Eat as natural as possible!!!



  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix.

    Yeah im not looking for a quick fix either. I have been here for a while and transformed my body.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I lose weight and I eat McDonalds and beer.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member

    Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix.

    Yeah im not looking for a quick fix either. I have been here for a while and transformed my body.

    I know :) I see you on the message boards all the time. I am just letting the OP know that although this is a healthy dieting and fitness site, many of us are here looking for a quick and easy method.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Calories in Calories out.

    It is the BEST key to good health though :drinker:

    that's kind of a myth. it works for the most part but if you're eating only crap, it really won't get all the weight off you. they have to be SMART calories

    Nope. Plenty of people on here and prove it true. Laws of thermodynamics

    Really can McDonalds rejuvenate your health like eating clean can>?

    Once again. We are talking about LOSING WEIGHT. Not optimum health.

    I think you're the only person here who cares about temporarily weight loss without regards to long term health or weight.

    Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix.

    And many of us are being realistic with ourselves that we don't *want* to eat 100% natural for our entire lives and thus we're not forcing ourselves into that 'diet'. If someone has an epiphany and decides to go clean, I say more power to them, great decision and I hope they truly enjoy it so that they can stick with it. And they will probably have great results. However, if someone (like myself) has no desire to do that longterm, I say 'everything in moderation, try to make better choices but don't deny yourself something you really want' and guess what, I'm getting great results as well, and there won't be any shock of 'going back to normal eating' b/c I AM eating normally this whole time, just with an eye on how things add up during the day. So where is this point where I am supposed to 'fall of the wagon' (what wagon exactly, I never got on one to begin with?) and fail?

    P.S. Honestly Sunshine is SO not the person to say she doesn't care. Really. She eats great and deadlifts almost twice her bodyweight. Hardly the 'quick fix' type. She just knows how to stay on-topic on a thread where the discussion is about how different types of food relate to weightloss. (eta: this part is not directed at the most recent quote)
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member

    I think you're the only person here who cares about temporarily weight loss without regards to long term health or weight.

    Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix.

    Losing weight itself provides a host of health benefits. Let's not imply that not being particularly sensitive to "clean" eating indicates a lack of desire to be healthier..or a quick fix for that matter.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member

    Eat any thing you want just stay in a calorie deficit and you will still lose weight... Macro ratios are really irrelevant when it comes to losing weight.

    That is absolutely untrue, medically and scientifically. Because you have to still consider the fat and the kinds of fat that you're taking in as well as the number of carbs and sodium. Your body needs certain kinds of nutrients in order to metabolize effectively that which we eat. If you take in too much sodium you won't lose consistently or at all. Some people on here need to be more care about what they say when it comes to is not conscientious to lead others astray.

    Two words: Twinkie Diet.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix.

    Yeah im not looking for a quick fix either. I have been here for a while and transformed my body.

    I know :) I see you on the message boards all the time. I am just letting the OP know that although this is a healthy dieting and fitness site, many of us are here looking for a quick and easy method.

    Ohh since his comment was aimed at me I thought you were agreeing! Sorry :]
    Always going to be people wanting it faster, and thinking they have to do some crazy diet to get there I will agree!
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I agree that all natural is better for optimal health...

    I ALSO agree it helps most people lose weight faster.

    I hit a plateau, ate cleaner, less processed garbage, and what do you know? I got over the plateau...and I felt better. And I had less bloat, and I have more energy.

    There's nothing wrong with eating an occasional cookie or eating lunch at McDonalds, but let's face it, not all calories are created equal. We are human, we arent all going to eat perfect all the time...but the cleaner I eat, the better I feel. Period.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Weird, I've always heard to eat as much processed food as possible in an un-natural way. I feel so jipped.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I think it is easier to stay under your cals by eating healthy food in general. Chicken and veggies is how many calories again?
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Calories in Calories out.

    It is the BEST key to good health though :drinker:

    that's kind of a myth. it works for the most part but if you're eating only crap, it really won't get all the weight off you. they have to be SMART calories

    Nope. Plenty of people on here and prove it true. Laws of thermodynamics

    Really can McDonalds rejuvenate your health like eating clean can>?

    Once again. We are talking about LOSING WEIGHT. Not optimum health.

    I think you're the only person here who cares about temporarily weight loss without regards to long term health or weight.

    Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix.

    And many of us are being realistic with ourselves that we don't *want* to eat 100% natural for our entire lives and thus we're not forcing ourselves into that 'diet'. If someone has an epiphany and decides to go clean, I say more power to them, great decision and I hope they truly enjoy it so that they can stick with it. And they will probably have great results. However, if someone (like myself) has no desire to do that longterm, I say 'everything in moderation, try to make better choices but don't deny yourself something you really want' and guess what, I'm getting great results as well, and there won't be any shock of 'going back to normal eating' b/c I AM eating normally this whole time, just with an eye on how things add up during the day. So where is this point where I am supposed to 'fall of the wagon' (what wagon exactly, I never got on one to begin with?) and fail?

    P.S. Honestly Sunshine is SO not the person to say she doesn't care. Really. She eats great and deadlifts almost twice her bodyweight. Hardly the 'quick fix' type. She just knows how to stay on-topic on a thread where the discussion is about how different types of food relate to weightloss. (eta: this part is not directed at the most recent quote)

    Okay, let me clarify my statement. When the OP said "I think you're the only person here who cares about temporarily weight loss without regards to long term health or weight" I responded with "Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix." This is because as a frequenter of the MFP message boards I know that this statement is false for two reasons: first, because Sunshine_88 is into health and fitness and not just a number on a scale, and second, because there are scores of people who make it plain and obvious with their questions on the message boards that they are here looking for a quick fix.

    So, on several levels the OP's comment to Sunshine_88 was W-R-O-N-G. Sigh. I feel better now :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Calories in Calories out.

    It is the BEST key to good health though :drinker:

    that's kind of a myth. it works for the most part but if you're eating only crap, it really won't get all the weight off you. they have to be SMART calories

    Nope. Plenty of people on here and prove it true. Laws of thermodynamics

    Really can McDonalds rejuvenate your health like eating clean can>?

    Once again. We are talking about LOSING WEIGHT. Not optimum health.

    I think you're the only person here who cares about temporarily weight loss without regards to long term health or weight.

    Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix.

    And many of us are being realistic with ourselves that we don't *want* to eat 100% natural for our entire lives and thus we're not forcing ourselves into that 'diet'. If someone has an epiphany and decides to go clean, I say more power to them, great decision and I hope they truly enjoy it so that they can stick with it. And they will probably have great results. However, if someone (like myself) has no desire to do that longterm, I say 'everything in moderation, try to make better choices but don't deny yourself something you really want' and guess what, I'm getting great results as well, and there won't be any shock of 'going back to normal eating' b/c I AM eating normally this whole time, just with an eye on how things add up during the day. So where is this point where I am supposed to 'fall of the wagon' (what wagon exactly, I never got on one to begin with?) and fail?

    P.S. Honestly Sunshine is SO not the person to say she doesn't care. Really. She eats great and deadlifts almost twice her bodyweight. Hardly the 'quick fix' type. She just knows how to stay on-topic on a thread where the discussion is about how different types of food relate to weightloss. (eta: this part is not directed at the most recent quote)

    Okay, let me clarify my statement. When the OP said "I think you're the only person here who cares about temporarily weight loss without regards to long term health or weight" I responded with "Unfortunately, not true. Many people on MFP are looking for a quick fix." This is because as a frequenter of the MFP message boards I know that this statement is false for two reasons: first, because Sunshine_88 is into health and fitness and not just a number on a scale, and second, because there are scores of people who make it plain and obvious with their questions on the message boards that they are here looking for a quick fix.

    So, on several levels the OP's comment to Sunshine_88 was W-R-O-N-G. Sigh. I feel better now :)

    Yes, that's what I was saying too, when I re-read your most recent comment I realized that last statement didn't apply to you buy rather just to that other person, which is why I editted in the disclaimer that it was not directed toward you. :-)
  • trinitymel1982
    I think when it comes to willpower, they need to pick quality foods and the quantity part will take care of itself. Nobody gets fat eating natural foods, unless they sit there eating jars of cashews all day long.

    many many people where fat before modern crap food was on the market, people being overweight is not a new thing. Its just more common because even the poor (not an insult I would be classed as poor) can afford to over eat. If you can eat clean good for you! I agree it comes down to will power. Surely If someone cuts 50% of the "crap" out of there diet they will be healther than if they don't bother ? Saying You must eat 100% clean or you will fail is just going to discourage people who need help with making big changes to there lifes. Its got to be better to say well you ate that an it was crap try not to eat it agane soon maybe try ........ it will be better for you and tastes great !
  • trinitymel1982
    new at this the top part was a quote did it wrong sorry
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    <-- Eats a lot of "crap".
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Though I fall short, this is the ideal I strive toward.
    Nothing but whole foods; if man makes it, don't eat it.

    Your wife does all the cooking, then? :-D
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    If I wash my McDonald fries frist, would that count?
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    To lose weight, all you need to know is calories in and calories out. To lose fat, you need calories in / calories out plus a sufficient amount of protein. From a health standpoint, eating natural/unprocessed foods would be better for your health in the long run. Myself, I am a bit of a perfectionist so I try to eat as unprocessed as possible or it makes me feel "dirty" inside.
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Wow, a lot of arguing in this thread. What I've discovered from reading message boards here in general, is that the solution is that there is no one solution. There is no one way to do things that works for everybody. Everyone has different bodies, different lifestyles, different tastes and different amounts of willpower. It's not about finding THE answer to weight loss, it's about finding YOUR answer. If not eating including chocolate and McDonalds in your diet is going to drive you completely mental, then eat it and find another way to still lose weight. If eating natural foods makes you feel good, do it. If you try one method of losing weight for a while and it doesn't work, try something else until you find what works for you.
  • Butterfly3730
    I'm telling you that is the BEST key to loosing weight. I notice that if i try my hardest to eat as fresh as possible, less things from a box or packaged (processed) the better. I still eat things from a package, i know how hard it can be, but i hope to one day rarely get anything out the middle of the store (to eat) and eat 100% natural. In the last week i have focused on just this one tip and lost 2lbs right off the back.

    For me it is not just about weight loss & dieting, but about being as healthy as I can as a lifestyle. So I agree with you totally! :smile: