T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team ~ Week 9 ~ 4/2-4/9



  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I want to add one more thing!

    I also belong to the biggerstloserclub online.. I just went to log on to chit chat and weigh in .. Its my challenge weigh in day and THEY ARE GONE!! My challenge team ended the challenge and just left without saying goodbye.... So I am on hold to cancel my membership since the billing is tomorrow.. Promise me you guys won't just disappear on me.. I need this support group...
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Man, I didnt sleep very good last night. Went to bed late and tossed and turned all night. I either pulled a muscle in my neck working in the yard or slept wrong, cuz it was bugging me all day yesterday and I just couldnt get comfy to fall asleep.

    Adopt4.. sorry I missed your call this morning, I was dead to the world.

    Once I managed to get up I spent some time digging through my closet looking for things to pack for my trip. Ended up trying on 1/2 my clothes, most of which are getting a little big, but will still work for another month or two. Got 1/2 packed and cleaned up the kitchen and started some laundry. Gonna go hit the gym here in a few and get some swimming in. I think after all the yardwork, my energy to do cardio right now is just shot.. LOL... hopefully tomorrow morning I can motivate my body better.

    I did some surfing after reading about the c25k program and found this site that does ipod music for interval runners and you can download the music for free. http://www.djsteveboy.com/1day25k.html
    The music is kinda what I would call techno, but its just music.. no lyrics. Im gonna download the first week and give it a try while Im down in FL. I can still hit my gym there, but will be more likely to run on the beach with it.

    Welp, Im off to go swim and get some lunch.

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I want to add one more thing!

    I also belong to the biggerstloserclub online.. I just went to log on to chit chat and weigh in .. Its my challenge weigh in day and THEY ARE GONE!! My challenge team ended the challenge and just left without saying goodbye.... So I am on hold to cancel my membership since the billing is tomorrow.. Promise me you guys won't just disappear on me.. I need this support group...

    Well, I've got another what, 83 pounds to go to meet my ultimate goal... I ain't going nowhere...

    Talk about "the biggest losers" - they totally are! sheesh!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Anita - whatchew mean, us leave? Have ya noticed how many pounds I have to go? Its gonna be a while!

    Ok, you asked for it.....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    anita, every time I try to disappear someone comes and gets me. Thanks for that, youknowwhoyouare. :heart:

    Yari and Jamie, I'm on day 3 Week One on the Cto5K also tomorrow! How perfect is that? All three of us are at the same day. But I have been "Wogging" for a while, so I'm doing the intervals suggested, but I'm running for an hour instead of the 20 minutes that is the goal on Cto5K. I run /walk 4 miles right now. I'd love to have an audible reminder through my Zen, but I want to listen to my own music. I'm really good at the guesstimating on time, though.

    So we canbuttkick.gif together.

    Pushups are hard. I'm back at it. You can have those situps though, :noway: One torturous thing at a time, thank you. I use my resistance bands, so that's about all I'm motivated for right now.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Runners! Lookie what's on the Couch to 5K site as one of the Active.com articles.

    Sounds familiar.....



    Eat a Big Breakfast
    Research shows that individuals who eat the most calories before noon actually eat the fewest total calories over the course of the day. It seems that eating a hearty breakfast reduces appetite in the afternoon and evening. In a recent Brazilian study, obese women who ate a large, 610-calorie breakfast every morning lost 21 percent of their body weight over an eight-month period, while obese women on a low-carb small breakfast diet lost only 4.5 percent of their body weight. The women on the big breakfast diet reported less hunger and fewer cravings throughout the day.

    As a general rule, try to consume eat least 25 percent of your total calories for the day within an hour of waking up.

    Eat Often
    Naturally, the longer you go without eating, the hungrier you become. Eating frequently throughout the day is an effective way to prevent your hunger from becoming extreme. Of course, while eating frequently will certainly control your appetite, it will not help you manage your body weight if you end up eating more. However, scientific evidence suggests that people naturally tend to eat less when they eat often.

    For example, in a 1999 study by South African researchers, a group of obese men were given 33 percent of their normal daily caloric intake on two occasions: once as a single meal and once as six small snacks eaten at hourly intervals. Five and a half hours after the initial feeding, the men were then allowed to sit down and eat as much as they chose. They consumed 27 percent fewer calories in that meal, on average, after having eaten the six small snacks.

    A sensible eating schedule for most athletes that will keep your appetite in check and reduce total eating is as follows:

    7:00 AM -- Breakfast
    10:00 AM -- Snack
    12:00 PM -- Lunch
    3:00 PM -- Snack
    6:00 PM -- Dinner
    8:30 PM -- Snack (optional)

    Eat High-Satiety Foods
    Some foods provide more satiety per calorie than others. Foods that provide the most satiety per calorie are those with large amounts of specific nutrients known to activate the body's hunger control signal more effectively than most other nutrients. These "high-satiety" nutrients include fiber, certain proteins, long-chain fatty acids and possibly calcium.

    By including plenty of foods that contain these nutrients in your diet, you will be able to keep your appetite satisfied throughout the day with fewer total calories. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Among the most satisfying proteins are dairy proteins. Dairy products are also great sources of calcium. Among the riches sources of long-chain fatty acids macadamia nuts, almonds, peanuts, olive oil, flaxseed oil and other cold-pressed oils.

    The best way to include these foods in your diet for appetite management is in the form of small (150 or fewer calories) pre-meal appetizers consumed 10 minutes before lunch or supper. Good examples are a light, broth-based soup, a garden salad, and whole-wheat crackers with cheese. Research has shown that such appetizers reduce eating in the subsequent meal by as much as 20 percent.

    Resist Social Pressure to Gorge
    Over the past 30 years, the number of calories in the average American's diet has increased significantly. This increase is widely believed to have come from increases in portion sizes in restaurant menu items and packaged foods that resulted from substantial decreases in the cost of producing food and competition among food businesses. The combination of this influence and the constant deluge of commercial advertising for food has essentially inflated our appetites--or created a breach between our physical and social appetites for food.

    Researchers such as consumer psychologist Brian Wansink of Cornell University have found that the amount of food we consume is strongly influenced by the accessibility of food, how much food is put in front of us, and social pressure to eat more, including the pressure of commercial advertising. A perfect example of the latter influence is Taco Bell's invention of "fourth meal," a late night meal of fast food that the television viewer is encouraged to add to his or her daily eating routine.

    To reduce the effects of food overabundance on your eating, experts generally recommend that individuals train themselves to pay better attention to the physical signs of appetite, hunger and fullness. The goal is to eat only when physically hungry and, when eating, to eat only until comfortably satisfied, never stuffed. As you get a better sense of how much food you really need to satisfy your physical appetite, you can also train yourself to purchase, prepare, serve and order smaller portions that meet this standard without exceeding it.

    Active Expert Matt Fitzgerald is the author of several books on triathlon and running, including Runner's World Performance Nutrition for Runners (Rodale, 2005) and his newest, Brain Training for Runners.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    buttkick.gif .

    So, cm, which are you, the kicker, or the kickeeee?
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    A sensible eating schedule for most athletes that will keep your appetite in check and reduce total eating is as follows:

    7:00 AM -- Breakfast
    10:00 AM -- Snack
    12:00 PM -- Lunch
    3:00 PM -- Snack
    6:00 PM -- Dinner
    8:30 PM -- Snack (optional)

    Thats pretty much my schedule....

    8ish AM -- Breakfast
    11ish AM -- Snack
    1:30ish PM -- Lunch
    3:30PM -- Snack
    6:00 PM -- Dinner
    8:30ish PM -- my massive glass of lowfat sugar free chocolate milk.. LOL
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    A sensible eating schedule for most athletes that will keep your appetite in check and reduce total eating is as follows:

    7:00 AM -- Breakfast
    10:00 AM -- Snack
    12:00 PM -- Lunch
    3:00 PM -- Snack
    6:00 PM -- Dinner
    8:30 PM -- Snack (optional)

    Thats pretty much my schedule....

    8ish AM -- Breakfast
    11ish AM -- Snack
    1:30ish PM -- Lunch
    3:30PM -- Snack
    6:00 PM -- Dinner
    8:30ish PM -- my massive glass of lowfat sugar free chocolate milk.. LOL

    Your so freaking cute LI4G.. You always throw in that milk.. I think we need to buy you your own sugar free lowfat chocolate milk cow....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    buttkick.gif .

    So, cm, which are you, the kicker, or the kickeeee?

    I am the evil one. So I guess the kicker.

    But the name of the emo is butt kicker, so it could just be a motivational emo.....that's what I was thinkin' - like - when one of us wants to slack off, we remember that there are two others on the same schedule.....
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I went for a not-tagged-smiley-10841.gif today at the gym and it was obviously just what I needed. 53 minutes of light /moderate effort underwater laps and 650 calories later....I feel SOOOOOOOOO much better that I talked myself into going. I almost didnt. My body just wanted to sit here and veg all day and do nothing. It kept saying nosmiley.gif but my brain screamed "GET OFF YOUR BUTT!!" loud enough that my body had to listen. My neck was real tight when I started.. even tho i sat in the jacuzzi last night, and now.. its all loosey goosey and feeling great! I can look both directions again!

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    A sensible eating schedule for most athletes that will keep your appetite in check and reduce total eating is as follows:

    7:00 AM -- Breakfast
    10:00 AM -- Snack
    12:00 PM -- Lunch
    3:00 PM -- Snack
    6:00 PM -- Dinner
    8:30 PM -- Snack (optional)

    Thats pretty much my schedule....

    8ish AM -- Breakfast
    11ish AM -- Snack
    1:30ish PM -- Lunch
    3:30PM -- Snack
    6:00 PM -- Dinner
    8:30ish PM -- my massive glass of lowfat sugar free chocolate milk.. LOL

    Your so freaking cute LI4G.. You always throw in that milk.. I think we need to buy you your own sugar free lowfat chocolate milk cow....

    I think Im more addicted to my nightly chocolate milk than I ever was to having a cup of coffee in the morning. LOL! Its so funny. I ran out of the powdered mix this last weekend and went 2 nights without it because I kept forgetting to grab some at the store.

    Adopt4 and landed at walmart one night when we were out shopping and I was like "HEY! I need chocolate milk mix!" When we found it... I was ESTATIC because not only did they have the right kind they had a HUGE container of it and it was cheaper than the small one at Safeway.


    Hey... did I mention that..
  • indianagranny
    Just to post a quick hi - or good night before I run off to work. Glad you feel better LI4G. I was woke up early today by a friend and my brain kept telling me afterwards to stay up and exercise instead of taking a quick nap. My body will feel that in the morning at about 4am

    Kristi - I work 4 ten hour nights too. I enjoy it. I have every Thursday - Friday - Saturday night and don't go back til Sunday evening off. There is still not enough hours in a day or night though.

    I love this post - you guys are soooooooooooo helpful and cute. You send me off to work laughing and that is a good thing.

    So as you all sleep - know that I am at work thinking of some of these posts to make my night go better.

    Good night
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    Where is Zano hhwr9.gif at?? Havent seen him this week at all?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member

    Your so freaking cute LI4G.. You always throw in that milk.. I think we need to buy you your own sugar free lowfat chocolate milk cow....

    I don't kow how freaking cute she is......ok, she is pretty adorable.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    It's killing me not to "edit" the "kow" to "know" but since it suonds like "cow" - I'm leaving it.

    Maybe I should re-post the "Perfectionist" thread :tongue:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Oh! I saw Zano at the zoo yesterday.....in..... [whatever state he lives in].....

  • healthymom2009
    Hey everyone - just had to read all the posts and share my little success of the day. We ate Mr. Sub for supper tonight. Instead of ordering the 12' assorted (like I used to before mfp), instead I chose the 6'. While the guy was making my sandwich, my 3 yr old daughter was peering into the glass and getting so excited. She thought the sandwich was for her! When we got home I gave half to her and ate cauliflower and dip instead. We were both happy!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Hey Team, Just checking in,

    I made it to the gym tonite for my water areobics and I feel great.. my back still hurts but not as bad.. But guess what.. My bathing suit is getting really big on my it is really sagging in my bum, and in my chest!!! two places that I dont mind Keeping LOL

    Well the kids have a half day of school tomorrow so I will be hitting the gym early.. I am still going through boxes after boxes...

    Hope everyone had a great day..

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Yayyyyy healthymom! I love when we realize a significant change in pattern AND find it satifsfying!! And that's soooo cute about your daughter - love it!

    LI4G - have a great trip! Aren't you leaving tomorrow?

    Adopt4 - How's the oldest? Cough gone yet?

    Sheila - hope your feet are better today - like healthymom said yesterday, movement is movement. I'm betting you are getting plenty of exercise in this move! Take care of yourself.

    Jamie - You rock! You are such a great contributer!

    Yari - c25k - great goal! You, CM and Jamie making me a wee bit envious (I'm no runner) but love hearing your progress! I'll be your cheerleader!smiley16650.gif

    Anita - ughhh - sorry! Family drama is the worst - so proud for you that you aren't turning to comfort eating! Work off that stress any other way you can. Your family has been through a lot over the past few months ~ prayers for peace for all of you.

    CM - you can NOT hide!! We will find you!!thsofa.gif There will be no leaving:bigsmile:

    Kristi - yayness.gif You're exercising! Every movement helps - when I first started, I kept a heavy medicine ball in front of my chair, while I watched t.v. I would lift that ball with my feet over and over and over. Now I have resistance bands around the feet of my recliner, I put my feet in them and "lift weights" - I have all sorts of tricks to add movement into my sedentary moments:bigsmile:

    Indianagranny- hope you get through your night without an energy slump:flowerforyou: Do you keep your "up all night" schedule even on your days off? Or do you switch back and forth?

    Zano, Renayeb, smontoya, getfit, prayerfulmom - and more - WHERE OH WHERE HAVE YOU GONE?