Gym Pet Peeves?



  • chu604
    chu604 Posts: 353 Member
    Talking on the phone
    Talking to other people while hovering over the machine and not using it ( Like... GO AWAY! )
    Making loud unnessacary grunts
    Not wiping down the machine
    Not putting your plates/weights back
    Not racking your weight in its proper place
    Putting a towel on your machine and then going to use a different one ( There is no savesies here!! )
    Skimpy clothing (Dudes only! get a long pair of shorts and a real shirt.. come on man nobody wants to see your nasty *kitten* belly/legs)

    Filling up your water bottle at the drinking fountain....... its cool if there isnt a line but if there is then get outtttaa here!

    Don't even get me started on the old dudes in the change room... You don't wanna know!
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    -People who can't re-rack the weights. Seriously! Just think of it as a little extra workout by putting them back!
    -People who hog a machine forever.
    -People who walk away from equipment and leave an obvious sweat spot (you should clean your machine, but when you leave a puddle of sweat, it's obvious and should be cleaned.
    -Loud groaners. Granted, I've become good friends with the loudest groaner in the gym, but it still bugs me!
    -The dude who has to walk the perimeter of the gym, flexing in the mirror and basically admiring his body. Most of the time there is nothing to admire.
    -People who spend their time chatting on the treat mill or elliptical. If you can chat and laugh like that, you're not working out!
    -People who can't control the weight they are doing and have to drop them. Then look around like they are impressive. Trust me, your more impressive managing those 120 lbs dumbbells than you are dropping them.
    -People who leave their towel on a bench to hold it while they use another piece of equipment.
    -The guys who want to lift more wight than they should, and use terrible form! I see some guys get a great back workout doing curls.
    -Lastly, the guy who put 8 plates on the bench (4 per side), lifts them off the pegs, and then jerks his shoulders like he's doing something. I'll say one thing, he's got great ligaments! He does this with anything he does.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    at my gym, the guys who play basketball always smell like weed. seriously, getting high to go to the gym?
    Reminds me of the time I saw a guy take a break from working out so he could smoke a cigarette!
  • naiomi85
    naiomi85 Posts: 29 Member
    People playing their music openly without headphones for everyone to hear. I don't want to work out to "Yo Yo let me stick my **** in your ***** then me and you can &^#@)^%"....seriously? Have some respect.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I've recently discovered two new GYM pet peeves of mines... Errr besides the whole, 'Not cleaning off the machine' thing. That just makes me want to scream.

    There was a guy who recently showed up at the gym. I don't know if he's new or what, but he's the only soul I know who could change out weights and leave these big *kitten* silver weights laying right in the middle of the walk way. The gym isn't big by any means, so here I am having to step over 35lb flat weights (Plates maybe?) like they were giant land mines or something just to avoid tripping. The return rack was perhaps ten feet away from where he was.

    Also, this same man stayed in the gym for about an hour or two and the entire time--I kid you not, he was snorting, hocking, and sucking mucus into his throat. He didn't spit anything out.. and I'm turning my own stomach just thinking about it.. but he'd let out these loud noises when he cleared his throat. It was more distracting than actually a full-blown pet peeve. I guess this wasn't just something you see in the gym exclusively.
  • toebass
    toebass Posts: 73 Member
    Don't all gyms provide disinfectant and paper towels? I always wipe mine down!

    The teenage girls at the gym annoy me the most.

  • tmassy
    tmassy Posts: 21

    woman standing around naked, with no intention of putting their clothes on while they talk

    Soooooooo.......what gym is this exactly?

    I Second

    Trust me.....the women that stand around nude are never attractive. Last week after I was assaulted in the locker room, I asked come it's never a hot chic??
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    1. Talking on a cell phone right next to me, while sitting on the machine not doing anything.
    2. Counting reps out load so the whole gym can hear!
  • mnovinger
    It's really mainly a seasonal thing, but right after new years and shortly before summer when people pile into the gym and take leisurely strolls on the treadmills while casually reading a magazine. Luckily they are usually all gone by mid february or by then they have decided to stick with it and actually try jogging.

    I hate running, and use my 30 minutes on the treadmill to do a brisk walk, so not all that get on the treadmill jog, it's not a rule with treadmills that they are only to be used for jogging/running.

    I'm very self conscious and have not trained myself to jog yet. I was wondering if it is ok to just walk on a treadmill at the gym, per my calorie counter I walk 4 miles per hour (I typically walk an hour and track my miles, it turns out to be 4 miles more or less). It's a shame you go to the gym to improve yourself, but are being judged. Granted I can walk outside, but I get out of work late and it's dark by the time I get home, I'm a 27 yr old female and dont feel comfortable walking that late at night by myself...So I guess it's not ok to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill, even though you are paying the same as everyone else to use the equipment?
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Guys who load the bar in the power cage with 13 billion 45 lb plates and leave them on the highest rack position possible. Dude, some of us are fun sized, rerack your plates ffs.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    People who don't re-rack but also those that put them in the wrong place - I increase my weight by 5 pounds every time and I hate having to scrounge for the 2 1/2 lb plate.

    Guys who throw their weights right next to the squat rack. When I see them coming out of the corner of my eye I have to pause with a huge weight (for me) on my shoulders so I don't hit them when I squat.

    The older woman who takes her shirt off on the treadmill. I'm not a fan of the jogging bra as shirt, but only people who have the body for it should go without being covered up.
  • muffin_shufflin
    muffin_shufflin Posts: 239 Member
    We have workout equipment in our garage & I HATE when my stepdad doesn't take his weight plates off the squat rack or the weight bench. I can't take your 200 pounds down myself! :grumble:
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    I have a private gym in the main floor of my apartment building, so it's fairly small.
    Biggest gym pet peeves:
    1. When people leave the lights and machines on when they leave the gym.
    2. When people leave their empty waterbottles on the floor.
    3. When people don't return the dumbbells to their rack.
    4. When people come to the gym while I'm working my butt off and they just hang around the weight section and have a nice chat.
    5. When people talk on their phones.
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I read my kindle fire while jogging on the treadmill. My heart rates up to 180 and I'm listening to music and I'm still reading. Some of us can do that. I also read while on the bike but I'm sweating and pushing it. I also go for around 90+ mins while on the treadmill so I may not be running and I may be reading but I'm in for the long haul.
    My peeves are;

    * teenagers having sex in the hot tub
    * People who stand in the swimming lanes to talk and the old biddies that walk in the lanes and gossip
    * The "handicapped" lady who comes to our gym everyday and insists she needs help pushing her chair in and out of the pool area, help getting her things in the dressing room, and needs everyone to move out of the way for her to come through doorways, hallways, etc. and then I see her fold up her chair and put it in her van before she climbs into the driver's seat.
    * The lady at the front desk who stares you down until you swipe your card and then acts like she's doing you a favor by allowing you to enter.
    * Not cleaning the machines
    * The tennis jerks who don't pick up their balls and spend hours just talking at the net and then maybe hit a few over before another talk session while other people are waiting for the court.
    * The teenagers that try to steal things out of your lockers and mess with your padlocks
    * Baby mamma's who bring their spawn to the pool just so they can stand there in their bikini's flirting with the lifeguard while their spawn sit in their car-seats
    * Parents who don't watch their kids .
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    * teenagers having sex in the hot tub
    * People who stand in the swimming lanes to talk and the old biddies that walk in the lanes and gossip
    * The "handicapped" lady who comes to our gym everyday and insists she needs help pushing her chair in and out of the pool area, help getting her things in the dressing room, and needs everyone to move out of the way for her to come through doorways, hallways, etc. and then I see her fold up her chair and put it in her van before she climbs into the driver's seat.
    * The lady at the front desk who stares you down until you swipe your card and then acts like she's doing you a favor by allowing you to enter.
    * The teenagers that try to steal things out of your lockers and mess with your padlocks
    * Baby mamma's who bring their spawn to the pool just so they can stand there in their bikini's flirting with the lifeguard while their spawn sit in their car-seats
    * Parents who don't watch their kids .

    Totally understand these things (and all others, but wanted to single these out)...........the first one..........YUCK!!! I would SO report that and be outraged--time and place people!!

    Second one, is understandable and yet not..........I know some "old biddies" who do that for certain health purposes (maybe it helps with arthritis pain? or maybe knees are bad and this is the only thing they can do?) so I don't blame them. But I really do understand your plight about the gossip because I don't want to hear private conversations thanks. AND it would only annoy if they were unaware of their surroundings.

    Third, the lady at the desk--I would TOTALLY tell her off if I was in a bad mood........staring and acting "queen bee-ish", NOT ok.

    And last three, I don't deal with, but it would piss me off too.......

    OH OH........also, forgot about the lady who acts like Queen and wants you to always help and get out of the way........would totally tee me off. Honestly, I would go up to her and go "no offense, but if you need THAT much help at the gym that you make people do ALL of that AND ask that they jump when you tell them to.......and then an hour or so later I see you lifting your own chair and hoping in your ride........that says you are more than capable. Please be respectful of others while inside the gym".

    Actually........I am exaggerating a bit...........I'd be thinking it, but I wouldnt be saying it.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    - people at the water fountain who clearly see there are other people waiting to take a quick sip, but they still take 5011 seconds to fill up their water bottle.

    - people who shoot me dirty looks when I'm on the treadmill doing HIIT like i'm breathing too hard for them during my rest period

    - people who dont pay attention to where they are walking in the weight room. if i'm doing lunges or step ups in the squat cage, wait until i'm not in motion to try and walk to the side of the cage to grab a plate. and why are they grabbing plates from that cage anyway where there are plates in multiple locations in the weight room

    - people who take up the entire bench space with their stuff in the locket room and this is hard to do at my gym since the benches are long and wide that 2 people down can sit one on each side and not touch

    - people who fling their wet hair around. i hate finding random hair that's not mine on my person, on my towel, etc. these people need to just use one of the many hair dryers the gym provides

    - people who stop your workout to ask you how long you're going to be on a particular machine or weight station. i'll be done when i'm done damn it! this is only really happens to me on 1 machine (the versa climber) and it's annoying because i never see anyone use it, in fact most of the people who work there have told me i'm the only one they've seen use it since they bought it a few years ago. so these are just people who see me using it and want to give it a go. nothing wrong with that, but doesnt interrupt my workout with your dumb question.. one person even asked me twice during a workout. when i was done i ended up increasing the resistance to as much as it would go and watched while they tried to work it. they lasted about 15 seconds trying to figure it out :laugh:

    - people in the treadmill area who turn off the ceiling fans or wall fans when they first get in and don't bother asking those of us who are already there, working out and sweating. the last time this happened i asked the lady why she did it and when she said she was cold i told her she needs to ask before she does it since other people need it. i told her if she's cold she needs to start working out. then i turned the fan back on. :laugh: she looked like she was going to turn it back off, but i gave her a :devil: look and she ended up going to the ellipticals instead. there were 2 other guys on the 'mills and they just laughed about it. one even got off the treadmill to turn the fan on higher.

    - people who stand right outside the locker room in the blind spot. i cnat tell you how many times i've crashed into people because they are standing right at this position and i dont see them because there's a corner and wham. i'm a pretty solid girl, so ive knocked a few people over

    - people who are non-instructors in yoga classes who take it upon themselves to try and correct your form. last time this happened i was doing a modified plow pose (legs over to the side of my head rather than straight behind) because i have big boobs and a big gut so having that right in my face will suffocate me :laugh: the instructor even said "nice modification" when she was walking by but afterwards this lady who was 90 lbs soak and wet tried to tell me i was doing it wrong. :angry:
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    Here is mine. And I haven't been able to go through all the replies to see if it's there already.

    What annoys me is the perfectly done up faced woman with perfect hair and looks pretty thin and is in gorgeous clothes without a bead of sweat on her. Now, I know she may have been overweight at one time. And I know some people are there to also work out for the health benefits and not just to lose weight but come ON. It's a GYM not a pick up place. Makes me feel I wear yoga pants, a tshirt and my hair is in a ponytail. I know it's likely my own body image and low self esteem but that's MY pet peeve.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    1. Paper towels and water bottles just left at machines/on the floor
    2. Guys who bring dates to the gym
    3. People with horrible BO even by gym standards
    4. The personal trainer wannabe who tries to "help" your workout
    5. Dudes in the lockerroom who just walk around with it all out
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member

    - Overenthusiastic *****es who nearly knock you out in Aerobics classes
    - Machine hoggers
    - People who set up their bodypump station on top of you, even though there's a crap load of space to go around
    - People who get fully dressed up to work out
    - Rake thin girls who just stand around and talk
    - Loud-*kitten* juice head lifters. I didn't come to the gym to listen to a porn soundtrack...

    And that's all...for now :ohwell:
  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    I was one of the new years resolution people but I have been going 6 days a week since January 1. So hopefully I have graduated now. It does but me when people bring their kids and all the treadmills are taken but the kid is on and off not really working out.