40+ Club



  • GearJammer
    GearJammer Posts: 47 Member
    Is there room for one large guy in here?
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello everyone …….. I haven’t posted in a long time but still here on MFP. I have had moments of wanting to give up (when I say give up I mean just working out and not posting food or sticking to a complete routine that I feel accountable too). But I enjoy it and know that results have to come eventually?!?!?

    I have not weighed myself in quite some time because the scale staying the same or going up a lb or two is so depressing. My body seems to just be comfortable right where it is at and it is so frustrating, but I’ve already committed 90++ days of a pretty strict regimen and plan on continuing on. Started up again with another round of ChaLEAN. I really enjoyed it and since I didn’t really see the results I “personally” had hoped for other than some inches lost I decided to start again. :noway:
    I’ve had people tell me because I don’t have a bunch to lose it is harder. :angry: I did recently order the book: Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels ….. anyone out there read that one? The description sounded like it would fit me & I like Jillian so I’ll see.

    Just need a little encouragement so thought I’d drop back in. Plus I am officially in the 40 club now . . . Just had my Birthday a couple weeks ago. Thanks everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Welcome Back, 2BLean! I'm sorry to hear about your frustration, but don't give up. Living healthy is worth it, even if the pounds aren't melting off. I really do think it is beneficial to think about this in terms of health and not just about weight.

    I've read Master Your Metabolism. I found it very interesting. Jillian recommends a more extreme lifestyle than I'm willing to adopt (I'm not going to give up by bathroom cleanser....sorry!), but she also really breaks down what can be going wrong in the body if you are trying to lose weight and just aren't. It was amazing to me to see the body broken down in this format and how clear it became to me that if one thing is out of sync, the whole body kind of is out of sync. Hopefully reading it will provide some guidance for you. I know it made me think (and rethink) some of my food selections, and I will continue to do that down the road.

    singfree, thanks again for the input about life after STS and before P90X. This is the first time I've done a rotation like this (and for six months at that!), so I really don't know what to expect when it is over. So I really appreciate your feedback.

    GearJammer, there is plenty of room, so hop on board. Looks like you are doing great in your weight loss journey!
  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
    Let's see, I think we have room for one more nice lady from Washington state...Welcome!!

    Yay!! :happy:
    Thank you so much, singfree!
    I'm happy to be included!
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Welcome aboard gearjammer. I can see by your numbers you'll be an inspiration for all of us.

    April & Sing - sorry to hear about your technology challenges. You make me feel smart!!! Considering how challenged I feel at times it's good to know we're not alone. :bigsmile:

    2BLean - stay with us. We're here to support you any way we can. Even if it's just an ear to listen to your challenges. I believe we've got the premier group of encouragers right here. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I was bad today. I forgot to eat after breakfast. :grumble: I got busy making sure my daughters room was ready for her to move back in today and then she got home and I totally forgot to eat. Well I'm about to have dinner but won't be able to make up enough intake at one meal so that's that and tomorrows another day. :happy:

    Blessings from Texas!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome icandoallthings...

    :flowerforyou: stiring...what does she say about bathroom cleansers? I can't see where that would have anything to do with metabolism.

    How often does everyone weigh themselves? I have been told to only weigh once a week but I have always, until recently, weighed everyday. I found that if I can getting off course I will know right away. But lately I have been bouncing between about three pounds lost and gained again. I can't get past one particular number on the scales. I have been seeing my doctor about twice a week so I am weighing myself that much. On Monday I had an appointment and then on Wednesday another one. I had gained three pounds in those two days. I have gotten within two pounds of my next goal but I then put it back on. I have tried upping my calorie count but that doesn't help. I think that I get enough exercise. I walk more than 11,000 steps a day while at work alone.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    My goodness, my head is spinning!! :noway: I cannot keep up with all the posts :laugh: This group is getting bigger and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to all the newcomers, there is always room for more. :drinker: :drinker: Sorry I cannot mention all, too many, old age :laugh: :laugh:

    Sing, no, I really meant I own a gun. I live in Texas, the wild wild west!! :laugh: Actually my husband insisted in getting one. I know how to use it since I was in the ARMY. :laugh: :laugh: But my arms are getting stronger so they are also my other guns :laugh: I am also going to sign up to take Krav Maga classes. Anyone has taken those? Actually the one I am interested is the cardio Krav Maga but it says that they also use the same techniques in the class.

    Have a great evening gang!!! We weigh in, measure, or just share the successes/frustrations of this week. So feel free to share if you want. I am still not weighing until I finish the first phase of ChaLean Extreme, which will be next week.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! I am a Mississippi transplant living in Texas for the last 23 years. I turned 50 in February and did my first "personal" triathlon (swim 1/2 mile at the nat and then came home and did 15 miles on the exercise bike and 3 miles on the treadmill.) I lost 50 pounds 6 years ago when my husband had a quad bypass. 35 pounds have come back on. My husband and I have been going to a personal trainer 1x a week since June. She is now making us record our food and recommended this site. I have been reading you guys for about a week before I got the courage to post.

    My sister two years older than me died very unexpectedly from a stroke in September. Nine weeks later my father died after a brief illness. The family has all rallied together but it has been tough. The power of prayer, family and friends has been incredible.

    We have two kids: 24 and 20 both living in Austin. (We are north of Dallas and enoying the empty nest.)

    I am now starting to see the pounds drop off. I look forward to being part of this group!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello all
    heres workout
    100 pushups
    75 situps 25 with 10lb balll
    20 floor knee lifts w 10lb ball
    40 70lb leb extension machine
    40 50 lb pulldown machine
    2 10 hanging knee lifts w 10 lb ball
    10 pull ups
    40 50lb cable crosser pulldown
    40 bar curls 30 lbs
    40 110lbs bicebs curl
    and 10 dragon flags
    since i forgot how to post pics on topic page i have pictures on profile of me doing dragon flag sorry about not to good picture camera phone had no flash
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Welcome to all the new people. Its great to have you all here. :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Texssippian... It sound like you've had you share of personal challenges. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm just glad to hear that you have so much support at home.

    Well I started the 30 day shed today and let me just say.... I am extremely weak!!! :grumble: I'm probably gonna be on phase 1 for the whole 30 days!!!! I can barely do push ups! :ohwell: But I'm gonna stick with it and hopefully get stronger faster than I think I will....
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Friday morning everyone! It is now 3 am....I got called to work to fill in for a sick supervisor. I don't function well on 4 hrs of sleep.

    On the bright side, it's Friday!!! Nothing tremendous to report this week. My weight is hovering around 150 lbs. My clothing is fitting very loosely now. As a matter of fact, I had to put a belt on my work jeans so they won't fall down!!! They look like hand-me-downs from my big brother. This is exactly what I've been wanting to achieve.

    For the newer members here, my philosophy is to not worry about the scale weight, it can be deceiving and frustrating. Rather, concentrate on eating well and exercising. Gauge your progress in the mirror and try on some formerly tight-fitting clothes. If you do those simple things, your weight will take care of itself!!!

    This thread will be shut down soon, its almost at 500 posts. We will have to start a new one pretty soon so we can keep this club going strong!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: As Sing said it is time to start a new thread. What would you like the topic to be called??? Taking suggestions. Let's make it fun but something that will reflect our hard work and how determined all of us are to get fitter and healthier.

    I had a great workout this morning, 90 minutes of strength trng, ab work and stationary bike. I have not weighed myself in almost 4 wks now and I am not really missing that. It is definitely frustrating sometimes but there are so many things that can increase your weight so it is not the best measure of your progress. For me lately has been going to the store and finding out that now I cannot find clothes small enough to fit me!! But when I find the best fit it looks sooooo good!! I enjoy shopping now, even for jeans and bikinis. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Morning all! Wish I had some creative ideas for a new thread title, but I don't. :blushing:

    My weight is down 2.5 pounds this week to 111. One more pound to go....and I'm not sure I care about that pound right now, to be honest. This is a way lower weight than I thought I would go in the current weight loss journey. I'm extremely pleased right now. I'm also pleased with my measurements. And most importantly, I'm so pleased with how I feel.

    I've been eating right at my maintenance calories for the past two week (which are now down to 1390 :sad: ), but next week I'm going to gradually up those calories again by 100 per week. By the time my husband and I hit the road for our vacation in two weeks, I'll be right at where I think I need to be to maintain this weight (1700) when I'm working out. I'm ready for maintenance mode now, that's for sure.

    Swissmiss, you asked about what Jillian says about household cleansers and such. It is her belief that things in household cleaners (as well as face creams, make-up, or anything that can be absorbed through the skin) can impact metabolism negatively since they do enter the body through the skin. She has a long list of ingredients in such products that should be avoided at all times. For me, I'm still trying to wrap my arms around the food part, so if I ever make changes in that direction, they are going to come much later.

    eriny, I looked at your profile photos. You've made some great changes. Congratulations!

    Welcome Texssippian! It sounds like you have had your fill of personal struggles, and I'm sorry to hear about them. I find it inspirational that your husband had bypass surgery six years ago and is currently working with a personal trainer. You both sound like very strong people.

    tron, great going with 30 Day Shred! It doesn't matter if you end up doing level 1 for 30....or even 60....days. You are doing something, and that is great!

    singfree, congrats on all your changes. It's such a great feeling when the clothes start getting too big, isn't it? Like alf, finding clothes that fit is becoming a problem for me right now, but it is a problem I'm happy having.

    Off to do an hour of back/biceps and enjoy the day. Hope everybody has a great weekend. And if a new thread gets started, please leave bread crumbs so I can find you all! :flowerforyou:
  • SunshineLady
    SunshineLady Posts: 36 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I found a GREAT website with some teriffic information regarding diet and weight loss. (This is not a new diet....Just free information.) The TUTORIAL is where the meat and bones are at. I'd suggest really digging into the info. I loved it!!! This site has calculators that will help you monitor the calories you burn during the day with everything from surfing the web, mowing the yard to running...etc. I love the information regarding how your current weight affects weight loss. This part explained plateaus and how to get over them.

    There are soooooo many junk websites and I get really excited to find something worth reading. As you can guess, Im a research junkie. I hope you enjoy it, too.


    As for me, I did change my ticker to reflect my total weight loss since beginning my journey on April 22. That 2 number was depressing and bugged me because I know the total is 12. Since joining here 5/5 Ive lost a total of 2 lbs. YEAH!!!

    A few words of caution and advice: If you consider taking phentermine, as I have, it's not for everyone. I'm having trouble taking in enough calories during the day. Not enough is equally as bad as too much. The food diary here is helping me. Do not order it off the internet. See your physician. This is serious stuff.

    MAKE A GREAT DAY!!!!! SunshineLady
  • SunshineLady
    SunshineLady Posts: 36 Member
    I'll post a pic as soon as I can. My camera was stolen and I've not figured out how to use the web cam of my computer yet. (I'll admit....I've not tried it yet.) I'll play around and hopefully soon I'll show my face.:wink:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Hi to everyone and especially the new members! Welcome, we have a great group here.

    I'm so impressed with people's 90 minute workouts...I guess I'm going to have to get up earlier to fit them in, the best I've been doing during the week is 60 minutes. :tongue: On the weekends I can stay at the gym longer!

    Did my usual stair climber and AMT machine for cardio and my Smith machine pushups and rows for the arms. Tomorrow will do longer cardio plus arms plus core training. Can't wait.

    Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and gets lots of exercise and fun! :bigsmile:
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Good Morning All - we're coming to end of this tread really fast. I thought rather than run out of space and lose anyone we should jump to a new thread now.

    I'll start it and sticking with tradition :wink: it will be called 40+ Club-Making it Work.

    See you all on the new thread.

    Many Blessings,
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: As Sing said it is time to start a new thread. What would you like the topic to be called??? Taking suggestions. Let's make it fun but something that will reflect our hard work and how determined all of us are to get fitter and healthier.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Alf, how about "Over 40 and getting fit"?

    I am SO JEALOUS of all of you talking about your workouts this week - we get new carpet in the house next week, so have spent all of this week cleaning/sorting/clearing rooms/painting/moving furniture and way too much accumulated junk in addition to installing porcelain tile in both bathrooms, so haven't worked out except for a quick walk on Sunday morning for over a week :grumble: :sad: :grumble: It got a LOT more stressful when the hubby sliced open his left hand with a kraft knife - 7 stitches (3 in index finger, 4 at base of thumb) and 2+ hours in the emergency room later; we're still dealing with that! I've been mean and made him keep the splint on and whole hand wrapped, so he's extremely frustrated with everything right now!:grumble: :grumble: . Last night he insisted on getting onto the ladder in the basement stairwell and cutting in paint along the ceiling because I couldn't reach it - yikes!!! I will be SO HAPPY when it's all finished on Tuesday night and I can put my house back together!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and get back to my "normal" life and working out!!
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    New thread is up and going. See you 40+ Club-Making it Work
  • robin1964
    robin1964 Posts: 7
    How do I find this new thread?