40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All~ No workout today- was going to go to kickboxing tonight, but have had something come up that I have to take care of when I get out of work. :(
    I came into work today to find that the toilet had backed up and flooded during the heavy rain we had here last night. It made a HUGE mess both upstairs where the bathroom is and in the room we have downstairs as the water ran right down through the floor. :angry: It's pretty disgusting as it's not just clean water- it's sewer water- nasty stuff! YUCK!

    Well, hope others have a great day. I am going to try to get some work done, but still waiting for the cleaning crew to come with the extractor to get the water out of the carpets, so it may be a day where not a lot gets done.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited May 2015
    nickpnh wrote: »
    Larro...Did y'all take Monday off???

    Not from the garden, just from posting about it. Today I had to run to Lowe's to pick up flooring for BIL. I didn't want to clean out the back of the pickup, so I used the old Prius. I'm going to drive it over to their house and walk back. On the way I will stop off at Mamma's to hook up her new cordless phones. Lightning fried her other ones yesterday afternoon.

    Margie and I are going out with our Tampa cousins for Pizza tonight, so I'm trying to eat light today. I found two kinds of new Great Value {Walmart store brand} stir-fry mixes today, and tried out one of them for lunch. Pretty good. But then I haven't met a stir-fry I didn't like.

    Hope everyone is having a good day,


  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome to Tuesday Cool Kids!
    We had a great opening to rock fish season! Both B & I got our limit (5) plus I caught a ling cod (they've got fangs!!) There were lots of whales. We saw 9, mostly cow/calf pairs. One pair surfaced only about 15 ft from B's kayak. You should have seen the look on his face! Whales are kinda big, and it can be pretty startling when you get dowsed with whale blow. I wish the water were clearer here so we could see them swimming underneath us. Anyway, we got the fish filleted and vacuum bagged in the freezer. One more good trip should set us up for the year.
    The last two work weeks have been going well food-wise, and I'm down 6 lbs over the two weeks, which is cool! This week I don't expect as much movement. Yesterday was B & my 7th anniversary - meet date, not married, but we still celebrate; and tonight is a final girl's night before my gf heads to Europe for the summer months to teach. So I'll only have a couple of totally clean days.
    Ruby, Rocky is gorgeous!
    Crosbylee, so sorry to hear of your MIL's passing. How are you all doing?
    Alf, welcome (in advance) to California! What college is she graduating from?
    Stephannie, remember to breathe! Maybe motivational podcasts or books for the commute?
    KS, yuck! I hope things are getting back to clean & dry at your workplace. You'll need some kick-boxing.
    Nick, congrats on the loosening pants! That's awesome!
    Larro, your cats crack me up. They're such natural hams.
    Hello to everyone else! Time to run. Have a great day folks.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well I should be heading to Kickboxing and kettlebell tonight. Took today off and we've spent the day beyond our physicals, dental visit and now the kids are getting their eyes checked.

    Got weighed at the doctor and was so depressed. I was dressed and we've just had a lobg weekend with a birthday party and two restaurant meals and hela lot of beer but still considering I work out 7 times a week over 6 days and walk or bike as well and usually eat pretty decently I was so depressed to see that number. I want to be about 137 and I was 152! Not sure how much the jeans and rest of the clothes with but man that was a slap in the face!

    Oh well. Back to normal now. going to weigh on my usual scale on Sunday and see.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    3furballs you can only compare the dr's number to last dr's number. Scales and conditions (clothes) vary so much. Just do apples to apples and try not to get depressed about. If your scale is moving then that's what matters. You could go back in tank and bike shorts and number would move a couple pounds...
    I use same scale, same time, same conditions...daily... so I can keep things in check.
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    I agree furballs, do your regular scale in the regular clothes at the same time of the day you usually do and use that number. Don't be discouraged. You are doing great.
    Curious, I can't believe you guys out there with the whales, that's wild, it would really freak me out. It would be an awesome thing to see.
  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    3furballs, in the process of prepping for my surgery last week, U got weighed on 3 different scales in 3 different medical facilities in the same day. The totals were 4-12 pounds different! So don't worry about it at all. Just go by yours, and by how you feel.

    My scale has me down another 2 lbs this week. 8 lbs from my intermediate goal. Woohoowoohoo. Lowest weight in 5 years.
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Crosbylee sorry to hear of your family's loss.

    Nick you run at exactly the perfect speed for you.

    Ruby beautiful horse!

    Wow that was a lot to read. I had a busy weekend with trying to calm Kali down every time she freaked out when fireworks went off. Used to love them, now I hate them starting to think I need to move to a house out in the middle of a bush somewhere away from everyone. Then Kali and I could run and not worry. We did a 30 minute run Saturday, a 50 minute that was supposed to be 60 minutes but Kali was tired up until she saw one of her buddies then she was good for a further 25 minute walk. 30 minute run this morning and a 25 minute walk about an hour later. Just finished our 50 minute night walk. Only feel a little tired. Guess the melatonin will come in handy for tonight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Lifted this morning. Walked in the park for an hour this afternoon. Will shag my husband for evening exercise.

    I am gonna be a morning, noon and night type of fitness gal during unemployment, i tell ya!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello everyone!!!! I got in a short lifting session before work this morning. I need to finish packing,
    Curious, my niece is graduating from San Francisco State, the commencement ceremony is at the Giants Stadium!!!! And she is a huge Giants fan!!!! I'm flying to Sacramento where my sister lives and we are driving to SF. Hoping to go to Napa on Sunday.
    KellySue, bless your heart!!!!!! That is awful!!!!
    3furballs, I hate weighing in doctors's scales!! That is not your true weight, brush it off.
    Hi to everyone else!!! Have to get going, early wake up!!!!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm going to regroup and carry on. I love my workouts and feel stronger so I'm still ok.

    Jackie I've seen a few ads for people looking for their dogs that ran away during fires works.

    Alf, Sounds like a great trip. I went years ago and we drove over the mountain from Napa to Sonoma. Scary but awesome.

    Beeps, sounds like some great workouts!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    3furballs, I used to tell the single guys the best way to see a young lady in her underwear is to put the bathroom scales in the living room ;) Seriously though, I weigh naked every morning, before I eat or drink anything, and after I use the bathroom. That is about as consistent as I can be. Although I should be at least an extra pound lighter in the morning {if it wasn't for the pizza}. I cut my hair this morning.
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    Count me in!!! I'm 42, 5'2", sedentary desk job - started March 4 at 219. Current weight 187.7. I gained weight by eating. A lot. Of crappy, but delicious food. I never yo-yo'd... I just yo'd in one direction.

    Trying to get to the 120s. A looooooong road ahead.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I'm going to have to get some new pants. All through the weight loss journey so far I've worn the same things. They were a bit stretched when I started - they were fat guy pants with elastic in the waist band. So I had some play in them as I lost. But now they just fall off without my belt all the way tight. And they still feel lose. I have enough extra material that i can pull two belt loops together. I've put this off for fear I would not stick with my program. Then once the weight loss got going good I decided to wait until absolutely necessary. Well that time is now! Whooppe!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I'm going to have to get some new pants. All through the weight loss journey so far I've worn the same things. They were a bit stretched when I started - they were fat guy pants with elastic in the waist band. So I had some play in them as I lost. But now they just fall off without my belt all the way tight. And they still feel lose. I have enough extra material that i can pull two belt loops together. I've put this off for fear I would not stick with my program. Then once the weight loss got going good I decided to wait until absolutely necessary. Well that time is now! Whooppe!

    Allen, when I was losing I went through pants and shirts quickly. Until you get to your goal weight, you should check out thrift stores. It is crazy to pay full price for clothes you will only be wearing a short time. And a hole punch is only a few bucks and will make your belts useful longer.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    3furballs- it sounds like you are doing better but just try to brush off the doctors scale. I agree with the others that there are too many variables that can affect your weight when are at the dct. You have been killing your workouts with kettle bells and going strong. You will get to your goals and you will be rockin a buff body.

    Curious, you are so brave for being out there with the whales! I cannot even imagine. I love that you live life to its fullest!

    Allenpriest- congrats on the loose pants, have a great time shopping! You deserve to treat yourself.

    Hi, beeps, Alf, Jackie, larro, Kelly sue, nick, Natalie, caramel, gameguy, Alisha....great to hear you are all doing great. Forgive me if I missed anyone, our group is growing. Awesome:)
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited May 2015
    larrodarro wrote: »
    I'm going to have to get some new pants. All through the weight loss journey so far I've worn the same things. They were a bit stretched when I started - they were fat guy pants with elastic in the waist band. So I had some play in them as I lost. But now they just fall off without my belt all the way tight. And they still feel lose. I have enough extra material that i can pull two belt loops together. I've put this off for fear I would not stick with my program. Then once the weight loss got going good I decided to wait until absolutely necessary. Well that time is now! Whooppe!

    Allen, when I was losing I went through pants and shirts quickly. Until you get to your goal weight, you should check out thrift stores. It is crazy to pay full price for clothes you will only be wearing a short time. And a hole punch is only a few bucks and will make your belts useful longer.

    You know, to celebrate 100 pounds I'm going to spend a little and get some new! ;)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    That sounds like a plan, Allen.

    A few weeks ago Margie's laptop died so we bought her a new one from Newegg. Since she had so many pictures on the old one, ever couple of days we would try it, just to see if it would come on. Well, a couple days ago it came on. She has been saving her pictures to a hard drive, including this one of me from 4 years {and 80 pounds} ago. Ouch.

    002.jpg 801.1K
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    Morning all. Just run 2.71 miles (4.36km) in 24minutes. Not the best, but it gives me something to work from. On another note, I'm happy with my current Hump Day photo at this ripe old age! Any fellow 40-somethings want to add me, feel free to do so!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Hump Day! Got our floors cleaned up yesterday finally! Plumber was here but the whole thing is a mystery to him- he's never heard of anything like that happening before!
    Any how- no workout today and didn't make it to kickboxing last night- had some errands to run and almost ran out of gas in the process. Oops! I think I was running on fumes when I got to the gas station. :ohwell:

    Larro- great job! What a difference!

    Have a good day all!