THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Hey, just fyi gang: Get_fit has not left us ~ she's having a crazy busy week with lots of extra work hours because the school district she works for is doing standardized testing this week and her birthday was this past weekend so she was busy all weekend ~ but she said to let everyone know she'll be back soon:happy:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Nita, I agree with everyone else, lets see the new do! And, you pamperers, its nice to see one can reward onself without food. New concept for me. Silly, I know...

    CM and (Drat, who else was hungry and ate a bunch, my notes fail me!) Anyway, I had that happen on Friday, I was starved all day! I ate all my meals and snacks, and still, I was just prowling around the kitchen like a vulture. (I guess lions prowl, and vultures ...?? ) So, finally at 10:30, I decided to have a glass of milk. It turned into a quart of milk! :blushing: What's that all about?

    Chanty, congrats on the HRM. I called my trainer (sis) all excited about getting me one, and she said, for now, you probably don't need one. :ohwell: I like new toys!

    Healthy mom, Swignal, good job on the extended workouts and the improved health! Yay!!

    Lulu, you are cracking me up, again. If you think I am making it easy for you to steal the scales by putting it on the front porch, well, you have another think coming. dde85913-1.gif

    Don't forget, I have a cat with a gun, and a SERIOUS guard dog. a388.jpg The guard dog is the one on top! The bottom one is just transportation.

    So, Zano, prayerfulmom, and the rest of you, where are you? We miss you. And, for everyone who is doing so well,

  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    HI Team, missed you guy a lot, fortunately I’ve been very faithful to my goals and this Friday’s weigh in should (I hope) show improvement. Lots happening at my house, I’m having hardwood floors (rustic maple) installed throughout the first floor, so I’m busy doing the tear down and repainting the walls. This is a lot of work, tearing out the carpeting and old floor was easy, trying to find each staple or nail is very time consuming and tedious. I’ll have pictures on the completed project. Workouts are the best with the wogging still at 1.5 mi, and a stationary bike on alternating days.
    Li4g, hey wogging partner keep up the trend, 20:39 is terrific compared to zero mph at the dinner table or infront of the tube, April …here we come.
    Kristy, thanks for the encouragement, I’ve got a closet full of pants I can try the fit test on!
    Smontoya1, welcome to the Team!!
    Adopt4, by being on the web and telling us your workouts, calorie counting, and daily weight you encourage us to keep going. Keep up the good fight, your trials inspire us…you go girl!
    Healthymom2009, fantastic job with the run. 3.5 mi in about an hour! I know I wouldve been tired and confused just counting up to those laps, great job!!!!
    Chantybear, Lulubar & CM glad to read your posts and everyone elses, Our TEAM is the best HRM I know of, your daily posts and everyone’s interaction keeps us focused on our goals. April is gonna be here and we’ll be closer to our goal…keep up the great posts!
    Swignal, nice job with the work out.
    TEAM, our best weapon to fight weight gain and boredom, is hanging out together and posting. Have a great post St Patricks Day!…Zano
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    Hey Team -

    Good morning! I hope everyone has a fabulous day. Hopefully I can convince myself to run 5 miles today...I'm doing my second 1/2 marathon next Sunday. I'm excited. Hopefully I'll be able to come in by my second hour. I just ate a really big breakfast, but I figured that I should eat my most in the morning..:tongue: I'm excited about Friday's weigh - in. Even though I've been back for one week, I think I've been doing a great job so I'm really hoping to have lost a pound...Everyone thank you for the support and love. I wish everyone a wonderful day full of health, strength, and motivation!

    SM :flowerforyou:
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Lulu - Good job on your end too! Thanks for the update on getfit....I do not think she could leave us for good!:laugh:

    Kristi - Chhh, they just had to burst your bubble eh? I only got mine because I run a lot outside, and my watch crapped out on me, so I thought might as well get a 2 in 1.

    Zano - Good job!!

    Smontoya - Morning :smile: , you too! I am doing the disney half on labour day weekend with my cousin, oh we are so excited!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I have to get my DH to take a picture and you know I am always so embarassed to ask him... I just went a lot blonder and had 2 inches cut off the length.. It was too long... But I love it.. What is it that simple things like that make you feel like a million bucks...

    Good News.. Yesterday morning one of the companies that my DH worked for briefly last spring, the owner of the company drove to our house to offer my DH a job.. We changed our cell numbers about 2 months ago.. Oh I am so excited and he started today.. Who does that, seriously we live way out, the guy drove 45 mins.. It's not as much money as he is used to making but its a job.. And it should carry us through till the other company puts all the guys back to work.. YEah..

    So its my TOM.. YUCK.. UGG>.. Grumble.. Grumble... I have no energy...

    Geeze you guys.. you all RAWK... I am needing a swift kick in my back side to get off the computer to go workout.. I have no energy... All you women understand..

    Everyone have a great day..

  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Morning Team..

    about a month ago my sister asked me to start going to the gym so she would have some one to work out with and then I started going and she has not went once with me... So last night I called her and told her that I am going to the gym tomorrow night and she better be there at 5:45 NO excuses...I told her to get her gym bag ready last night so she cant say she is running late and forgot her gym bag I told her to put it in the car last night.... :laugh: Well she called me back and said it was in the car... so Lets just keep our fingers crosed to see if she comes... She better if she dont want me to kick her bum!!!! :laugh:

    My cousin called and told me what she ate last night for dinner and omg that was her calories for the whole day... man I wish I could get her to use this site... I think it would help her so much... but then she could see what I say about her LOL :laugh:

    well anyway I got my monthly measurements and I am down 4 inches in my waist and 4 in my stomach/ abdomen.. 2 in my thighs and 1 in my calf.. I am feeling GREAT... and I just wanted to say thanks team.. Your The BEST....

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I just got done exercising... 1 hr 10 mins, burned 707 calories per my handy dandy HRM.. Is that for real? It says it is.. I'll take it.. I worked out hard...

    Off to grocery shop... Have a wonderful day all...

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    okay, here I go on Tech Class again: This one is really Low Tech!

    I have to get my DH to take a picture and you know I am always so embarassed to ask him... I just went a lot blonder and had 2 inches cut off the length.. It was too long... But I love it.. What is it that simple things like that make you feel like a million bucks...

    All my profile pictures (and most everyone else with "headshots" on MFP) are taken by us. Just hold the camera at arm's length and take your own picture. Then you can take 30 pictures with differing amounts of Sexy, and decide which one you like best. Or you can use a web cam, but the pictures aren't as crisp.
    Full body shots the same way - just use a mirror.

    Let's see some cute blonde girl. :glasses:
  • healthymom2009
    Hey everyone, just checking in.

    Missed you Zano! Good luck on the house reno - when your done, can you come to my house?

    Had to log in my big lunch...yah I ate 2 pieces of dessert just to get it over with!! I can't stand seeing stuff sitting in the fridge. Lucky my hubby ate the other half! Plan to work it off this afternoon at the gym.

    Catch you later!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Hey all! Just came in for lunch and to check in. I am planting in my garden today ~ Big Boy tomatoes, Creole tomatoes, Italian Basil, Sweet Basil, Rosemary, Banana peppers, Cilantro, and Thyme. Also planted a bunch of Salvia, Peonies, Lariope, Mexican Heather, and a Camellia bush. I'm sooooo excited! Spring comes early down South. This past weekend I prepared my beds, added top soil and fertilizer to everything, and got all the leaves raked up and put in the compost corner. I LOVE this time of year!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Kristi ~ I forgot about that crazy gun-totin' cat! Well, I'm thinkin' a pound of cat nip might be just what that crazed feline needs ~ and as for those dogs, I'm bringin' bones, dem bones, dem beef bones! That scale will... be... mine mmmwwaaahahahhaa!! (Did I sound maniacal enough?)

    Zano - New floors, new paint - I'm so excited for you - and yes! We will absolutely need to see pictures!! You are such a great encourager and you are doing beautifully with your wogging and meeting your goals. Thanks for being you!

    smontoya and chanty ~ Ruuuuuuuunnn girls ruuuuuuuuunnn!

    Anita - a job for DH - that's fantastic! Congratulations! And great workout ~ good for you!

    Swignol - way to go motivating your sister and your cousin! It's awesome when we work to change ourselves for the better, but even more meaningful when we strive to bring others along for the journey! Yayyy on the measurements! You are doing a great great job!

    Going back outside ~ later gaters:bigsmile:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    LOLOL... CM musta been looking in my fridge and saw cabbage! Im actually not making corned beef, but I am making cabbage rolls in the crockpot today. My kids LOVE them!! My youngest made sloppy joes for dinner last night. THey turned out pretty good, considering they were manwich. We just rinsed all the grease of the hamburger before dumping in the sauce.

    I hit the gym with adopt4 this morning, then came home and proceeded to clean up outside all the crap that blew into my yard over the last couple days. Washed down the driveway and the deck and started hubbys car and moved it into the driveway and off the street.

    I just came in and made lunch and I gotta say Im a bit impressed. I still had mushrooms left over and some yellow bell pepper, so I put some them both in a sauce pan with some olive oil and minced garlic. Then I tossed in the basalmic vinegar and sauteed it for a few minutes, then threw in a heaping handful of spinach and some chopped tomatoes. Let that cook down, stuffed it into a pita with some feta cheese... OMG... WOW!!! Im definitely making THAT again!

    Anyway...Im off to run some errands and drop $ off to my daughter for her team track pictures today.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Healthymom2009, fantastic job with the run. 3.5 mi in about an hour! I know I wouldve been tired and confused just counting up to those laps, great job!!!!

    LOL This reminded me of a little trick we used to use when I was part of the Team In Training a few years ago. We did laps around the track and so many people would forget just how many they did. It does get very hard once you get past 7 or 8 laps to remember how many your at, especially when your just walking and talking to someone else. Anyway... at the start of the laps, the coach handed each of us a certain number of skittles. The numbers of skittles= how many laps we had to walk. Once they were gone, your laps were long as you didnt eat more than one or all of them at once.. LOL I just thought it was a pretty funny way of "remembering" how many laps you had left to do. Worked great for me at the time.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    :laugh: Skittles. That's awesome.

    I sense another 3,500-calories day for me (yep) if I did that. Once I start on sugar, it's all over for me..:noway:

    How about edamame? Protein and good fat...lots better for me than Skittles.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Well guys, My sister is such a butthead... well I waited to go to the gym until 4:30 so that I could do water areobics and my siter was supose to meet me.. she text me and said she wouldnt make it in time so I was getting dressed to go on the machines... I text her back and said I did my work out after water areobics so get to the gym... well needless to say she has stood me up again... boy does that fuel my fire...

    I also didnt realize how hard it is to work out after you do water areobics!!! man am I sore today...I only got 1 hour of water areobics and 25 minutes on the eliptical then I did some I only got 1hour and 25 minutes of cardio in today and I feel horible...

    Then I came home from the gym and my Hubby had dinner ready and because I was hungry I ate fast and now I feel even worse... grrrrrrrrrrr.
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Lulu - Oh I love gardening! A little to cold here still to do anything, but it is getting warm!!:smile:

    Cmr - Edamame is reallly yummy, and a great source of protein along with a crap load of other good things. I make edamame salads, and things like that mmmm I want to make one right now!!

    Ohhh I love my little HRM, I went on the elliptical and it said exactly what my watch said for my HR, and calories and I was like wtf? And then I realized it said polar heart rate ready, it was soo cool! I burned about 650 calories today 1 hr at the gym + 1 hr of DDR. I took the calories my HRM said for the exercise, and subtracted what I would normally burn in each hour, so it is pure exercise goodness!:smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Lulu - Oh I love gardening! A little to cold here still to do anything, but it is getting warm!!:smile:

    Cmr - Edamame is reallly yummy, and a great source of protein along with a crap load of other good things. I make edamame salads, and things like that mmmm I want to make one right now!!

    Ohhh I love my little HRM, I went on the elliptical and it said exactly what my watch said for my HR, and calories and I was like wtf? And then I realized it said polar heart rate ready, it was soo cool! I burned about 650 calories today 1 hr at the gym + 1 hr of DDR. I took the calories my HRM said for the exercise, and subtracted what I would normally burn in each hour, so it is pure exercise goodness!:smile:

    We are all headin' to New Orleans with NW scales to do some gardening...we'll swing by Kristi's in Utah for her scale - she works nights - so she won't know.

    Luckily the Polar HRM has a little night light on it, so we can be stealthy AND keep track of calories as we sneak in. Isn't it great to know that we will have the exact HR (including the adrenaline??)

    Did you notice that the HRM transmits to the elliptical or treadmill or whatever you are on? My favorite machine is the Precor AMTi. But people on the adjacent machines also get your readings :laugh: so I tried to always have a "buffer" of one machine on each side of me empty, and there would be my HR, beating away on the two machines next to me. Kinda funny.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    okay, here I go on Tech Class again: This one is really Low Tech!

    I have to get my DH to take a picture and you know I am always so embarassed to ask him... I just went a lot blonder and had 2 inches cut off the length.. It was too long... But I love it.. What is it that simple things like that make you feel like a million bucks...

    All my profile pictures (and most everyone else with "headshots" on MFP) are taken by us. Just hold the camera at arm's length and take your own picture. Then you can take 30 pictures with differing amounts of Sexy, and decide which one you like best. Or you can use a web cam, but the pictures aren't as crisp.
    Full body shots the same way - just use a mirror.

    Let's see some cute blonde girl. :glasses:

    Ok, I will try that tomorrow after I am ready for work... I want him to take a full length picture for that site called weight view.. He said he will and that I am retarded for the way I think "smile".. Years of being insecure I guess...
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Luckily the Polar HRM has a little night light on it, so we can be stealthy AND keep track of calories as we sneak in. Isn't it great to know that we will have the exact HR (including the adrenaline??)

    Did you notice that the HRM transmits to the elliptical or treadmill or whatever you are on? My favorite machine is the Precor AMTi. But people on the adjacent machines also get your readings :laugh: so I tried to always have a "buffer" of one machine on each side of me empty, and there would be my HR, beating away on the two machines next to me. Kinda funny.

    Oh you make me laugh:laugh: ! Yeah that is what I was talking about, how neat it was :smile: Ahha, oh well you should not trust those things anyways!! There is just a whole bunch of like 70-80 year olds walking soooo slow on the treadmills, my HR will make them think they are having a heart attack:laugh: :laugh:
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    Hey team I did it, I went to my cousins and we walked to the park and then through the park for a total of 4 miles.... I cant beleive it last year I couldnt walk two houses... yay then I came home ate lunch and then I went to the gym and did the elipitcal for 35 minutes and the weights.. so I treated myself to tanning..

    Sheila :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    That's so awesome Sheila! Especially about the part of you doing four miles and then doing some more gym work..I did four and called it a day..Great job!