Help! Does this count as water?



  • Rubyinthesand2012
    :drinker: :wink:
    Awesome. I'm logging my wine as water from now on.

    Think i may do the same if im able to log ANYTHING after 8 glasses LOL :)
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member

    Welcome to America! Soda has absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. I consume less sugar in 5 meals daily than what's in a 12 oz can of soda, much less a 20 oz bottle, or a 32 oz fountain drink.

    Nutrition value doesn't change the fact that a water based substance is being used.

    - As for logging wine - I do. Vodka, rockstar energy drinks, I even count soup sometimes, etc. The water in these things goes through your digestive tract so your body can absorb it if it needs it. In this case i'm not letting other factors influence my answer. Sure caffine, sugar, creamers and all the other additives we add impact your body too, but they do not negate the fact that there is water.

    And if we're going to say that mixing water with ANYTHING makes it not count as water then we'd better only drink water on an empty stomach because that glass you had with dinner, guess what, its mixed with the food you ate.:smile:
  • tnknights
    tnknights Posts: 23
    A soda is pure water that has had CO2 dissolved in to through various methods.

    A soft drink is soda water with flavorings.

    A pizza is never considered a vegetable, anywhere. In school it is considered (wrongly in my opinion) a complete meal as most of the FDA food groups are represented with in a slice of pizza.
  • tnknights
    tnknights Posts: 23
    I should have said, "no matter what congress thinks about pizza."
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I don't even count flavored water as water. The only thing I count is pure water. No teas, no added flavor packets/liquids, etc.

    But that's just me, I guess. I want my water to cleanse and hydrate and that's pretty much it.

    I dont count coffee or tea because they are natural DIURETICS ...they serve the purpose of making you go pee....

    I drink literally a 2lt of water every day just at work. Thats not counting the water I have when I get home or with my meal if we go out to dinner.

    Um...water is also a diuretic. Or do you not pee when you drink water? I know I do.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I don't even count flavored water as water. The only thing I count is pure water. No teas, no added flavor packets/liquids, etc.

    But that's just me, I guess. I want my water to cleanse and hydrate and that's pretty much it.

    I dont count coffee or tea because they are natural DIURETICS ...they serve the purpose of making you go pee....

    I drink literally a 2lt of water every day just at work. Thats not counting the water I have when I get home or with my meal if we go out to dinner.

    Um...water is also a diuretic. Or do you not pee when you drink water? I know I do.–-synthetic-and-natural
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    Some of you are so freakin ridiculous!! I have a cup of coffee every morning. Logged as water. Milk in my cereal. Logged as water. But wait...I mixed it with food so it's not liquid now. Is it? Sometimes I have a cup of green tea in the evening. Logged as water. Occasionally, I have (GASP) a cup of...wait for it...juice!! Logged as water. About once a week I have a pop. Logged as water. The only thing I drink that doesn't get logged as water is anything with alcohol. Alcohol is dehydrating. The rest are not. As was mentioned earlier, water is a diuretic! Just plain old water! Can you imagine it??

    For the most part I love this place. However, some of you are on such high horses that you can't see us common-folk down here! Get over yourselves! Unless you're eating only fresh fruits, veggies and meats then you aren't perfect either. You aren't even seeing facts set in front of you. You can't answer the questions being asked of you because you're so busy shoving your perfectness down our throats! Let he who is without sin...oh nevermind. You aren't reading this anyway!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    My rule of thumb: If it doesn't have water in the title then don't count it as water. So sparkling water, flavored water, coconut water, watermelon, etc... COUNTS AS WATER! Anything else, does not in my book. (I don't actually log watermelon as i can't figure out how much actual water i got from the fruit, but power to anybody who does). So if you choose to call your drink mix, kool-aid water, then by all means count it.

    What a cute tip! Love it :heart:

    Off to pour myself some more Ciroc water:drinker: