40+ Club



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    You all are making me miss Europe!! Like alf, I just feel so lucky to have had the experience. Some days it is actually hard for me to comprehend that I spent 13 out of the last 17 years living in Europe. But then again there are days when I'm trying to figure something out about American culture because I'm so lost on some things, and then I remember how long we were gone. :tongue:

    alf, you made me laugh about the weight on your military ID....so I looked at mine. It reads my weight as 140. This morning.....I was 113.5, down 1.2 pounds from last week. :drinker:

    Looking forward to a one hour back/bicep session this morning. My husband is coming home today (he's been gone for a couple weeks), but just for a day and then off again. But it will be good to see him for a little while.

    Congrats to everybody on their progress this week.

    Welcome marjiedd! btw, I think you look lovely in your photo!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Good morning and Happy May Day to all!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile: How many of you remember making May baskets and hanging them on doorknobs or carrying tiny bouquets on the school bus to give to the teacher???

    Alf, Stiring, SwissMiss....... maybe we should all get together and take a short vacation in Europe - just the girls! Wouldn't that be awesome:happy: :drinker: A girl can dream, right??

    Last night was only my 2nd workout for the week & burned 432 calories :bigsmile:
    I missed Wed. because we met our oldest daughter for a belated birthday dinner, ate really smart at Ouback, but then blew the whole day's calories at Coldstone Creamery; :ohwell: :ohwell: :sad: birthdays only come once a year, right??

    But........ stil lost another 1/2 lb on the scale last night , down to 127.5, so I guess I wasn't as bad as I thought I was! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Getting new carpet installed May 11-12, so lots of sorting, throwing away and moving has to happen between now and then. Not fun!! :grumble: :grumble: I shouldn't complain, we're replacing 30+ year old carpet and I'm slowly dragging my husband out of the 1970's :wink: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Tonight going to see Jeff Dunham (ventroloquist who is AWESOME) and this weekend putting ceramic tile in a bathroom, so won't have a chance to work out before Monday, if then. May get a chance to sneak out for a walk, IF the weather behaves, but rain in the forecast all the way until mid-week next week.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, Stiring, SwissMiss....... maybe we should all get together and take a short vacation in Europe - just the girls! Wouldn't that be awesome A girl can dream, right??

    Can I come too? With a wig and lipstick, I can pass for an (former) East German swimmer!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: If I hit it big in Vegas we will all go to Europe together, deal??? And yes, Sing, you can come along ONLY if you wear the wig and lipstick!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: If I hit it big in Vegas we will all go to Europe together, deal??? And yes, Sing, you can come along ONLY if you wear the wig and lipstick!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: I think that the best idea I've heard all day :bigsmile: I think Sing will look AWESOME in a wig and lipstick!!!:wink::wink: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    I'm thinking alf is gonna get lucky in Vegas.......... get your passports ready!!:smile::wink:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    So many military wives on here... I dont think I could handle the time when the hubbys are gone but I would just love the travel... For the past 3 years my husband and I have taken the kids on road trips. So far we have been to all of the states on the western side. Driving all the way over to, lets say New York, would take longer than our 2 week vacation so hopefully we will be able to check those states out really soon. Germany sounds fantastic. Definitely on my list of things to do:wink:

    Now as far as checking in.... I lost 1 pound this week. Down to 121.3. I was hoping to lose 2 pounds but like I have said before, I stay under my calorie intake but my food choices could be healthier. Next week right. I am getting stronger though. I usually power walk on the tread mill (5.5) for an hour but this week I was able to run (7.1) for 2 laps. That is the longest I have ever been able to do that. :noway: :happy:

    Alf... Have fun in Vegas!!! Make sure you get a program and see all the free shows on the strip.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning gang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: What are your plans this weekend? I am going to a morning Zumba class. I love this class but it is a far drive so I only go about every other week or so. I just feel that I am dancing to my favorite latin tunes for an hr so it is so much fun!!!! Today is my brother's birthday so we are going to a Brazilian Steakhouse, yikes!!!!! Lots of food. Oh, and caipirinhas (not sure I spelled it right :laugh: ) It is soooooooo delicious!!!! So hopefully we go dancing afterwards. I am also planning a long run tomorrow...

    Tron, you are doing great!!!! And Stiring, C'mon, you continue to amaze me!!!! I can't wait to weigh myself but I want to wait until I finish this first phase of CX, another week or so. I really don't feel any different as far as weight is concerned. I do feel stronger and fitter and that is great!!!

    I am not going to Vegas until May 18. I will keep you posted. I can't wait to spend some time alone with hubby. :heart:

    Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have planned cleaning my house (this is an every weekend thing). Maybe taking the dog to the nature center again and both of us getting exercise.

    I wore my pedometer at work this week. I walk over 11,000 steps while there. This is about 4.3 miles. And here I was worried that I couldn't get in 10,000 steps a day that we are told we should.

    I didn't lose any weight this week but then I didn't put any on either. I went to the doctor yesterday. I am down 4 pounds since I was last there.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I love a Saturday at home! Got to the gym with my baby girl (17) and neice. Worked hard for an hour, (I was supposed to work out yesterday and skipped:ohwell: ) Now it's back to work at home. Now making food plans for the weekend. We never know if there will be 3 or 12 at the table! I think that might have been a bit of my problem in the last year. Just feeding a few to many people. We have always been whole wheat , fruit and vegetable folks, just a bit much of the red meat. Guess that comes with the farming. MFP has really helped me to moniter snacks and portions. Hope you all are having a great week-end!! First day without rain in a week here in IN. Yipee! Weigh day on Tuesday! I will report back!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    We have been having rain every day here in Ohio also.

    I bought what I am packing for lunch this week. I am going to go with turkey wraps. I have whole wheat wraps and low fat cheese, lettuce, tomatoes. I am going to spread mustard on them.
  • phetzgetfit
    phetzgetfit Posts: 89
    yes i can share.

    Everyday now I fill a big jug of water and it goes with me to work, in the car, etc. Now, i'm not done with my day til i drink it all

    I WAS NOT GETTING ENOUGH PROTEIN, especially when i got busy)
    Before i go to bed nowI make a whey protein shake in a little portable shaker container i have and stick it in the freezer. (ready for the cooler the next day, both to keep my other foods cold and to make sure i have a protein meal ready for mid-day snack).

    MY BIGGEST TROUBLE CAME FROM NOT PLANNING WELL AND EATING ON THE GO. So, now.. I bought one of those large cloth/vinyl coolers. I pack each morning with: My water jug, my protein shake for afternoon meal, my healthy lunch (protein, complex carb, veg and fruit) , a bag of cut veggies and a piece of fruit. In one of the pockets I keep "little" snack bags of almonds and cranberries" for when I feel like I'm have to have a sweet snack. I almost put two small bottles of iced green tea in it to have instead of stopping somewhere for a coffee drink. oh and i was having trouble taking my vitamins at home for some reason....just hate swallowing them on the morning and at night they bother me if i take before going to sleep. So, I divided them up, again in little bags, and put a week's worth in my travel bag. now i take them at lunch and so far have been fine remembering. (it's been only 3 days so far that I've done all this.

    ANOTHER PROBLEM I HAD WAS I ALWAYS FELT LIKE I HAD TO STOP AND GET COFFEE (with cream) at a coffee shop everyday or my day wasn't complete (i felt cheated or something). I couldn't make myself not stop so I'm trying to just change my treats. I go ahead and stop but I get a pot of herb tea and sit for a while. (i don't like cream in tea so that helps). So far I certainly don't like it as well as coffee with cream (caffeine!) but i think that's a mental thing and I'm trying to quit saying that. So, you heard it here for the last time.

    I WAS DOING WELL WITH EXERCISE WHILE I WAS DOING BIKRAM YOGA EVERYDAY but can't do that right now because of a new job. I think i can manage to get a class in with my new schedule at least 3 times a week, which isn't enough. SO, I PARKED MY CAR AND I'm walking to and from work everyday (5 days a week). I never ever thought i could run AT ALL EVER but i saw that term WOG (half walk/have jog) on this site and it made me smile...so I take a few baby jog steps throughout my walk...who knows....maybe i could become a runner. My knees and ankles have got considerably more stable since doing the yoga. nothing hurts as much!

    That's pretty much it... for now.
  • phetzgetfit
    phetzgetfit Posts: 89
    and yes, i drink the herb tea in the bottles and STILL feel like i have to stop and get my tea treat.
    I might need to work on changing that!
  • phetzgetfit
    phetzgetfit Posts: 89
    oh one more change...maybe the biggie. i invested, at the advice of a mfp friend, in a digital food scale in an effort to get more real and do less guessing. I was pretty off on a lot of my food measurements before.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I didn't take the dog to the center to walk. We only walked a couple of blocks but I cut the grass..I do this with a reel mower. That is one that doesn't have a motor. I also cleaned out the car, vacuumed it and washed the windows.

    I am having a problem getting all my water. If I drink what I am supposed to (and what the doctor says to), then I will be living in the bathroom. This is especially difficult when I am at work.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    For the past 4 days I have stayed under my 1200 calorie limit without even exercising. And yes, I am eating all three meals. I am horrible about drinking the water. Unless I am working out or eating something dry I just cant stand the stuff:ohwell: But I am trying to drink more. What about green tea? Can you substitute that for water? I havent gotten in much exercise this weekend:grumble: been pretty busy with my girls coming to visit and cleaning the house. I am worried about Monday (tomorrow) because the hubby and I are heading to Nevada to take care of a couple of rentals and he always buys junk food for the trip. I'm gonna do my best to avoid these temptations but sometimes that is hard to do. :blushing:

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a fabulous week!!!:drinker: :happy:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tron..I wouldn't dare try green tea. I will have to spend even more time in the bathroom if I am drinking that. You may have gotten enough exercise just cleaning your house.:laugh: You could take some healthy snacks for yourself. I know, it will still be hard to resist your husband's yummies. Mine likes to buy chips and then open the bag on the way home from the store. Of course, I have to try some of them.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good evening everyone!

    My husband is teasing me about having to get my MFP fix in and I guess he's right. :laugh:

    I've been pretty good about eating my alloted number of calories but for some reason I was ravished this weekend. I just made sure I ate healthy foods but I sure find myself thinking a lot about a Whopper from Burger King :tongue:

    Tron, I love green tea - it's got some good antioxidants for you. I'm struggling with the water intake, too.

    Phetz, good for you! I'm trying to convince my husband that I need a HRM, and a digital food scale....lol, one thing at a time, though.
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Hey I just joined today. I used to teach cholesterol classes and I can break it down. The total gives you a combonation of

    LDL's (Low density lipoproteins) those increase with fat in your diet, bad for the arteries

    HDL's (High density lipoproteins) "Good for the arteries you build those up with exersise"

    So you should know those two numbers. LDL's above 100 is not good for your arteries

    HDL's clean the arteries the higher the better....

    So 30 min or more of exersise 6 days a week and lower your fat and carb amount especially carbs keep about 200 grams per day and the weight and cholesterol will both come down...

    GO STEERLERS!!!!:laugh:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I have been shaking a couple lime slices in my iced water bottle and that makes the water much more appetizing. Can't drink it all day long though becuase too much causes a little indigestion!

    Do you all have to paste your tickers everytime you want them to appear on your post?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was spent mostly doing "spring" chores. Oil changes & tire rotations on the cars (no, I'm not very mechanically inclined...just the basics). Not too much exercise, as it was rainy all weekend...and showers forecasted for most of the week! We went to a great local amusment park on Saturday afternoon (Knoebel's Amusement Resort), one of the finest family parks in the nation. We wanted to see our 18 month old grandson get on some rides. He seemed more interested in the people and stream that runs through the park!

    Back to work, exercise and clean eating. Four weeks and counting to California...