
  • Good Morning, All,

    I got all my crunches in Tues., Wed., Thurs., with my 30 minutes on stationary bike,each day, plus on Wed. evening did triceps, biceps and shoulders, using 2, 3 and 5 lbs. I just started the strength training and I have muscles that have been absent for a long time.:laugh: The scale has not moved but I am feeling a difference in my mid-section . . . so the crunches must be working!!:wink: I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine today!! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you later,

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    OK, check in day...

    Mon - 150 (great start- yes?)
    Tues - 100
    Weds - 0 (oops - losing steam)

    Total = 250

    I hit the cardio machines on Tues, but was pretty quiet on the workout front on Mon and Weds.. will do better next week..
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    good morning all 100 situps 100 pushups 40 leglifts with 12lb ball done :glasses:
  • txdyno14
    txdyno14 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi All!!

    Well I did my situp/crunches last night at the gym. Mon - 0, Tue - 0, Wed - 150(Yea). I did just shy of 2 miles on the treadmill and 15min on the bike (can't remember how far I went). I did my leg exercises on Tues. and will do some more tonight. Ran out of time at the gym last night to arms. Will have to make up for it tomorrow night.
    But the best thing of all is that I weight in this morning and I lost another 1lb!!! WhooHoo!! When I got up this morning I kind of felt bloated so was very shocked to see I was down that 1lb.
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Tuesday: 100 crunches, legs and arms, Elliptical
    Wednesday: Just Elliptical-oops
    Thursday, so Today I will make up the other 100 crunches, planning on going for a jog today and some arms and legs.

    Yes, I cut out soda a while ago, only have it on occasion, but definitely need to up my water, good luck everyone.
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Hey everyone.

    I just started Monday and had to catch up so I didn't do arms and legs yet, but I will start today because I'm caught up with my cruches, yea me:bigsmile: .

    3/16--300 crunches; 3.5 miles on treadmill
    3/17--300 crunches
    3/18--200 crunches; 3.5 miles on treadmill

    Thanks for letting me join!
  • Well, ladies....I have officially fallen off the wagon. :angry: I don't know if I will ever catch up, so I just want to start over. I know everyone will be way ahead of me...:ohwell: , but I figure I need to get back "on the horse that threw me...:grumble: So, here I go again on my own....just need a little nudge :flowerforyou: And cheers :drinker: to all of you that have stayed with it.....I'll "keep on truckin' until I get it right...:huh: Hey, at least I haven't stopped my walking...:bigsmile:
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    Okay, here goes
    Monday - 120 crunches, 105 pushups. 90 squats
    Tuesday -150 crunches, 100 pushups, 90 squats
    Wednesday - 120 crnches, 105 pushups, 90 squats
    Total Crunches - 370
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hi everyone..

    i got all my crunches in tues, wed and today.. Walked more than a mile each day... Did my legs and arms.. Got it all in.. Now, i can't weigh myself.. Husband took my scale away from me till next Friday. he thinks I focus on it too much and get frustrated.. I do but thats another story... I did measure my waist and I've lost a half inch..

    Love the challenges..

  • txdyno14
    txdyno14 Posts: 31 Member
    Well, ladies....I have officially fallen off the wagon. :angry: I don't know if I will ever catch up, so I just want to start over. I know everyone will be way ahead of me...:ohwell: , but I figure I need to get back "on the horse that threw me...:grumble: So, here I go again on my own....just need a little nudge :flowerforyou: And cheers :drinker: to all of you that have stayed with it.....I'll "keep on truckin' until I get it right...:huh: Hey, at least I haven't stopped my walking...:bigsmile:


    Your numbers may not be as high, but you will still be closer to your goals. I'm glad to see that your not going to let one small setback keep you from riding that horse. Keep up the good attitude.

    Hey Gypsy!!

    I too fell of the wagon a bit, but got back on it yesterday. Don't worry about it so much!! Just remember why you are doing this in the first place... to get healthy!!:wink: So what if you are behind some of us. Just make sure you exercises everyday!! Don't focus so much on the numbers right now, they will come!! Like if you do 50 situps today, do 51 tomorrow. Do that with the rest of your exercises and before you know it you will pass all of us on the numbers!! :happy: :tongue:

    Good luck and remember we are all here to support each other and stay motivated!! :happy:
  • txdyno14
    txdyno14 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone..

    i got all my crunches in tues, wed and today.. Walked more than a mile each day... Did my legs and arms.. Got it all in.. Now, i can't weigh myself.. Husband took my scale away from me till next Friday. he thinks I focus on it too much and get frustrated.. I do but thats another story... I did measure my waist and I've lost a half inch..

    Love the challenges..


    Good job on all your exercises!! I'm glad your husband took your scale away. You should only be weighing yourself once a week. Remember being women we have such a water flux that the scale always lies to us. :wink:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello question here do we take off sat and sun because i always have
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    good morning 100 situps 100pushups 40 leglifts and curl with 10 lbs ball not touching ground :glasses: and only 20 leglifts on bench with 10lbs ball :mad: i dont know about everybody here but i take off weekends to drink and eat :drinker:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good Morning... 100 situps, walked 1.75 miles, Biceps and Triceps.. I am struggling with push ups.. I need more arm strength...
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    good morning 100 situps 100pushups 40 leglifts and curl with 10 lbs ball not touching ground :glasses: and only 20 leglifts on bench with 10lbs ball :mad: i dont know about everybody here but i take off weekends to drink and eat :drinker:

    I take Sunday off from exercise but I still eat healthy.. If we go out to dinner I eat in moderation.. No real cheat days for me.. I am in this for the long haul.....
  • I normally workout 5 days, but my rest days are Thursday and Sunday. I like to break up my week a bit. The body needs to rest some time! :smile:


  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    missed yesterday-- but got 'em tonight-- plus 3 mile run three times this week, a two mile run -- and my pushups three times this week.

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I took yesterday off from the exercising.. I plan on doing 200 today... I got in all my other stuff... This thread seems to keep me motivated....
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    checking in- 100 a day except for yesterday- only 40. Have to make them up today.
    Arms- 3 days
    Legs - 3 days
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Checking in -

    Did my crunches every day (100) except Sunday. If I make them up, I will let you know!
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