Chris Brown- Have you forgiven him?



  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    Was not even blaming the victim, Just like I said....NONE of us were there. There is only one judge and I dont hold the gavel.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Not forgiving Chris Brown and others who committ crime against women means that you are carrying around a lot of baggage. I would not be able to carry on with my life if I didn't forgive people for the things they do. If murderers can be pardon, why in the hell can't Chris Brown catch a break? IJS
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    HIPPO (Happily Ignoring Previous Posters Opinions)

    He hasn't done anything to me and he will never have a direct impact on my life... so there is nothing for me to forgive... that is between him and his past, present and future relationships. I don't listen to his music anyway, so he hasn't lost a fan or customer.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Rihanna was an ADULT woman with a LOT of money and resources who could have left that relationship any time she wanted to (does anyone believe the day he got caught was the first time it happened?).

    victim-blaming on the first page! super, my rape culture bingo card is already filled up. why did i click on this thread. imma stop reading now. */inb4 'don't like, don't read'

    Ummmm ... did you actually READ my post or take into consideration that I was responding to the comparison of Chris Brown to Michael Vick? I didn't blame the victim. I was pointing out why I don't think one was worse than the other.

    But if you'd rather make an argument about something you took entirely out of context, then carry on amusing yourself.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    Glad you guys aren't GOd. He was a child and they make mistakes and she wasn't innocent either. Yes he is forgiven.
    Mistake? He beat the living hell out of her. Once a beater always a beater.

    do you not believe people can change?
  • Luvlee85
    Luvlee85 Posts: 120 Member
    Who's Chris Brown?

    Just kidding. He was young. He made a mistake. I hope he has changed, learned and never makes the same mistake again.

    I have never bullied another person and I have no respect for someone who does, but, since it's not my daughter he beat, he gets another chance. Hope he makes the best of it and becomes a better person.

    A lot of people probably believe he got off easy because of his celebrity. Maybe he did; maybe he didn't, but his career definitely sufffered. Let him move on.

    Beating your girlfriend to the point where she goes to the hospital isn't "mistake" it is a serious crime and should have been handled that way. A mistake is getting on the wrong bus, using salt instead of sugar, or misplacing a decimal point. BEATING your girlfriend until she needs to go to the hospital is NOT a mistake. He didn't "bully" her he BEAT her. He BEAT a woman, why should his career go on at all? Why can't we as a society see that behavior and get livid, and DO something, SHOW people that they can't BEAT THEIR GIRLFRIENDS and still be successful.

    Did you know that girls were tweeting about letting him beat them during the grammy's? This acceptance is going to become a social norm that will end in increased domestic violence and more women dying at the hands of their abusive partners.

    As for Rihana forgiving him, until you've been in an abusive relationship/or abused or at least studied the psychology of it, shut up.

    Just because he didn't beat us doesn't mean that we have to/should forgive him. He BEAT another person, a human being. That is not okay and to just brush it off only says that women don't deserve to live life without getting beating. THAT is the message and lesson you teach when you say that.

    I disagree and I am a victim of domestic violence. His celebrity status does not give you the right to judge him. Those who have the right to judge him already have. If you personally don't care for him, then don't buy his music. However, buying his music would not mean that you are condoning his behavior. It just means that you like his music. I don't think buying his music is going to mean that more women will get beaten. He has the right to make a living in any way that he can.

    ^So true. I wonder if a camera was played back over our lives would people forgive us for some of the things we did or said. Wait I forgot we aren't celebrities so we live perfect lives, silly me!!!
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Glad you guys aren't GOd. He was a child and they make mistakes and she wasn't innocent either. Yes he is forgiven.
    Mistake? He beat the living hell out of her. Once a beater always a beater.

    do you not believe people can change?
    His more recent behaviour on some talk show where he threw things around and then walked out makes me think he hasn't changed all that much.
  • Sexynvoluptuous
    It has nothing to do with him personally. He is a talented kid. None of us were there to witness what happened between him and Rhiana..... So how do we know it was not one of Hollywoods attention getting schemes...I think that if he would have really done something that JayZ would have ended his career. Oh yes and the head of the Music mafia could have pulled that off. Also, She makes a video on how she likes things rough not long after this mess happened...Things that make you go hmmmmmm?

    I tried to make this point earlier but a couple of rude posters turned my statement into an immature joke. I agree, we were not there, hitting a woman is never right but hollywood has it's ways of getting out attention with scandles. If he did it shame on him aplologize and don't do it again.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    These people are only as famous and rich as we make them.
    Celeb's in general are a gloomy lot. Their lives are just miserable.
    Brown is no worse than the rest of those sub-human vermin.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    While I understand the psychology of being an abused woman and I don't think Rihanna deserved what happened to her (and I don't see that Brown is all that sorry about it, either), I want to make this point, since others compared this to Michael Vick:

    Rihanna was an ADULT woman with a LOT of money and resources who could have left that relationship any time she wanted to (does anyone believe the day he got caught was the first time it happened?). The dogs Vick victimized were truly helpless and at his mercy, tied up, kept in cages and had no resources or anyone to help them.

    Brown, while wrong on so many levels, lashed out in anger. Vick and his pals enjoyed to pain they inflicted.
    Actually I don't think you understand the psychology of being an abused woman if you think that b/c she had money she could have left anytime.

    Yes, actually I do. But can you really argue that she was as trapped as those animals? Nope.
  • davekarie
    The worst part is the arrogance with which he presents himself. C'mon.. Hit a girl = you're a piece of *kitten*.
    At least try to show a little remorse or humility..

    Oh yeah - there's also the whole "Illuminati" theory ; )
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Was not even blaming the victim, Just like I said....NONE of us were there. There is only one judge and I dont hold the gavel.

    Then why would you even bring her sexual proclivities into a debate about whether her ex-boyfriend should be forgiven for beating the crap out of her. Maybe you just didn't think that statement all the way through.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Who's Chris Brown?

    Just kidding. He was young. He made a mistake. I hope he has changed, learned and never makes the same mistake again.

    I have never bullied another person and I have no respect for someone who does, but, since it's not my daughter he beat, he gets another chance. Hope he makes the best of it and becomes a better person.

    A lot of people probably believe he got off easy because of his celebrity. Maybe he did; maybe he didn't, but his career definitely sufffered. Let him move on.

    Beating your girlfriend to the point where she goes to the hospital isn't "mistake" it is a serious crime and should have been handled that way. A mistake is getting on the wrong bus, using salt instead of sugar, or misplacing a decimal point. BEATING your girlfriend until she needs to go to the hospital is NOT a mistake. He didn't "bully" her he BEAT her. He BEAT a woman, why should his career go on at all? Why can't we as a society see that behavior and get livid, and DO something, SHOW people that they can't BEAT THEIR GIRLFRIENDS and still be successful.

    Did you know that girls were tweeting about letting him beat them during the grammy's? This acceptance is going to become a social norm that will end in increased domestic violence and more women dying at the hands of their abusive partners.

    As for Rihana forgiving him, until you've been in an abusive relationship/or abused or at least studied the psychology of it, shut up.

    Just because he didn't beat us doesn't mean that we have to/should forgive him. He BEAT another person, a human being. That is not okay and to just brush it off only says that women don't deserve to live life without getting beating. THAT is the message and lesson you teach when you say that.

    I disagree and I am a victim of domestic violence. His celebrity status does not give you the right to judge him. Those who have the right to judge him already have. If you personally don't care for him, then don't buy his music. However, buying his music would not mean that you are condoning his behavior. It just means that you like his music. I don't think buying his music is going to mean that more women will get beaten. He has the right to make a living in any way that he can.

    His celebrity status isn't why I'm judging him, it's because he beat a woman. That's it. I happen to wish we lived in a society where that meant something to other people. I wouldn't do business with a man who I knew abused people, I just wish that mattered to other people. If you, and your history, can accept and support an abusive man than fine, my history and my stances on women's rights prevent me from ever supporting him. I don't think that buying his music will get more women beaten, he beat one woman, that's all I need to know to decide that he shouldn't be *idolized* by society because all it says is that it's okay to beat women. It is sending that message, it's not the music, it's his acceptance in the entertainment industry, that is going to get more women abused at the hands of their partners.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Glad you guys aren't GOd. He was a child and they make mistakes and she wasn't innocent either. Yes he is forgiven.

    oh jesus

    You're joking right? Regardless of what may have instigated the instance. domestic abuse (whether the victim is male or female) is NEVER okay. Having been in a situation where my "father" beat my mother, daily, in front of us, I am absolutely disgusted with the way you have worded your remark.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    It is a big uproar about Chris Brown and being forgiven. Hell the dumb a** former governor of Mississippi pardoned murderers, and drunk drivers who killed innocent people. Talk about forgiving. Rhianna is still alive. Chris Brown can't be forgiven but, a system can free those who took lives. Some of us have our priority in the wrong place.

    Are you freakin' serious? No one on here condoned the governor of Mississippi for his actions. This thread is about Chris Brown - you want to talk about ALL that is wrong in the world then open a new thread.

    First of all, I don't have to open another thread. I made a point that some of you are not forgiving Chris Brown for his crime but, people are being pardon for worse things. The governor stated that crime of passion is not as serious. I think proiorities are in the wrong place. If you can compare Vick to Chris, sure as hell can compare releasing hard criminals to not forgiving Chris Brown. Now maybe you can leave the thread if you don't like my post. How about that?
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Glad you guys aren't GOd. He was a child and they make mistakes and she wasn't innocent either. Yes he is forgiven.
    Mistake? He beat the living hell out of her. Once a beater always a beater.

    do you not believe people can change?
    Not a beater...
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Um...I don't like either of them and I think Michael Vick should have gotten some psychological help too. The characteristics of people who are serial killers, etc is cruelty to animals. Just because VIck and Chris Brown did their time it doesn't mean I have to respect them. Respect is earned...
    I mentioned this on my facebook as he was singing at the grammy's.

    How is he seemingly forgiven, but michael vick is still the most hated man in sports? Appearently it's OK to beat the **** out of someone that has no real defense against you, but fighting dogs is so much worse?

    I wasn't saying that either was ok. I just find the general public funny in whats appearently ok with them and what's not.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    Glad you guys aren't GOd. He was a child and they make mistakes and she wasn't innocent either. Yes he is forgiven.
    Mistake? He beat the living hell out of her. Once a beater always a beater.

    do you not believe people can change?
    His more recent behaviour on some talk show where he threw things around and then walked out makes me think he hasn't changed all that much.

    to be fair i didnt know about this throwing things around untill i just googled it

    but on the OP - it was have you forgiven him

    Yes. i think he should be forgiven, but i assure you no-1 including chris brown will forget about it, no matter how many grammys or MTV awards he recieves, this will be with him forever.
  • BetterWithAge
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    It has nothing to do with him personally. He is a talented kid. None of us were there to witness what happened between him and Rhiana..... So how do we know it was not one of Hollywoods attention getting schemes...I think that if he would have really done something that JayZ would have ended his career. Oh yes and the head of the Music mafia could have pulled that off. Also, She makes a video on how she likes things rough not long after this mess happened...Things that make you go hmmmmmm?

    I tried to make this point earlier but a couple of rude posters turned my statement into an immature joke. I agree, we were not there, hitting a woman is never right but hollywood has it's ways of getting out attention with scandles. If he did it shame on him aplologize and don't do it again.
    Really???? did you guys not see the pics of her? You make it sound like it was a big consperisy. And so what she made and s/m song. If she like sort of thing ok but that is different from getting abused like that. Abusers can rot for all I care