Chris Brown- Have you forgiven him?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Seriously why are people all up in arms over this stuff? You want to know why any one of these people get attention? Go look in the mirror. Stop talking about it. You make it sound like we should lynch mob everyone that has ever committed a crime. You question the judge that slammed the gavel down. It's done. She's over it, why can't everyone else be over it? The little girls on twitter don't know what they are talking about, and hopefully they grow up! How about we worry about the people that know what it is like to stand at the other end of an abuser?

    When you see an injustice like this how about you do something productive? Go support the cause! Volunteer your time, make a donation, maybe hold an event to raise awareness. If every time I heard or seen some one complain about Michael Vick, or Chris brown they had to drop a dollar in a donation jar the domestic and animal shelters would be in a much better place!

    Why do you assume that we aren't doing anything producitve just because we're talking about it? Get over yourself. These things bother people and when people are bothered, they discuss. Why are you up in arms that people are up in arms? Why don't YOU go do something yourself?

    I don't think we should mob everyone who's committed a crime, but I do think that when pop culture turns around and embraces and hero worships people who victimize the innocent simply because they're talented in something it hurts us as a society. Or maybe it's just a sad testiment to what society is.
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    Well he's not really mine to forgive, that's between him and Rihanna and whoever else he may have hurt...
    But I would say no, especially since he's had those episodes (throwing a chair through a window at a morning show I believe) that show that he isn't as "rehabilitated" as he wants everyone to believe. However, when it comes to the Grammys, I suppose if the winners should be selected based on music rather than appearance, politics, etc, it would only be fair to say that his history should be excluded from the criteria for winning one as well.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    No. I don't like it one single bit.

    Yes. He screwed up. Yes, Rihanna appears to have forgiven him ( though what choice does she have?? ).

    Still don't care.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    While I understand the psychology of being an abused woman and I don't think Rihanna deserved what happened to her (and I don't see that Brown is all that sorry about it, either), I want to make this point, since others compared this to Michael Vick:

    Rihanna was an ADULT woman with a LOT of money and resources who could have left that relationship any time she wanted to (does anyone believe the day he got caught was the first time it happened?). The dogs Vick victimized were truly helpless and at his mercy, tied up, kept in cages and had no resources or anyone to help them.

    Brown, while wrong on so many levels, lashed out in anger. Vick and his pals enjoyed to pain they inflicted.

    Vick and his pals were running a business (albeit an illegal one), you can't really say they took pleasure from what they did unless you were there. All I am saying is that they fulfilled the terms of their sentencing. Life should carry on. Of course, no one should ever trust Mike Vick with a dog again, and any woman considering getting involved with Chris Brown should be careful, but their careers are completely separate from their personal lives.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Forgive him? What did he do to me? He didn't beat me! If he was Chris Brown from around theway, we would have never heard about the case. He probably would have gone to jail for a night or two and the woman would probably have posted his bail. It was a big deal because he was Chris Brown the entertainer. Obviously, Rhianna has forgiven him or moved on. If you don't like the man, don't buy his music.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    He's a douche and i CANT believe he won a grammy!!!!
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    No - he's an idiot.

  • Sexynvoluptuous
    none of us were there, we dont know what really happended. we all make mistakes its never ok to hit a woman, but we can't judge. I commend him for apologizing. It could be worse, he could be a murderer like some of these rappers or a drug addict who's showing our kids it's ok to get high. At least he is taking his counseling seriously. All have fallen short but who are we to judge. if it happens again that's a different story
  • Apparently Rihanna has forgiven him......

    Part of a victim's recovery is forgiving his/her assailant. That being said, sometimes I feel as if violence against women is not taken as seriously as it should.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    I'm sorry, but I don't "forgive" people who beat up their partners. No matter if it's a guy hitting his gf or vice versa. Violence is violence and not something I tolerate. If I guy was ever to raise his hand against me - no matter if he actually hits me or not - he gets to leave. As simple as that.
  • Sexynvoluptuous
    Forgive him? What did he do to me? He didn't beat me! If he was Chris Brown from around theway, we would have never heard about the case. He probably would have gone to jail for a night or two and the woman would probably have posted his bail. It was a big deal because he was Chris Brown the entertainer. Obviously, Rhianna has forgiven him or moved on. If you don't like the man, don't buy his music.

    Exactly, Amen sista!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I changed the channel when he was performing.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    doesnt everyone deserve a chance???

    i mean even murderes are given an oppertunity for parole.

    No one forgets.... but they sometimes forgive.
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    Who cares
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    none of us were there, we dont know what really happended.
    Exactly. All I can say is this may have not have happened if she had gotten the sammich a little faster...
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member

    So ... you are perfect?
  • tamerkins2
    Absolutely not!! I turn the station any time he comes on. What disgusts me the most is hearing/seeing young girls say things like "He is so hot, who cares what he did?" or "He can beat me anytime." Really?
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    Apparently Rihanna has forgiven him......

    This. I don't know him personally so he doesn't have an effect on me. In addition are you going to hate everyone that breaks the law? What about the murders, rapists, baby killers out there? If I were to carry a grudge against all of those that did something I feel is wrong I would be full of hatred and anger. My life would be miserable.

    I have a beautiful 5 month old son. All I can do is to give him a great upbringing and ask that he respect everyone around him. There will be one less woman beater walking the streets.
  • nubeing
    No and I think those girls on twitter are making it worse say he could beat them anytime. Seriously?? Not okay!!

    Are you kidding me? Good grief! (rolling eyes) Well, that is the thing with this new online world. I'm glad that most of the stupid stuff I said when I was young cannot be dredged up and used against me!