How Do You Ward Off Evil Spirits?!



  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member

    So first I want to thank everybody for thier responses....
    I know that this is a weight loss site but its more to it then just that which keeps me on this site,
    I have made good friends on this site, people I trust, who I look up to, and who encourage me.
    I have done a lot of research on this other then just asking a simple question on here to find the right answer that works best for me and my child.

    Those of you who are being negative towards me, I am sorry that you are so close minded, maybe thats why you DONT believe, because you dont allow yourself too.

    As for god and praying... You dont have to a strong believer in god to pray... You can pray towards to whatever spirit, god, animal, plant, statue... ect... that you believe in. That is the great thing about people being able to have thier own beliefs, you can pray to whomever or whatever you believe in.

    I am not a strong believer in god. I grew up in a christian church but I also grew up learning on MY OWN that most christians (in my opinion) are contradicting. I dont belive in judgement ... You cant give people free will and then banish them to life of pain and hate for making thier own choices.... and thats why I strayed away into my own beliefs.
    Just because I believe in god to a sense never meant I stopped believing and having an open sense for the pegan and wiccan world as well as the spirits that my native ancestors believed,

    I really do appreciate everybodys comments, I cannot stress that enough.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I found this post to be pretty interesting. I don't know if I'm ready to try and get rid of my ghost just yet as she hasn't caused any major problems yet, she's just screwing around with us. But it's nice to have some ideas of how to get rid of her should she start to get worse.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I found this post to be pretty interesting. I don't know if I'm ready to try and get rid of my ghost just yet as she hasn't caused any major problems yet, she's just screwing around with us. But it's nice to have some ideas of how to get rid of her should she start to get worse.

    Well im glad my post could help you. lol.

    I am personally not having any problem with ours but this child (my son says its a kid ghost) is certainly scarying my child. He is scared to go into the room alone... morning noon or night. "/
  • RUN2CJ
    RUN2CJ Posts: 64 Member
    What has occurred for you to feel that you even have an evil spirit present? There may be a reasonable explanation without religion and witchcraft that explains your experience.

    We all come from different backgrounds and beliefs, but since you asked a general audience, my own personal advice would be to start with a prayer.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I found this post to be pretty interesting. I don't know if I'm ready to try and get rid of my ghost just yet as she hasn't caused any major problems yet, she's just screwing around with us. But it's nice to have some ideas of how to get rid of her should she start to get worse.

    Well im glad my post could help you. lol.

    I am personally not having any problem with ours but this child (my son says its a kid ghost) is certainly scarying my child. He is scared to go into the room alone... morning noon or night. "/

    That's not good, from what I've read/heard, children are more open to seeing these types of things, I'd take his word for it.

    Our's just messes with our things, moves furniture (our bed), turns lights on, screams, locks doors, and scares the crud out of our dogs. It's kind of funny, I've recently started talking to her when things are getting weird and she'll move or listen.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I found this post to be pretty interesting. I don't know if I'm ready to try and get rid of my ghost just yet as she hasn't caused any major problems yet, she's just screwing around with us. But it's nice to have some ideas of how to get rid of her should she start to get worse.

    Well im glad my post could help you. lol.

    I am personally not having any problem with ours but this child (my son says its a kid ghost) is certainly scarying my child. He is scared to go into the room alone... morning noon or night. "/

    That's not good, from what I've read/heard, children are more open to seeing these types of things, I'd take his word for it.

    Our's just messes with our things, moves furniture (our bed), turns lights on, screams, locks doors, and scares the crud out of our dogs. It's kind of funny, I've recently started talking to her when things are getting weird and she'll move or listen.

    Thats why I beileve in it so much.
    The innocence of a child can be so opening to things that adults have closed thier minds too that its hard not to believe him when I can see that its really scarying him.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    Reports continue to come in. Therefore I'm reposting my earlier response for better visibility, and will quote the relevant guideline.

    I will add that since I believe the OP has received a fair amount of the input she was seeking, I may choose to lock the thread in the future, if it becomes too much trouble to moderate. This is NOT an invitation to come in and attack other users to attempt to prompt a thread-lock. Insults and attacks will still have consequences. If you have nothing to contribute to the OP's original NON-guideline-violating question, please just find another thread to read.

    My earlier response:

    Hi Folks,

    We've been getting occasional reports about this thread, and I wanted to clarify why, up to this point, we've been moderating the thread very lightly.

    The guidelines relating to posts with religious content were updated around the time we debuted the "Groups" feature. At present, it's OK to reference religious material, such as a belief in God or use of various religious strategies to solve problems, as long as:

    a) huge fights don't break out as a result
    b) threads in the public forums do not attempt to restrict participation to members of only certain religions.

    So, a thread like "only seeking [insert specific religion] members' solutions to warding off evil spirits" is a clear guideline violation. But a general call for polite responses on this topic doesn't necessarily equal a guideline violation, even if the responses do reference religious content.

    The guideline in question gives us the right to remove threads on "divisive topics," but if conversation is proceeding relatively politely, we'll try to under-moderate rather than over-moderate. Of course, if members are attacking or insulting each other, we'll moderate, too. As an example, I removed a few posts yesterday that were directly insulting of the OP.
    15. Divisive Topics Are Better Suited For Groups, Not the Main Forums

    Divisive topics, particularly those that seek input from or are relevant only to a select group of users, are better placed within an appropriate Group rather than the Main Forums. For example, topics relevant to only one religion should not be placed on the main forums but rather within a group related to that religion. We reserve the right to move any topic to a relevant public Group which interested members may join if they wish to continue to participate.

    A possible translation of this guideline is: if all members can agree to behave like adults, we won't have much to moderate.

    If the thread is becoming a source of member-on-member insults, please report any guideline-violating post. Otherwise, the topic itself does not represent a guideline violation, nor do responses that reference religion.

    As a sidenote, the only topics that garner immediate deletion or locking are those with a clear political agenda.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member

    Reports continue to come in. Therefore I'm reposting my earlier response for better visibility, and will quote the relevant guideline.

    I will add that since I believe the OP has received a fair amount of the input she was seeking, I may choose to lock the thread in the future, if it becomes too much trouble to moderate. This is NOT an invitation to come in and attack other users to attempt to prompt a thread-lock. Insults and attacks will still have consequences. If you have nothing to contribute to the OP's original NON-guideline-violating question, please just find another thread to read.

    My earlier response:

    Hi Folks,

    We've been getting occasional reports about this thread, and I wanted to clarify why, up to this point, we've been moderating the thread very lightly.

    The guidelines relating to posts with religious content were updated around the time we debuted the "Groups" feature. At present, it's OK to reference religious material, such as a belief in God or use of various religious strategies to solve problems, as long as:

    a) huge fights don't break out as a result
    b) threads in the public forums do not attempt to restrict participation to members of only certain religions.

    So, a thread like "only seeking [insert specific religion] members' solutions to warding off evil spirits" is a clear guideline violation. But a general call for polite responses on this topic doesn't necessarily equal a guideline violation, even if the responses do reference religious content.

    The guideline in question gives us the right to remove threads on "divisive topics," but if conversation is proceeding relatively politely, we'll try to under-moderate rather than over-moderate. Of course, if members are attacking or insulting each other, we'll moderate, too. As an example, I removed a few posts yesterday that were directly insulting of the OP.
    15. Divisive Topics Are Better Suited For Groups, Not the Main Forums

    Divisive topics, particularly those that seek input from or are relevant only to a select group of users, are better placed within an appropriate Group rather than the Main Forums. For example, topics relevant to only one religion should not be placed on the main forums but rather within a group related to that religion. We reserve the right to move any topic to a relevant public Group which interested members may join if they wish to continue to participate.

    A possible translation of this guideline is: if all members can agree to behave like adults, we won't have much to moderate.

    If the thread is becoming a source of member-on-member insults, please report any guideline-violating post. Otherwise, the topic itself does not represent a guideline violation, nor do responses that reference religion.

    As a sidenote, the only topics that garner immediate deletion or locking are those with a clear political agenda.

    MyFitnessPal Staff

    People are so immature.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I would have to agree. But if they weren't Steven would be out of a job. LOL So other peoples immaturity equals job security. I LOVE THAT!:laugh:
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    I divorced him!
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    Forgive me, I'm going to lock the thread, hopefully you've had the responses you desired.

    Folks, please see my earlier posts regarding the moderation of this thread and the guidelines. Mention of religion does not necessarily = thread lock.

    However, the thread has lived long enough to serve its purpose, and it's becoming burdensome to the mods to get flagged on it repeatedly.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.