Someone talk books with me, please!



  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member

    Animal Farm and 1984 are 2 books I think everyone should read. they are very interesting and easy to read but make poignant statements about the politics.

    I really liked the Twilight series too but again, that's pure fluff.

    I read the part about Animal Farm and 1984 and thought "OMG!! I love those books!" Saw Twilight and I was let down by humanity...

    Entertainment doesn't need to be intellectually stimulating to be enjoyable. Sometimes you need some fluff to get your mind off of things. I'm pretty sure the original poster wasn't suggesting them for Pulitzer Prize nominations. :)
    Yup. If I spend al day reading numbers sometimes I just like to curl up with something that requires absolutely no brain stimulation at all. :laugh:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    This thread has been a lot of fun so far! I wrote down everything that sounded good but could only get some at the library (yay for free books)

    Here is my smokin' hot library list:

    World War Z : an oral history of the zombie war / Max Brooks.

    A game of thrones / George R.R. Martin.

    Extremely loud & incredibly close / Jonathan Safran Foer.

    House of leaves / Mark Z. Danielewski ; by Zampano ; with introduction and notes by Johnny Truant.

    Midwives : a novel / by Chris Bohjalian.

    Snow flower and the secret fan / Lisa See.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    The latest TV Guide is a "MUST read".

    I think he was joking, because this list of books (at least first few posts) are kind of drivel.
  • tikanique
    tikanique Posts: 54 Member
    Read Pride and Prejudice. Loved it. some of my other favs.
    Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.
    Kill the Messenger by Tami Hoag was outstanding!!!
    Silk and Scandal Series (written by a group of women for Harlequin - Regency England setting)
    Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia and Charlie Bone series are great for kids and adults
    I also like Rachel Gibson books.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
  • BritFitB
    BritFitB Posts: 106 Member
    Always have liked Dean Koontz and James Patterson! However, lately most of my reading has been based on food--clean eating, Food Rules By Michael Pollan, and Fast Food Nation.
  • The books I love the most are by Lisa Gardner! She does some wonderful suspense novels I have read every single one. Once she gets a new one released again hopefully soon I will buy that cause I like to walk on the treadmill and read a book almost straight through. It's great because I get so involved with the book I didn't even realize I walked like 6 miles one time!
    Otherwise Stephanie Myer is also good as you have probably heard the Twilight Saga books are way better than the movies and you can imagine the characters as you please you really get into it. As for an all time favorite movie series I love True Blood, and the vampire diaries! You can watch those shows and exercise to them too! Hope this helps you some.
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  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Great thread! My recommendations are:

    The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and Drown by Junot Diaz
    Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King
    Pretty much anything by Sherman Alexie or Louise Erdrich
    Say You're one of them by Uwem Akpan
    How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez
    The Blood of Flowers by Anita Amirrezvani
    The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
    It's All Over But the Shoutin' by Rick Bragg
    The Tender Bar by J.R. Moehringer
    She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb

    That's all I can think of for now, but with all of the suggestions you all have given me in this thread, I am sure my list will grow!
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    I'm currently reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series. So. Much. Love.
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm probably going to get hate mail for this, but I really didn't like the Millenium Trilogy. I tried to stick with it, I really did. It's a matter of taste I suppose.

    I have five teens in the house, two of them 'proper' readers. They get books for birthdays and Christmas and they love it. I tend to read them when they're done. They're aimed at late teens, but they're actually rather good, lol. So far we've got through:

    Percy Jackson & the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan (5 books)
    Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero (book 1) by Rick Riordan
    The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid (book 1) by Rick Riordan
    A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (13 books)
    The Demonata by Darren Shan (10 books)
    The Saga of Darren Shan by Darren Shan (12 books)

    Book series' of my own that I'm wading through are:

    Dark Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon (21 books to date)
    The Cassandra Palmer series by Karen Chance (5 books to date)
    The Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn (9 books to date)
    Women of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong (12 books to date)
    The Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong
    The Darkness Rising Trilogy: The Gathering (book 1) by Kelley Armstrong
    The Dark series by Christine Feehan (22 books to date)
    Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter by Laurell K. Hamilton (20 books to date)

    As you can see from the list, they're mostly supernatural based. I've not yet read all of them. I still have about 15 left and of course more are being published all the time. I may never catch up!

    I've not read any Darren Shan or Rick Riorden books but they are on the list of books I want to read.

    I've been surprised by the amount of books that are supposedly kids/young adults books that have been named. Forgetting all the hype around Harry Potter those books really opened up people's eyes as to how good the fiction for young adults and kids is now. In the last few years I've read more in those genre than adult novels.
  • I did not realize this thread was in here. I joined this site about 3 weeks ago to lose weight from daughter recommending it to me. I am a avid reader and usually have 3 books going. I love the feel of holding a book. My daughter and granddaughter got a Nook color for Christmas and love it. I buy any new releases from Walmart or Sam's Club. I have 2 HUGE book cases in my sewing room and it is crammed with books I have read and in my pc room I have a lawyer bookcase with two shelves full of new books not read yet from always buying books. Love the Twilight series and read The Host first by Stephanie Meyers beore even buying the Twilightones. My daughter is reading The Hunger Games and granddaughter also. My soninlaw is reading Game of Thrones series and said it was nothing like the HBO or Showtime series(which I love and told the kids about watching it) I like Jame Patterson, Harlan Corben, Danielle Steele,John Grisohm(sp), to name just a few. Loved the book The Help and watched the movie. Most recent purchase is a Jmes Patterson book called Kill Alex Cross..David Baldacci, Jodi Picoult and the list goes on and on..Love Fannie Flagg..Read the new book by Lisa Gardner "Love You More" and cound NOT put it down. I did read the Poisenwood Bible and was excellent..Kids came up this past weekend and loaded them down with hardback books to try and clean out some of my bookcases and did not even put a dent in them. Daughter wants me to get a Nook so she can "borrow" books from me LOL but I like the feel and weight of a book..I guess I am old school..I have written a book myself but I am a talker..I will be checking back on this topic to get referrals from you guys..Happy Reading and also Happy Losing..I have lost 15 pounds so far and have a HUGE amount left to loose : (......Debbie
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    This thread has been a lot of fun so far! I wrote down everything that sounded good but could only get some at the library (yay for free books)

    Here is my smokin' hot library list:

    World War Z : an oral history of the zombie war / Max Brooks.

    Yaay you have to tell me if you like it!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Hunger Games is a GREAT book...I enjoyed teh first and 2nd book in the series. Third one you have to read to finish the series...but it isn't as good as the first two. I can't wait for the movie.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Someone just let me borrow a copy of The Hunger Games. I'll be starting that tonight.

    Loved the Hunger Games series!

    I just finished
    The Art of Racing in the Rain
    Shanghai Girls

    All really good! I'm heading to thelibrary today so thanks for the recommendations!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    One of my male coworkers was kind of leery of reading the Hunger Games, he came in the next day, book in hand, saying he could hardly put it down once he started reading it.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm a HUGE Sue Grafton fan, the alphabet series she does. I just started "S is for Silence" last night.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    The Art of Racing in the Rain...simply fabulous...especially if you are a dog lover!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    OP, if you don't mind your books being a little older, try Julian May's 'Saga of the Exiles'. Allow for the first book being slightly slow, but once it's picks up pace, it is a great series. She did a follow on of a further 4 books which are, if anything, even better. They're sci fant, more than straight fantasy, but given the kind of taste you're outlining there, I feel pretty certain you'll love them.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Someone tell me why every book has to have a love triangle and it's always a girl choosing between two dudes!? Any guy who strings two girls along is a jerk but when it's a woman doing it all you ladies think it's terribly romantic...
    No, that's realistic!

    Every woman SHOULD go with the nice guy, but most end up with the jerk.
    Good girls love bad boys.

    I just don't get it.:ohwell:

    Maybe at the end of the day it's just evolution. Bad boys rule which is why we have war amok, crime and violence everywhere and our favorable TV shows and movies are about gangsters.

    So ladies, the conclusion to the whole matter is, you should not like us bad boys so much; it's an addiction.
    Us bad boys drive the world to hell, and you're along for the ride. Why don't you stop us?

    That's why you like these books where the girl goes for the nice guy, because in life it never happens.
    We bad boys are always on your mind - even if you're married to the good guy.
    Behind his back, you sneak off to be with us.

    We own you!:drinker:
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Someone tell me why every book has to have a love triangle and it's always a girl choosing between two dudes!? Any guy who strings two girls along is a jerk but when it's a woman doing it all you ladies think it's terribly romantic...
    No, that's realistic!

    Every woman SHOULD go with the nice guy, but most end up with the jerk.
    Good girls love bad boys.

    I just don't get it.:ohwell:

    Maybe at the end of the day it's just evolution. Bad boys rule which is why we have war amok, crime and violence everywhere and our favorable TV shows and movies are about gangsters.

    So ladies, the conclusion to the whole matter is, you should not like us bad boys so much; it's an addiction.
    Us bad boys drive the world to hell, and you're along for the ride. Why don't you stop us?

    That's why you like these books where the girl goes for the nice guy, because in life it never happens.
    We bad boys are always on your mind - even if you're married to the good guy.
    Behind his back, you sneak off to be with us.

    We own you!:drinker:

    wish I could say you're pretty much have it right on