


  • hillarygullett
    Wow! maybe all of you "haters" calling her a "husband hater" should re read what she wrote. She never said one thing about hating her husband. You all have ripped apart this lady for no reason. Again she was just looking for support.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    This morning was my weigh in day. I didn't lose anything .. which pissed me off. So when I told my husband it. All he said was stop thinking about it so much. And it will happen!
    Boy that's not what I wanted to hear....

    What a woman wants is for her husband's, and presumably best friend's, first reaction to be "completely pissed about it" just like she is, and want him to go kick someone's *kitten* because it's not happening the way she wants it to.

    Then AFTER that "I totally got your back" reaction he can begin the process of trying to reason with her, encourage her, and bring her back from the edge of the cliff.

    Maybe women should explain that to them first insted of expecting their husbands to be mind readers,and think just like them.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member

    yes dear.
    Uh, not you. Reading your profile, I would venture a guess that your wife isn't one of those. :0) She sounds like a great gal!

    I fully meant what I said in my profile. But I still get yelled at and accused of lying when I tell her I can see how hard shes working and how much her body has changed when she loses inches but not lbs.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    He just simply stated "It will happen".....................poor guy:sad:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    That is how I took it as well,
    I saw nothing in OPs post that was bashing her husband AT ALL. She said it wasn't what SHE wanted to hear, not that he said the wrong thing.

    Try being a man for five minutes Suze and you'll see that there is no difference between #1 and #2.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member

    yes dear.
    Uh, not you. Reading your profile, I would venture a guess that your wife isn't one of those. :0) She sounds like a great gal!

    I fully meant what I said in my profile. But I still get yelled at and accused of lying when I tell her I can see how hard shes working and how much her body has changed when she loses inches but not lbs.

    Heh, sometimes we can be a little sensitive. :embarassed:

  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Huh, you think that's bad? My wife makes me feel guilty for going to the gym either because she can't go at the same time....or it makes her look bad....put that one in your thinking cap and rationalize it out....:huh:
  • DGaryThird
    If a male had posted this, it would go like this:

    When I weighed in on Tuesday I had gained 2 pounds. When I told my wife, she said "Aw, that sucks. I'm sure it will come off soon. You look skinnier to me."

    What a b!+ch.
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    But, to all you complainers, what do you LIKE about your husbands?? Do you ever post about THAT??


    These aren't "reasons to hate your husband" this are just funny and interesting tidbits about the nature of men in general. There's no anger, or's all in fun. Men are men, and woman are women. It's what makes the world go round.

    I call BS on that one. If there was a thread like this about someone's wife there would be 1000 comments from women going "OMG - she is just being helpful, she loves you!! You don't deserve a woman like that!! Wow you are such a jerk!!"




    Hmm. I suppose I just see it differently. Oh well.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I still dont get the issue here,and most of my comments were directed to others in this thread and not the op.
    my only advice to the op is tell him exactly what you want to hear and that should fix the problem
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    When I brag to my husband about new personal weight lifting records, he likes to compare mine with his old ones.... I don't care if you could do 250 push ups when you were 19 and in the arm, I'm proud that I can do 3 sets of 8. I usually just correct him and say "You are supposed to say 'Good job honey'." Then he says "Good job honey" and we move on.
  • RachelLovesHockey
    In response to the original post - if I complain about my weight my bf suggests we get active right then and there. I have learned not to complain about not losing weight or losing weight slowly unless I want him to suggest we go for a bike ride or head to the gym. The gym is 24 hours so there is no time of day that is safe to vent. Ever. Not only does he not put up with my bellyaching he immediately suggests I/we do something about it. I have to say I like his response!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    But, to all you complainers, what do you LIKE about your husbands?? Do you ever post about THAT??


    These aren't "reasons to hate your husband" this are just funny and interesting tidbits about the nature of men in general. There's no anger, or's all in fun. Men are men, and woman are women. It's what makes the world go round.

    I call BS on that one. If there was a thread like this about someone's wife there would be 1000 comments from women going "OMG - she is just being helpful, she loves you!! You don't deserve a woman like that!! Wow you are such a jerk!!"




    Hmm. I suppose I just see it differently. Oh well.

    Probably because you have a healthy view on men and women relationships and most people are just bat *kitten* crazy. lol
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    What exactly did you want him to say?

    I see nothing wrong in what he said at all! Along with some other posts...especially the one about her husband not wanting her to do it for him because he thinks she's beautiful...and you're upset about that? LOL

    Completely ridiculous!!!

    I'll never understand all the man bashing... no one, men and women alike, is a mind reader. I'm sure you say things to him that make him think , "wtf?" If you only want him to say what you want to hear, why bother asking? Tell yourself what you want to hear instead, because that's basically the same thing.

    If I ask someone their opinion, or am sharing something with them, then that means I want to know what their response is. Not that I want them to tell me what they think I want to hear. That's just absurd.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    If I moan to my hubby that I haven't lost anything he says "You're still sexy as hell. Have you switched you routine around a little? That might help, we could try more sex if you're stuck for ideas." Always makes me smile. He has even joined and logs everything he eats so that I don't feel like I'm doing it myself.

    However, I would love to know how he puts away 3-4000 calories a day and only fluctuates +/-3. Stupid man with his stupid freakishly hight metabolism. Lol. (I am keeping an eye on things so that when he stops fluctuating and simply starts gaining we can do something about it before it becomes too much. He would do it himself but "You do things so much better than I do Princess.")
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    awww.. he just doesn't want you to be upset! =)
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    This morning was my weigh in day. I didn't lose anything .. which pissed me off. So when I told my husband it. All he said was stop thinking about it so much. And it will happen!
    Boy that's not what I wanted to hear....

    So what your saying is your still thinking about it? He is right stop doubting him. No you dont have to think about it 2nd poster. Especially if your the kind of person who stresses over it. If your thinking about it is causing you stress then it could potentially cause slow losses or even gains.

    Your right men are fixers. Its what we do.
    Yea you probably should have called a gf to rant about it to. Men are problem solvers. They don't understand the analyzing and discussing we have to do about everything. My husband tells me simply, "just stick with it babe." Like it's no problem.
    We do analyze but we take facts only not emotions because emotions destroy reason. So we look at the facts and find the core problem and fix it. Ya you should have called a GF if you wanted sympathy but if you wanted honest straight forward opinions that are black and white and generally they are the best options for you (if your husband loves you) Then take his advice. Everytime.
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    my hubs says Babe it takes time and youre doing so good,IM so proud of u!'" And he is now doing this with me---he even workouts out with Jillian Michaels LOL. i think its rather hilarious. :)

    Neways i think u shud talk to yur hubby and tell him u need more support and motivation!! COMMUNCIATE:)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Wow! maybe all of you "haters" calling her a "husband hater" should re read what she wrote. She never said one thing about hating her husband. You all have ripped apart this lady for no reason. Again she was just looking for support.

    She already got really great support from the husband she came here to complain about.
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    This morning was my weigh in day. I didn't lose anything .. which pissed me off. So when I told my husband it. All he said was stop thinking about it so much. And it will happen!
    Boy that's not what I wanted to hear....

    He only said this because in the sheer terror of realizing he was being drawn into a conversation involving women and weight in which THERE IS NO RIGHT THING TO SAY, he panicked and spewed the first thing that came to mind. Be happy his heart didn't seize right then and make you a widow.

    GAWD I love the men's reactions to this post. SERIOUSLY everything you say ALWAYS taken in the correct way?!?!? I agree that he was trying to be supportive and BLESS HIS HEART...many men would have just (wisely) run screaming from the room when the question came out of your mouth!!! I have a WONDERFUL, supportive and loving husband, but if I ask him about my weight, looks, outfit, etc.; I get that "deer in the headlights" look and the same kind of answer you are getting upset with...."You look nice," "I love you at any weight," etc. Bless his heart for not running from the room.....I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH FOR HIS LOVE AND HIS PATIENCE WITH MY CRAZINESS!!!