Use your upper body. Cross train / strength train. If you are looking for a fast time, remember to focus on speed work, it really does work. For a 5k, run 3 - 4 x week. Cross train other days.

    Kelly - Happy Hump Day! Yours sounds like it got off to a perfect start with Jake's kiss. :heart:

    did I mention we had our granddaughter on Mother's Day? She wanted to wear my shoes. Then she asked if she could keep them. When I said "no", she looked down my shoes she was wearing on her feet, then looked up at me and said "I really like the flowers". :laugh: Awww, made my heart melt. Looks like I will have someone to go shoe shopping with in a couple of years! :happy:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hump day it is!! No work out today. Had to take my hubby to get blood work early this morning before heading to work myself. I will get a walk or something in tomorrow, hopefully. It is supposed to rain more tomorrow, so maybe I will just make sure I have my umbrella handy.

    Looking forward to the long Memorial Day weekend coming up. My mom and I are going shopping Saturday. I literally have no warm weather clothing. I did buy two pairs of capris and a pair of shorts recently, but that is it. Great thing to lose weight and I love to shop as much as the next girl, but it can be tough on the wallet sometimes. Fortunately, this shopping trip is my birthday present from my parents so it's not on my wallet this time!

    Sunday is picnic time with the family. Both of my girls will be with us at my parents' house along with my brother and my niece and, of course, Jake. My one son-in-law will be there, but the other has to work so that he can have Monday off.

    Fun Times!! Have a good day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sdereski - I think it is TOTALLY COOL you might try a 50km run!! I want NONE OF IT, but I TOTALLY want to *know* someone who has done it! BOOM!

    KellySue - sounds like you have a SUPER great (long) weekend lined up!! BOOM!

    I did my lifting....am back doing the Advanced Strength Series by Venus. So, where I left off, was Module 1, Week 3, Day 1. I dropped back quite a bit of the weight because I don't want to be too stiff and sore. Too late...My quads are BULGING from water-retention as I sit here.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Greetings cool kids; Hope all of you are well.

    I finished boxing-bosu training tonight and I realized I was still sore from Monday's extreme fit class.

    sdereski--thank you for the tips, they are so appreciated. I think it is awesome you have such a history with running. Do you have a favorite sneaker?

    Beeps--I take it your heavy lifting went well besides the bulging....

    I expressed to my trainer that I want to incorporate more heavy weights in my training session each week. My session is tomorrow and I know she is going to torture me.

    I really wished I had taken fitness and health more seriously when I was younger. Better now than never. BOOOOO!!!!!

    Have a great night everyone.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    One of those sleepless nights. Ugh.

    Beeps, I've already done one ultra. My husband and I did a 55km mountain trail run in Iceland....July 2012. The training was tough. We ran 3 x 42k runs in training, followed by 16k runs the following day. Those 16k runs were killers! Anyway, the ultra was one of the most physically challenging things we had ever done. We crossed 6 rivers. They had rope lines and people to help us cross, as these were fast moving rivers, so yes, we were walking in darn near waist deep water; climbed Rocky Mountain trails, ran in snow, ash, sand.; crossed bridges and used a rope to rappel ourselves down steep sections of the mountains. It took us 9 hrs to finish. Loved every damn minute of it. :happy:
    My g/f's race is not as challenging, but it is also a hilly trail run, so the training would be much the same. Very time consuming.

    Am off the the city later today for "ladies night out" a fund raising event for Alzheimer's. It's a lot of fun, with some great entertainment. But, boy oh boy, it is going to be a very long day if I don't get some sleep.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member

    I really wished I had taken fitness and health more seriously when I was younger. Better now than never.

    I have always taken fitness and health *seriously*, yet I still haven't been doing the RIGHT things for a lot of the time! So, for sure, there is NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT, and every little bit you are doing TOTALLY HELPS!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Beeps, I've already done one ultra. My husband and I did a 55km mountain trail run in Iceland....July 2012. The training was tough. We ran 3 x 42k runs in training, followed by 16k runs the following day. Those 16k runs were killers! Anyway, the ultra was one of the most physically challenging things we had ever done. We crossed 6 rivers. They had rope lines and people to help us cross, as these were fast moving rivers, so yes, we were walking in darn near waist deep water; climbed Rocky Mountain trails, ran in snow, ash, sand.; crossed bridges and used a rope to rappel ourselves down steep sections of the mountains. It took us 9 hrs to finish. Loved every damn minute of it. :happy:


    If you loved every minute of something as KOO-KOO as that, I say, H*LL YA, go for it (the training...) again!

    Me, ummmmmm, No. NO. NOPE. NO.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Sdereski~ You make the ultra sound like quite an adventure, but I have to say, I am with Beeps- not for me! I am not a heights person, and even going over some bridges freaks me out a little- or maybe alot!

    I was hoping to get a walk in today, but have had a crazy busy day at work and it just hasn't happened. Tomorrow is a gym day though.

    Have a good one all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    It is 25 degrees outside, today, so, YES I am trying to figure out a way to get OUTSIDE and GO FOR A WALK.
