THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Swignal... 1 hour on the elliptical would kill me! I can get about a 1/2 hour in and I am sweating so bad I have to stop just so I can cool off with the fan on the treadmill for the other 1/2 hour. :laugh: :laugh:

    You ARE doing a great job! Keep up the great work! Its nice when people at the gym encourage you!

    We have a personal trainer at our gym... a black guy who is prolly 6'3 and BUFF! Anyway.. he was the one that told me when I first started going to the gym regularly that I wouldnt meet my goals unless I hired a personal trainer. Boy am I proving him wrong!! Now every time he sees me at the gym.. which is 5 days out of the week.. he stops me to tell me how good Im doin and to keep up the great work. On Monday he caught me after I came out of the ladies locker room from my swim and asked me how I was doing. I told him I had lost 20 pounds and he was like "WOW!! Thats terrific!! Keep at it...dont back off now" and I told him "20 down... 45 to go.. Im not giving in" and he said to me "I havent seen you as often... you still coming as much as you were?" and I told him "yep, 5 days a week... Ive been adding in pool time to change things up" and he said "PERFECT! change things up and keep your body confused!"

    All of the trainers there are very helpful. If we have questions.. we ask!! You dont have to hire one.. just go ask when you have a question. Just be careful not to get sucked into thier :devil: guilt trip when getting started. Thats really cool that your gym has ladies nights!!

    WoW that is funny because they seem me comeing everyday to the gym and they said that I should really get a PT so that I can reach my goals... Well they cost to damn much for me to pay them... I just watch what they do with the other people!!! they have regular trainers that you dont have to pay for so i stick with them... everyday when I slide my card they are like your doing so good sheila :happy: and everyone knows my name there now cuz they see me so much LOL... when they did my measurement the other day they were like congradulations your doing great.. and then they try to talk me into the personal trainer again.. NOT.. they cost $50.00 an hour.. not happening...

    On Wed I tryed to do water areobics and then work out !!!! that was the hardest thing ever... my legs felt like jello after the pool but I did do 30 minutes on the eliptical after an hour of water areobics... man was that hard...

    I was watching the floor excersices at the gym and then came home to try them HOLLY POOP!!! I cant do some of them yet but maybe sooon....

    see you on the new thread today.. Sheila