40+ Club



  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Singfree and Aprilvet - Thanks so much for the encouragement. I'm learning that my body is going to respond as it was designed. We're all different and no matter how much I want to see forward progress daily I know I just need to be patient. You guys are great.

    I always saw food as my enemy and have created part of this problem because my body doesn't know if I'm really going to eat. Kind of like a when you lose trust with someone and you're trying to rebuild the relationship. My body asks - should I trust her? Is she going to feed me or should I hang on to this fat just in case? :smile:

    Eriny - Those are some awesome numbers. My husband is hoping to do the P90X soon, work is getting in the way. But he started pull ups and push ups 2 weeks ago and it's amazing to see how quickly he's making progress. The first day he did 5 pull ups, this morning he did 13. I'm actually just a bit jealous that men seem to be able to move faster in this arena. :grumble: God has a great sense of humor making us different. :laugh:

    Many Blessings to all of you.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!! Today is my "rest" day but I did the biggest loser weight loss yoga dvd. I liked it!! I feel relaxed, refreshed, ready to tackle the day!! :laugh:

    All that talk about grandkids make me miss my Nati. She is almost 10 mos old. My daughter told me she started crawling on Sunday!!! Oh Lord, there is trouble in the horizon :laugh: :laugh: They are coming over this weekend. I can't wait to see them.

    Have a wonderful day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, hide the knick-knacks...anything within 2' of the floor!!! You've been warned :laugh: !!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Yes, I am definitely worried about that!!!! My house is NOT child proof at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is going to have to be...:laugh: I am also worried about her at home with her mommy. She is on her own now since hubby is in transition from Irak so I really hope she watches her or puts her in a safe place when she is busy...I know I should not let myself worry and let her be a responsible mommy but I am Grandma and Grandmas worry...:flowerforyou:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    It's Tuesday and i weighed in on that mean Doctor's scale at the gym. Another pound has left me (for good)! :happy: I can feel and see the difference so that is encouraging! Your sucesses are also encouraging me! I need to not dwell on the numbers since the scale at home (now on the way to the rummage sale to trick another unspectecg weighee :blushing: ) had been lying to me for some time!

    I was able to run 21 out of 30 minutes and used the machines for another 40 minutes. It is good to look at the progress. So much talk about muscle gain versus fat loss. I am curious to learn what I have lost in fat and gained in muscle. I suppose the pinch measurement test will be the true gauge of progress there. (Coming end of June).

    From Thursday to Saturday will be a challenge! 20 hours in the car to attend daughter # 2's graduation. I imagine that will be a true test of sedentary calorie use! Sunday - Mother's Day!! Lots of love to all of you dedicated Mom's who are inspired to be healthy for their kids!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: marjiedd...You may not find any problem with being sedentary. I was off of work for six weeks and was worried about it but the first week back I lost something like four pounds.

    :flowerforyou: TexasMom...What a wonderful way of looking at it. My body also asks " what are you doing " when I don't eat enough. Don't I wish that I could tell it that I am just trying to get it to release some fat.
  • SunshineLady
    SunshineLady Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! I'm 42 and new to the boards. I just found this site and these boards today. I've never blogged before, so, any advice? I began my journey on April 22 and, so far, I have lost 10 lbs. Currently, my weight is at 180, and my goal weight is 135. My personal goal is to feel sexy again, enjoy shopping for clothes and not hate the mirror. My reward/birthday present for all this work will be a tummy tuck. Well, I think I've said a mouth full. I look forward to meeting and sharing this journey with everyone. :smile:
  • SunshineLady
    SunshineLady Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! I'm 42 and new to the boards. I just found this site and these boards today. I've never blogged before, so, any advice? I began my journey on April 22 and, so far, I have lost 10 lbs. Currently, my weight is at 180, and my goal weight is 135. My personal goal is to feel sexy again, enjoy shopping for clothes and not hate the mirror. My reward/birthday present for all this work will be a tummy tuck. Well, I think I've said a mouth full. I look forward to meeting and sharing this journey with everyone. :smile:

    OOPS! I hit that buttone one time too many! :laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Welcome sunshinelady, your profile name says it all!!!! Keep up the positive attitude. You can do this!!! And congrats on your weight loss!!!! Focus on eating healthy most of the time, exercise, vary your workouts, drink lots of water, monitor your calorie intake, set yourself specific goals and focus on that. We are here to help as much as we can. Good luck to you!!! :flowerforyou:

    Marjie, try to pack up healthy snacks, even healthy meals, pack a cooler. Don't wait too long to eat so you will not be tempted to make a quick stop and grab something not so healthy for you. You can still enjoy a nice Mother's Day meal out with family but choose healthier options. If wanting dessert share it with your beautiful family.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Glad to have you here, SunshineLady.:flowerforyou: You are doing great with the weight lose. I'll bet you will have some advice for the rest of us. So, please share your ideas.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello my fellow 40+ mfpers
    todays workout as follows
    10 min treadmill resistance set 10
    100 pushups
    40 40lb bicep curls machine
    20 255lbs fly machine
    40 100lb row/rear deltiod machine
    40 100lb chest press machine
    20 leg lifts w 10lb ball
    10 dragon flag
    20 25 lb curls
    i think thats it till tomorrow
  • newDZ
    newDZ Posts: 237 Member
    i thought this group was for people who've lost 40 or more pounds. i'm giggling cuz oops i walked into the wrong door.

    haha on me.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    oh is it ?
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    My husband is hoping to do the P90X soon, work is getting in the way. But he started pull ups and push ups 2 weeks ago and it's amazing to see how quickly he's making progress. The first day he did 5 pull ups, this morning he did 13. I'm actually just a bit jealous that men seem to be able to move faster in this arena. :grumble: God has a great sense of humor making us different. :laugh:

    Many Blessings to all of you.

    My husband started P90X 3 weeks ago. He has made real progress with noticeable changes already!:explode: It is unfair!:noway:

    Welcome, sunshinelady!! You've got lots of support here!:flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Wednesday fellow 40+ group!

    Welcome to all those 40+ year old youngsters who stopped in for a visit. What's your hurry? Don't leave...we're really nice people!!! And humble, too! :laugh:

    I had a good core strength workout at the gym yesterday. I took a soggy 20 mile bike ride, too. I really hate biking in the rain. It wasn't really cold out, but it felt like it.

    I'm slowly adopting a new strategy during the month of May. I've cut out one of my gym workouts (normally 2 per day) in favor of a bit more sleep. I am upping my cardio via biking to around 100 miles per week. Since I eat a fairly clean diet now, that will not change. In the past week my 33" waist jeans are even looser, to the point of nearly sliding off on their own! :blushing: This is a good sign, I can finally see my goal in sight. OK, Alf...you'll finally see the real me in photos...please be kind!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Can't wait to see the pics, sing! I need to have my dh help me figure out how to post my pics!:laugh: I'm really a technological idiot!

    WooHoo!! No rain in store for today in lovely PA! TODAY is the day you should go for a ride, sing!:wink:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    SHOW YOURSELVES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be proud!!!!! All of you work hard and I KNOW you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand if it is a privacy issue for you. I really don't worry about it. I own a gun. :laugh: :laugh: And I am pretty protected against identity theft :laugh: I just love to be able to put a face to the success stories.

    I'm on my 4th and final week of the ChaLean Extreme burn phase. Next week I will be starting the push phase. I will be able to do one week of the push phase before I go to Vegas with my husband. I will try to do some push ups, abs in the hotel and of course lots of walking on the strip. But I am not planning on taking my workout clothes and use their gym. It is couple time, not that we couldnt exercise together, that would be nice. But I know my husband is not going to go for that...:grumble: :noway: Oh well....what can I do. The exercise bug has not rubbed on him yet and it might never will. :grumble:

    Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • chooey
    chooey Posts: 10
    Good Morninng everyone....Happy Tuesday!! I'm Carol and just joined the club for fitness, thus far having only begun yesterday I feel great....I do have a question though what is the ideal pulse you should have during the work-out????

  • chooey
    chooey Posts: 10
    Alright so my next question would be, I have had two children by C-section and my belly has been openend up 4 other times...I was told that the muscels in my belly would never be the same and would never be able to have a flat stomach is this true? I would really like to get rid of the c-section rolls not that there is allot but it does bother me and along with that would like to get rid of the mid section
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, for me it wasn't a matter of privacy, merely vanity! If I'm going to take my shirt off in public, I want people to be pleased with me, not shriek in horror. But rest assured, pics will come soon, as soon as I figure out how to do it.

    April, last evening's ride was not totally pleasant with the rain. If it clears up a bit, I will be out there for sure.