Gym Pet Peeves?



  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Three things:

    1) not sanitizing machines
    2) the yellers, grunters and anyone else making an unnecessry amount of noise
    3) those talking on cell phones while on the floor

    Especially the guys that drop the weights on the floor, so that everyone has to hear the big boom!!!

  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    People who are obviously not giving it 100% or are using poor technique, especially if I see a guy on a rower going at it in a half arsed manner, makes me want to jump on the rower next to them and reduce them to a gibbering pool of mush on the floor.:devil: (Have had to do it in the past).

    People who appear to have poor personal hygiene and people wearing inappropriate footwear.
  • ndelviii
    ndelviii Posts: 4
    People who drop weights. They're dangerous. If you can't control the weight - back off a little bit or reduce your reps.

    People who don't put their weights back when they are through. You don't know if they are done with the machine or if they are doubling up with another complementing exercise in between sets.

    I see a lot of people are bugged by the people who come to the gym to socialize as much as to work out. If that is part of their motivation to get to the gym thats fine with me just don't turn a 1 1/2 min rest between sets into a 6 min coversation and tie up the equipment by NOT using it.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    My friend and I talked between sets but we were discussing proper form. I'm new to it all.
  • stewartcarden
    theres a guy at my gym that seriously loves himself , always stopping to check himself out in the mirror , lifting his top up to check out his abs etc , sneering at folk lifting less than him

    id never get tired of bashing his face against said mirror
  • tippietoes
    I personally don't have any gripes about people at my gym.. I usually have my music up & am too focused on my pace/ form to care about anyone else.

    I have to say though- I'm honestly amazed at how many gripes people have about trivial, meaningless things! Each to their own I say. What's it to you if the guy next to you is only walking on the treadmill, not running?? Or if he's reading? He's paid his membership & has every right to be there and walk at the pace he pleases. And another thing- I wear lip balm to the gym cause when I get puffed, I breathe through my mouth & get chapped lips. I had no idea I was being judged so harshly about it!
  • tippietoes
    I read all the time when on the elliptical, and my heart rate is @ 150, no problem. I usually work harder and longer when I read, it distracts me from the pain, and fatigue...etc.

    This is exactly what I meant about 'each to their own'. Whatever gets you through your workout! It's better than sitting at home doing nothing. Some people really need to get a life & stop being judgmental asshats. /End rant.
  • Charleylololol
    when people look at you like they think they're better than you because they're running faster - you're probably burning less than me running faster on a low incline than when i run a little slower if i'm running uphill.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    I hate when people use their nasty workout towel to wipe machines down (in reality, just smearing their sweat around) instead of the fresh paper towel + disinfectant spray.
    My gym doesn't have the spray. But insist on carrying a gym towel...
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I do the Life Fitness strength training circuit and now I have this guy who zooms in toward the end of my workout, piicks the next machine down and camps it for like 15 minutes. So sometimes I have to skip it if there isn't one in the old models. Don't say he's hitting on my cause he's young enough to be one of my kids, lol. Oh and circuit training campers, they zoom in and do like 10 cardio speed sets then leave, geez, go get on a treadmill for cardio. Same folks that will complain months later that their muscles aren't any stronger, lol.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    Reading a couple of pages of this thread reminds me why I hate gyms Fullstop! Not only are many irksome points raised but it also points out to me how many things you need to be aware of at a gym and how much I don't know! So rather than just worry about possibly not knowing how to use machines properly and being nervous of people watching and judging me, now I can also worry about what gym courtesy I may not be aware of and who may be plotting to attack me for my carelessness! Give me a hiking bush track, home gym and workout DVD's any day!
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    i have two.

    1. the hulks..... the guys who have huge top halves and wee skinny legs who wear a vest thats that small it would fit a 12 year old girl..... the hulks sit in front of the mirror with ridiculously sized weights, lift it once. put it down. ---- stare in mirror at unnaturally tanned body for scotland, then repeat process with other arm. maybe nod aknowledingly at other hulks and send a text message or 2.

    2. the barbies. .... the ridiculously orange girls who are caked in make-up who gather at the abs machine which is conviently located behind the free weight where the hulks hang about. the barbies wear more make-up than i own and are always in packs of 2 or 3 and never seperate. they always have perfect hair and never sweat and spend the whole time giggling and staring at hulks.

    both should be banned

    This! I will never understand the women who come into the gym in full flippin makeup!
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    People who are obviously not giving it 100% or are using poor technique, especially if I see a guy on a rower going at it in a half arsed manner, makes me want to jump on the rower next to them and reduce them to a gibbering pool of mush on the floor.:devil: (Have had to do it in the past).

    People who appear to have poor personal hygiene and people wearing inappropriate footwear.

    The first one can be debateable depends on the person..........whether they are old or young, if they have medical issues or not, and even if they are inexperienced at it (it meaning rowers) or not. Personally I had never in my life been on a rower and my trainer wanted me to row for the rest of the time I was took a lot and about half the time I had to stop in the middle and take a breather because I wasn't used to it.........and sometimes I would stop going back and forth and just focus on my arm movements. Main thing here is that I did it.

    As for poor technique.........not everyone is going to be like you who does it perfectly. So it depends on what you mean by poor technique. If they are doing it wrong and its because you don't want to see anyone getting hurt because their form is bad, I get that totally. But if they are doing it their own way and you feel as though it just looks like they aren't doing it right..........well, thats only your opinion. I have seen many people who do stuff that I don't necessarily get..........some that I want to go over and say "you know, this is the way I do I will show you", but I don't because again......maybe they have some sort of physical issue or it could be another reason entirely to why they are doing what they are. So it really does depend on who it is.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    What is considred to be an uncessary amount of noise?

    My pet peeves are the guy who looks the same since the day I joined the gym giving me dirty looks when I let a little bear like noise out. You know the guy. The guy who does 40 hours of cardio a week never breaks a sweat and uses the inner and outer thigh machine right after he does assisted chinups with 90 lbs.

  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    People who are obviously not giving it 100% or are using poor technique, especially if I see a guy on a rower going at it in a half arsed manner, makes me want to jump on the rower next to them and reduce them to a gibbering pool of mush on the floor.:devil: (Have had to do it in the past).

    People who appear to have poor personal hygiene and people wearing inappropriate footwear.

    The first one can be debateable depends on the person..........whether they are old or young, if they have medical issues or not, and even if they are inexperienced at it (it meaning rowers) or not. Personally I had never in my life been on a rower and my trainer wanted me to row for the rest of the time I was took a lot and about half the time I had to stop in the middle and take a breather because I wasn't used to it.........and sometimes I would stop going back and forth and just focus on my arm movements. Main thing here is that I did it.

    As for poor technique.........not everyone is going to be like you who does it perfectly. So it depends on what you mean by poor technique. If they are doing it wrong and its because you don't want to see anyone getting hurt because their form is bad, I get that totally. But if they are doing it their own way and you feel as though it just looks like they aren't doing it right..........well, thats only your opinion. I have seen many people who do stuff that I don't necessarily get..........some that I want to go over and say "you know, this is the way I do I will show you", but I don't because again......maybe they have some sort of physical issue or it could be another reason entirely to why they are doing what they are. So it really does depend on who it is.

    I should have said, 'not giving 100% for them' which is what I meant, of course everyone is different. As for the rowing I'm having a go at (and it's mostly guys) who get on the rower, go at it like they think they're Sir Steve Redgrave but are really just floundering and not getting anywhere and then won't take any notice of the trainer trying to point them in the right direction and help them. I only mentioned rowing specifically becuase it's the one activity at the gym I have a natural aptitude for (if I believe what I'm told) also the only gym based activity I've competed at.
    As for poor technique I absolutely meant for the sake of safety and for getting the best from the equipment exercise.
  • Mrsairforce
    Mrsairforce Posts: 130
    I go to the gym on the Air Force base every Tuesday and Thursday and without fail there is this MORON there who gets on the elliptical 5 ft from me, puts it on level 1 and speeds erratically. That isn't the worst part. He has his headphones in and sings at the top of his lungs and goes "WOOOOO" every 2 minutes.

    I'm going to show him WOO.
  • angella_zumba
    Oh.. sorrry I do that in spinning becasue I can't breathe! LOL
  • angella_zumba
  • nicholjenny
    nicholjenny Posts: 74 Member
    It's really mainly a seasonal thing, but right after new years and shortly before summer when people pile into the gym and take leisurely strolls on the treadmills while casually reading a magazine. Luckily they are usually all gone by mid february or by then they have decided to stick with it and actually try jogging.

    ABSOLUTELY!!!! I hate when I can't get a machine when I KNOW that they are only there for about 3 weeks tops!
  • smspencer1
    Def. people walking on a treadmill at an incline of nothing! Like, you are at the gym to work out, not to drag your feet on the treadmill. If you are going to do that, go walk around the mall or something.