THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    ohh I just got a polar hrm...oh yayy!! Now I can see if the exercise equipment at the gym is right (I hope not! wise)

    I hope everyone else is having a good day, I think eating a bit more really helped me!!

    Tell me how the hrm works out for you...I've been wanting to get one but I'm not sure if the money would be worth for me. I heard a personal trainer say that there's different heart rate levels that you always want to keep at when you're trying to do certain things like, build muscle or burn confusing!
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    ohh I just got a polar hrm...oh yayy!! Now I can see if the exercise equipment at the gym is right (I hope not! wise)

    I hope everyone else is having a good day, I think eating a bit more really helped me!!

    uh, oh, you know they are usually way high in the estimated calories on gym machines, right? So if you think you have been burning 400 kcals, it will be more like 320......wiggle-1.gif

    I hope I'm wrong....but that has been the general consensus on the boards, the gym, and it has been my personal experience with my HRM as well. :ohwell:

    Yes I do, I am glad I have the HRM now to tell me the truth! I do not really believe those machines anyways, they just do that I think to make people think they are burning more, or just do not have the technology to measure everyone correctly:smile:

    Oh no :noway: !!! I never knew that...I always put in the weight that I want to weigh instead of my actual weight, does anyone know if that affects the burned calories shown? Good to know tho, that'll just make me work longer and harder so I can make sure I don't underestimate the calories I burned off.
  • healthymom2009
    Lulu – spring???? Are you kidding? There is still 4 feet of snow on my lawn! You are quite the gardener: my mother would be proud (she’s the gardener in our family). Plus it does burn lots of calories! :bigsmile:

    Swignol – great job on the inches! Hurray! Forget the scale...and remember to take the exercise slowly 1hr 25 min is awesome! :flowerforyou: My supper ritual is drink one glass of water before I start to eat and then another one with the meal to slow me down. But I know what you’re talking about. Have done that myself.

    Li4g- I would have to use “smarties” to count laps. I just remember 8 laps=1 mile. So I only count to 8. Not too difficult. Hmmm...smarties.

    Chantybear – awesome exercise today! I would not want the marathon jogger next to me to see my heart rate. How embarrassing!

    After my BIG lunch today I was able to add that extra 30 min. at the gym and burn it off. Hey woggers - I had a great time today 18:30 that's 30 seconds off my usual time. Did it with intervals. Will have to try that again - I am getting so bored - still tired, but need a challenge for the mind or new workout music...:laugh:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Actually, if you are putting in less weight than you are you are burning more calories than what shows. I know as my weight has dropped, Ive had to work harder and longer to burn the same amount.. :grumble:

    WHICH, is why I went and got an HRM today! :laugh: Ive been wanting one for a while and found a brand new timex that is waterproof and came with a chest strap. Ive been sittin here reading the manual trying to figure it out and I think I got a handle on it. Now I wanna go to the gym and give it a test drive!! LOL... maybe I'll just go for a walk instead around the neighborhood. Its not raining, actually a nice night tonight :happy:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Ok, that settles it. I'm buying stock in the Polar Company.

    I also have AIG, GeneralMotors, Citibank, (had WAMU, but there's a sad story), let's see, what OTHER genius picks has my stock person made? - OH Starbucks, Lucent, Dell..........

    Polar. That's my pick. :wink:

    smontoya, I've had mine about a year. Once I hit that six-week plateau, I decided I needed it. I love mine (Polar F6). If you buy one, just make sure it comes with the chest strap transmitter. I like the F6 - $100 on Amazon - it doesn't get interrupted by other peoples' transmitters like the less expensive ones do - but that's an issue only if you use it at a gym or other group activiity.
    I asked a friend who hs been a gym rat all her life to explain Training Heart Rates.
    The formula for figuring your Heart Rates varies depending on whether you are "non-athletic, fit or athletic."

    I figured my HR as a "Fit" person. You can go online and look up the formula for the other two categories - "fit" is
    Your age divided by 2
    Subtract that number from 211
    The total is your maximum heart rate.
    Then just figure the percentages for 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%

    So for a woman in the "fit" category I take my age (54) divided by 2, then take 211 minus that number which gives me 184.

    184 should be my maximum heart rate. That being said, these are my targets:

    55% 102
    60% 111
    65% 120
    70% 129
    75% 138
    80% 148
    85% 157
    90% 166
    95% 175
    100% 185

    Where should I train?

    :heart: :heart: For Training Heart Rates:heart::heart:

    Fat Burning -The optimal target to get to for fat burning is between 60 and 70%, BUT you must do this for a long period of time, such as 1 hour or more. If you go slow and keep your heart rate here and go for over 1 hour of training, you will be in the best zone for fat burning.

    Cardiovascular Improvement - Between 70% and 80%. In this aerobic zone your body will transfer oxygen to your muscles, heart and lungs, which will push the carbon dioxide out which will improve your overall health. Depending on the level of your health, you will want to be here about 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours.

    Anaerobic State - between 80% to 90%. When you work in this zone, your body is no longer burning fat, but burning glycogen instead. When you burn glycogen you will begin to build lactic acid, that's when you develop cramps in the muscles.

    Red Line Zone is anything beyond 90%. This is where athletes get their speed, you can only train here for minutes at a time, this is where athletes develop their "fast twitch" muscle fibers which allows them to have explosive power, but the explosive power last for only seconds.


    Shoot for 60%-70% for Fat burning ( for more than 1 hour )
    Shoot for 70%-80% for Cardiovascular improvement

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member

    whew doogies! [drags herself in, collapses in front of the computer with a glass of water and loosens foundation garments. Hard to know why she uses an exclaimation previously used only by Jed Clampet!?] What a day! You all worked out, and I am exhausted! Have you seen that movie with John Candy and hmmmm... she's the striking, older Irish actress, was in the origional Parent Trap with Brian Keith and Haley Mills??? Dang, can't remember her name. Anyway, she is John Candy's mom in the movie. He has a line he repeats over and over, "Sometimes its good to be a cop." Well, sometimes its NOT good to be a social worker. Actually, its usually very good, but some days its just hard work. Oh well.

    The good news is, I had one slice of pizza with a salad (graduation party) rather than three or four slices of pizza and a bunch of bread sticks and soda. Also, I had the extreme veggie rather than the "Mountain O' Meat" It feels like a real accomplishment. And, I know I CAN eat just one! Also, I have been doing this new lifestyle thing officially a month today. Also, I found an old food journal I had been keeping during my various stops and starts at dieting for several years. I weigh less than I have weighed since late 2004.

    Madeline O'Hare! I think that's her. Anyway, love you guys, good job, especially swignal!! Lots of work-out time, inches lost, increased endourance, way to go. 1_smiley.gif

    Lulu, and cmr, tonight would be a good night to sneak up on me, I will be dead to the world when my head hits the pillow. :yawn:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    One last thing...
    Ok, that settles it. I'm buying stock in the Polar Company.

    I also have AIG, GeneralMotors, Citibank, (had WAMU, but there's a sad story), let's see, what OTHER genius picks has my stock person made? - OH Starbucks, Lucent, Dell..........

    Polar. That's my pick. :wink:

    AIG, really?? What kind of a liberal, sushi eating, prius driving hippy are you, anyway? :wink: That was the quote, wasn't it? "sushi eating, prius driving" as though they were bad things. Ah, politics, thats a subject for another website. 5.gifsmiley-bye.gif
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I guess I'm still behind with the reading. :huh: Just dropping a line to reassure you that you'll be hearing from me tomorrow at the weigh-in :wink: . Today the scale was my friend, so unless I totally mess up tonight (guests arriving in the afternoon), I am hopeful I'll have good news. :wink:

    Exercising was not my friend this week (I was active, but no aerobic class and no sit-ups :embarassed: ) and now gotta wait till Mo, cos I can't let my guests go out for a drink alone, can I :wink: . Maybe we'll go on a trip/hiking on the WE, though - that should do, right? :glasses:

    Hugs and :smooched:, everyone
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Smontoya: I love it, but I mainly got it for long outdoor runs, and too keep an eye on my stupidly high HR...:grumble:


    The machines at the gym ALWAYS over estimate for some a little, or others could be actually only burning half that..!

    Healthy - Thanks, and there are some hard core exercisers at my gym but mostly elderly...:ohwell: I just goto the community centre gym, because it comes free with my tuition, and it is a decent gym! I am actually making an appointment about my resting and exercising HR...because it is so damn high (and shouldn't be!!!). Good job on the exercising!!

    Li4g - That is good! I saw some timex, but polar is like super popular (and for good reasons), I like the simplicity of it!

    Dewdrop - As long as you are active, it does not really matter how many situps you do or long as your are feeling better! Hiking is fun:smile:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good morning everyone.. I am running so late.. I only got in 45 mins of cardio this morning for only 385 calories burned.. Love that HRM... When I win the lottery I will by a Polar but for now I am sticking with Reebock, its pink and cute .....

    Ok so I am deciding not to weigh myself tomorrow .. DH took the scale away again.. So it's really not a choice.. He thinks I focus on it too much.. It's my TOM and when I weighed myself last night (not normal for me) I got frustrated with the weight gain so in he came and off when he and the scale... He said he would give it back in a week.. Butt head he is I tell ya.. Men, they drive me nuts..

    I think about CM saying to Kristi "step away from the scale, the scale is the Spawn:devil: walk towards the light and I just crack up.....

    LI4G you will love that little HRM.. they are so nifty and I can't imagine working out without it now ever...

    Good morning everyone else...

    Have a great day.. I am off to that horrible job of mine..

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good morning everyone.. I am running so late.. I only got in 45 mins of cardio this morning for only 385 calories burned.. Love that HRM... When I win the lottery I will by a Polar but for now I am sticking with Reebock, its pink and cute .....

    Ok so I am deciding not to weigh myself tomorrow .. DH took the scale away again.. So it's really not a choice.. He thinks I focus on it too much.. It's my TOM and when I weighed myself last night (not normal for me) I got frustrated with the weight gain so in he came and off when he and the scale... He said he would give it back in a week.. Butt head he is I tell ya.. Men, they drive me nuts..

    I think about CM saying to Kristi "step away from the scale, the scale is the Spawn:devil: walk towards the light and I just crack up.....

    LI4G you will love that little HRM.. they are so nifty and I can't imagine working out without it now ever...

    Good morning everyone else...

    Have a great day.. I am off to that horrible job of mine..


    Obviously, your husband is in cahoots with the scale snatchers! Better watch out! :laugh: :wink:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    CM, nice to see you back in your av. :happy:

    If that is you...... For all we know, you could be a 67 year old retired coalminer with a wooden leg and a collection of antique button hooks. I note your profile mysteriously changes from time to time. :huh:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    WAIT!!! It was Maureen O'Hare.

    Madeline was the atheist, right?
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Stillkristi, I just love it when you post.... you always crack me up.

    Well, I've been doing good all week at working out 450-500 calories (one day 600+!) and although I have seen the water weight leave (finally!) I don't seem to have lost any real weight (I know, I know, I still kept weighing, it was like an obsession, wondering when the scale would stop rising!) After weigh-in tomorrow I'm only going to weigh in on Fridays from now on, at least for awhile.

    I think I've hit my first real plateau, though. I've been stressing a lot this week which may be why, I've been pretty prepared to hit one every month and so I've been proactive in shaking things up in my workouts. One of the trainers told me she'd take a class with me on Sunday. That was nice of her. I think she's shocked that she's seen me & LI4G there every dang day for 2 months (for me) and more than that for LI4G (I think she's been in the gym 2 weeks longer or so?).

    I did buy some new shoes last night for the gym, the ones I've been wearing are either the wrong size (a size too big) or really old and pretty worn... so I am excited about that, I can totally tell my feet were sitting different (and in the right position!) today. So hopefully that will help with some hip soreness too. I was just looking at Fred Meyer and these seemed really good, had a removable insert, which I would need if I get orthotics, and also had an added arch support you could put in... so I took them up to see what the price was (figuring they were too much for my little budget) and they were on clearance! Got 'em for $25!!!

    Going back to the gym tonight with hubby, he's meeting with a trainer and I may watch, or do some weights. Haven't worked my legs this week yet, just have done my back (which I'm still feeling that!)
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good Job Adopt4.....

    I don't know if you read my post.. My husband took my scale away for 1 week.. :grumble:

    Oh well, he is doing what he thinks is best I guess...

    Kristi I love your posts too.. You and CM crack me up...
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Well team, i am not having a very good day... I am not feeling the motivation today... I havent got out to go to the gym.. it is 3:30 in the afternoon and I feel like doing nothing... I cant believe i feel this way man I need someone to drag me to the gym I know I will be okay once I get there.. Its just getting there and time is running out on me....

    Sorry guys:cry::frown:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Swingal, I had motivation issues this AM also. If it werent for buying the new HRM and wanting to give it a shot... I woulda been trying to talk myself out of it. I didnt sleep too well last night, although I went to bet at about 9:30 and woke up at 7:30. You'd think after 10 hours of sleep, I woulda had all the energy in the world! :grumble: Anyway....I didnt sleep good. Woke up at 1:30 and my body said it should be 6ish... boy was my brain disappointed when it saw the actual time. Allergies really mess me up this time of year so once I got up and got in my allergy meds and had breakfast.. I FORCED myself out the door.

    Get up and get going girl! You know you will feel much better once its over and done with. Also, do you take a day off from the gym? I usually take 2 days during the week... Thurs & Sundays. But since I cant go Saturday, I decided to go today instead. If you dont take a day off....maybe you just need a rest day. If you do, and you just cant motor to the gym today, count today as your day off and GO on the day you would normally take off.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    SO... I posted a question about the HRM results I got at the gym... heres the link...
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Swingal, I had motivation issues this AM also. If it werent for buying the new HRM and wanting to give it a shot... I woulda been trying to talk myself out of it. I didnt sleep too well last night, although I went to bet at about 9:30 and woke up at 7:30. You'd think after 10 hours of sleep, I woulda had all the energy in the world! :grumble: Anyway....I didnt sleep good. Woke up at 1:30 and my body said it should be 6ish... boy was my brain disappointed when it saw the actual time. Allergies really mess me up this time of year so once I got up and got in my allergy meds and had breakfast.. I FORCED myself out the door.

    Get up and get going girl! You know you will feel much better once its over and done with. Also, do you take a day off from the gym? I usually take 2 days during the week... Thurs & Sundays. But since I cant go Saturday, I decided to go today instead. If you dont take a day off....maybe you just need a rest day. If you do, and you just cant motor to the gym today, count today as your day off and GO on the day you would normally take off.

    I dont normaly take a day off.. but today seems to be a great day to start taking one off :frown: I know if I just go and do cardio I will be fine..its just getting my butt up and going... well it is now 4:30 and still no gym..
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    If you dont normally take a day off... then taking today wont kill ya. From what Ive seen you are working pretty dang hard on your gym days. Arent you working out like 1 1/2 hours on the days you go? Maybe you just need a rest day to get you back in the groove tomorrow. :happy: