Dr. Phil - Open Marriage



  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    If the couple has clear boundaries about it and are mature about it then whatever floats their boats. Obviously trust and self esteen would not be a major issue here either I'm guessing. I know I would have a hard time with that wondering if my husband would find the other women more attractive than me or what have ya.
  • kflynn28147
    kflynn28147 Posts: 37 Member
    :noway: Noway I believe in the Bible and what is says. Does not the marriage vows say keep thy self only unto thee?
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    And why do these matters have to come into religion? can you not be a decent human being without following a religion? it doesn't take faith to tell you that this is wrong, it's common sense.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Definitely not for me!! Ick!!


    I could have done without the last word... nice.

    ?? You are offended by me saying the thought of my husband with another woman is icky? Lmao at someone getting offended at the word ick!!

    This thread is annoying, if you don't agree with it then you're automatically hated upon, it's ridiculous.
    @Kylesmommy, don't take it to heart, people don't seem to like people having an opinion.
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.

    You... think that day will ever come? I guess maybe if there was a zombie apocalypse....
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Well, you sort of have to be a very, very liberally minded in order to hold your viewpoint. And what YOU need to remember is not everyone is so liberal. Where's YOUR open-mindedness and respect for those who are more conservative and/or traditional?

    Thats the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Allow me to paraphrase.

    "You not liking that I am intolerant and can't accept people that don't think the way I think means that YOU are intolerant as well."

    No... no it doesn't. It means that she wants the freedom to believe what she likes without having something else forced upon her.

    Yes, Cowboy. You were able to comprehend that correctly.

    Tolerance goes both ways. It is just as hypocritical for someone with liberal values to promote those liberal values (such as open marriages) onto others and expect them to tolerate their choices, as it is for conservative/traditionals to push their conservative values of monogamous marriages onto others.

    "Open-minded" people always just want everyone to be more "open-minded." Don't you see the irony in that? They want others to be just like they are.
  • TentacleTango
    Gentlepeople, the question "Why get married in the first place?" has been answered about ten times in this thread.

    To paraphrase: for almost exactly the same reasons that monogamous people do.

    Maybe ten times over the course of 17+ pages worth of pointless arguing.

    Regardless, it was a rhetorical question.
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.


    Are you insinuating that women in open relationships are *kitten*?

    Sweet. :D
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    And why do these matters have to come into religion? can you not be a decent human being without following a religion? it doesn't take faith to tell you that this is wrong, it's common sense.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.


    Are you insinuating that women in open relationships are *kitten*?

    Sweet. :D

    "keep your legs closed" or "keep your pants on" are used to refer to both sexes sometimes.
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    I think whatever works for you!!! Who made up these laws and rules to live by anyway. My vote is do what makes you Happy, but make sure it is!!!:love:
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I fine with people having open marriages. I don't think it invalidates the institution of marriage or whatever like a lot of people will say, because marriage is a fluid concept that differs form person to person. I've spoken to some people who have open marriages/relationships, and it works quite well for them, because they are able to communicate with the partners. While the lifestyle would never be for me, I don't really care what other people do in their own bedrooms.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    :noway: Noway I believe in the Bible and what is says. Does not the marriage vows say keep thy self only unto thee?

    Well, considering a) not everyone is Christian and b) marriage is not a Christian institution, but has manifestations from culture to culture and religion to religion...

    Also, let us remember polygamy was practiced in the Bible.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Trying to defend my right to an opinion has made me tired. Goodnight.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    Why bother to get married then?

  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.


    Are you insinuating that women in open relationships are *kitten*?

    Sweet. :D

    "keep your legs closed" or "keep your pants on" are used to refer to both sexes sometimes.

    Have you ever told a male to keep his legs closed?

    I like you.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.


    Are you insinuating that women in open relationships are *kitten*?

    Sweet. :D

    "keep your legs closed" or "keep your pants on" are used to refer to both sexes sometimes.

    Thank you.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I find it so mind boggling how people are even saying that this is ok or 'meeh if it works for them *insert dumb smiley face*'.

    Urrgh...can't wait for the day when people decide to close their legs and just be faithful to one ****ing person.


    Are you insinuating that women in open relationships are *kitten*?

    Sweet. :D

    Oh no...men too =)
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    Definitely not for me!! Ick!!


    I could have done without the last word... nice.

    ?? You are offended by me saying the thought of my husband with another woman is icky? Lmao at someone getting offended at the word ick!!

    This thread is annoying, if you don't agree with it then you're automatically hated upon, it's ridiculous.
    @Kylesmommy, don't take it to heart, people don't seem to like people having an opinion.

    Define hated upon? There are some people on this thread who have been nasty to you. They did the same thing to me earlier in the thread. But there are a couple who defended you, and several who simply disagreed with you. There is a difference between the two. I don't agree with everything you've said, but I haven't hated upon you. I respect your opinion, and your right to it. I just don't entirely agree. I think it is wrong to use religion as justification in any kind of argument, that's all. You can't take it personally when someone disagrees with you if you're going to post to these sites. I agree that the ugliness some people respond with is way out of line, but it isn't going to go away. You just have to try not to let it get to you, and not stoop to the same level.