Teacher Criticisms...(rant)



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    .... making about 50K a year off our tax dollars, summers/vacations/snow days off.

    yep, that teacher should definitely be fired and sent to jail.

    but i can't stand it when people bring up the 'our tax dollars' argument. we pay taxes too. so technically, we pay our own salaries. :grumble:
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    .... making about 50K a year off our tax dollars, summers/vacations/snow days off.

    yep, that teacher should definitely be fired and sent to jail.

    but i can't stand it when people bring up the 'our tax dollars' argument. we pay taxes too. so technically, we pay our own salaries. :grumble:

    ahhhh touche :flowerforyou:
  • VegesaurusRex
    .... making about 50K a year off our tax dollars, summers/vacations/snow days off.

    yep, that teacher should definitely be fired and sent to jail.

    but i can't stand it when people bring up the 'our tax dollars' argument. we pay taxes too. so technically, we pay our own salaries. :grumble:

    I wish.

    I once went into the teachers lounge at our local school. There was a poster on the wall I will never forget. It read:

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Our education system needs more real business people and less career teachers, and maybe a results oriented system could demand the kind of pay worthy of a real profession.

    silliness. the business model in education will *never* work.
    Competition improves any product. There are many different models that have great siccess, but are opposed to by the NEA.

    children are not products. it's not a factory line with some assembly required. silliness.

    Children are not beans in a bag either. All are different. They need different things. They are individuals. Public schools as they are today cannot provide what is needed.

    huh? i get what you're saying,but i'm not really sure how it relates to the silly suggestion of using business practices in schools. i would think that children are not products = children are not beans in a bag, so i'm a little confused at your response.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    <<<<<<< Homeschooling parent... Guess yelling at my wife is out of the question huh? :laugh:

    I was homeschooled! Unschooled, to be specific, which is a more radical version of homeschooling. It was awesome :)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    To sum up what I really hate about public schools : they do not cater to the individual - just like the military, you are just a number. You cannot go faster than the class - you cannot go slower. And in fairness to the teachers, they cannot kick a punk in the a@@.

    I went to public school and I loved it. We had ability grouping and it was like being in a private school with all the others looking up to you. Great status.

    You obviously have not heard of differentiated instruction. In my classrooms, I had my reading, math and spelling all split up into small groups based on learning level. I had first graders reading chapter books and doing basic algebra in my classroom... each group worked according to their ability level. Planning 4-5 different lesson plans for each subject wasn't easy, but the kids benefited from it.

    And, I also was home schooled grades 6-9. It is very easy to say you accomplished so much with the home school students because they have 150% support at home, are being taught a lesson catered to just them, and (in my experience) are a higher ability level than the most of the students in public school. I wish I could write a lesson plan individualized for each and every student, but in reality, 30+ lesson plans for every subject throughout the day is not possible. I group students (differentiate my instruction) and meet their needs that way. I also, along with my fellow teachers, have created special projects for the gifted students to work on in order to provide more challenges for them and to build higher level thinking skills.

    Paying teachers by the number of students they attract and keep makes no sense to me. Students move, parents don't make them come to school, and there are some who are just not bright. It is not my fault, nor should my pay be less because I have a student who shows up only 50% of the time, or another who is functioning in 6th grade on a 2nd grade level.

    You are right. I have not heard of differentiated instruction. I have heard of ability grouping, however, and that seems to make more sense than "differentiated instruction" for a number of reasons.

    First, if you put all the kids of about the same ability level in ONE classroom, then you do not have to have multiple lesson plans for a number of groups. You need only one lesson plan, and you make it for the ability level of your class. This means, of course no mainstreaming of problem kids. They all get to say together. In my Latin class, I had an answer for differentiated ability. I flunked those who couldn't keep up and kicked them out of the class. Parents didn't like it but c'est la vie.

    smirk-chortle-chuckle. you must have a charmed kind of school. this wouldn't work in a lot of places. you know we're not allowed to flunk students, right?
  • VegesaurusRex
    Our education system needs more real business people and less career teachers, and maybe a results oriented system could demand the kind of pay worthy of a real profession.

    silliness. the business model in education will *never* work.
    Competition improves any product. There are many different models that have great siccess, but are opposed to by the NEA.

    children are not products. it's not a factory line with some assembly required. silliness.

    Children are not beans in a bag either. All are different. They need different things. They are individuals. Public schools as they are today cannot provide what is needed.

    huh? i get what you're saying,but i'm not really sure how it relates to the silly suggestion of using business practices in schools. i would think that children are not products = children are not beans in a bag, so i'm a little confused at your response.

    The business model pays for results. This means do what works. It may mean private tutoring on your own time. it may mean doing a lot more than preparing for one class. Have you ever heard of Jaime Escalantes? One of the greatest public school teachers of all times. They made a movie about him and how he fought the establishement. STAND AND DELIVER. One of my favorite movies. His story tells you something of what I am talking about.
  • VegesaurusRex
    smirk-chortle-chuckle. you must have a charmed kind of school. this wouldn't work in a lot of places. you know we're not allowed to flunk students, right?

    No, I didn't know that, but I am not surprised. Time to stand up to the system and tell them you ain't gonna take it any more. Like Alice's Restaurant, if three people do it, it's a movement.
  • VegesaurusRex
    <<<<<<< Homeschooling parent... Guess yelling at my wife is out of the question huh? :laugh:

    I was homeschooled! Unschooled, to be specific, which is a more radical version of homeschooling. It was awesome :)

    We used the classical model. I have seen unschooling work very well and also very poorly. Really depends on the situation.
  • eml48341
    eml48341 Posts: 88 Member

    To sum up what I really hate about public schools : they do not cater to the individual - just like the military, you are just a number. You cannot go faster than the class - you cannot go slower. And in fairness to the teachers, they cannot kick a punk in the a@@.

    I went to public school and I loved it. We had ability grouping and it was like being in a private school with all the others looking up to you. Great status.

    You obviously have not heard of differentiated instruction. In my classrooms, I had my reading, math and spelling all split up into small groups based on learning level. I had first graders reading chapter books and doing basic algebra in my classroom... each group worked according to their ability level. Planning 4-5 different lesson plans for each subject wasn't easy, but the kids benefited from it.

    And, I also was home schooled grades 6-9. It is very easy to say you accomplished so much with the home school students because they have 150% support at home, are being taught a lesson catered to just them, and (in my experience) are a higher ability level than the most of the students in public school. I wish I could write a lesson plan individualized for each and every student, but in reality, 30+ lesson plans for every subject throughout the day is not possible. I group students (differentiate my instruction) and meet their needs that way. I also, along with my fellow teachers, have created special projects for the gifted students to work on in order to provide more challenges for them and to build higher level thinking skills.

    Paying teachers by the number of students they attract and keep makes no sense to me. Students move, parents don't make them come to school, and there are some who are just not bright. It is not my fault, nor should my pay be less because I have a student who shows up only 50% of the time, or another who is functioning in 6th grade on a 2nd grade level.

    You are right. I have not heard of differentiated instruction. I have heard of ability grouping, however, and that seems to make more sense than "differentiated instruction" for a number of reasons.

    First, if you put all the kids of about the same ability level in ONE classroom, then you do not have to have multiple lesson plans for a number of groups. You need only one lesson plan, and you make it for the ability level of your class. This means, of course no mainstreaming of problem kids. They all get to say together. In my Latin class, I had an answer for differentiated ability. I flunked those who couldn't keep up and kicked them out of the class. Parents didn't like it but c'est la vie.

    Ability grouping would make my life as a teacher much easier. The powers that be, however, say no to this so it is our job as a teacher to figure out how to do this within our own classroom. I get why you are disappointed with the education system, but it is not that the teachers are treating all of the students the same and saying all must learn one way on the same level, regardless of ability level. There are teachers who put in the extra work to meet the needs of ALL of the students. I have yet to work in a school (I have worked in over 7 different schools in different states throughout my career) where differentiated instruction was not the common practice. Unfortunately, as a public school educator, flunking is not an option anymore for the poor performing....and believe me, I have tried for the deserving ones who would benefit from another year in the same grade. Unfortunately, current research states that it is detrimental to a student's self-esteem to hold them back. I have documented a years worth of low grades, filled out a book's worth of paperwork, and written letters to the administration to try and hold students back who were not ready for the next grade level. The didn't "pass", but they were transferred to the next grade...basically you fail but you get to move on anyway. The system needs to change. I think we can all agree on that.
  • quigonnjae
    <<<<<<< Homeschooling parent... Guess yelling at my wife is out of the question huh? :laugh:

    I was homeschooled! Unschooled, to be specific, which is a more radical version of homeschooling. It was awesome :)

    Unschooling huh? Never heard of it .. This may warrant some further investigation ..
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    As a national board certified secondary educator...I support this OP. Bravo.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I'm a teacher in an inner city school.

    It's rough. I can't motivate these kids for crap. But they learn. And I love them. I've been here 11 years.

    Merit pay? That's a load of ****e. Teachers will cheat...it's already happening.

    I teach my kids the best I can. If they don't want to learn, that falls on them. But merit pay is stupid. I just want to teach. I hate the politics of it.

    No one ever blames the parents! Oh noooo! Not the parents! It's all put on the teachers. Hey, I didn't pop this kid out of my body...I'm just trying to teach him fractions. Oh, Johnny can't read in the 5th grade? That is NOT my fault. Where are the parents? Sitting at home, on the phone. Yea. It's not the parents' fault though.

    I'm not a teacher, but this is SO true. Where are the parents? They may not be sitting at home on the phone, they may be out working 80 hours per week so they can have the latest high tech gadget or a huge new house or keep up the payments on their BRAND NEW CAR they just HAD to have. Where ARE the parents? None of them seem to be at home helping their children anymore. Don't get me wrong, I know some parents have to work to make ends meet, and I really feel for parents in that position, but in my area too may parents just work for the sake of having all kinds of amazing material goods, and the kids are left to run haywire. Where did our family values go? What happened to honest to goodness making ends meet, while you work hard to raise up your family? Now people want to make tons of money, have everything, and leave their children for others to raise. What's the point of having kids in that kind of lifestyle anyway?
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    Oh, how I am going to look forward to being yelled at by parents. I graduate this fall with my BA and get my teaching credential right after. Yay me, I can't wait to go yachting <3
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    But I think parents are to blame also. Expecting your child to be raised by your teacher is a crime. It is truly sad when the ONLY attention a child receives is from their teacher. Neglect means this poor kid is already starting in a hole and a teacher is forced to play catch up.
    The teaching system needs to be revised. Parents attitudes need to be revised. The union needs to be axed.

  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I didn't read through the replies but wanted to say I totally support our teachers, and quite frankly feel they deserve much more for the work they do. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mrsgstone
    mrsgstone Posts: 115 Member
    I've been a teacher for 8 years now. I won't say I'm overworked, I won't say I'm underpaid, but I will say that I am under appreciated by many. That is what really irks me!

    I totally agree with this!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Referring specifically to public school teachers...

    I am a state employee also. I am paid an annual salary less than yours. You are off through the whole of June and July while I work. But you tell me that you can't teach my child for 8 hours a day for 180 days out of the year. This same child that I teach at home and deal with for that remaining time that you don't. Granted, there are other children to teach, but sometimes this is just hard for me to swallow. I actually don't mind paying teachers more, but I do want them to teach my child and not give up halfway through the year just because she is one of your more challenging students.

    Have you thought about taking your child out and schooling herself if you have such a problem with the school?
  • millerhillbabe
    I am not a teacher. I could never get in a classroom and teach children. I know its hard and that is takes a special person to do that job. I love teachers.YOU GUYS ROCK! and I love that you encourage my children who are both learning disabled kids. I work with my kids teachers as often as I can as a single mom(kinda husband travels a lot) its hard work and I always demand that my children do their best and respect their teachers and the work the teachers have put into their futures and honor the teachers by doing only their best.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    This argument can and will go on forever... I have been a public school math teacher for 18 years. I mostly love my job, but it is by far the most difficult job of anyone I know.

    In the past, I would have read every word in this thread. Listening to the negativity hurts me personally. I have given so much to my students over the years... the cost of giving so much to them has often resulted in a loss for my own family.

    So for all of the parents and students who appreciate everything I do everyday, you are welcome.:wink:

    To the parents and students who don't, I seriously doubt that you will find a more dedicated teacher, but good luck to you.

    I have no more time for this thread... way too many papers to grade tonight.:grumble: