The Preggo Platform



  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    oh my goodness TamTastic! I'm sorry you're going through that. I'm so proud of you though! It's hard to make a decision like that and stick with it, especially when you're pregnant. But good for you. You know what is best for you and your babies.

    You will definitely be in my thoughts. I hope it all works out. Good luck hon.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi gals! I'm back from my vaca! Had a BLAST but definetely missed you ladies!

    Tam...OMG! I am SO sorry for everything you're going through, but like femmerides said...very proud of you also. You are a strong person and I know you will be fine on your own. And we are definetely here for you if you need to talk. I will for sure be praying for you daily.:flowerforyou:! Those pictures are great! And I have heard that you can feel movements much earlier for second pregnancies since you know what it feels like. I don't doubt that it's your little one you're feeling! And sorry...I don't have advice on the BM issues. It's the opposite for me.

    Tiff and Cris...I hope you are well.:flowerforyou: of luck!

    Gotta get to some work but I'll check back later!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Hi Ladies -

    This is my first post here, so I want to introduce myself to those that haven't seen me around on other topics. This is my second pregnancy, and I'm super excited. I'm trying to stick with healthy eating, but it's so hard with the cravings I've been having. Plus, with my last pregnancy, I pretty much let myself do whatever I wanted, so I think I have to try to "reprogram" my mind to be good. I'm already starting to show, which is making my wardrobe situation difficult. I was just starting to get used to my "skinny clothes"! I love the pics from everyone, so keep 'em coming :smile:

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Welcome Jenna!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning girls!!

    I had a death in my family last Thursday and have been with them up until today. Now I am back at work an exhausted! I should have taken 1 extra day for recovery as I did not sleep much and just worked my tail off to help my family prepare for the funeral and the guest coming over after, ugh. Am OK emotionally though as my family is close and strong so all will be OK in that regard I think.

    Tam - I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this difficult time especially being pregnant. I imagine you feel twice as vulnerable and much more emotional and I will be thinking of you lots. I agree with the others that you are strong and it sounds like you have a very good head on your shoulders and are doing all you can for your kids to have a happy life. Let us know if we can help in anyway.

    My little one has started kicking me morning and night and I feel raw inside; hope that is normal. The feet are down by my pubic line and it is just non-stop especially in the late morning and of course while I am trying to sleep ;). I have a feeling I will not get a good nights sleep until my child is in its 20's at this point!

    Hope you are all doing well!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning morning!

    Cris...I'm sorry for your loss. Any death is hard, but sounds like you are doing okay. :flowerforyou: As far as the kicking goes, that's how it started for the pubic area. Now most of what I feel is rolling as I figure there isn't much room for kicking anymore. And although I think the baby is still changing positions a bit, I'm pretty sure we're getting to that spot for delivery. Hiccups that I feel tend to be low in the pubic area and the rolling movements are up higher (which is probably rolling those legs around). Who knows though...I'm no expert.

    Well...gonna grab some lunch. Hope you are all having a good morning!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey guys!

    Cris, so sorry! My condolences!! :frown: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone else is well!

    My c-section is scheduled for Sept 4th at 1:00. :):heart: :heart:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Wow you two!! You are going to have babies soon!! Sept 4 is right around the corner!!! How exciting! Seems like it was just a couple weeks ago I even joined this group and you were only like 18 weeks. Sure does fly by!!

    Glad to hear you had really low kicks too K. It is always reassuring to know that someone else experienced the same thing. Rolling sounds wild! Cannot wait to feel that feeling! Too bad they seem to party all night long while we are trying to sleep! If only they could adhere to our schedules inside and outside of the womb!! Yeah right!:laugh:

    Thank you for your condolences. I think it actually helped that I was pregnant; gave everyone something happy to think and talk about during a very unhappy time.


  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. Home sick...blah! But feeling better today! :bigsmile: Just a little always!

    Tam...YAY! September 4th!!!!! How exciting to have an actual date!!!!!!!!! Wish I could know exactly when my little one was coming! Wouldn't it be funny if we deliver on the same day?!

    Cris...I know, time sure does fly! I remember when you joined as well! Your little one will come quick'll be amazed! Then we'll all have to have a new-mommy support group!:laugh:

    All my other gals...HELLO!

    Well...I have lots to do today, so not sure how often I'll be checking on here. But I will check back at some point later!

    Have a great morning!:flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning again ladies! Another day...and it's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! AND...tomorrow is my shower! I'm SO excited!!! Can't believe we're there already! Feels like just yesterday when I went to register for stuff, and that was all the way back in June! CRAZY!

    Well...lots of work again today, so may not even get to check on here again until Monday. Have a great Friday and an even better weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!

    I am so happy it is Friday!! I just hope this day goes by fast. I really need some rest and have way to hectic of a work week.

    K - I cannot believe your shower is here! You must be so excited!!! You'll have to tell us all about it on Monday. I am starting to think about mine already and think I should probably register this month as I will be having 3 showers in October. August sure did creep up. How is summer almost over when I haven't even gotten started yet?! :ohwell:

    I have posted a new pic of my bump. I think I am big for 19.5 weeks and it seems like I have started growing again. For now it is staying in my belly though thank goodness!

    Hope you girls all have a glorious weekend!

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi all you pregger ladies!

    A close friend of mine gave birth yesterday (2 days past due date) to a beautiful 9lbs baby boy named Jackson. I went to visit last night and was able to hold him and rock him for over an hour. Sweet little guy... would have totally given me the "I want another baby" bug except I'm hating men right now :laugh: so that's a no go!!

    I hope you all are doing well! Pregnancies are such wonderful, beautiful times!!

  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    How are you? Sounds like everyone is busy this week. Man, you guys are so ahead of me. lol. I'm slightly jealous. I really want this pregnancy to fly by. I just want my baby out! I want him/her to be healthy and here! :laugh: I'm EXTREMELY impatient. here's some weirdness. So I've TOTALLY slacked off. I haven't worked out in 2 weeks (except for a 30 minute run on Tuesday) and I've been totally eating like a pig. It's mostly healthy of course but I've been giving in to some of my cravings too. I'm not doing as well as I wanted to. HOWEVER, I still have not gained ANY weight. It's absolutely AMAZING to me. Seriously. I started out at 192.2lbs and I'm 189.2lbs at 9 weeks. HELLA WEIRD! I'm not complaining though. :bigsmile:

    Anyways, I hope you all have a FANTASTIC weekend! :flowerforyou:

    p.s. at this point in my first pregnancy I had not only gained the 20lbs pre pregnancy but had gained an ADDITIONAL 18lbs. So i was 218lbs at 9weeks with my daughter shelby. yikes!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Options here's some weirdness. So I've TOTALLY slacked off. I haven't worked out in 2 weeks (except for a 30 minute run on Tuesday) and I've been totally eating like a pig. It's mostly healthy of course but I've been giving in to some of my cravings too. I'm not doing as well as I wanted to. HOWEVER, I still have not gained ANY weight. It's absolutely AMAZING to me. Seriously. I started out at 192.2lbs and I'm 189.2lbs at 9 weeks. HELLA WEIRD! I'm not complaining though. :bigsmile:

    Early pregnancy hormones promote weight loss, or so I've been told by my master degree holding science teaching friend. :smile:
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Options here's some weirdness. So I've TOTALLY slacked off. I haven't worked out in 2 weeks (except for a 30 minute run on Tuesday) and I've been totally eating like a pig. It's mostly healthy of course but I've been giving in to some of my cravings too. I'm not doing as well as I wanted to. HOWEVER, I still have not gained ANY weight. It's absolutely AMAZING to me. Seriously. I started out at 192.2lbs and I'm 189.2lbs at 9 weeks. HELLA WEIRD! I'm not complaining though. :bigsmile:

    Early pregnancy hormones promote weight loss, or so I've been told by my master degree holding science teaching friend. :smile:

    omg. that's awesome. i was only weirded out because in 2007 with my daughter, i had gained 20lbs right before i got pregnant (or right at the very beginning) and then by 9 weeks had gained an additional 18lbs. I was 218lbs with my daughter at 9 weeks. and i topped out at 252.8lbs when she was born. this pregnancy i'm going to really try and not gain any weight or at least a max of 10lbs (and since i'm "obese" i can get away with zero pounds gained). so i'm going to start walking everyday again. and running. i had SO much fun on my run on tuesday. :bigsmile:

    anyways, thanks for that bit of info. :bigsmile:
  • Vavoomy
    Vavoomy Posts: 5
    How awesome to have a positive support group!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Congrats femmrides! I bet you are healthy in ways you no longer even notice this time as compared to your last pregnancy, plus you have boosted your metabolism by all the running you were doing.

    I gave into many many craving in my first trimester and had a an initial weight gain that I was not pleased with but now in my second trimester the craving are not so serious and my weight has hit a plateau. I think I have only gained 12 lbs total so far but am a little worried that my scale at home is nicer that the one at my OBs office. I still regret that for my last apt I left my shoes on when the nurse weighed me lol!!!

    Have any of you taken prenatal yoga? I am thinking about trying it out but just cannot imagine the yoga poses I am used to being at all comfortable in this state. I am at the point where if I have to bend over to pick something up it is uncomfortable so cannot imagine doing like a down ward facing dog pose or similar.

    Tam - how are you holding up? You OK?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Have any of you taken prenatal yoga? I am thinking about trying it out but just cannot imagine the yoga poses I am used to being at all comfortable in this state. I am at the point where if I have to bend over to pick something up it is uncomfortable so cannot imagine doing like a down ward facing dog pose or similar.

    I'm so not preggo but keep sticking my nose in here :laugh:

    My yoga instructor is waaaaay pregnant and still is teaching, and appearing to be comfortable in the poses.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Good Morning girls!!

    My little one has started kicking me morning and night and I feel raw inside; hope that is normal. The feet are down by my pubic line and it is just non-stop especially in the late morning and of course while I am trying to sleep ;). I have a feeling I will not get a good nights sleep until my child is in its 20's at this point!

    Hope you are all doing well!


    Sorry for your loss. I am not pregnant I am just following everyone's progress because I wish I would have had support like this during each pregnancy! Anyway, you will not get a good nights sleep until they are 20 :laugh: Maybe one here and there but life has a way of keeping us mommies from resting peacefully once babies are here, especially once #2 or more come.

    Tam, glad you are taking your time to go through with the divorce until you are recovered and hopefully pregnancy hormones and emotions won't cloud your judgement. It isn't good for anyone, especially your babies, to try and make a relationship work that maybe just can't. Some people find that they make great friends after a divorce in the interest of the kids. Hopefully your path won't be too hard on you or the babies.

    for everyone else with second pregnancy issues. The second one is always a little harder on you. One reason is you are older this time and you aren't able to rest as easily or as often as baby #1 because now baby #1 is probably an energetic exploring toddler. My advice is to listen to your body and make sure anything really unusual gets discussed with your doc. Also, prepare a few days worth of dinners, snacks and lunches for baby #1 for after having baby #2. This way you don't have as much work to do for a few days and you can get a little more rest in. The post partum after baby #2 packs a bigger punch simply because you are not going to get as much sleep as you did or needed with baby one.

    Other than that, keep going strong ladies! You are all doing great and I am so very impressed with your determination to keep healthy and strong :love:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good Morning girls!!

    My little one has started kicking me morning and night and I feel raw inside; hope that is normal. The feet are down by my pubic line and it is just non-stop especially in the late morning and of course while I am trying to sleep ;). I have a feeling I will not get a good nights sleep until my child is in its 20's at this point!

    Hope you are all doing well!


    Sorry for your loss. I am not pregnant I am just following everyone's progress because I wish I would have had support like this during each pregnancy! Anyway, you will not get a good nights sleep until they are 20 :laugh: Maybe one here and there but life has a way of keeping us mommies from resting peacefully once babies are here, especially once #2 or more come.

    Tam, glad you are taking your time to go through with the divorce until you are recovered and hopefully pregnancy hormones and emotions won't cloud your judgement. It isn't good for anyone, especially your babies, to try and make a relationship work that maybe just can't. Some people find that they make great friends after a divorce in the interest of the kids. Hopefully your path won't be too hard on you or the babies.

    for everyone else with second pregnancy issues. The second one is always a little harder on you. One reason is you are older this time and you aren't able to rest as easily or as often as baby #1 because now baby #1 is probably an energetic exploring toddler. My advice is to listen to your body and make sure anything really unusual gets discussed with your doc. Also, prepare a few days worth of dinners, snacks and lunches for baby #1 for after having baby #2. This way you don't have as much work to do for a few days and you can get a little more rest in. The post partum after baby #2 packs a bigger punch simply because you are not going to get as much sleep as you did or needed with baby one.

    Other than that, keep going strong ladies! You are all doing great and I am so very impressed with your determination to keep healthy and strong :love:

    22,23 and 26..........still waiting for that good nights sleep:laugh: