Dear fiftysomething naked guy in the gym locker room...



  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    The first thing I check out when deciding on a new gym is the shower situation. If there are no private showers, I ain't signing up. I don't want to see *me* naked, I sure as heck don't want to see some other guy naked.
  • David1106
    I have been doing a lot of home work outs lately, but planning on starting back at the gym this weekend... but there is a group of girls that are always there, using up the machines for "poses" here is my vent...

    Dear teenage-slutty-loudmouth-screaming-hey-take-my-picture-im-going-put-it-on-facebook-cuz-guys-think-its-hot-when-girls-workout-but-i-wouldn't-dare-really-workout-cuz-just got-my-highlights-done-and-don't-want-to-sweat-pansy-*kitten*..... GET OFF OF MY MACHINE!!!!! I am here to actually do something to improve myself. I am here to make a change. Go pose in front of the mirror with a couple of pink 3 lb weights for your %&#$#% facebook picture... and don't forget the pink lipgloss, mascara and the stupid pouty lip face when you pose.... Stop wasting my precious time!!! :mad:

    I am silently hoping one of them will drop a dumbell on their foot... now THAT would be a GREAT facebook picture :devil:

    I love this. Tell it like it is!!!
  • angelgutierrez
    Omg this is post and all its comments have made my day. This is way to funny!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My husband has said one of the OND (old naked dudes) at the gym will rest his junk up on the sink while he shaves.

    There's an older women in my locker room that sits naked on the bench while getting ready. It makes me want to scream.

    I have never showered/got naked at the gym. I come home to do that.
  • Camsmom24
    ... ewwww! Wrong on almost every level I can think of!:noway:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    hahahaha... I propose a toast, Dutchess, Here's a toast (raises waterbottle) to one of them getting smacked in the face by their own boob.... :devil:

  • dsmonteith
    ...I'm not a prude. Really, I'm not. I understand it's a locker room and all and I'm cool with that. But do you really have to shove your sweaty post-workout junk in my face for ten minutes while we talk?

    How 'bout you pull on a pair of boxers and THEN we can talk about how unseasonably warm the winter has been. Cheers!


    I am so glad that my gym is not the only one where this happens!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
  • David1106
    This post has made my day. Funny stuff! You have to wonder what the hell is going through people's brain when they do stuff like this.
  • dsmonteith
    Oh you poor thing... maybe if you flick will go away?

    LMAO!!!!! Now THAT is funny!
  • sn0wd0gg
    sn0wd0gg Posts: 59 Member
    Guess it just shows there are all kinds of irritating people at the gym. One of my favorites (not) is a guy who comes into the steam room and does stretches and bends and then lies on one of the benches (occupying space for several people). I mean, come on - do your workout in the gym and leave it out of the steam room. And don't be so self-centered that you take up all that room! Sheesh!

    As for the generational thing and exposing oneself in the locker rooms - I've seen it too. Now, I'm 59 and I have NEVER had the desire to go parading around showing my junk. I think with some people, as they get older, they just don't give a damn anymore. LOL
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I totally agree, just because you haven't seen your junk in 5 years doesn't mean I can't see it or the really old dude that everything isn't where it use to be and is further down. When your but cheeks sag and touch your hammy's or the real big guy that thinks he'll lose more weight in the sauna without the towel around him. (Just puked in my mouth and lost lunch)
  • wildbio
    wildbio Posts: 42 Member
    Haters gonna hate!


    Buahahahahaha!!!!! This is so wrong. And awesome.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    It must be an older crowd type of thing. The girls locker room is the same, ALL the older ladies just stand around naked chit chatting it up. And it's the ones that do the aqua classes.

    I'm part of that older crowd (54) and do aqua classes.....but I assure you would never see me in less than my swim suit before/during class or a towel (beach towel for full coverage) post workout. I change in the private dressing cubicles provided.
    Still might be generational....when I was in middle school and high school...P.E. was mandatory along with showers in the communal showers with no privacy what so do get over being self conscious about nudity.

    Still, wouldn't want to carry on a conversation with the nude person standing in front of me...
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    My husband has said one of the OND (old naked dudes) at the gym will rest his junk up on the sink while he shaves.

    I have seen this.....
    Idiots will wear flip flops in the shower to prevent foot fungus, but then lay his junk on the counter by the sink.....WTF? You need to put on rubber gloves to wash your hands.....
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I like the newbie that set the treadmill for a running pace, stepped on it and it shot his @zz off the back. Or the one that got squshed on the leg press trying to impress a young lady and it was way too heavy.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I'm pukin one minute and lmao the next.
  • AnaVerasGettingFit
    AnaVerasGettingFit Posts: 109 Member
    Things of a similar nature happen to me all the time in the locker room. I'm standing there just chatting to a guy and I'm all like, "My eyes are up HERE, Dude! OMG! Stop looking at my gear young guys!! Really!