


  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member

    Mine usually just asks when was the last time I took a dump. I :heart: him muchly.

    Mine never wants to know about my poop :( I tell him anyway :D

    That's one lucky guy. :laugh:

    I keep telling him that! He just keeps shaking his head disapprovingly!

    Oops, nevermind. According to MFP male bashing standards that makes him a terrible, emotionally abusive guy and you should leave him. :laugh:
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member
    I just have a simple question...which is apparently the question of the day.... Is there anything men can do right? I am flabbergasted at the 'men-bashing' today. That is all.

  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    What did you want to hear?

    How about I'm sorry honey and a hug. Or hoow about this weekend we go on a hike or walk in the park. Something supportive.

    But she could have taken that the wrong way too. "Oh, so you think I need to work out more because I'm fat, huh?" He can't win in this situation. He was TRYING to be supportive.

    Screw "TRYING" to be supportive, that WAS supportive. If a woman doesn't see how that is supportive than she is off her friggin' rocker!!

    I agree. I just meant that he was doing his best, and it still apparently wasn't good enough.

    I used to get mad about things my husband said, until I realized that you know what? He loves me. He's supportive of me and wants me to be happy. So now instead of reading into the things he says to me, or wishing he'd say something else, I just actually HEAR his words and let him support me as best he can. And if I truly need something different, I just tell him. It's so easy, and neither one of us has to waste time and energy being all wrought up about something that was meant to be positive.
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member

    Mine usually just asks when was the last time I took a dump. I :heart: him muchly.

    Mine never wants to know about my poop :( I tell him anyway :D

    That's one lucky guy. :laugh:

    I keep telling him that! He just keeps shaking his head disapprovingly!

    Oops, nevermind. According to MFP male bashing standards that makes him a terrible, emotionally abusive guy and you should leave him. :laugh:

    :laugh: TRUE!
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    ...not the worst response in the world. i mean, it sounds like he's trying to stay positive.... i wouldn't be too critical of him regarding your weight loss. you can't rely on others to make you feel better.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    hes right.
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Um no - not doing this for YOU hon, doing this for me!!! So you just freaking go ahead and enjoy that Big Mac with your freakishly high metabolism, while I choke down this rabbit food!!

    ^^^a daily conversation at my house!! Laughed when I read it :-)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    What did you want to hear?

    How about I'm sorry honey and a hug. Or hoow about this weekend we go on a hike or walk in the park. Something supportive.

    Maybe I'm nitpicking, but what would he be apologising for? The energy of the Universe not granting you weight loss?
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member

    People are what YOU make of them. Your husband is not there to make you happy, or tell you what you want to hear. He is there to do HIS best to support you, and join you in happiness. He is to help fufill your life, not be your life.

    Maybe instead of blabbing about him, YOU should be the one to sit back and listen once in a while. And by listen I dont mean hear what you want, by listen I mean weigh his words and UNDERSTAND them.
  • ok so one of you wants MORE input while the other wants NONE?

    ugh, women.

    My thoughts exactly, madame.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
    This is my one issue with women, they want to be able to read their minds and say the right thing, sorry Iadies i left my prof x wheelchair in the garage

    Thor, thankfully not all of us wives feel that way....
    lol i know my wife learned early on i cant read minds but my mother and sister still expect to do so lol
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member
    ok so one of you wants MORE input while the other wants NONE?

    ugh, women.

    My thoughts exactly, madame.

  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    What did you want to hear?

    How about I'm sorry honey and a hug. Or hoow about this weekend we go on a hike or walk in the park. Something supportive.

    Maybe I'm nitpicking, but what would he be apologising for? The energy of the Universe not granting you weight loss?

    Love this! lol
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member

    Holy **** women are neurotic!!!

  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member

    Mine usually just asks when was the last time I took a dump. I :heart: him muchly.

    Mine never wants to know about my poop :( I tell him anyway :D

    That's TRUE LOVE!!! :love:
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    nothing,nada zip. Thats what i always hear. I could dye my hair rainbow and my skin blue and he wouldn't notice.
  • So, I guess all of you were in the room with her when her "knight in shining armor" said the most supportive thing holding roses and looking at her longingly?!? Give me a freaking break! None of you were there. You don't know what HIS tone was, how he looked at her, how his body language was towards her. You assume she interpreted her own husband who SHE lives with wrong. You ASSUME he was being supportive. Obviously she didn't feel that way and came here, where she should come, to get support.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    I agree that many of you are being hard on your husbands.

    I won't lie I do that sometimes too. I'll get down on myself but if he is supportive I shoot back something along the lines of "what do you know you have never had this problem" if he doesn't say anything I get mad that he isn't supporting me.

    I have to admit getting mad for saying I'm beautiful would be a new one though... I like when he says that:)

    I do still have to listen to my husband munch on chips have candy, etc. He has a bag of my favorite chocolates sitting on the living room table right now that he bought for himself the other day. But you know what I just have to deal with that. He shouldn't have to eat differently because I choose to.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    So, I guess all of you were in the room with her when her "knight in shining armor" said the most supportive thing holding roses and looking at her longingly?!? Give me a freaking break! None of you were there. You don't know what HIS tone was, how he looked at her, how his body language was towards her. You assume she interpreted her own husband who SHE lives with wrong. You ASSUME he was being supportive. Obviously she didn't feel that way and came here, where she should come, to get support.
