Girls over 200 pounds...



  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    I am 5'2 and 347.1 lbs. I am gonna be 240 this time next year ladies. Just wait and see. Boy am i gonna miss my boobs though lol
  • bslic
    bslic Posts: 245 Member
    right there with you and would LOOOOVE more friends in the same big ol boat ;)
    I've lost 46 lbs but still have a ways to go.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    I am 5'2 and 347.1 lbs. I am gonna be 240 this time next year ladies. Just wait and see. Boy am i gonna miss my boobs though lol

    So funny. I totally understand. That's the first place I lose weight and it ticks me off. "Noooo! I actually like those. Please take it off my stomach instead!"
  • DCG2911
    I'm starting out at 204... I've never seen the 2 as the first number on the scale before and I'm beyond ashamed :( I've spent a LOT of time stress eating and eating whenever I'm upset which has landed me here! I was 130 in high school (8 years ago) so this is killing me. My goal is to be 160 (for now). Once I reach that goal I may make another one but I have to get there first!! Good luck to all of you, I'm definitely up for friends on here so add me if you'd like! :)
  • Steff
    Steff Posts: 5
    I'm 29, 5"7I was at 295 after my pregnancy (TWO years ago!!) I'm at 285 now and need motivation :) I'd LOVE to shed 50lbs before I hit dirty 30 in June.
  • KemahSunshine
    Hi there!

    Ive been as heave as 325 @ one point in y life. I am currently @ a plateau of 249. Been here for a week & it stinks! Just added exercise to my routine this week though so, Im expecting an improvment soon! Would love to be your friend!!!

    God Bless!!! :flowerforyou:

    ~~ Sally ~~
  • SugarNtheRaw
    SugarNtheRaw Posts: 191 Member
    I'm at 268 now, started around 350! Add me if you like, I'm Natalie!
  • melscrum
    I'm Melanie, I'm currently around 320 lbs. I've started making changes to my diet and exercise but I'm officially starting my diet on Thursday. I'm hoping to lose 170 lbs over the next 2-3 years. Feel free to add me as a friend, I have added some of you already but I've got to get off of here now. Good luck ladies!
  • Shaigirl79
    Shaigirl79 Posts: 52 Member
    My story is similar. I hit 300 lbs in November and absolutely hated myself. I figured if I was every going to do anything about my weight... now was the time! I'm taking it 12 weeks and 25 lbs at a time.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I'm not over 200, but I'm just dropping off to send everyone my support! You guys got this. :)
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    letmebeda1_wechange Posts: 480 Member
    HI my name is Nellie, I joined here at 253.3 in dec. 18th. now jan 9th and I have lost 14 lbs. We are definitely here. and we will all make it. stay positive don't see it as a longggg journey. see it as something to gasp and learn and enjoy it. don't see it as a task but an adventure. if you see it as a task you will get discourage and if you see it as a longggg journey you will give up. just take it one day at a time and know you are not alone out there. we are all here.

    anyone wants to add me please do, just send a message with the add request.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Erolater
    Erolater Posts: 2 Member
    You go girl!
    I started way above 300, got down to 218 and then hit a ROCK WALL and ate EVERYTHING in sight all of November and December, thus gaining 20lbs back and now I am sitting at 240...I am sooo tired of the yo-yo life, I have got to get back on track!

    I am 43 so the pounds are coming off a little slower than when I was younger.

    I am using myfitnesspal online and on my smart phone because it is the best free tool to keep track of food and excersize.
    I am just finishing my membership at Gold's and going to also join Planet Fitness. I am going to do their "Black Pass" so that I can work out in the morning by where I teach school and also by my house one day a weekend and then on holidays and during vacations. My advice about working out is take it easy and add a little at a time so you don't get hurt, because that really puts a stop to things FAST!

  • sskitka
    sskitka Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Melanie,
    I'm Sara from Florida and I too know and am where you are and hoping to get to something much healthier. I weighed in last a 300# and this is the heaviest I have EVER been in my life. My goal is to be a healthy well toned 180. I have been the "BIG" girl all my life but now its out of control. I guess I am what you call a stress eater and addicted to chocolate, latest thing was King sized Cookies-N-cream :-( :-( I had started one day at the store I bought one then it's like I was eating them everyday. I just couldn't stop I was hooked. This was just the week before Thanksgiving and through Christmas.
    I had started my journey last year when I began to hurt all over my legs, back, getting short of breath and then I got chest pains... I visited the doctor several times last year got diagnosed with several diseases but I figured out what it was... My weight had began to affect my life, I am a proud mommy of a two year old and let me tell you that was a reality that I might not get to see her grow up if I don't change.
    I began with a version of the Atkins diet eating nothing but meat for 2 weeks I did that for about 2 moths went from 310 to 270. But I couldn't just eat meat all the time And I started having alot of stomach pains. So I stopped and gained back to 295. So then I started on a different kind of diet. Called the 'I' diet and I really lost.. like 35 pounds and kept it off for some time until the attack of the cookies-N-cream. So here I am now and today I am back up to 300 and feeling bad.
    I like my shape and think I am okay looking but this weight really messes with me. I hope I haven't wrote too much but I am hoping that with some support and motivation from the MFP community I will be successful on this New life of high fiber low carb. If you are looking for a great diet strategy I recommend the "I" diet you can get the book online really cheap mine was like 4 dollars on ebay the name of it is, "The "I" Diet: Use Your Instincts to Lose Weight--and Keep It Off--Without Feeling Hungry
    Susan B. Roberts (Author), Betty Kelly Sargent (Author)" It really opens you thinking and gives motivation and understanding to why we eat how we do and great meals and recipes and a quit strict diet but seeings how we over 200 girls we get a few more calories than the skinny girls LOL but I really like it. I plan to re-read it soon for some motivation and possibly restarting the diet. I used MFP on my phone to track my calories and progress from the first time but this is the first time I actually used the support side.
    I will be glad to talk anytime give motivation or support
    Thank you
  • fmccullum
    I am Francine from North Carolina and I joined MFP 1 month ago weighing 308 pounds. I now weigh 298.4 for a weight loss of almost 10 pounds!! I am 5'9" and I want to get down to 175 - 180 pounds. I don't have a total end date in mind...I just set small goals on my Wii fit of 5 to 6 pounds per month. I am working with a weight loss center (non-surgical path) and having my own team dedicated to helping me lose has been the difference for me. With that and MFP and the Wii to keep me honest and hold me accountable, I have been doing much better. I have NEVER worked out or eaten right during the winter months so to actually be able to not only...not gain...but to lose weight has been a really big deal for me...especially through the holidays =) My best advice is to be vocal about trying to lose weight. My co-workers, friends, and family know that I am trying to lose and so they have stopped offering me the snacks and they understand when I don't go out to lunch or dinner with them. They also motivate me on the days when I am dragging. Trying to lose weight used to be my shameful secret but now that I am open with it, I find it much easier to stick to my diet and to my routine. Good luck to everyone in the fight....we are going to get where we want to pound at a time.
  • kaelawilliford
    I'm 29 years old and weighed in the new year at 300. I have a wonderful husband and 7 yr old son and am ready to start living my life. I have decided to not think of it as a diet but a life change. It has been such a blessing to read others stories on here and know that i'm not alone.....feel free to add me - the support is always welcomed:happy:
  • MrsNinaMartin
    This is my breaking point the fact that my youngest is now a year old and I look like more of a ball than he does:( I promised myself once I got fixed I would get serious especially since now when I drop the weight I won't gain it back in baby weight. I wanna be able to wear shorts again wear clothes that don't make me feel like i am wearing a goodyear tire around my waist, I have to admit a lot has to do with my depression and self esteem issue that I did';t have before, and I do now I am extremely jealous and insecure and now I doubt my husbands every move and sex feels like such a chore and loss of interest, maybe im stating too much but I want people to understand that i don't look like this because i stay at buffets but because I physically don't go the extra mile nor do I eat at times sometimes I will only eat once a day, I need help at times I even felt suicidal because of it I don;t feel loved, and I feel so grotesque. I am now willing to change that at least for me anyways
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Hi, Can I join in ?

    I'm 36, based in Edinburgh and a mum of one. I'm also 247 lbs. I tipped the scale this time 2 years ago at 278. I have been 30lbs lighter but have put it all back on recently.
    So I'm back again on MFP logging cals and trying to find time for exercise.

    Exercise is my biggest issue, I can eat well no problem (when I'm focussed) but finding time to do a bit of exercise and go to the gym etc is a real problem for me.
    Like some others have mentioned I'm a stress eater. Chocolate is my main downfall but I'd be lying if I said that was my only problem !!

    I'm really looking for a group that I can share my successes and failures with and hopefully help motivate each other.
  • jcmorrison25
    jcmorrison25 Posts: 43 Member
    My highest weight was 298, I got down to around 240 and then fell off trying. I've slowly tried to get back on track and last week I was down to 216, hopefully another one or two pounds fell off this week. Anyone can add me! I know I need motivation!!
  • LorahJo
    LorahJo Posts: 151 Member
    Heys Girls,

    I joined yesterdaty starting at 218 lbs ... i don't even know how I got from 175 - 180 lbs to this now .. honestly don't remember looking at the scales with those numbers of course i felt my clothes tightening and had to go up to the next size but when the next size started to get tight I knew I had to do something ...
    I gave up smoking 24th January 2011 (so nearly a year no smoking) :) yay me!! So this has had a impact on my weight gain.

    So this year I really want to tackle my weight I want to feel comfortable with my skin and people around me

    Any one can add me wether you relate or want to help motivate each other or if you just need someone to chat to ...

  • Stephanie8242
    Stephanie8242 Posts: 20 Member
    I started at 280 and am currently at 272. I am new to MFP and still have A LONG way to go to reach my goal!! Please feel free to add me, I need supportive and motivating friends!!