THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    my oldest rugrat :laugh:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Helloooo? Anyone here? I'm popping back in to say hey! Lulubar checked in on me, and I told her It's been a crazy couple of weeks!!! I work for a school district and we are doing our state required testing for the high school this week. Lots of extra work, which will be a nice paycheck, but kinda gets in the way of life. I've done well logging my food, but haven't had time to post. Then today had to run my son to the doctor, he has been having massive nosebleeds. The doctor told him to swab vaseline up his nose. (I can't believe I pulled him out of school for that advice!!! :laugh: ) I am not sure I agree with this, I thought they would cauterize the offending veins. We're talking big clots and blood all over the bathroom. Seriously, it looks like he stood in the middle of the room and twirled around, there is that much blood in nooks and crannies. (Sorry, I know, TMI!!!:sick: ) He is fine and healthy otherwise, but they just come on all of a sudden with no warning. Kind of embarrassing for a 16 year old kid.

    Anyway, I am off to shower and make din-din and chill out before an early day tomorrow. This weekend I will try to catch up on everyone's posts. Hope you are all doing well! I am going to try to make time tomorrow to check in. After tomorrow it should get easier until April when we do our next round of testing. Have a great evening!!!
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    my oldest rugrat :laugh:

    She looks like she is a fun kid! And a cutie, too!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    swignal, I had that same thing this morning... i went to bed early, slept late, and was totally not motivated nor did I want to go... but since it was stay home with 3 screaming kids or go to the gym for 90 mins and have some peace and quiet... the gym won LOL. 62 mins/500 cals.

    Then I came home and ended up taking a nap, not from the gym but just becaus I was really cold and tired (probably a bug I'm fighting). Now hubby is going (I was going to go again and do weights, but changed my mind and took a hot shower instead) and taking the three boys so I have an hour to myself! WOW!!

    OH did I tell you guys about my hubby getting hit on at the gym last time we went together?? Now i love my hubby and he's a great guy... but he's a BIG guy and bald... 2 different women came up and just started chatting with him and helping him... with me standing right there talking to him! I just couldn't believe it! Maybe that's why he's not making me go with him tonight... LOL
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey Get_fit!!! We've missed ya!!!! Glad you are still with us... Hang in there! The nosebleed stuff with your son... wow.. that sounds bad. The vaseline just may help a bit but if not, take him back in and get a second opinion.

    as for my rugrat....Yeah.. Shes the runner... 17 years old. Shes a ham. I have a funnier pic I wanted to use, but she would kill me.. :laugh: :laugh:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Get_fit!!! We've missed ya!!!! Glad you are still with us... Hang in there! The nosebleed stuff with your son... wow.. that sounds bad. The vaseline just may help a bit but if not, take him back in and get a second opinion.

    as for my rugrat....Yeah.. Shes the runner... 17 years old. Shes a ham. I have a funnier pic I wanted to use, but she would kill me.. :laugh: :laugh:

    Ooh, you could use that for bribery! (If you don't ____(Fill in blank), I will post your funny picture on MFP!!!) :devil: Oh, bad mommy thoughts, I must stop!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Hey Team, Thanks for the push I did go to the gym, but I only did the eliptical for 1 hour... but I stoped and weighed myself and boy am I happy you will see tomorrow!!!! :laugh: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks again for the push...

    I wont feel that way tomorrow

  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Team, Thanks for the push I did go to the gym, but I only did the eliptical for 1 hour... but I stoped and weighed myself and boy am I happy you will see tomorrow!!!! :laugh: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks again for the push...

    I wont feel that way tomorrow


    Good for you for going! :smile:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey Team, Thanks for the push I did go to the gym, but I only did the eliptical for 1 hour... but I stoped and weighed myself and boy am I happy you will see tomorrow!!!! :laugh: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks again for the push...

    I wont feel that way tomorrow


    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you!!!!! 1 hour on the elliptical on a bum day... WOOHOO!! I bet you feel awesome!!!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    If you dont normally take a day off... then taking today wont kill ya. From what Ive seen you are working pretty dang hard on your gym days. Arent you working out like 1 1/2 hours on the days you go? Maybe you just need a rest day to get you back in the groove tomorrow. :happy:

    yeah I am trying to do 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour of water areobics but on the weekends I just get the 1 hour cardio on the machines.. I am prob pushing myself to hard but... I really dont want to quit like my sister.. she was going a month and she got me to start going and then she quit and i dont want to do that... I want my health back I need my health back so I cant give up and I cant stop...

    I went to my dads to weigh myself and I lost 5 more pounds so I am happy I went to the gym even if it was only for an hour..

    I really appreciate the push...

  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    swignal, I had that same thing this morning... i went to bed early, slept late, and was totally not motivated nor did I want to go... but since it was stay home with 3 screaming kids or go to the gym for 90 mins and have some peace and quiet... the gym won LOL. 62 mins/500 cals.

    Then I came home and ended up taking a nap, not from the gym but just becaus I was really cold and tired (probably a bug I'm fighting). Now hubby is going (I was going to go again and do weights, but changed my mind and took a hot shower instead) and taking the three boys so I have an hour to myself! WOW!!

    OH did I tell you guys about my hubby getting hit on at the gym last time we went together?? Now i love my hubby and he's a great guy... but he's a BIG guy and bald... 2 different women came up and just started chatting with him and helping him... with me standing right there talking to him! I just couldn't believe it! Maybe that's why he's not making me go with him tonight... LOL

    That is too funny... the gym I go to is women only Mon Wed Fri and Sunday at one location and the other location is tue thur sat and the guys go on alrenating nights.. I kinda like that better.. although in the front of the gym by the front door they have it were you can do 7 day cardio so men can come in the front part on off nights...

    This guy was on the eliptical next to me and he was like skinny and he was going 10x faster then me... and I was like dang.... but i kept going on my pace and I was just poring sweat.. but then he stoped and said you doing a good job you have been on there a long time... :drinker:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    I went to my dads to weigh myself and I lost 5 more pounds so I am happy I went to the gym even if it was only for an hour..

    I really appreciate the push...


    WOW!!! 5lbs is AMAZING!!! You ROCK!! That is Terrific!!!! Congratulations!!

    As for your sister... its a shame she has stopped going, but Im proud of you for not giving up! I know on days adopt4 and I cant get to the gym at the same time.. its hard on us both. But I could never give it up. I just have so much more energy that I used to.

    Maybe after you've been at it a while she will see how great you feel and look and will want to come back. Hard to say since people have thier own motivation for going to the gym. I guess this is also an opportunity for you to show her that with a bit of determination and support... reaching you goals is totally doable!!

    Stick with it girlie... 7 pounds is GREAT!!
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    swignal, I had that same thing this morning... i went to bed early, slept late, and was totally not motivated nor did I want to go... but since it was stay home with 3 screaming kids or go to the gym for 90 mins and have some peace and quiet... the gym won LOL. 62 mins/500 cals.

    Then I came home and ended up taking a nap, not from the gym but just becaus I was really cold and tired (probably a bug I'm fighting). Now hubby is going (I was going to go again and do weights, but changed my mind and took a hot shower instead) and taking the three boys so I have an hour to myself! WOW!!

    OH did I tell you guys about my hubby getting hit on at the gym last time we went together?? Now i love my hubby and he's a great guy... but he's a BIG guy and bald... 2 different women came up and just started chatting with him and helping him... with me standing right there talking to him! I just couldn't believe it! Maybe that's why he's not making me go with him tonight... LOL

    That is too funny... the gym I go to is women only Mon Wed Fri and Sunday at one location and the other location is tue thur sat and the guys go on alrenating nights.. I kinda like that better.. although in the front of the gym by the front door they have it were you can do 7 day cardio so men can come in the front part on off nights...

    This guy was on the eliptical next to me and he was like skinny and he was going 10x faster then me... and I was like dang.... but i kept going on my pace and I was just poring sweat.. but then he stoped and said you doing a good job you have been on there a long time... :drinker:

    You ARE doing a good job! Don't worry about how skinny, fast, etc. anyone else is at the gym- just DO YOUR THING! :wink:
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    Chanty - My husband and I wanted to do the Disney marathon too - we're not but one day we'll go down there...with all the talk about the HM from CM and you ~ I think I'll get one, I'm looking on Amazon tonight.

    Sheila - Great job and sticking it through and dropping another 5 pounds! You'll soon inspire your sister and she'll be hopping on the wagon...

    I know how you felt today, I didn't go to the gym and stuffed my face. I'm really disappointed in myself but tomorrow is another day for a new beginning. I'm scared to put my food into the diary but I know I need too for my sake.

    Everyone ~ Good night and have an awesome work out. I'll see if I did any damage tomorrow morning when I weigh in..:embarassed:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Chanty - My husband and I wanted to do the Disney marathon too - we're not but one day we'll go down there...with all the talk about the HM from CM and you ~ I think I'll get one, I'm looking on Amazon tonight.

    Sheila - Great job and sticking it through and dropping another 5 pounds! You'll soon inspire your sister and she'll be hopping on the wagon...

    I know how you felt today, I didn't go to the gym and stuffed my face. I'm really disappointed in myself but tomorrow is another day for a new beginning. I'm scared to put my food into the diary but I know I need too for my sake.

    Everyone ~ Good night and have an awesome work out. I'll see if I did any damage tomorrow morning when I weigh in..:embarassed:

    One bad day won't be the end of everything, it will be ok!!!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Swignal... 1 hour on the elliptical would kill me! I can get about a 1/2 hour in and I am sweating so bad I have to stop just so I can cool off with the fan on the treadmill for the other 1/2 hour. :laugh: :laugh:

    You ARE doing a great job! Keep up the great work! Its nice when people at the gym encourage you!

    We have a personal trainer at our gym... a black guy who is prolly 6'3 and BUFF! Anyway.. he was the one that told me when I first started going to the gym regularly that I wouldnt meet my goals unless I hired a personal trainer. Boy am I proving him wrong!! Now every time he sees me at the gym.. which is 5 days out of the week.. he stops me to tell me how good Im doin and to keep up the great work. On Monday he caught me after I came out of the ladies locker room from my swim and asked me how I was doing. I told him I had lost 20 pounds and he was like "WOW!! Thats terrific!! Keep at it...dont back off now" and I told him "20 down... 45 to go.. Im not giving in" and he said to me "I havent seen you as often... you still coming as much as you were?" and I told him "yep, 5 days a week... Ive been adding in pool time to change things up" and he said "PERFECT! change things up and keep your body confused!"

    All of the trainers there are very helpful. If we have questions.. we ask!! You dont have to hire one.. just go ask when you have a question. Just be careful not to get sucked into thier :devil: guilt trip when getting started. Thats really cool that your gym has ladies nights!!
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Smontoya - I think it will be really fun!

    Wow I feel dead and a half right now I just read like 150 pgs of a book I had to finish for English......:yawn:

    Saturday is my day off....yay....
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am beat and headed to bed to curl up and watch, here is the new thread for tomorrows check in. :happy:

    See ya then! Good luck everyone!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Losingit ~ precious daughter!! What a fun pic!

    Swignol ~ you are ROCKIN' it!

    Getfit - SOOOOO good to see you!

    Smontoya - Yes, tomorrow is a new day, use it to your benefit:flowerforyou:

    Adopt4 - Nice!! I remember how utterly fantastic it felt to have the house to myself when my kids were little ~ you got a pretty good dh it sounds like ~ But nooooooo, I'm not hittin' on him like those skanky gym rats:blushing:

    Chanty ~ Dead AND a half??:noway: That's waaaay too dead! If you weren't so young, I'd say there's no coming back from that!!!:bigsmile:

    CM - way to go, getting in touch with Anita's dh about the scale! Kristi, Adopt4 ~ see, we have our ways!! Beware:smokin:

    If I haven't lost like 50 pounds tomorrow, I'm quitting! I have spent the week hauling dirt, digging, hoeing, carrying bricks and pavers, pulling grass and weeds, sweating so much I don't think I've peed since Sunday :blushing: , and eating healthy, healthy, healthy!:bigsmile: My backyard is going to look soooo great though - doing lots of landscaping - and I am very very very excited!:smile::happy: :smile:

    See you all tomorrow for the weighin!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    HI, gang, I wanted to check in before the new thread tomorrow.

    WHen I first got home, my high speed modem was on strike, again! So, it wook a while to get online. I get really frustrated when I can't check in and see what you are all up to.

    Swignal, great job! Its so smart to reach out BEFORE you slip up! In my work, I am always so sad when I get a call AFTER a relapse. That has happened to me twice this week, once from a guy who will be going back to prison for maybe as much as ten years. :brokenheart: So, what you did today is one of the most important things to help us stay focused!

    Losingit4good - what a cutie your daughter is! As get fit said, she looks fun!

    Get_fit - welcome back!!! :happy:

    lulu, good luck on the 50 lb weight loss - which should result in REALLY LOOSE panties! :wink: I am so jealous that you are working in the yard! Not happening here yet. But, the crocuses and forsythia are starting to show off, which I just love!

    Chanty and Smontoya - smiley_aakq.gif you runners! You inspire me. However, I won't be joining you any time soon. :ohwell: But still, every day, things get a little better in one way or another. And, Chanty I agree with lulu, dead and a half is just too darn dead. Heck, mostly dead is still pretty darn dead! Hmmm, I suspect my little bit of humor has come to a dead end! :wink:

    adopt4, hitting on your guy, that must be interesting - makes you want to pull a Kathy Bates on them (like in Fried Green Tomatoes, when she ran into these young girl's car and said, "I'm older and have better insurance." Middle age does have its rewards. :laugh: But, hay - ix-nay on the ales-skay alk-tay! :wink: You will blow our cover of seeming nonchalant, but secretly.... ok, its not really a secret that we are not nonchalant. :blushing: But, tomorrow is the big day.
    CM, I know you are out there, lurking my scales. I am watching for you.! :happy:

    Well everyone, I have scoped out the new thread - very nice Li4g! See you all there.
    Gooooooooo - THE Team!!!!!
