40+ Club



  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I have been shaking a couple lime slices in my iced water bottle and that makes the water much more appetizing. Can't drink it all day long though becuase too much causes a little indigestion!

    Do you all have to paste your tickers everytime you want them to appear on your post?

    Nope, my ticker automatically updates when I enter in a new weight since I use the tickers from MFP. Just go to the "tools" tab at the top and choose your ticker from there. Once you get the code for it, you'll paste it in your "My Home" tab, then settings, then in the "change forum signature" link.

    Hope that helps :smile:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Happy Monday group! Hope everyone enjoyed it. I walked 20 miles yesterday for Project Bread and feel pretty good today. Thought I'd be stiff and sore, but surprisingly, I'm not.

    Weight is still continuing downward trend (thank gosh).

    Quick question...yesterday I earned 1600 extra calories because of the walk , but there was no way I could eat all of those. Do you think it was okay to be way under for the day? I did drink lots of water to stay hydrated, and I was eating healthy, but it just wasn't in me to eat 3000 calories.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Thanks Annaliza! :flowerforyou: I think I've got it!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!! Everyone is doing a fantastic job!!!! Phetz, good for you for setting specific goals and changing what needs to be changed!!! :drinker: :drinker: Tron, be careful eating too little...Annaliza, how is your protein intake? It might be low and your body is craving it. BK is not be the answer :laugh: but you might want to increase your protein intake and healthy fats.

    I had a great weekend! Went to Zumba on Sat morning, the workout was great!!! That evening went out with hubby and my brother and sister in law. It was my brother's birthday. We went to a Brazilian Rest, lots of meat!!! I think I pretty much had my share of protein that night...:laugh: Then we went out dancing. Yesterday I went out for a run/walk, close to 8 miles. I burned 760 cals. I did not eat them all, only about 460 of them. So I completely understand you cardigirl!!!! You definitely don't have to eat all of your exercise calories all the time.

    Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    For the past 4 days I have stayed under my 1200 calorie limit without even exercising. And yes, I am eating all three meals. I am horrible about drinking the water. Unless I am working out or eating something dry I just cant stand the stuff:ohwell: But I am trying to drink more. What about green tea? Can you substitute that for water? I havent gotten in much exercise this weekend:grumble: been pretty busy with my girls coming to visit and cleaning the house. I am worried about Monday (tomorrow) because the hubby and I are heading to Nevada to take care of a couple of rentals and he always buys junk food for the trip. I'm gonna do my best to avoid these temptations but sometimes that is hard to do. :blushing:

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a fabulous week!!!:drinker: :happy:

    Hi, Tron! Hope the Nevada trip went well! In regards to substituting green tea for water, I wouldn't recommend it. Green tea, even decaf, is a diuretic, like soda and coffee. You still need water for proper hydration. Try the naturally sweetened seltzers if you want something with a little interest. Also, don't stay too far under your 1200 cals! It may seem good, but in the long run it might stall your weight loss!

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    My theory is: sometimes you are over or under your cals, and sometimes you just cannot eat all of your exercise cals. Then other times you pig out and go nuts with junk food (that's me at times) :blushing: .

    It all evens itself out in the end. It's all about control and balance. We are all on the right track with food and exercise, so let's enjoy this journey and have fun adapting to our new lifestyle. When this becomes a habit, we will never go back to our old ways ever again!!!!

    Ein Prosit, ein Prosit der Gemuetlichkeit!!!! (a good drinking song) :drinker:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Been AWOL for a few days. I was a little off last week. Just couldn't motivate myself to do my extra cardio. Continued with the P90X routines, though. Starting week 8 today! For all of you feeling a bit stuck, see my new success story post- "what happened to my butt!" My weight is not really the indicator of my success. My body is much more toned and smaller than it's been in a long time. I'm in a size that I wore 18 years ago at 10 pounds lighter!!:noway: :drinker:

    On a totally different note--- I've been reading with great interest the posts from all of you military people who've lived abroad, especially Germany. I am planning a trip to Europe this August with my family. We've settled on the region of Austria, Switzerland, and Germany- particularly Bavaria. We have 2 weeks. I would love any suggestions from all of you who have lived there. My kids are 10 (son) and 7 (daughter). We all love to hike.

    Thanks, and have a great day, all!:flowerforyou:

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    April, I spend a lot of time in Bavaria, and for my money we like to stay in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, at the foot of the Zugspitze. We rent an apartment (Ferienwohnung) for the period that we are there. It is FAR cheaper than staying in a hotel. If you want any info, please send me a message. I'll be most happy to help with travel, hiking, etc...
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428

    On a totally different note--- I've been reading with great interest the posts from all of you military people who've lived abroad, especially Germany. I am planning a trip to Europe this August with my family. We've settled on the region of Austria, Switzerland, and Germany- particularly Bavaria. We have 2 weeks. I would love any suggestions from all of you who have lived there. My kids are 10 (son) and 7 (daughter). We all love to hike.

    Thanks, and have a great day, all!:flowerforyou:


    Of course you need to visit King Ludwig's castles; Neuschwanstein castle (looks like Disney's Cinderella castle) near Fussen, Linderhof palace (near Garmish), and Herrenchimsee Palace, on an island in Lake Chimsee (60km southeast of Munich) . Herrenchimsee was being remodeled when we visited in 1987, but what we got to see was so awesome - it's modeled after Versailles palace in France.
    Another good place to visit is Rothenberg odT (between Stuttgart and Nurenburg). It's a walled city that has maintained most of the mideval architecture, AND has the biggest Christmas ornament market in Germany that's open year-round; Kathe Wolfahrt's. (I'm not positive on the spelling, but anybody in Rothenberg can direct you, I'm sure). There's also a mideval torture museum there, but with a 7 year-old daughter, maybe not the place for her to see.
    We lived in Kitzingen (on autobahn 3 between Nurenburg and Wuerzburg); their claim to fame is the "Falterturm", the crooked tower. Legend has it that when it was being built there was a drought, so they used wine instead of water in the mortar to hold the bricks together. Kind of cool if you're in that area.
    We left Germany in 1991 and haven't been back :frown: :frown: , but would love to get sent back there again to live. :drinker: :drinker: I think I'd enjoy it a lot more without 2 small children!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    April, lucky you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Bavaria!!!!! And of course Switzerland and Austria. I visited Austria twice but short visits. I went to Switzerland once with a tour. And that was about 12 yrs ago. I agree with Sing, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, best place to stay. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we went we stayed at the military hotels and I think two of them are closed already. :cry: One was at the bottom of the Eagles Nest. OMG, so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try to visit Lake Chimsee as well and go to the castle. Your kids will love seeing the sites, hiking (Volksmarch), and visiting the castles. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • mbmempireranch
    Hi Everyone ! Well I just may have found my new home here on MFP :) 40, Yes, check :) Actually 42 :)
    Hope I can join you all :)

    I have lost over 130 lbs since my journey began :)

    I am currently trying to lose the last 30 ( 20 I regained ) plus 10 :)

    I can't believe I didn't know about this site prior to a few weeks ago...

    I am currently doing chalene Extreme and then getting ready to take on p90x June 1st * YIKES * but I think I can do it ;)

    I'm married and a mom of 2, although my oldest just turned 22 and is out on her own :) My son is 11 going on 17 LOL.. driving me nuts all the way :)

    We live on a " farm " or at least that is what I call it, complete with an orchard of fruit trees, ducks, chickens, goats and more ;)

    My biggest struggle is not the food or the working out, its the WINE ! But I've been cutting it way back and eventually plan on cutting it out all together ;)

    So that's a little about me ! Can't wait to meet you all :)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Another great thing about Garmisch-Partenkirchen is the ease using public transportation. The train station is centrally located and the buses to all parts of Bavaria leave from right outside the train station. For example, you can buy a Bayern Ticket (Bavaria Ticket), which allows up to 5 people to travel all day within Bavaria for only 28 Euros!! You can go to Munich on that ticket in only 1 hr 20 min. So much to see and do in that area. We are going back next year (can't wait)!!!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    I had a good weekend, but Saturday was a really big struggle for me with food! I go along okay for a couple of weeks, and then I have a day where I just want to eat everything. Saturday was that day. My husband was home for the day (he's gone again already), so we decided to go out for dinner. We went to Chinese and split a dish between us, so I didn't feel like I overate. But my cravings were something awful all day on Saturday. I didn't give in, but I sure could have! But yesterday I woke up and felt much better. Maybe I just needed a little different meal than the ones I've been having lately (I have a tendency to get into a rut, so that is likely very possible). But I stayed within my calorie allowance and all that all weekend, so it was all good.

    I've decided that whatever weight I am on May 22 is going to be my goal weight. I've been pushing for the 110 mark, but I've decided if I don't get there, I don't get there. I went shopping for some summer clothes this weekend (absolutely none of my clothes fit anymore), and I was having troubles finding clothes small enough for me. Now, that's a first in my life! The scary thing is....I'm not really that small. I mean, I weigh 10 pounds more than what I did when I got married and I was a solid size 6 then! But I'm a size 2/4 in today's sizes (though I know I'm no smaller than I was 20 years ago either), and while finding size 4s is easy, size 2 isn't so easy. On May 22, my husband and I are going away for a few days to see what California has to offer (yay!!), and I've decided when I come back, I'm going to truly be finished with trying to lose weight (though I've lost these last seven pounds in what I consider to be pseudo-maintenance mode!) It's time.

    aprilvet, you've got some great recommendations for Germany so far, and I echo those. For Austria, I would recommend visiting Salzburg (of course), and if you want to see a great little town (one of my favorites) in that region of Austria, visit St. Wolfgang, which is located in the lake region of Austria. It is a beautiful little town to walk around. The other region we spent quite a bit of time in was at Zell am See and Kaprun. It is beautiful down there.

    As far as Switzerland, my husband and I spent alot of time in Switzerland (I mean, ALOT of time in Switzerland). It became our home-away-from-home. Being as I'm from Colorado, I love the mountains, and the Swiss mountains are just beautiful. While there are some beautiful areas in the Swiss/Germany/Austria part of Switzerland (around Konigsee in particular), my favorite part of Switzerland (by far) is down near Interlaken (which is located more in the center of the country). We always stayed in a town called Grindelwald, which is at the foot of the Eiger mountain (if you've ever seen the Eiger Sanction or read the book). I have alot of recommendations for that region in Switzerland (I mean, we went so often the hoteliers would welcome us home when we arrived at the hotel!), so if you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message and I'll be happy to answer.

    Welcome mbmempireranch!! I so understand about the wine! I've not had any wine for nearly four months (since January 17), and it is driving me crazy. But I'm trying to go for six months without wine because of a workout program I'm doing right now. And as much as I hate to admit this, not only do I look better when I'm not drinking wine (I'm not as puffy!), I feel better. But that doesn't mean I won't have any again, that's for sure. :drinker:

    Off to do my upper body workout (chest/shoulders/triceps)!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Thank you, everyone for your suggestions! When I get myself more organized, I'll pm all of you who offered help for the specifics!

    Stiring- I think your size issue is due in part to vanity sizing! I've posted today about my experience with fitting nicely into a size 6 capri jeans this weekend; and although I know I'm smaller- my current size 8s virtually falling off!:noway: - I am a little suspect!:grumble: However, you're doing P90X i believe. This program is what has changed my shape, yet my weight has only dropped a few pounds! So you may truly be a size 2!:drinker:

    mbmempireranch- Welcome! I'm 42 as well! However, my kids are little- 10 and 7! I understand about the wine!!:heart::grumble: While I have cut way back, I still have a glass once or twice a week.:ohwell: I'm still making progress but may have to eliminate it completely for a while if I stall.:angry:
  • mzaccardi
    mzaccardi Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this particular topic board, thought I would give it a try!

    I've been struggling with weight loss for the past few weeks. I work out 6 days a week - walk everyday, strength training 2-3 times a week - and I haven't lost any weight. Down 2 up 1, etc. I'm diabetic, have a thyroid problem and am on Tamoxifin for another year. I feel like I have a triple hex on me!!! and the cherry on the ice cream is that ever since I turned 40 (5 years ago :)) I feel like it's a loosing battle of the bulge!

    This weekend my son came home for a few days from college and it was a cooking, eating, and then some kind of weekend. I did exercise extra, just trying to control the damage. I was beating myself up pretty bad by Sunday night and thankfully my daughter and husband were very supportive and just encouraged me to forget about the weekend and start new Monday morning. Which I did, got up this morning at 5:30 and went to the gym. Thank God we can always start over again.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Welcome mzaccardi!!! We are here to offer any help we can, even if its a shoulder to cry on. Don't give up hope just yet! Yes, medical conditions and medications can really cause your weight to spike. Have you talked with your Dr about this? Also some dieticians are trained in dealing with the types of problems you are facing. I'm sure if you ask a trusted medical professional, you will get some good info. Best of luck!
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Hi Everyone - I've been so busy this last week I barely had time to log on and keep up with my food and excercise log.

    Welcome to the new comers. It's great to read the posts and hear about the successes.

    Singfrree - sounds like you had a great time with your grandson. We're expecting our first grandchild (a boy) in August.

    Aprilvet - sounds like your going to have a great trip. and with so many suggestions you'll be busy the whole time. Awesome. Take a lot of pictures.

    Alf - Tell your daughter I appreciate her service to our country. I have a step-son in San Antonio right now finishing up technical training in the Airforce. He'll be stationed in Italy for 2 years after that. We're very proud.

    I have a dilemna and would welcome any suggestions. I've been doing the Slim in 6 for 2 weeks now. I did Phase 1 for 3 days and then Phase 2 2 days and all of last week. By Friday last week I had lost a total of 7 pounds. I was good over the weekend with calories but couldn't work out because of college course deadlines. I weighed in today and gained 3 pounds over the weekend. How is that possible?

    The good news is today I had a great workout, 48 minutes on the video, 40 min stationary bike ride and 15 mins on the elliptical. I felt like I could have gone another hour but had to get showered to start on the house work.

    We were scheduled to to to South Padre on a school trip this weekend but the flu concerns have cancelled the trip so I'm hoping ot get a 30 mile bike ride in Saturday.

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday.

    Many Blessings,
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    TexasMom- be patient! The scale is not always your friend. Against common advice, I actually weigh twice a day, morning and night, every day. I do not freak out when the scale goes up 3 pounds just as I do not celebrate when it is down 3 pounds for no reason. These things happen. I follow my trends. If you happened to weigh yourself on one of these days outside of your trend- either too high or too low- you will be thrown by the number.

    I hope that makes sense! And congrats on your expected new arrival! Grandkids!!!:noway: M<y kids are 10 and 7! But when my mother was my age, I was 22, so go figure!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    i did
    75 situps (25 w 10lb ball)
    100 pushups
    40floor leg lifts w 10 lb ball
    40 bench leg lifts
    20 knee lifts
    40 20lb curls
    10min resistance15 treadmill 128 cal but tyrying
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Way to go, Eriny!! Looks like you are well on your way to total fitness.

    TexasMom, don't be upset over the scale. April's advise is sound, follow the trend...don't fret over day to day spikes on the scale. Is phase 2 of slim in 6 different nutritionally? I know in other Beachbody products, they start you off with a bit of a restricted diet, with lower carbs for fat shredding. Your body may need to adjust to the new eating plan. BTW, I can't believe how much joy I feel watching my grandson progress from toddler to boyhood. It's so interesting to watch his rapid development . Time flies by so quickly that I want to savor every moment.

    Hopefully the rain will abate so that I can get a long bike ride in this evening. Have a great day!