40+ Club



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    chooey, I don't know that I have the right answers to your questions, but I'll try. But first....welcome!!

    Regarding your heart rate, one rule of thumb to find out your maximum heart rate is to take the number 220 and subtract your age from that. That will give you your MAXIMUM heart rate. Many people (experts in the fitness field) recommend working out somewhere between 70-85% of that (some say a little lower, like 65%, others say you can go higher, but they are all just recommendations). So, in my case, I subtract 43 (my age) from 220 and then times that by .85 to find that I really want to be working out with my heart rate around the 150 range since I am what I consider to be an advanced exerciser. If you are just beginning, you might want to workout closer to the 70% range. (or somewhere in between). Hope that helps.

    Regarding the C-sections, I really don't know what to say. My sister had two C-sections, and she has the same issues. Even when she was at her thinnest after her children were born, she still had the belly. But I, quite honestly, don't know if that is a 'never' thing or just a 'it would be incredibly difficult' thing to be able to achieve a flat tummy again.

    alf, I have a question. Do you have any idea how many calories you are burning with the Chalean program? I know that sounds like a strange question. I'm so used to working out at least an hour a day that one of the reasons I'm hesitant to buy CLX is because I don't want to decrease my calorie burn from where it is right now and since these are shorter workouts, I'm afraid that is what might happen. But, of course, depending on the intensity of the program, I might burn as many calories doing CLX as I am doing STS, just in a shorter period of time. So I'm curious if you are paying any attention to the calorie burn and how they compare to other workouts you've done. Any input is appreciated.

    singfree, it sounds like you are getting great results! Congrats!!

    Having a good but busy week so far. Off to do a tough lower body workout. Still eating as clean as I can!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Pictures????!?!?!?? We have to post pictures of ourselves? *faints dead away*

    I'll see if I can find a before pic and then have someone take an after. :blushing:

    Had a great workout with the trainer, but sometimes, while I"m in it, I have fleeting thoughts of thinking it's ridiculous to be trying to do this at my age. Sigh. I need encouragement people.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    What do ya mean "at my age"???? Don't give me that stuff (just kidding)...I'm 54 and can do things most people half my age would never attempt (beats his chest). Seriously Cardigirl, don't think of us as getting older or even approaching old age. It's just a number (like the scale). I think going with a trainer is a great idea. I'm just too cheap to do it myself!! Keep going, you young whipper-snapper!
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    Hello everyone. I'm new to the site. Just wanted to mark the page. I'm excited about using this site so any advice would be greatly appreciated. I lost 25 lbs initially on WW online but had to suspend my membership and needed another site to account for myself, actually see my progress.

    See you around the boards!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    What do ya mean "at my age"???? Don't give me that stuff (just kidding)...I'm 54 and can do things most people half my age would never attempt (beats his chest). Seriously Cardigirl, don't think of us as getting older or even approaching old age. It's just a number (like the scale). I think going with a trainer is a great idea. I'm just too cheap to do it myself!! Keep going, you young whipper-snapper!

    Thanks, Sing. Yeah, I really like that I can do this working out and feeling fitter. I guess sometimes I get too caught up in the "appearance" part of it. And really, what's the alternative? Not working out? Not eating better?

    Guess I just needed a boot in the rear! :laugh:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm new to the site. Just wanted to mark the page. I'm excited about using this site so any advice would be greatly appreciated. I lost 25 lbs initially on WW online but had to suspend my membership and needed another site to account for myself, actually see my progress.

    See you around the boards!

    Welcome! MFP is a great site, especially the tracking part of it. It has really helped me focus on what I was eating and how much. I think you'll like it here.
  • Catherine1962
    :frown: Hello all!
    I'm new here in the 40+ club. thought I'd try it to get some encouragement and maybe help others as well.
    I joined a gym in feb and have only gained weight! I know my metabolism has been out of wack for a long time...starvation mood I've been told. I have since changed my diet and work out 4 - 5 days a week to no avail. Cant see a physical difference either. Pretty sad really. I havent given up yet though. I need to loose at least 30 Lbs.
    Hope all is well with everyone, Have a great day!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Welcome, Lose2cruise!! Tell us a little bit more about your daily routine, eating and exercising, and we'll be here to help in any way we can.

    Cardigirl, I'm into the health & fitness aspect of it (mostly), but I like to look good too. After all, since I don't weigh myself very often, I only have the mirror and my clothing as a guide.
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    Thanks for your kind words. I'm going to be 55 in a few weeks and I had hoped to be at goal by now. I was steadily losing doing WW onlinewhich I started in January 08 until September 2008. We went on a cruise that happened to be during Hurricane Ike. The cruise lasted longer because we could not get back into Galveston. I gained a little on the cruise, lost back to precruise weight, but then I just plateaued. I tried to get back on track but the weight just didn't come off. Then the scale moved down again, but winter set in and my exercise routine wained and I just couldn't get the scale to budge. I suspended my membership with WW in January after a year. I figured I knew how to lose the weight, just had to be accountable. Well, I wasn't. I'm exercising more now, walking, running, treadmill, Zumba, weights, and yard work. But the scale is slow to move, as it always has been for me. I need to be more accountable for what I am doing and thought I'd give this a try where I can keep a food diary and log my activity. It's a very interesting site and I look foward to seeing some progress and getting to goal.

    I'm vegetarian, I work for a cardiovascular surgeon and sit at a desk all day. I get my exercise early in the AM before work and DH and I try to take long walks on the weekends and then lots of yardwork during the spring and summer months. We love to cruise, addicted to it and luckily I've not gained more than a lb or 2 during a cruise, as I walk the ship every morning and watch what I eat at buffets and dinner.

    thanks for listening!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    lose2 cruise, are you currently using the WW points system? I also noticed that you are a vegetarian, are you taking in enough protein? Focus in on the amount of cals per day and ratios of fat/ protein/ carb. It might sound strange, but since you are exercising more, you might need more calories so you don't run out of energy. Good luck!!

    I was in Houston attending a seminar as the hurricane approached. Luckily I was able to get a flight back to Philadelphia before they closed the airport!

    BTW- I'll be 55 on June 25....:cry:
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    I was doing Core on WW. I knew the Core foods and what foods had points and what foods didn't, so losing for me on Core was easy. They changed their plan last December, to Momentum. It was combining the Core and Flex, so I had to count points again for everything. I just didn't seem motivated to doing it and suspended my membership, as the $$ was adding up for not using it. I just fell off the wagon. Plain and simple.

    I do get my protein with soy based products and legumes. My problem is weekends, as I'm sure most people have, but now that weather is warmer, we'll be outside in the yard doing more of that and I usually burn a good number of calories there.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well I am back from Nevada and I'll tell you what, I really missed MFP. I really like logging in my food throughout the day. It makes things so much easier. Of course I know I wasnt under my calorie intake while I was gone but hopefully I wasnt too far over either. I have to admit I'm a little nervous to get on the scale.:brokenheart: :ohwell:

    Welcome to all of the new people. I think you will really enjoy it, not only this sight but also this thread. The group of people here are just fantastic...:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Please do post pictures. Its nice you see all the hard work you have done. I did post a before and after on my home page. Starting weight-140:explode: Todays weight and current picture-121 and 6 months ago where I was at my thinnest and want to get back to-110 but this time I want to be toned not just thin.:smooched:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Many people are having success by using a heart rate monitor (the kind with the watch AND chest strap). I bought a Reebok Precision XT on www.buy.com for $29.99, no tax and free shipping. It works great. Now I know how many calories I am burning, not guessing any longer. There are other brands like Polar which is a great unit, but much more expensive.

    Sometimes you get tired of the same old routine (WW), and need to find something that stimulates and encourages you to stick with it. On this site, we've come to realize that we need to reprogram our bodies to accept only good things, with an occasional cheat treat now and then. This is easier said than done, but we're hanging in there. I really don't think that this lifestyle is difficult to maintain. It just takes some common sense and a firm commitment to getting fit.

    Welcome back, Tron!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: lose2cruise..I am sort of doing the Abs Diet. It has me eating a lot more protein. I have found that whey protein is helping. You might try this.

    singfree...I bought the Polar monitor. I heard that it was a good one and I had just gotten my tax refund so I figured why not. I then had my surgery and haven't set it up to use it yet.

    I am stuck at the same weight..minus or plus about three pounds. So frustrating.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    singfree... Thanks for the web sight and letting us all know how you HRM is working for you. I have been online looking at them but was a little nervous buying an inexpensive one just because of not knowing how they work. Sometimes inexpensive doesn't equal good ya know.

    I weighed myself today, I'm actually happy. I didn't lose anything but I didn't gain anything either. At least my trip didn't set me back. :smile: I finally got my 30 day shred. I might start it tonight, if not tomorrow morning. Hopefully I will start to see those numbers on the scale and more importantly the tape measure start going down really soon.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron...I am so glad that you are holding steady and that you haven't gained. I know the feeling of thinking that the scales will not be kind to you.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!! Wow, so many newbies just today!!! :drinker: :drinker: WELCOME!!! :flowerforyou: Hang in there!!! DO NOT QUIT!!! You can do this. This is a great site to keep you accountable. lose2cruise, Holy Guacamole!!! 55!! You look great!!!!! You are doing a lot, maybe increase the intensity or duration for some of your exercises and you will kick up your metabolism. Also increasing your protein is a good idea as Swissmiss said.

    Stiring, I am not burning mega calories, usually under 300 cals, while doing ChaLean but I know that my metabolism is still working extra hard after my workouts for all the heavy slow lifting. When I have more time I include one of the cardio workouts in program after lifting and the abs workout and those days I burn about 450cals. I am only resting one day a week and 2 days out of the week I run. The other day I ran/walked 8 miles and burned 760cals. :noway:

    Inthemoney, are you still with us???? Are you the one that uses knox gelatin? I posted on that but no one replied :cry: I am considering trying this and see if it works better and faster than glucosamine/chondroitin. I was doing some research today and it says it might cause upset stomach/diarrhea the first week you take it. How do you take it also? Anyone?

    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Advice from anyone please. My pedometer says that I am taking over 11,000 steps a day, burning over 400 calories and walking over 4 miles. And this is what I do while at work only. My problem, I think, is that my body is accustom to this and will not let loose of any pounds. Do I need to up my exercise? I also use the weight machines at the gym and about twice a week I will ride the stationary bike. I very seldom go over my allotted calories. What am I doing wrong?
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    How exciting to see all the newbees!!! I'm pretty new myself and I have to echo what so many have said, this is a great bunch of people and I've already been more encouraged than any other time in my life. :happy:

    Alf - I have to say thank you for all of your encouraging words to each of us. You're amazing.

    Singfree - thank you for asking me about my food intake. I took a look and although I was doing good calorie wise I wasn't getting enough carbs in. I upped the carbs and the scale is headed in the right direction. I'm learning so much here. You guys are great.

    I stepped it up a notch today, I'm on the Phase 3 video of Slim in 6. I'm supposed to finish the program with this one. I finished the video and made it through 90% of the reps. It felt really good. I left my bike ride at 42 minutes and upped it one level. I have so much more energy, it feels awesome. And it's only been 2 1/2 weeks.

    I also tried hommus for the first time today. I read so much about it on this site I thought, what the heck. I'm in love. That stuff is amazing. Of course I need to be careful, I think I could eat the whole container in one sitting. :love:

    I hope everyone has a blessed evening.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hey Swissmiss. I don't know if I have an answer for you but, yes, the body does get used to certain activities. For instance, mailmen who walk all the time stop burning as many calories simply because the body adjusts. So while you obviously have a very active job (and if I were you, I'd definitely reflect that in your daily activity level), chances are that in order to 'shake things up', you might need to shake up your exercise a bit. I would recommend either increasing your cardio a bit (if you are working out in the gym, one of my favorite things to do is interval/incline training on a treadmill. I'm not a runner, so this is something I can do that is not running but gets my heart rate up and out the roof) or maybe alter your strength training a bit.

    Frankly, given that you are in between surgeries and all that you went through with the last one, I think you are doing great. :flowerforyou:

    alf, thanks for the answer on Chalean. That's kind of what I anticipated. I think I might do P90X (this time all the way through :wink: ) after I finish STS. Actually, I'm going to take a month off the heavy lifting first and just do circuits, but after that, maybe I'll go for P90X since we already own it. And maybe this time I try it, I might be able to encourage my husband to do it at the same time. :drinker: And then after that, maybe I'll be looking at Chalean for more maintenance. I'll have to think about it. But thanks again for your answer.

    Welcome to all our new posters. Please keep posting!!