Someone talk books with me, please!



  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    I don't get a chance to read much. I miss it terribly!!! Really should carve time out in my week for it. Get some me time. So the books I read. Probably aren't as fascinating but they are wonderful to me:

    John Grisham or James Patterson
    Any James Harriet books
    Grew up reading Laura Ingalls Wilder so I will go through the series every once in a while
    Tuesdays with Morrie -tears
    Charlottes Web - pretty classic lol

    I use to read a lot of crime books. So like, the serial killers of our time or a book talking specifically about a specific case ie Charles Manson. I had shelves full of them. Now that I am a parent I have stopped reading them.
    Now I tend to read a lot of "self help books" but mostly about organization and debt. ( which I am debt free but still not organized...i can deal with that lol)
  • mrsbarz
    mrsbarz Posts: 99 Member
    I love to read too. Here's some of my favourite books.

    The Timetraveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (Pure escapism)
    Her Fearful Symmetry also by Audrey Niffenegger. (Not as good as her first book but still amazing)
    The Guardian Angel's Journal by Carolyn Jess-Cooke ( Imagine what it would be like to watch your life as a spectator and cannot change anything)
    The Green Mile by Stephen King (Loved the film, loved the book even more)
    The To-Do List by Mike Gayle (easy reading and his only nonfiction. 1277 things to do and only 1 year to do them all. Mind you, any book by Mike Gayle will be an easy read and difficult to put down.)
    The Lord of the Flies by William Golding (read this for the first time while I was at school and was totally blown away by it!)
    Still Me by Christopher Reeve (written after he became paralysed from the neck down. Such a brave man.)

    Reading Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King. I think it's going to be added to this list quite soon!
  • Bump
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I'm currently on The Game of Thrones series! Can't put it down!

    The Help is wonderful as well.
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    Ahhh I loved Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, one of the few books that ever made me cry!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Someone tell me why every book has to have a love triangle and it's always a girl choosing between two dudes!? Any guy who strings two girls along is a jerk but when it's a woman doing it all you ladies think it's terribly romantic...
    No, that's realistic!

    Every woman SHOULD go with the nice guy, but most end up with the jerk.
    Good girls love bad boys.

    I just don't get it.:ohwell:

    Maybe at the end of the day it's just evolution. Bad boys rule which is why we have war amok, crime and violence everywhere and our favorable TV shows and movies are about gangsters.

    So ladies, the conclusion to the whole matter is, you should not like us bad boys so much; it's an addiction.
    Us bad boys drive the world to hell, and you're along for the ride. Why don't you stop us?

    That's why you like these books where the girl goes for the nice guy, because in life it never happens.
    We bad boys are always on your mind - even if you're married to the good guy.
    Behind his back, you sneak off to be with us.

    We own you!:drinker:

    wish I could say you're pretty much have it right on
    Our world would be a much better place is the ladies were in charge.
    I mean that!
    I won't even vote any more except if a lady is running for something.
    Democrat - republican - doesn't matter.
    I ONLY vote gender: female.

    The guys have ruined everything.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Someone tell me why every book has to have a love triangle and it's always a girl choosing between two dudes!? Any guy who strings two girls along is a jerk but when it's a woman doing it all you ladies think it's terribly romantic...
    No, that's realistic!

    Every woman SHOULD go with the nice guy, but most end up with the jerk.
    Good girls love bad boys.

    I just don't get it.:ohwell:

    Maybe at the end of the day it's just evolution. Bad boys rule which is why we have war amok, crime and violence everywhere and our favorable TV shows and movies are about gangsters.

    So ladies, the conclusion to the whole matter is, you should not like us bad boys so much; it's an addiction.
    Us bad boys drive the world to hell, and you're along for the ride. Why don't you stop us?

    That's why you like these books where the girl goes for the nice guy, because in life it never happens.
    We bad boys are always on your mind - even if you're married to the good guy.
    Behind his back, you sneak off to be with us.

    We own you!:drinker:

    wish I could say you're pretty much have it right on

    If a girl is smart, she takes one look at a bad boy and says "You're an *kitten*, gtfo" essentially.

    If a girl is an idiot or immature, she goes for the bad boy. Simple as that.

    Love triangle books (I'm assuming we're talking Stephanie Meyer books here - both the Host and Twilight) are, quite honestly, retarded. IMHO, if you can't pick between two guys, you aren't mature enough to be in a relationship. The end.

    Also, The Host and Twilight are ruining this generation of girls into thinking that it's NORMAL for men to a) control them b) abuse them (The Host is riddles with physical violence against women) and c) use them as objects.

    The ONLY book with a love triangle that I am okay with is the Hunger Games, but one of them is brotherly love while the other is real love...AND IT'S A SIDE STORY!!!!!!

    There is my feminist rant for the day. Kthxbai.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    bumping for later when i have time to read the entire thread, but i want to add my vote for Hunger Games. loved it and both husband and 17 year old daughter are currently reading and also loving the entire series!!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Someone tell me why every book has to have a love triangle and it's always a girl choosing between two dudes!? Any guy who strings two girls along is a jerk but when it's a woman doing it all you ladies think it's terribly romantic...
    No, that's realistic!

    Every woman SHOULD go with the nice guy, but most end up with the jerk.
    Good girls love bad boys.

    I just don't get it.:ohwell:

    Maybe at the end of the day it's just evolution. Bad boys rule which is why we have war amok, crime and violence everywhere and our favorable TV shows and movies are about gangsters.

    So ladies, the conclusion to the whole matter is, you should not like us bad boys so much; it's an addiction.
    Us bad boys drive the world to hell, and you're along for the ride. Why don't you stop us?

    That's why you like these books where the girl goes for the nice guy, because in life it never happens.
    We bad boys are always on your mind - even if you're married to the good guy.
    Behind his back, you sneak off to be with us.

    We own you!:drinker:
    It's not that women don't like nice guys, it's that

    a) Guys who proclaim that they are "nice" usually aren't
    b) It's not being a jerk that's attractive, it's being confident. There is a very very very big difference.

    Nobody likes to be treated like crap.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    On topic: I am currently reading Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. It's a very long autobiographical account of his escape from prison in Australia and travel to India as a fugitive from the law (he was in the pen for armed robbery when he was addicted to heroin).
    His travels and cultural education are wonderfully written. It's the best book I've read in years.
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    Bump for later... But you really should read, "Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern. It's fantastic!
  • [HATED the first game of thrones book many many years ago and I'm shocked to find it sooo popular now....on an xmas note, have you read the one about the nun and the tree at rockefeller center? always a favorite but i didn't read any xmas books or stories this year.../quote]

    My Christmas books are presents, not about Christmas, but i have not read any about a nun....i'll have to keep my eye out for it.

    My bf was reading game of thrones and was engrossed. I didn't actually like the sound of it, but i didn't have anything to read and so i picked it up to give it a go...couldn't put it down. I loved them.

    To whoever said about not liking girl with a dragon bf's mum really didn't like the first one, but once she got about half way through said all of a sudden it was really good and then she read the next 2, so i'm not sure whether to give it a go or not.

    I've read pretty much every Jodi Picoult the one about a little girl with a bone condition, but i can't remember if it is called Fragile...or maybe Shattered? I couldn't get past the first few chapters of Mercy, but the rest were really good.

    Loved the Harry Potter series and am quite into the teen fiction stuff...i've been reading the House of Night warned it is quite girly, light and fluffy...but great when you want something like that.

    Stephen King - the Green Mile was great, i also liked Pet Semetary, but dear god The girl that loved Tom Gordon was horrible.

    For those of you who are saying about World War Z (i haven't read it), have any of you read Zombie Apocalype? It sounds quite similar. The whole book is made up of emails, reports, letters, etc, even to the point of the style of writing and the way the pages look.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon
    The Historian
    The Time-Traveler's Wife
    Just finished The Night Circus and that was good as well.

    Loved the Outlander series and The Time Traveler's Wife.

    As a result of some of the suggestions on here, I downloaded 20 books onto my ipad last night. :laugh:
    Thanks all! I have some great reading for a while now.
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I admit I almost didn't make it past the first Game of Thrones and I thought the HBO series did a good job with it though. But after book one I really like it. I did not see it mentioned but I have gotten a lot of great books and great book ideas from
    I like their forums for new reading ideas.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I am reading the Litigators by John Grisham. It started a bit slow but is getting quite good now.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I think that has been my favorite thread that I have started :) Thanks everybody :heart:

    I am waiting for the Hubs to bring me Snow Flower and the Secret Fan.
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    I think that has been my favorite thread that I have started :) Thanks everybody :heart:

    I am waiting for the Hubs to bring me Snow Flower and the Secret Fan.

    Thanks for starting it. :smile: It's a shame that more people, myself included didn't write a short paragraph synopsis about what the book is about rather than just titles so we would know if we fancy it or not.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I think that has been my favorite thread that I have started :) Thanks everybody :heart:

    I am waiting for the Hubs to bring me Snow Flower and the Secret Fan.

    Thanks for starting it. :smile: It's a shame that more people, myself included didn't write a short paragraph synopsis about what the book is about rather than just titles so we would know if we fancy it or not.

    Yeah, but I figure if it's good enough for them to remember the book and then want to post about it that it's worth looking up. That's the best thing about libraries - if you hate the book, no real harm done :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Im not into anything Chick Flicky....but if you're up for an amazing intellectual fictional read: House of Leaves by Mark Z.
    Danielewski is an amazingly odd, quirky and original read!:tongue:

    This book is so damn WEIRD!!!
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    I would imagine the next step would be some form of book club so everyone could read a book and discuss it if people are interested in that.

    If people are I would suggest the first book is something old that people can download for free like ****ens, Austen etc. It may also help if there is a problem with a particular novel not being released in a country yet. People I'm sure would rather not have international shipping charges.
    If you do it each book would need its own thread and a waring it will have spoilers in the title.