February MOVE-IT 180 to 360 minutes a week challenge!!



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week 1 total
    675/500 minutes completed- calories burned this week; 4127:wink:

    Week 2
    Monday: 80 minutes, calories burned; 526 calories
    Tuesday: 120 minutes; biking and walking; 717 calories burned
    Wednesday: 120 minutes biking and walking 475 calories burned
    Thursday: 90 minutes Jillian Michaels wii fitness ultimatum, wii fit combo 675
    Friday: 97 minutes, Jillian Michaels wii fitness ultimatum, wii fit combo and walking, not as much burn today though 452 calories burned

    total minutes = 507 , total calories burned; 2845

    WOW!!! Spectacular!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 250 minutes:

    Mon: 30 min (Leslie Sansone 2 mile dvd)
    Tue: 25 min (LS 1 mile dvd)
    Wed: 35 min (LS 2 mile dvd)
    Thur: 75 min (elliptical, bike and weights)
    Fri: 65 min (elliptical, bike and weights)
    Sat: 90 min (bike and weights)

    Total / min left: 320 / 0 (over 70 min) YAY!!:happy: :happy:



    Week # 1 = Total / min left: 285 / 0 (35 min over) YAY!!:happy:
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 180 minutes:

    Mon: 27 mins
    Tue: 63 mins.
    Wed: 32 mins.
    Thur: 50 mins.
    Fri: 90 mins.
    Sat: 80 mins.

    Total 342 mins.
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000 calories/360 minutes
    Mon: 971 calories burned (Walk 3 miles, Spin & back circuit)--116 minutes
    Tues: 422 calories burned (Zumba)--53 minutes
    Wed: 792 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit & Walk 2.5)--89 minutes
    Thurs: 647 calories burned (Walk 6 miles)--126 minutes
    Fri: Rest Day=)
    Sat: 1325 calories burned (Spin, back circuit, C25K & glute circuit)--167

    Total: 4157 calories/ minutes 551
    Left to go: 0(Zero) +157 calories/minutes 0(Zero) +191

    Another week...Let's Roll
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Feb 6th: 142 minutes
    Feb 7th: 46 minutes
    Feb 8th: 55 minutes
    Feb 9th: 48 minutes
    Feb 10th: 65 minutes
    Feb 11th: Rest Day
    Feb 12th:

    Total / min left: 360 / 0 (+60)
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Mon 2/6: nada
    Tue 2/7: nada
    Wed 2/8: 51 minutes Total Gym 162 calories burned; 30 minutes walking - 130 calories burned
    Thur 2/9: 51 minutes Total Gym and Turbo Fire - 265 calories burned
    Fri 2/10: 60 minutes Turbo Fire - 500 calories burned; 25 minutes Total Gym - 125 calories burned
    Sat 2/11: 52 minutes Turbo Fire - 379 calories burned
    Sun 2/12:

    Total minutes: 269
    Remaining minutes: 31
  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    Week 2 - Feb 6 - Goal 240 mins

    Monday: 70 mins (10 min tone, 60 mins salsa DVD)
    Tuesday: 30 mins (10 min tone, 20 mins elliptical)
    Wednesday: 40 mins (10 min tone, 10 min stationary bike, 20 mins elliptical)
    Thursday: 10 min tone (aerobic rest)
    Friday: 75 mins (60 mins aerobics, 15 min circuit)
    Saturday: 40 mins aerobic

    Total: 265 mins Mins left: 15 mins over
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    06/02/2012 50 (bike and 30 DS)
    07/02/2012 50 (bike and 30 DS)
    08/02/2012 50 (bike and 30 DS)
    09/02/2012 50 (bike and 30 DS)
    10/02/2012 0 (rest day)
    11/02/2012 110 (1 hour walk, bike and 30 DS)
    12/02/2012 50 (bike and 30 DS)

    Total 360
    Goal 270 achieved
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    oops fell off the wagon and forgot to post my minutes.

    Sunday: 45 minute swim
    Monday: 60 minutes strength training
    Tuesday: off
    Wednesday: 40 minutes strength training; 60 minutes Zumba
    Thursday Off
    Friday: 60 minutes strength training
    Saturday: off

    Total: 265 minutes
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    Week 1 total
    675/500 minutes completed- calories burned this week; 4127:wink:

    Week 2
    Monday: 80 minutes, calories burned; 526 calories
    Tuesday: 120 minutes; biking and walking; 717 calories burned
    Wednesday: 120 minutes biking and walking 475 calories burned
    Thursday: 90 minutes Jillian Michaels wii fitness ultimatum, wii fit combo 675
    Friday: 97 minutes, Jillian Michaels wii fitness ultimatum, wii fit combo and walking, not as much burn today though 452 calories burned

    total minutes = 507 , total calories burned; 2845
    well it is a good thing I got my minutes in for the week because yesterday and today I am sick. It feels like I have been kicked in the kidneys and chest. My hubby was okay with me being a slug for a sick day yesterday, but I am pretty sure he will have a major snint if I wreck both days of the weekend being sick, so I probably will be out walking for a few hours today. Sucks for both of us when I am sick on weekends.
  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    eek # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 220 minutes:

    Mon: 45 min (water jogging)
    Tue: 72 min (15 min walk the dog, 57 min stair step)
    Wed: 40 min (treadmill)
    Thur: 40 min (25 walk outside, 15 calisthenics)
    Fri: 44 min (boot camp)
    Sat: rest day
    Sun: 70 min (50 treadmill on incline, 20 walk the dog)

    Total: 311/ 220
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Week 1 Goal = 360min ; :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Week 1 achievement==> 450 min
    Week 2 Goal ==> 550 min; :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Week 2 achievement ==> 595 min

    Feb 6th ==> 100 min
    Feb 7th ==> 110 min
    Feb 8th ==> 85 min
    Feb 9th ==> 60 min
    Feb 10th ==> 90 min
    Feb 11th ==> 90 min
    Feb 12th ==> 60 min

  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    Week 2 - Feb 6 - Goal 240 mins

    Monday: 70 mins (10 min tone, 60 mins salsa DVD)
    Tuesday: 30 mins (10 min tone, 20 mins elliptical)
    Wednesday: 40 mins (10 min tone, 10 min stationary bike, 20 mins elliptical)
    Thursday: 10 min tone (aerobic rest)
    Friday: 75 mins (60 mins aerobics, 15 min circuit)
    Saturday: 40 mins aerobic
    Sunday: 30 mins walk

    Total: 295 mins Mins left: 45 mins over

  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Week 2
    Mon: recovery
    Tue: 40 (Insanity)
    Wed: recovery
    Thur: 40 (Insanity)
    Fri: 40 (Insanity)
    Sat: 40 (Insanity) & 35 (Treadmill)
    Sun: recovery

    Totals: 195 min & 2,342 calories burned
  • EmeliaFoo
    EmeliaFoo Posts: 186 Member
    Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Mon: 65 = 45 min Zumba, 20 min stationary bike
    Tue: 60= stationary bike
    Wed: rest
    Thur: 65= stationary bike
    Fri: sick
    Sat: sick
    Sun: sick

    Total / min left: 190 / 110

    I have felt really bad no being able to work out. but I can barely walk to the fridge to get water much less do cardio. Hopefully I will be better next week and can make up for the time I lost.
  • Week # 1 -- Monday February 6th -- Goal 500 minutes:

    Mon: 70 - Elliptical, treadmill and circuit training
    Tue: 93 - Circuit training, Zumba class and 1.5 mile jog
    Wed: RELAX DAY
    Thur: 90 - Elliptical, treadmill and circuit training
    Fri: 60 - Power walking
    Sat: 108 - Elliptical, treadmill, spin, weights
    Sun: 90 - Treadmill, Elliptical, Bike, Strength

    Total / min left: 511 / 0

    Yay went over 11 minutes. I was almost worried
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    Week 2 - Feb6 - Goal 200 mins

    Monday: 30 mins (Jogging)
    Tuesday: 30 mins (Elliptical)
    Wednesday: 30 mins (Elliptical and Stair Stepper)
    Thursday: 60 mins (Stair Stepper and Jogging for 2 miles)
    Friday: Nada
    Saturday: 30 mins (Cleaning)

    Total: 180 mins - Mins left: 20 mins
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 180 minutes:

    Mon: 27 mins
    Tue: 63 mins.
    Wed: 32 mins.
    Thur: 50 mins.
    Fri: 90 mins.
    Sat: 80 mins.
    Sun: 30 mins.

    Total 372 mins
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    Week 1 - Goal 360 min

    Mon 1/30 60 min - elliptical
    Tues 1/31 104 min - elliptical
    Wed 2/01 125 min - elliptical
    Thur. 2/02 55 min - walking
    Fri 2/03 Rest day
    Sat 2/04 110 min - elliptical and stair master
    Sun. 2/05 121 min - elliptical and walking

    Total 575 min!

    Week 2 - Goal 500 min

    Mon 2/06 65 min - elliptical
    Tues 2/07 100 min - elliptical
    Wed 2/08 105 min - elliptical
    Thur 2/09 sick day
    Fri. 2/10 sick day
    Sat. 2/11 sick day
    Sun. 2/12 53 min - brisk walk

    Total: 323 min, 177 min to go!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week # 2 -- Feb 6th -- Goal 250 minutes:

    Mon: 30 min (Leslie Sansone 2 mile dvd)
    Tue: 25 min (LS 1 mile dvd)
    Wed: 35 min (LS 2 mile dvd)
    Thur: 75 min (elliptical, bike and weights)
    Fri: 65 min (elliptical, bike and weights)
    Sat: 90 min (bike and weights)
    Sun: Rest day

    Total / min left: 320 / 0 (over 70 min) YAY!!:happy: :happy:



    Week # 1 = Total / min left: 285 / 0 (35 min over) YAY!!:happy:
    Week # 2 = Total / min left: 320 / 0 (70 min over) YAY!!:happy: :happy: