Dr. Phil - Open Marriage



  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    I could never be in an open marriage because I am extremely jealous. But I am really curious as to how it works, what are the rules, etc? So if anyone would like to talk about it, feel free to message me!! I am really interested in learning more about it!!!
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.

    So, if a couple gets married because they love each other and want to spend their lives together, they can't also be allowed to agree that it's ok to sleep with other people under agreed upon conditions?

    Why is that again? I don't see how they're being unfaithful if everyone knows what's going on and approves. Everyone's marriage vows don't have to match.

    Because it's trashy and wrong.

    Because YOU think it's trashy and wrong doesn't make it so. I am all for opinions but insults are really not necessary.

    Hopefully more life experience will do you justice. You seem to be lacking.

    I don't THINK it's FACT. It's all filth. Have one boyfriend or husband, wife or girlfriend, have mind blowing crazy monkey sex with them and like it. Jeez people need to fix up.

    Fact: fact/fakt/: A thing that is indisputably the case.

    Opinion: o·pin·ion: A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

    Sophistry: soph·ist·ry: The use of fallacious arguments, esp. with the intention of deceiving.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    oh yay! a second thread
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    oh yay! a second thread
    I would typically enjoy spectator sports with a cool alcoholic bevie and possibly an artichoke dip platter. Too bad I'm on a diet. :wink:
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.

    So, if a couple gets married because they love each other and want to spend their lives together, they can't also be allowed to agree that it's ok to sleep with other people under agreed upon conditions?

    Why is that again? I don't see how they're being unfaithful if everyone knows what's going on and approves. Everyone's marriage vows don't have to match.

    Because it's trashy and wrong.

    Because YOU think it's trashy and wrong doesn't make it so. I am all for opinions but insults are really not necessary.

    Hopefully more life experience will do you justice. You seem to be lacking.

    I don't THINK it's FACT. It's all filth. Have one boyfriend or husband, wife or girlfriend, have mind blowing crazy monkey sex with them and like it. Jeez people need to fix up.

    Two is much better then one.

    Imagine that mind blowing crazy monkey sex.

    Use google if you need help. :D
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    oh yay! a second thread
    I would typically enjoy spectator sports with a cool alcoholic bevie and possibly an artichoke dip platter. Too bad I'm on a diet. :wink:

    ooh man, now im craving my jalapeno artichoke dip lol thanks ;p
    @seattlerain - its no use trying to reason with her. she was the same way in the Friend with Benefits thread. basically called us all immoral *kitten* and told us to keep our legs closed
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    ooh man, now im craving my jalapeno artichoke dip lol thanks ;p
    @seattlerain - its no use trying to reason with her. she was the same way in the Friend with Benefits thread. basically called us all immoral *kitten* and told us to keep our legs closed

    I take exception to the '*kitten*' comment. I do not charge. :still looking for the 'dumb' smiley:
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    ooh man, now im craving my jalapeno artichoke dip lol thanks ;p
    @seattlerain - its no use trying to reason with her. she was the same way in the Friend with Benefits thread. basically called us all immoral *kitten* and told us to keep our legs closed

    I take exception to the '*kitten*' comment. I do not charge. :still looking for the 'dumb' smiley:
    i know right?! :grumble: ;)
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Ahhh, can ya smell the predisposed religious notions of morality?

    Smells like... prude.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    An open marriage means the two involved really aren't committed to each other.

    Binary thinking. Why can't I be deeply committed to more than one person? That's like saying I can only love one of my kids.

    I love that term 'binary thinking' - I've seen a lot of that in this thread. I am guessing some people just cannot come to grips with the idea that you can love someone and still sleep with another person, or even love more than one person at the same time. I get that but I think that even if you don't understand it, you should just accept that not everybody thinks and feels exactly the same as you do. I accept my choice of lifestyle is not suited to everybody.

    I am in a committed relationship with someone who is perfect for me emotionally, intellectually. We have a child together, we live together and we are happy. We have an open relationship because we enjoy it and it suits our sexuality. We still enjoy sex with each other as well.

    We have some rules though: no good friends, no work colleagues, no exes, openness and honesty at all times

    This eliminates the risk of things getting awkward or weird. Though, we are completely secure with our relationship so I do not feel threatened by others and nor does he. I think it has something to do with how honest we are with one another and how well we know each other.
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    . :still looking for the 'dumb' smiley:

    Would one of these help?
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    . :still looking for the 'dumb' smiley:

    Would one of these help?

    Those are beautiful. I love you. :heart:
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    Ahhh, can ya smell the predisposed religious notions of morality?

    Smells like... prude.
    I wasn't gonna say it. Glad you did..lol.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Meh, no for me but I know some who swear by it. I don't agree with it but I don't judge.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    It's a simple issue. To each their own... No judgement, no critism..Keep your personal opinion's out of it..
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    To each their own.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I was an active member for a long distance relationship forum for a year before I left for personal reasons and I came across a lot of couples who, because they could not be physically together and felt like they were holding one another back, would enter open relationships. Some worked but plenty didn't because of jealousy issues that would arise or, in one case, the guy left the girl for the other one he'd been seeing locally. Like any relationship as long as you're both on the same page and both actually agree with what will be going on, and I've also seen it work better if the couple is open with who they are with and when, then it should be alright. However really for strangers or casual sex I would heavily promote condoms and regular STI checking.

    Personally I don't agree with open relationships or even ones that are between three people (as was the case with a now ex-friend of mine) but really someone's bedroom business isn't mine to know and if it works and makes them happy without running risk of tearing them apart, then let 'em. An older cousin of mine (I'm talking late 50s) just married another woman not even a year after his wife of some 30-odd years died. A lot of the family doesn't agree with that because they believe it's too soon or he's only feeling what he's feeling because of being lonely, etc but she makes him happy, he makes her happy and their relationship works. Everyone's always going to have their opinions.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    certainly not for me. but whatever floats your boat. as long as all involved are of legal consenting age - whatever. i feel the same way about polygamy, homosexuality, etc. i wouldn't want to live that way, so i don't. but i certainly don't judge others who do. everyone deserves love and to be loved and to be as freaky or as uptight and conservative as they want. just stay out of my bedroom and i'll stay out of yours.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Wow, I can't believe we rolled this thread and it didn't get locked for content.

    I was typing that I would love to be face to face with most of you to discuss this in an open forum - non judgement, just voice opinions. It's discussions like these that make me come back to the chit-chat area. I just wish there was a 'bookmark' feature so that I knew which post was the last one I read.
  • Marie92281
    Marie92281 Posts: 194 Member
    this is just my opinion and you may not like it but I will put it out there!!

    Maraige was designed to be between 1 man and 1 woman. If you are married and you are sleeping with someone else you are comitting adultry and thats wrong!!!! It makes me sick how little people value marriage these days! Where are kids involved in this what example are you showing your kids they may not know whats going on now but they will when they get older.