50+ Women for the Month of April



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Kathy - holy COW you burned alotta calories! You're not kidding you're hooked on working out! That's AWESOME!!!!!!!!:happy:

    Sue and Esther - congrats on your weight/inch loss!

    Diane - sounds like that little dude is good for keeping you moving!

    I'm a little big jealous right now:embarassed: of everyone getting ready and putting in your gardens. I keep looking at my vegetable garden - just sitting there - not even tilled. I just don't think i'm going to get to it this year with everything i've got going on with my house. This weekend we're picking up all the supplies for the wiring and we're going to be starting in on that next weekend. Plus i'm still working on getting all the wood stripped. I have the whole upstairs to still do and a door that i have to haul over from the hay shed............:huh: it's just a lot of work! I'm sure going to miss the garden tho.........it's ok - it will just be this one summer. If i work hard hopefully i can be back in my house by Fall. Hopefully like you Susan, NEXT year i'll get to work on some OUTSIDE stuff!

    I don't know if i'm going to make my 3 pound goal by the end of the month - i still have 2 to go and it's SO slow right now. I'm ok with it though - as long as i'm not gaining its all good right? I'm not keeping to 1200 calories on the days i work out either - i know it would go faster, but i think it's unrealistic. I'm going to be ok if it takes me 2 or 3 months to lose the last 5 pounds.

    Sorry guys - i didn't mean to go on and on about myself:embarassed: :blushing:

    I think you're all doing great and i love the support we all give and receive here! Happy Wednesday!!!!!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I'm not keeping to 1200 calories on the days i work out

    ELLI - You SHOULD be eating your exercise calories! You don't want to begin conserving fat because your body thinks you aren't going to feed it. So go eat an apple or something high in fiber and low in calories right now young lady! (Feel the nudge) and try a handful of nuts after you work out. Supposedly protein after exertion helps convert flab to muscle.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    :happy: thank you Susan for the good advice - it's just that on the days i work out hard it feels like WAY too much calories!!!!!!! And i have to be SOOOOO careful with nuts because i LOVE 'em and can eat way more than a quarter cup!:tongue: I can't eat an apple right now - i just ate lunch with a bunch of grapes. Going to hot yoga tonight though so i'll have to eat extra. The other problem is by the time i get HOME it's already almost 8:00 so i'm eating late........:huh: i'll get it figured out tho! thank you for your help! elli
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :laugh: LOL! I understand about loving nuts Maybe a spoonful of peanut butter, a boiled egg, or a piece of jerky would be better for you if nuts are a big temptation. I literally count out my almonds. I eat 17 every time I work out. My weakness is almond M & M's.... Haven't bought any of those in a very long time....
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Yeah!!! Let's hear it for peanut M&M's. Used to be my weakness too. Middle of the night comfort food. I also have good for a very long time.
    But I believe that it is true that protein after a work out helps repair and rebuild muscle so that you burn more next time and aren't as sore if you work out hard.
    Gotta go for today, Diane
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    well, i pretty much always eat protein after i work out 'cause i come home and eat supper - which always has protein in it - nuts or fish or veggie burger (i don't eat meat).............i sure think i'm getting plenty of protein! some days i even go over!
    And i agree with you both! of course - ANY kind of m&ms are wonderful......and to be avoided!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hey :flowerforyou: elli, I agree with :flowerforyou: Sue. Eat your exercise calories. Or at least eat some. I think I have 1700 calories to eat today. I'm at least going to try for 1500. I never have a hard time eating food. Now, I do feel a little guilty eating more food. I so want to keep the scale going down. I WAS just in the habit of eating less to lose weight. However, I know now that is not a good thing. Now, I know why I never kept weight I lost off. I would eat way to little calories and starve myself. Get down to a good weight then eat my way back up. Now, it is a whole different ballgame. :heart: Moderation.:heart: I just love this way of life. Still working on those " wagging" weekends.:laugh: :laugh: Getting better.:bigsmile:

    dricotta1 Stop dreaming of peanut M&M's. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Kathy
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello All

    Glad to see everyone doing so well. Nice work out Kathy!

    Elli, thanks for the support concerning my foot. It's still cranky and I'm still working out.

    Anne, thank you for your story, but don't worry about my half full or half empty cup. My cup overflows daily. My favorite phrase is; "Onward and upward!" It is uncharacteristic of me to complain about such things. Just a bad day I guess.

    Easter morning I had a lovely suprise, I hit 10 pounds lost, and I have kept it off. Thank you Jesus!

    Concerning the nut overload. I have to measure mine and put them in baggies or I will eat them all.
    Somehow once they're in the bags I have a little more control.
    I do crave licorice snips.

    Have a lovely evening. :drinker: Alice
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Weighed in today at work, lost 1/2 lb. :happy: :happy: :happy: I talked to the dietician and i'm going to up my exercise some.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alice you are right "Onward and upward":bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: mnichol Great job on your weight loss

    :heart: Kathy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    I'll write something with more substance later but I wanted to share the snack idea that I'd forgotten.

    Apple Hairy :bigsmile:

    slice an apple into thin pieces
    put a bit of peanut butter on each slice (I used cashew butter last night)
    sprinkle with alfalfa sprouts

    very sweet and juicy and especially nice in the midst of Passover with no crackers or bread to put the cashew butter on.

    Passover is over at sundown Thursday. I promise to return to cereal and bread in moderation :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Barbie, I have never had cashew butter, or alfalfa sprouts. I will have to try them.

    Nice to see you again.

    :heart: Kathy
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Congratulations to everyone that has lost weight or inches:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I have done better with my eatting today thank goodness. I have an appointment with the Dr. Friday morning hopefully he can tell me what I need to do to get back to the gym.

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

    Hope everyone has a nice evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake has a friend visiting and they're talking "boy talk" so I've closed myself in the den with the TV and the computer----I'll get to the exercise bike later. I've had time to read all the wonderful inspiring and hilarious things you've all written. :bigsmile:

    Susan---on the subject of apples---my size 6 friend from line dance who is a retired flight attendant who had to weigh in and maintain a certain weight for her job, told me that she eats an apple a little while before dinner and it keeps her from overeating.
    Your new place sounds great and exhausting. Being outdoors sounds great too. :bigsmile: It’s still in the low 50’s here even in the middle of the day:sad:

    Heather—you do have more than your share of stuff to juggle:sad: ---you do an amazing job of coping with everything (and not eating yourself sick while you do it):bigsmile:

    Kathy----you are amazing:bigsmile: ----you just keep on going:heart: ---it’s going to be fruit season soon so you’ll have lots of chances to up your fruit eating

    Healthier---I hope your recovery continues
    enjoy the warmer weather:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Anne----I agree with you, just knowing all of you are cheering me on makes me more determined to stick to healthier habits----if I decided to eat the rest of the jar of cashew butter I’d see you all watching me and encouraging saner behavior. Posting my food before the day starts is very therapeutic for me. I make the assumption that I’ll do some exercise (the dogs will insist upon it) and eat plenty of calories in the morning

    Ataloss---keep checking in with us---we want to know how you’re doing :flowerforyou:

    Lynn, I hope your back is better---just take it one day at a time and stay in the moment---you’ll be working out in no time. :bigsmile:

    Mnichol—congrats on your weight loss----if you add more exercise that should make things even better

    Kathy---good idea to change your ticker----Bosco knows what’s best for you---Brandy and Sasha keep me active even when I don’t want to be. On the subject of “wagging war”, I read somewhere that people who are fidgeters keep weight off better than the calmer people so between wagging and fidgeting there is probably a huge calorie burn.

    Dricotta---strength training probably is the ticket to looking better in a bathing suit—good luck :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Esther---congrats on the 2 pound loss:bigsmile: ---it’s funny how nothing happens for awhile and then suddenly it changes---keep up the good work---we still have weather that’s too cool for yard work

    :flowerforyou: Elli-its probably even cooler where you are. We haven’t done a garden since we bought our first RV four years ago. We have bulbs and perennials but being gone interferes with caring for annuals and vegetables----that will be the next chapter in our lives

    it’s good to hear from you-:bigsmile: --thanks for the snack bag idea

    Line dance this morning was wonderful :bigsmile: We danced a bunch of favorites and learned one new dance.

    Big hugs to all of you motivated, exceptional ladies (that's all of you :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart:

    Barbie :love:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello everyone...just wanted to share a personal triumph. I am one who has never been good at outrunning or ignoring temptation--especially temptation dressed in chocolate. This is why I weigh about 125 lbs more than I should.

    Today at work, a skinny coworker, who is always generous with goodies, sent a message to me and others that chocolate chip cookies were available at her desk. Depite my initial impulse to hang up on the customer I was talking to and head for the other end of the office where her desk is located, I restrained myself, and later I did take one cookie-an oversized affair w/chocolate chunks instead of chips--lead us NOT into temptation already!!:devil:

    Okay, so how is taking a cookie a personal triumph? Easy, that was at 5p PT and it is now 9:35p PT and the cookie is now sitting in my kitchen being ignored until tomorrow or Friday when I will adjust my calories for the day and be able to enjoy it guilt free. (Previously I would have scarfed it down at once and decided, oh well one more won't hurt.)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: There's nothing like taking charge of your eating to give you a good feeling. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Triumphs like yours are part of the taking of baby steps and making gradual changes to how you relate to food. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My dogs are already in bed and begging me to join them. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello everyone...just wanted to share a personal triumph. I am one who has never been good at outrunning or ignoring temptation--especially temptation dressed in chocolate. This is why I weigh about 125 lbs more than I should.

    Today at work, a skinny coworker, who is always generous with goodies, sent a message to me and others that chocolate chip cookies were available at her desk. Depite my initial impulse to hang up on the customer I was talking to and head for the other end of the office where her desk is located, I restrained myself, and later I did take one cookie-an oversized affair w/chocolate chunks instead of chips--lead us NOT into temptation already!!:devil:

    Okay, so how is taking a cookie a personal triumph? Easy, that was at 5p PT and it is now 9:35p PT and the cookie is now sitting in my kitchen being ignored until tomorrow or Friday when I will adjust my calories for the day and be able to enjoy it guilt free. (Previously I would have scarfed it down at once and decided, oh well one more won't hurt.)

    Great Job. You must be feeling so very proud of yourself. Small accomplishments lead to large ones. I love chocolate cookies. I can’t remember the last time I had one. I use to bake them all the time. Guess who use to eat most.

    :heart: Kathy
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Okay, so how is taking a cookie a personal triumph? Easy, that was at 5p PT and it is now 9:35p PT and the cookie is now sitting in my kitchen being ignored until tomorrow or Friday when I will adjust my calories for the day and be able to enjoy it guilt free. (Previously I would have scarfed it down at once and decided, oh well one more won't hurt.)
    Awesome. You deserve 1 dozen roses for that triumph. However, these will have to do :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning ladies

    Weaklink - awesome job on the cookie saving. I would also consider that a triumph.

    Barbiecat Thanks for the support. Sometimes I feel like a whiner but if I don't let off a bit of steam now and again I'm quite sure the top of my head is going to blow off!! Our septic system seems to be okay now. I will still have to do the laundry at a laundry mat but that's a small price to pay to have a flushable toilet!! When all the snow is gone and the pipes thaw everything will be normal. Today the forecast is for 17 C. That will help big time. I almost forgot how much fun dancing is. I used to teach ballroom and disco dancing when I was younger. If I remember c orrectly, I also weighed 100 pounds less!! I think I'll have to try that again - not teaching - just doing~~

    Take care all

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    I just bought the DVD set of "Sweatin' to the Oldies" full of lively music and very easy dance-like routines to music from the '80's and maybe before. The routines were designed for people with a lot of weight to lose, seniors, and others who didn't feel comfortable dancing or working out with all the people who were already fit and slim. The routines are really fun and don't take too much floor space..

    The last time we had a plumbing crisis we packed up the dog and moved to a motel until the plumber could come and fix the problem (and go home with many hundreds of our dollars :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    One of the things I love about our 50+ group is that we can vent to good listeners and get a response that is supportive and encouraging.

    Nobody goes down the road of life without a bunch of bumps. It's good to be able to dance along the way.
    Big hugs. :heart: